What Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression, Why It Happens - Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ (2024)

Sleep is crucial for the development of your baby's brain and overall well-being. However, around the three to four month mark, you may find yourself struggling with your baby's sleep patterns due to the onset of the 4-month sleep regression. At this age, your baby's sleep patterns undergo a significant change, leading to disrupted sleep and shorter naps. In this article, we will explore what the 4-month sleep regression is, its causes, and provide tips on how to handle it so that both you and your baby can get the rest you need.


Having the confidence and skills to guide your baby through this sleep regression may seem an impossible task, but by simply having the knowledge and understanding of what is happening and learning how to communicate desired sleep behaviors can work wonders. If you’re looking for extra support, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ app , it combines expert sleep coaching with in-app tools that work with you, at your pace, to get your baby’s sleep on track, so even when regressions happen – you have the experience to get things back to normal, fast.

What is the 4-Month Sleep Regression?

Sleep regressions are typically categorized by short term sleep setbacks that are triggered when your baby goes through a developmental milestone.

At 4-months your baby has reached some pretty remarkable milestones, and is most likely:

  • Learning to roll over
  • Babbling sounds and listening to words you say
  • Smiling and recognizing not only you but also other familiar faces
  • Becoming more and more active

But also, their sleep cycles have evolved – this coupled with their developmental growth is what contributes to the 4-month sleep regression.

What Causes the 4-Month Sleep Regression in Babies?

You may have heard of the circadian rhythm. It's basically your body's natural 24-hour cycle, including the sleep-wake cycle. As a newborn, your baby's sleep isn't governed by circadian rhythms like an adult's. That is — not yet.

Until around 3-months of age, your newborn baby was still developing in countless ways, sleeping about 70% of the time. But this sleep is divided up into short intervals throughout the day and night. Newborns wake frequently for night feedings and nap often during the day . Ultimately, their sleep cycles weren’t fully mature, and they didn’t completely wake up between sleep cycles. For that reason they were able to sleep longer stretches, waking really only to feed.

But once they reach 4-months their sleep patterns adjust to be more in line with adult sleep patterns with more wakefulness during the day and greater sleep at night. This means they now spend more time in a lighter state of sleep which causes them to fully rouse between each 45-min-1 hour cycle.

This basically manifests as more frequent night wakings – a baby who previously maybe only woke every 2-3 or even 3-4 hours, is now waking every hour. And since the act of falling asleep is a learned skill, if your baby hasn’t learned how to fall asleep independently by this stage then they look for support from Mom or Dad to help them get back to sleep.

More info about sleep regression causes

“The 4-month sleep regression takes parents by surprise, just when it feels like sleep is starting to settle into a consistent pattern – these frequent night wakings kick in. My best advice is to start sleep training now, the sooner your baby learns how to fall asleep independently, the less impact future regressions will have on their sleep.”

Mandy Treeby, Pediatric Sleep Coach and Co-Founder of the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers.

What happens to your baby’s sleep at 4-months?

As adults, we constantly alternate between four stages that range from light to deep sleep throughout the night. Until a baby is about three months of age, he spends his sleepy time in two sleep stages . Then, babies begin to go through four sleep stages once they're a few months old.

As an adult, you’ve fully adjusted to these sleep cycles and likely don't even realize you're going through them. But your baby is just learning to go through more complex sleep cycles. If your baby becomes woken during a lighter sleep cycle, he may have trouble getting right back to sleep, especially if:

  • They wake up in a different place than where they fell asleep. Imagine falling asleep on the coach, all cosy and waking up on the kitchen floor? That’s how your baby feels after being transferred from your arms to the crib.
  • They didn’t fall asleep on their own. If you nursed/fed or rocked your baby to sleep then when they wake they are looking for the same support to fall back to sleep.

Not only that, but at three to four months of age, your baby is conquering a lot more milestones than just sleep cycles! Your baby may be starting to teethe, rollover, or be going through a big growth spurt around this time. Research has shown that sleep disruptions can occur when your baby is going through milestones , like advances in motor development. So if your baby is showing some big changes around three to four months, it could also play into his 4-month sleep regression.

Signs your baby is going through the 4-Month Sleep Regression

How do you know if your baby is going through the 4-month sleep regression?

Sure signs your 4-month old may be experiencing the 4-month sleep regression include?

