The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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gif Events ABOUT SPRINGIELD PEOPLE Personal Social meet Thursday the Guild the IB UPTTAL EVENTS Suahty Jewelry Lew Rent Price i $1000 to $3500 for 3 81 BULBS 0 a IJJJ1XU JJJ1UJJ! 1 be a duty of CSTABLISHED I86f STEAKS at $100 35c 75 $200 $150 to $250 to $375 $175 to E9M 7 I 1 i 1 2 Carload 250 Premium Genuine Spring Lambs at Spdbial Prices 55c 45c 35c 30c $100 $100 a dance last night hall There was a Halloween bas The next host Stai ke of Bel will speak for New Thought i cus have have shall that is Here to All 40c 40c The Day Craft Gift Shop 282 Bridge St Opposite Steiger's MRS WILLIAM WHITE VISITS SON AT ATLANTA GA ancy resh Killed Milk ed Poultry at Rock bottom Prices 30 The bride is the daughter of Grew Boston real estate Mr and Mrs Angell will make home at Cambridge garments At that VZANT DALE AND GIBSON TO ANSWER QUESTIONS Miss October Baby Buffalo at orest Park Zoo Is Christened Through Railing or the Home or Garden Airs lorence Townsend has re turned to her home here after visit ing her sister Mrs Algernon Al derson of Lake street New Britain Ct NEEDLEWORK GUILD HAS ANNUAL ALL MEETING 25 Prime Western Veal at Cut Prices Rev Burford Parry pastor of Hope Congregational church and Mrs Parry of Buckingham street will have as their guest tomorrow Rev Charles Jefferson of the Broadway Taber nacle New York City who is attend ing the Congregational conference here Rev Mr Jefferson will speak at the Sunday evening service at Hope church THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAI OCTOBER Mj garments The Of A social event of Importance took place yesterday afternoon at the or est park zoo when Mis October a buffalo calf was christened She is the latest addition to the zoo and ac cording to Keeper Harry Dunham bids fair to become a handsome ani mal The christening ceremony was per formed through the iron railing which encircles the buffalo glen for Miss Aquamarine Rings We are showing some beautiful new designs in green and white gold settings with a variety of shaped aquamarines of the finest grades Prices Corn ed Sirloin Round and Porterhouse It is easily digested because so thoroughly cooked and itcon tains all the bran you need to promote bowel movement It is eaten in place of ordinary white bread toast Crisp it in the oven and butter it while it ishotNo thing so tasty and appetizing Pot Roasts Veal lb Breasts Veal lb 15 Shoulders Veal lb Shanks Veal lb Veal Chops lb Veal Cutlets lb located at the going over from Mr were pub today' weddings will be Miss Ella May Goddard Snowdrops Scilla or Bluebells Crocus The earliest in the Spring Beautiful Hyacinths in all colors Golden Yellow Daffo dils both single and double Early Tulips for the garden Tall late Darwin Tulips in all the odd colors and tints ree slas and Poet's Narcissus Yel low or White Narcissus to grow in water and pebbles Plant now and have a beautiful Lawn Gar den or Window and the November now assistant treasurer of the White Motor company Cleveland Air and Airs James Hale of River view terrace observed the 25th anni versary of their marriage in their home Thursday night by entertaining a small number of relatives and close friends Dinner was served and mu sic enjoyed through the evening a Air and Airs John Howland of Kenwood park and their daughter Air and Mrs Henry Hines of orest Park avenue and Air and Airs rank Tower of State street will leave to day for New York city and will sail for Bermuda on a two pleasure trip IS OCTOBER 31 The Week of Oct 31 Nov 7 is NATIONAL APPLE WEEK Talks on Near East Where He Was During Upheaval Plans for the Progress Dr Albert Ghoreyeb a new mem ber of the Springfield post American Legion will give a talk at the next meeting of the post on Thursday November 1 on his experiences in the Near East during the recent political upheavals there The post looks for 1 ward to an interesting session as the I doctor is an eye witness to many of 1 i thn I mo LiagCUita CIKHJIXU lUVIC Kians ior tne smoker to be neic 1 by the post at Turn hall on November 16 are progressing As tentatively arranged there will be exhibition box ing and wrestling six or eight acts of vaudeville and The public will be invited and the proceeds will be used for the American Legion Christmas fund