The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


PHILADELPHIA, Fill DAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1892. ONE CENT. the NEW ENTERPRISES LAUNCHED. their escape, and there is not NO CANDIDATES TI TTT Ml) GAINING REBELS ASSOCIATION convened the report ot the Committee on Credentials was read and adopted. Four delegates-at-large to the National Convention at Minneapolis were then chosen.

Thev were Delos A. Blodgett, slightest clue to their identity. A number of the processionists were more or less injured by the explosions, but fortunately nobody was killed. STILL FIGHTING THE TROLLEYS i fifinmirr James M. Wilkinson, Charles W.


After their election had been made way Committee's sub-committee on railroad streets consisting of Messrs. Walton, lseminger, U. C. Smith, Meehan, Stratton (voted for trolleys over tht Mayor's veto) and Grace, ex-oflicio, "considered in connection with the recommendations contained in the message of the Mayor and the report of the Director. Ordinances were introduced and referred appropriate committees to open, grade and pave Tenth street from Wolf stn et to Wyalusin avenue, making the i'irst National Bank an active city depository; appropriating $25,000 to the Police Pension Fund and $15,000 to the Firenen's Pension Fund; to appoint unanimous.

United States Senator Thomas W. Palmer appeared on the platform and delivered a brief address. The various Conaressional districts re They Capture Two GoYraent Vessels Lailan With Arms. Secretary Cleg, of tlie Kiipssim Eflflflina Society. Asstos.

Tie Opuoncnts of tic Deaflly fires HoM-iDE TMr Of ii in Councils. A KUi List of Corporation That Were Granted Charters. Special to Tub Inquirer. Harrisburg, Agril 14. There was quite a large number of charters issued at the State Department to-day.

Among them the following: The Xayaug Coal Company, of Scran-ton; Vehicle Improvement Company, ol Philadelphia; Directors, John James H. Longstreet, Bushrott H. Keinble, Wrilliam S. Messnm, Frederick J. Thayer, all of Philadelphia; the Great Bend Water Company, of Susquehanna county; Ilalsstead Water Company, of Halstead; Indiana Glass Company, of Indiana; Jackson Building and Loan Association, of Philadelphia; Postman's Light, Heat and Fuel Company, ot Forest county; Roberts fe Tay Cancns of the PiulafclDMa Delegation to tlie RepWican State CMion.

ported their members of the State Cen tral Committee's candidates lor district United States Senator James McMillan was re-elected chrirman of the Ad- State Central Committee by acclamation. EnsIIsh and Egyptian Troops Exchange Courtesies Durlnz the Brief But Gorseons Ceremony. Special Cable to tbe Mew York Herald and pulv Uslied simtiltaneoiiBlr In Tne Ixuuihek. Cairo, April 14. Tbe ceremony of reading the Firman lasted only twcDty minutes.

At 10 o'clock exactly, Eyoub Pasha, accompanied by Mahmoud Dey Choukri, tbe Chief of the Turkish Cabinet of the Khedive, drove up in his carnage of state, drawn by four horses, ascended the steps of the palace, over which a canopy was placed, and handed the Firman to the Khedive. Palacio's Troops Badly Defeated In Two Skirmishes. He Acknow ledges Mistakes, 'n: Cannot Tell Where Thev Are. Supreme Court Candidates Sadler, Dean and Wickham in Town. Resolutions adopted indorse the prin A Very Close Vote Upon an junct to the Old Bills.

ciples of the Republican party and close with the following: heartily approve the forceful, tear less and dignified policy of the adminis tration or President Harrison, wno nas lor Manuiacturing Company, of Phna- a comrni tee to consider the subject of rapid tra isit, the same as the one introduced by Selectman Etting on March 22; appropriating $150,000 for a niter plant at lielmont pumping station. A resol ution was passed granting the use of Common Council chamber for a meeting on Wednesday next of the Philadelphia exhibitors at the World's Fair. TROLLEY TOURISTS TALK. Souderi as Usual, Fathers It in the Lower been so ably assisted in all his sagacious delpliia; incorporators. Charles H.

Insnrgents Will Soon Begin Their March on Caracas The Saltan's Firman Read With Great Cere mony Break, in Italy's Cabinet. Other News From Foreign Shores. Shareholders Puzzled Over the Complicated Affairs of the Association, Which Experts Are Now Busy Unraveling A Meeting Called For Tuesday Mghr. Secretary Harrlty and Other Vic-tarious Democrats Return From Harrisburg: With Some of the Lenders From Interior Counties In Sympathy With the Thompson, Levi B. McClees, J.