  • Your four-month-old starts waking up at night more often than usual
  • Your four-month-old is waking up every hour or two hours
  • Your four-month-old starts waking for feeds frequently
  • Your baby has a harder time falling asleep
  • Your baby may be fussier when he wakes up
  • Your baby is sleeping for a shorter length of time overall
  • Your four-month-old is waking up crying

As your baby is hard at work taking in the world around him and learning new skills, sleep regressions usually happen alongside other milestones and changes.

How Long Does the 4-Month Sleep Regression Last?

Every baby is unique. But for most babies, sleep regressions last up somewhere between 2 and 6 weeks. Typically babies with healthy, strong sleep habits experience a shorter length of disruption and some babies may not go through a noticeable sleep regression at all. Your baby will most likely have sleep regressions that come and go at various times during his first year.

Have no fear —the 4-month sleep regression doesn't last forever. But this doesn't mean it's not a challenge for parents. Whether this is your first baby or you have other children at home, frequent nighttime wakings aren't fun. If your four-month-old is not sleeping, and you’re looking for help to get through this difficult spell – start our free sleep consultation and get sleep back on track.

How to Survive the 4-Month Sleep Regression from a Pediatric Sleep Consultant

If you're going through a 4-month sleep regression with your baby, you’re not alone! Coping with sleep regression is a normal part of parenthood, and also a temporary state. With a few easy strategies, you can help your baby get through the regression and support him on his path to more mature sleep. The upside of sleep regression is your baby may start sleeping for longer intervals at night, once he gets through the regression.

Mandy Treeby, Pediatric Sleep Coach and Co-Founder of the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers shares her recommendations to help establish healthy sleep habits for your baby and cope with sleep regressions:

1. Adopt a Healthy Bedtime Routine

It’s important to establish a stable routine to promote good sleep habits. Through a calming, peaceful atmosphere and consistent bedtimes, you'll help your child settle into sleep more easily. Whether or not your child is going through a sleep regression, a routine will help them feel safe and secure knowing what to expect each evening. A bedtime routine could include things like feeding, a warm bath, reading books together, applying lotion, giving an infant massage, and putting him to sleep in the same place each night.

2. Keep a Dark Sleep Environment

Natural light and dark cycles help your baby know when it’s time to sleep or wake up. Keeping the room pitck dark at for both naps and overnight sleep will help your baby know when it’s time for sleep. If they wake up during the night, the dark environment will help them fall back asleep.

3. Give your Baby the Chance to Practice Sleeping on His Own

It may be tempting to always pick up your baby, rock him, or cuddle him when he is sleepy. There's nothing wrong with giving him as many cuddles as he needs, but it can be helpful to let your baby try falling asleep on his own.

If your baby wakes up at night, don't talk or play. Instead, try to take care of his needs calmly and quietly and get him back to bed quickly. It's also helpful to put your baby down when he's drowsy instead of fully asleep, so he can get used to falling asleep on his own.

4. Ensure Baby Is Well-Fed Throughout the Day and Before Bedtime

Your baby is growing rapidly before your eyes — he needs lots of nutrition to fuel all those big changes! A hungry belly could leave your baby wakeful and fussy during the night. Try feeding Baby in a quiet place during the day so he'll have fewer distractions from eating. Then, feed him right before bed so he'll be less likely to wake up hungry at 4 a.m.

5. Be Gentle With Yourself

Being a parent is powerfully rewarding. But it's not an easy job. Don't forget to be patient with yourself as much as your baby as new challenges arise. With growth comes change. And it's a learning curve for both of you!

Going through a 4-month sleep regression can be difficult. But armed with knowledge and a few helpful strategies, you can survive it. Rest assured, a 4-month sleep regression is a normal part of your baby's development that will come and go. As always, if you have any concerns about your child's sleep patterns or overall health, talk to your pediatrician.

What Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression, Why It Happens - Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ (2024)


What Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression, Why It Happens - Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™? ›

Sleep regression can occur at any age, but 4 months old is often when a baby's sleep cycle is maturing. As babies learn the difference between night and day, and their sleep-wake cycles become more regulated, they start to sleep longer at night and take fewer naps during the day.

Why is the 4 month sleep regression happening? ›

At around 4 months, a baby's brain and body are developing rapidly , and the process of forming and linking different areas of the brain and nervous system may create instability in sleep. View Source , referred to as a sleep regression. A newborn needs between 16 and 18 hours of sleep per day.

Should you let baby cry during 4 month sleep regression? ›

Many new parents assume that sleep training means “cry it out,” but sleep training a 4-month-old doesn't have to involve crying it out. Pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp's favorite gentle sleep training method is called the wake-and-sleep sleep training method.