which is used at Christmas time for the aid ot needy veterans and their families October inherits the wild blood of her ancestors and is as yet unaccustomed to visits from human brothers Her mother will continue to nurse her for about three months Mr Dunham said after which she will take more sub stantial food with her elders A lioness will be bought soon park authorities say to replace one which died recently at the zoo Tne park already possesses an African lion Apples this year are more than ordinarily delicious EAT APPLES EVERY DAY of Alapledell street and LORING STREET CHURCH PLANS SPECIAL SERVICE The Loring street church of which Rev Hopes is pastpr will hold special services Sunday The pastor announces the following program At 1030 Rev Dunn will preach At 1 George Richardson super intendent of the district Sunday schools will address the schools At 6 the Allen Christian Endeavor league will render a special program At 7 $400 week end visit with USE BREAD TO CLEAN OIL ROM WATCHES Although the custom is very old few people realize that bread is ex tensively used in the making of watches writes Leonard Bastin in St Nicholas rom very early times it has been the practice of watchmakers to employ a dough made by kneading fresh bread with water to remove for eign matter from the parts of time keepers Curiously enough there is no known substance whiefy will so com pletely free the small parts of a watch from oil and chips cf n(tal as bread dough After rubbing with the dough the metal is absolutely clean Evecy ether substance which has been tried tends to leave some of its own frag ments on the metal One of the largest watch factories uses 50 loaves of bread a day for this sole purpose To the astronomer the threads which certain kinds of spiders weave are of the utmost value They are used for determining the positions and movements of the stars and no sub stitute for them has yet been found The minute strands of this spider's thread are remarkably fine not ex ceeding one fifth to one seventh of a thousands of an inch in diameter In comparison the thread of a silkworm is thick and clumsy It is not only the fineness of the thread wmeh makes it so useful for in addition it is amazingly durable Spider threads can endure great variations in tem perature without undergoing any' change In measuring sunspots when tho heat is so great that the lenses are cracked the spider thread win uninjured Murdough Bros THU RIVEB 4153 Cor Worthington and Spring ilin: DELIVERY resh Stewing owl lb resh Milk fed owl and rying Chickens lb resh Milk fed Chickens lb resh 4 lb Milk fed Roasting Chick ens lb Native Spring Ducks lb Northern Spring Geese lb 30 Small Hen Turkeys lb 48c AST LYING IN EUROPE By the Associated Press London A new record for speed be tween London and Cologne has been made by the Instone Air liner "City of Washington" which completed the journey of 330 miles in 128 minutes The boat journey for the same trip takes 19 hours Belding Co 457 461 State St Phone Walnut 4580 Grocers and Marketmen The Wool Effect on the Price of Clothes The Carded Woolen Manufacturers' association through Arthur Whee lock its director has sent the fol lowing questionnaire to Col Gibson of Brattleboro Vt and Por ter Dale of Island Pond Vt re spectively Republican candidates for the national House national Senate in the election: The present tariff places 31 cents a pound on all wool used for clothing regardless of its value On wool valued at 25 cents a pound the duty amounts to 124 per cent of the value of the wool On wool valued at $120 a pound the duty amounts to 26 per cent of the valurf of the wool The effect of such unequal duties is self evident Itg injustice is like that of a tax of a fixed amount say I Henry Perkins Company Distributors Little Jewelry Store on the HZ Searles Robinson lorist 182 MAIN ST Tel 5624 Wr 2O SPRINGNlLDPUBLICMARKEi Tilt SM IAR1 PURE 1 00D MARKIT Hindquarters Spring Lamb lb ancy Legs Spring Lamb lb 355 Boneless Roasts Spring Lamb lb Loins Spring Lamb lb 30? Rib Spring Lamb Chops lb ores Spring Lamb lb Short Legs Mutton lb 28? Small Roasts Mutton lb 23c resh PorkSloast lb 25C 30c 37c Plain and Rev Oscar Haninfl Denney of Senaea alls formerly of Low ell is attending the National council this week and will visit friends at Lowell next week The Springfield chapter Order of Eastern Star held a dance last night nt Melha Temple good attendance Hosmer's orchestra played for dancing Mr and Airs A ranklin Jr of Eton street will motor to Wellesley tnrin their daughter Miss Sally ranklin a freshman at Wellesley college Air and Airs George Bath of lorence street were entertained on Thursday night in the home of their son Richard Bath of Hall street in honor of their 30th wedding anniver sary Air and Mrs Williams of Lon don announce the engagement cf their daughter Constance to Dwight Billings formerly of this city' and BROOKIELD LODGE TO HAVE REUNION 471 StaM Ntae Walnut $500 on every parcel of real estate regardless of its value a cottage val ued at $2000 paying a tax of $500 or 25 per cent of its value while a man sion valued at $50000 would pay a tax of $500 or only 1 per cent of its value The injustice of such a tax on wool is like that of a tax of a fixed amount say $500 on Incomes regardless of their size the man earning $2000 a year paying $500 or one quarter of what lie earns while the man with an income of $50000 would pay a tax of $500 or only 1 per cent of his in come When applied to a tariff on wool this inequality results in greatly in creasing the cost of wool of medium and lower values a burden so heavy that it operates as an embargo com peling either a great increase in the cost of wool fabrics or the substitu tion of inferior fibers for wool in mod erate priced clothing for the mass of the people This arbitrary and dis torted duty on wool is one of the principal causes for the increase in the cost of clothing We ask that in stating your petl tion on the wool tarift you cover tne following points: 1 Do you favor a specific duty on wool as at present Imposed? 2 Do you favor an ad valorem tar iff on wool under which tne duty is a percentage of the value of the wool as in the case of the tax on real es tate? 3 If elected a senator of ths Unit ed States will you exert your best efforts by voice and vote to secure the revision of the wool tariff In ac cordance with your declared position regarding specific and ad valorem rates? 4 Will you if elected senator of the United States use your best ef forts by voice and vote to defest any bill for the revision of the tariff that is not in accordance with your de clared position regarding specific and ad valorem rates? Rev Burford Parry to Perforin Home Ceremony Groom ii Hol yoke Man Among that of daughter of Air and Airs Elijah Al Goddard Howard Chester Alyers son of Air and Mrs George Alyers of Holyoke The wedding will take place at the hom*o of tho bride's parents Rev Burford Barry will perform tho ceremony Miss Harriet Goddard sister of the bride will be bridemaid and the best man will bo Stanley Alyers Clar ence Trent of Hartford and rank Erougman will be ushers PRESIDENT SON WEDS JANE NORTON GREW Wellesley Oct Atlas Jane Nor ton Grew was married to James Waterhouse Angell of New Haven Ct son of James Angell of Yale university at St church hero today The ceremony was per formed by Rev Howell of Bos ton Edward broker their Apple Season Bringing Joy NATIONAL APPLE DAY Airs William Hayden of Clifton avenue is entertaining her sister and husband Rev George Reed of AIcLanghlin Dr Reed is a del egate to the National council They will also spend some time with Air Reed's sister Aliss Lottie Reed of Spruce street Afiss Elizabeth Cooney was hdh ored at a dinner party at Hotel High land Thursday night given by her fel low employes at Aleekins Packard and Wheat The occasion was most enjoyable Aliss Cooney will leave the employ of the store soon as she is to be married this fall The women of the Congragational church of eeding Hills will serve their annsial chicken pie supper at the chapel riday night Rev Al Bryant of Newark Valley who is attending the National council will preach tomorrow morning He is stay ing at the home of Alarsh Airs II Sanjlyan of Westminister street is entertaining Rev and Mrs Louis Henry Ruge of Millers alls during the National council Air and Airs Charles Rockwell whose marriage was an event of late September have returned from their honeymoon at the Rangeley lakes Me and are in their new home at 161 Sumner avenue Airs Rockwell was Aliss Dora Brown of North Turner Me former physical director at Cen tral high school The Wide Awake club oye of the industrial clubs of the A met last night