What is 4 month sleep regression sleep sense? ›

The main sign that your little one is going through a regression is that their sleeping pattern dramatically changes. They've suddenly gone from sleeping well to not being able to settle for naps and bedtime, or catnapping during the day, or waking more overnight.

What is the 4 month sleep regression melatonin? ›

“As babies get close to the four-month mark, they start to develop their circadian rhythm, hormones such as melatonin, and their stages of sleep mature and start functioning like adult sleep cycles.” Essentially, this means baby now experiences four different stages of sleep, and they start to spend more time in non- ...

How to tackle 4 month sleep regression? ›

Tips for managing the 4-month sleep regression in your baby
  1. Stick with your regular bedtime routine. ...
  2. Help your baby stay rested. ...
  3. Don't make a big deal of the wee-hour wakings. ...
  4. Try not to rely on feedings. ...
  5. Keep your cool.

How do I know if it's sleep regression? ›

You may have noticed that your baby is now waking more in the night, taking shorter naps, or fighting bedtime. We call this a sleep regression. Sleep regressions are a sign of developmental progression. They often happen when your baby's brain and body are busy learning new skills.

What is a good bedtime for a 4 month old? ›

7:00-8:00 pm

Why does my 4 month old cry hysterically in his sleep? ›

If your baby cries out in their sleep, they might just be letting you know they're passing from one stage to the next. Often, they will simply settle back down again, but sometimes the change makes them wake up.

How long is it OK to let a 4 month old cry? ›

It's OK to let your baby cry if the baby doesn't seem sick and you've tried everything to soothe your baby. You can try to leave your baby alone in a safe place, such as a crib, for about 10 to 15 minutes. Many babies need to cry before they can fall asleep. And they'll nod off faster if you leave them to cry.

What is the 4 month sleep regression bad habits? ›

Signs of the 4 month sleep regression

Sign 1: Sudden worsening of night sleep. Sign 2: Increased crying or fussiness during sleep times and difficulty settling. Sign 3: Disrupted naps and less total daytime sleep. Sign 4: Distracted daytime eating.

Do you feed a baby during 4 month sleep regression? ›

Continue offering feedings every 2.5-3.5 hours during the day according to your baby's hunger cues. Remember, the 4 month sleep regression can turn into a reverse-cycling problem if your baby isn't getting in those good feedings during the day.

Does 4 month sleep regression make baby clingy? ›

You'll see this most often during the biggest chunks of sleep time; they may go from sleeping 8 hours straight to waking every hour. A suddenly fussy baby, a baby who's hungrier more often (this may also signal a growth spurt), or a clingy baby (more than before). You may see this behavior during awake times, too.

What is the reason behind 4 month sleep regression? ›

This sleep issue may appear during a period of growth or development in your baby. And around 4 months of age is when a baby's brain and body are rapidly developing and they're adjusting to these changes—which is why 4-month sleep regression is common.

How long should a 4 month old wake window be? ›

What are a baby's wake windows by age?#
Baby's AgeWake Window Range
1-2 Months60-90 minutes
3-4 Months75-120 minutes
5-7 Months2-3 hours
7-10 months2.5-3.5 hours
3 more rows
Mar 22, 2024

Is it 4 month sleep regression or teething? ›

Teething vs sleep regression

For example, a 4 month old baby who starts waking frequently due to the 4 month regression may start waking briefly in between their 50-minute sleep cycles. However, a baby who is waking from discomfort (teething or otherwise) may wake after just 10 or 20 minutes of slumber.

Why is my 4 month old sleeping so much all of a sudden? ›

Some of the most common reasons that healthy babies sleep for longer than usual include the following: They may experience a growth spurt or developmental leap. They may have a minor illness, such as a cold. They may have a serious infection.

Is the four month sleep regression a myth? ›

Is the 4 month sleep regression real? Yes! Some babies may not show signs of the 4 month sleep regression, which is why some people wonder if the 4 month sleep regression is a myth. However, the shift in sleep patterns that takes place around 3-5 months is a real biological change that all babies go through.

Why is my 4 month old so fussy all of a sudden? ›

Growth spurts are a period of rapid physical development for your baby that might cause a few different symptoms, from more hunger and less energy to a more fussy, cranky attitude overall that isn't helped by disrupted sleep patterns.

Why is my 4 month old waking up screaming? ›

4-month sleep regression

Before your baby slept deeply, but after turning 4 months, they will now cycle between light and deep sleep. And till they get used to switching cycles, they will wake up in the middle of the night, or even naps, crying inconsolably. But as long as you stick to your schedule, it should pass.

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