for suiter at 630 Aliss Alargaret Dearstyne and Miss Grace Victory club advisors and Aliss Delia Hartwick were hostesses The club program for the winter was ar ranged and singing ncing en joyed Air and Mrs Al Dudley of Adams street Agawam celebrated their sec ond wedding anniversary Thursday night by entertaining informally about 25 relatives and friends in their new home Vocal and Instrumental music were fc'aturcs of the evening and the hostess served luncheon The hom*o was attractively decorated with au tumn leaves and flowers Airs John Roos entertained the Kumtuso club in her home on Stock man street Thursday night Aliss Dons Roos favored with piano selections and Airs Eugene razini sang The hos Mr White Well Remembered Here Now District Manager for Babson Organization Airs William White of 335 King street is visiting her son Ralph A White at Atlanta Ga Mr White was a former resident of Springfield She was accompanied South by her niece Miss Alice Bushee head of the Spanish department at Wellesley col lege Mr White will be remembered by his Springfield friends as the adjutant of the battalion of Rhode Island coast artillery which was Springfield arsenal before seas Numerous letters White while in rance lished during the war Mr White is now district manager of the Babson Statistical organization with headquarters in Atlanta Ga The company has just announced that the Atlanta office leads the country for new business placed last month The Atlanta branch also "ranks second for the year ending' September in pro portion of new business and is first in quality of clientele Air White has won the $100 prize offered by the com pany for the leading salesman of the entire organization Calls are made upon Mr White about every two weeks for addresses on business 'or finance by the vari ous civic organizations and colleges His religious activities include su perintendent of Central Congregation al church school and vice president cf Atlanta Christian Endeavor Union Mr White is a graduate of the School of Business Administration Harvard university and a 32d degree Alason Rev 'DeBerry of Raleigh will preach Dr Dunn is superintendent of the Congregational churches in Louisiana Alississippi Arkansas Texas and Ok lahoma He is also secretary of the American Alissionary association league work in the South He is a native son of Louisiana a graduate of Straight university and pastored for a number of years the largest Negro church in New Orleans La While pastor of Central Congregation al church he remodeled the church built up the membership' organized a day nursery employment bureau kindergarten club and many other institutional features He served this church before taking up the work of superintendent HENRY VICTOR MORGAN NEW THOUGHT SPEAKER Henry Victor Alorgan of Tacoma Wash and minister of the Univer salist church there the Unity Center of at the meeting held in the Kimball hotel tomorrow evening His subject will be "aith and the ourth Di He will also speak at the Unity center headquarters at 356 Alain street Monday morning at 10 in the afternoon at 3 and at night at 8 Air Alorgan was here a year ago and attracted a large following He calls his teaching Metaphys ics and Divine He is a poet and is known in the West as the Preacher of the His of Health and Gladness are sung in nearly all the New Thought meetings Always Something New in Day Special Bargains In the Display of the New Day Craft Gift Shop 'Beautiful uniaue entirely original articles from the studio shops of the noted Day Craft company These are absolutely fresh goods still in the original wrappings when they reach us They are the left overs from large lines the extra pieces beyond the dozens which are usually ordered by retailers throughout the country A Wonderful Chance to Get Christmas and Other Gifts Very Unusual Prices Were Dainty hand decorated compacts with puff and mirror $150 Dark memo pads with perforated sheets of good size and pencil in handsome sude leather $200 Decorated book ends pair $350 Desk pad and replaceable calendar Very fine $175 Bridge pads in unique decorated covers with pencil $100 Bag in dozens of unusual clever artistic designs $300 to $500 Desk sets that delight the home makers Large pad with removal sheet of blotting hand blotter pen wiper and and stationery holder Beau tiful designs $500 to $750 Telephone Screens in unexpect ed novelty and beauty of design $350 to $1000 And scores of other gifts This display is drawing wide attention and the special bargain items are particularly at tractive because at no time from now to Christmas will a greater chance be offered to get such fresh unique gifts at these very low prices We Advise You to Come Soon or Such Bargains Sell Quickly $101 at the rummage sale held Wednesday Those assisting at the sale were Dr A A Starbuck Alabcl Stevens Mrs Steele Airs Jo sephine Braziere Airs Harts horn Miss Alargaret Grant Miss Ruth Metcalf and Aliss Gladys Nsw ton The Business club will hold a dance next Saturday night GODDARD MYERS TODAY Elects Officers and Plans Winter Ef forts Mrs Charles Chapin President Airs Charles Chapin of State street opened her home Thursday aft ernoon for the annual meeting of the Springfield branch of the Needlework Guild of America There was a large attendance of members and plans for the fall work of collecting and dis tributing garments to local charities were completed At the business meeting Mrs Chapin was elected pres ident Mrs Gcorgo A Bacon vice president Airs A Tower secre tary Aliss Ellen Chapin assist ant secretary and Airs James Carroll treasurer The Needlework Guild founded many years ago by Aliss Sophie Howard who conducted the famous Howard school here is one of the most active and able charitable societies in the city yet one of which the pub lic hears very little The members conduct a strenuous campaign each fall collecting new garments all of which are divided among local organ ized charities Any woman may join the Springfield branch with the con tribution of two new national headquarters are in Philadelphia The distribution of takes nlace in November time the Springfield branch secures an empty store and the new finished garments are brought there Counted and distributed to Springfieldchar itable organizations and local hospi tals Last year between 1800 and 2000 garments were disposed of They include wearing apparel houseboll linens and articles of like nature The Needlework Guild is the only organ ization giving all new garments Tho need for garments etc is very great this year and the oilcers of the Springfield branch earnestly desire the aid of all local persons interested in the project A REAL WHOLE WHEAT TOAST Perhaps you trying to get a real whole wheat toast because you haveneverdis covered TriSCUtt theshredded wholewheatcracker Itis 100 per cent whole wheat steam cooked shredded essed into a wafer ra nd Girls to Relive Camp Days al A Gym Today Clears $101 Th Brooksld Lodge club will havethe TV A gym for a reunion Jtcday of all the girls attending camp the past summer Knlckered imd bloomered girls will get together again to sing camp songs and dance land for an evening Brookside will five again at the gymnasium fMiss Anna Grant president Mrsred Cress and members of (heBrookside committee Alias Maty (Oly and members of the catnp stay gwill be present Several hundred giris Bare expected Tho reunion is an an 2 null affair anticipated by girls from Kihe time vacation ends in tho sum jtThe Brookside Lodge club cleared Those who know us and our methods are pleased with our way of doing business and manv are the kind words said in oiir behalf 'and many are the commendations that come to us We feel encouraged to work with a good heart for the im provement of the conditions surrounding tnese ioyai tomers many of whom traded with us since we been in business They have all the advantages we can givethem Belding arm Roast ing Chickens lb Belding arm owls lb Ordinary owls lb 27c Real Pascal Celery bunch Large Cauliflower 20c Spinach Pk Cottage Cheese Pimento lb Cheese All Assortments 2 cans Yewden Valley Cheese the Cheese with a Real A A Kick lb Buttermilk 10c GOOD THINGS OR THE Sunday Dinner Legs Spring Lamb 42d Boneless Roaits amb35d Boneless Roast Native Veal Tot Roasts (extra good) 3S and 40d Small Ribs Pork 40d and ancy Belchertown Chickens and owls Peanut Butter Kisses or Saturday Only 33C Prime Rib Roasts lb 25? up Boneless Rymp Roasts lb ancy Round Roasts lb 25 Boneless Pot Roast of Beef lb 18 Combs Child' Invitations have been received for the marriage of Aliss Irene Combs daughter of Air and Airs Arthur Combs of lorence street and Her vey Child son of Mr and Airs Robert A Child of Belmont avenue in the bride home Saturday af ternoon tho 27th Aliss Child has chosen Alias Grace Bugbee of this city as bridemaid and her small niece Eleanor James to carry the rings Mr Child will be attended by his brother Harold Child SOCIAL AND PERSONAL tess served luncheon The decorations in the home were in keeping with Halloween Airs Robert Mills of Chic opee road will be hostess next week The opening session of the Jolly Night Whist club was held at the home of Airs Charles Kenwood of Worthington street on a recent after noon Mrs Walter Clouse held the high score Decorations were in Hal loween colors Luncheon was served and the favors were kets filled with candy ess will be Airs Alae mdnt avenue The Tangerine club night at the home of Miss Gertrude Allen of Terrence street The meeting was in honor of the recent marriage of one of its members Mrs Stanley Woods of Leete street who was be fore hpr marriage Miss Claire Alark ley A mock marriage was a feature of the evening Alah Jong was played and dancing enjoyed Airs Wood re ceived many gifts The next meeting will be held at the home of Alias Mary Anthony of Underwood street Mrs orbes of 107 Spring street entertained at a dinner and shower Thursday night in compli ment to Miss Irene Bushey tit Wil braham road whose marriage to Silas Yotte of West Springfield will be an early event The guests from the office of the Underwood Typewriter company where Miss Bushey Is em ployed included Misses Verna Cizek Sadie Anderson Alarguerite Dunne Katherine Keough and Elsie Rude The bride elect was presented with an electric percolator ollowing dinner music and games were enjoyed The marriage of Aliss Ruth Eliza beth Clark daughter of Airs Kate Al Clark of Elm circle West Springfield and Carleton Bordwell Sanderson of Los Angeles Cal son of Mr and Airs Charles Sanderson of Northampton took place Thursday afternoon in the home Rev A Elliott of Cambridge formerly pastor of Trinity church here officiated Aliss Mary Clark and Roy Sanderson were the attendants The couple left late in the afternoon for California whor* they will make their home in Alham bra after December 1 The 31st annual meeting and din ner of the Gov Thomas Dudley am ily association will be held at the Barker house Boston Tuesday with meeting at 330 and dinner at 630 The theme of the day will be Value of a Democracy of Tradi tions and of Honorable amily Names When Regarded as Matters of Respon sibility and not for Preferment or Addresses will be given by Rev Dudley Child Phineas Hub hard Airs Helen Pleasanton and Rev George Hubbard The princi pal after dinner address will be given by Coolidge direct descendant of John Coolidge of Watertown who arrived in the Bay colony in 1630 George Woodbridge president of the association was a former resident of this city COEE UNIORM BLEND rrt A A JS Highest TEA IN OUR LAVORS yon forget the ime remember ABSOLUTELY PURE Ready to use GULDENS Mustard Accept no substitutes Meetings DR ALBERT GHOREYEB TO SPEAK BEORE LEGION baked in lb 25c 35c I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is a fact about Springfield MA? ›

During the 19th and 20th centuries, Springfielders produced many innovations, including the first American-English dictionary (1805, Merriam-Webster); the first use of interchangeable parts and the assembly line in manufacturing (1819, Thomas Blanchard); the first American horseless car (1825, Thomas Blanchard); the ...

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American31,87420.52%
Two or more races28,73218.5%
Other race18,04811.62%
3 more rows

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Is it expensive to live in Springfield, MA? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What is the poverty rate in Springfield MA? ›

25.3% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Springfield, MA (38k out of 150k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 55 - 64.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

It has been known as the “City of Firsts” – a moniker earned through a history of innovation, including America's first Armory and military arsenal and the first American made automobile. Springfield may be best known for two other innovations - the birthplace of basketball and of Theodor Geisel, better known as “Dr.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.