Walter Zebley, PaulS. Keller, and T. Ellis Mc-Grath. all of Philadelphia; Manor Elec The document was read by Mamoud ana loyai endeavors oy mat tiuuio patriot and statesman, James G. Blaine, in the promulgation ot true and progressive American principles." Bey Choukri, and then the Turkish hymn was played, first by the English NEBRASKA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION band, then afterwards three times by the Egyptian band, with intermittant tric Company, of Westmoreland county.

To-day, by a new charter, the rival electric light companies of Harrisburg were consolidated and given the name of the Harrisburg Electric Company, i 'THE PASTOR WASN'T PAID. A c.iucus of the Philadelphia delegation Special Cable to the New Yorlt Herald and published simultaneously la The iNucittEr. Caracas, April 14. Word has just been received hero of tho capture by the DIRECTOR BEITLER AND CHIEF WALKER OUTLINE THEIR TRIP. cheers for the Sultan given by the Egyptian soldiers.

Afterwards the last night, and the presence last nightof Judges Sadler, of Cumberland; Dean, of Sicks Moves Us Reference to the City Solicitor. But Is Defeated by Yeas 41 to Nay 8 44 Continuation of the Battle to Compel the Passenger Railways to Pare Their Streets. 1 Anti-trolley agitation, like ghost, will not down, but rises at every turn to harass Traction-owned Council-men. At yesterday's session of the Com Kbedival hymn was played three times, revolutionists ot two government ves with cheers for the Khedive by the Blair, and Wickham, of Beaver, who are s.11 in the field for the nomination sels, which were loaded with arms and They Fin 1 the Llns Admittedly Fast, Bnt ISvtrrwhere Unpopular on Other Account. for Supreme Judge, and a host of Re Egyptian troops.

The English troops were commanded by Sir Forester Walker, the new Sirdar. Effect ot a Railroad Extension on a Minister's Salary. Spwlal to The Ixqciiikb. Harrisburg, April 1L At to-day's munitions of war for the government forces. publican leaders from interior counties, A Resolution Favoring: Fre Silver De-fcatiI by a Blsr Majority.

Omaha, April 14. The Democratic State Convention to-day elected delegates to the National Convention at Chicago. The majority of the delegates are Boyd men and against instructing for Cleveland. Delegates-at-large are Governor Boyd, Tobias Castor, Judne W. H.

Thompson and Milton Doolittle. The Committee on Resolutions then reported the prat-form. The principles laid down in the National Democratic platform of 18S4 and Grover Cleveland's message to Con Colonel Kitchener commanded the The deeper one goes into tbe affairs of the Kingsessing Building Association the more complicated they seem to become. Those who are most interested have as many theories for the failure to account for the shortage of as there are individuals. Thomas T.

Clegg, the member who explained how the shortage happened to occur, was the secretary of the association for the past twenty-two years up until about four months ago, when ha resigned, as he stated, to give closer attention to his own business. The news of an inventory and appraisem*nt being filed yesterday morning, in the assigned estates of William Clegg, and Thomas T. Clegg, did not lessen the quiet sort of excitement in PaschaL The assignment was made to diverted attention yesterday from the triumph of the Harrity Democrats to the arrangements for next Wednesday's This is regarded by General Crespo's followers as a great stroke ot good luck, as arms and ammunition are what the insurgents have teen anxious to se mon branch street railroads received sev Egyptian troops, who were in front of the palace. There were numerous spec Directc Beitler gave yesterday an interesting account of his trolley trip. His eral hard knocks; an adjunct ordinance of the trollev bills scarcely mustered Republican State Convention.

This convention will also assemble at tators in the tribune. The Princess of Sweden was seated at the window of the harem. only traveling companion was Chief Walker, of the Electrical Bureau. None of the Triction officials were with him, nor did be go with their knowledge, "or," he added, "at their expense, Harrisburg. Last night's caucus, which was held at the Republican City Com The troops presented arms, a fact enough votes to prevent its relerence to the City Solicitor for his opinion, a proceeding of which the company seems in dire dread.

Mr. Souder (voted for trolleys over the mittee headquarters, 1205 Chestnut which called forth numerous comment gress were heartily indorsed. A resolution favoring the free coinage of silver was defeated by a vote of 247 to 22a street- was largely attended. General session- of the Carlisle Presbytery Kev. R.

F. McLean, of New Bloomtield, requested the Presbytery to cite his congregation to show cause why the pastoral relation should not be dissolved. He said the relations between pastor and people were harmonious, but on account of the extension of the Perry County Railroad, and from other causes, his salary had not been forthcoming as it should; hence the request. The Presbytery decided to postpone further consideration of. Mr.

McLean's request until the June meeting. The Presbytery finished its business this afternoon. "Affirmative action was taken with reference to the overture from the General Assembly regarding the compact of 1870 and the power to veto elections of professors to the chairs in theological seminaries. Mouhtar Pasha was in the palace with the Khedive. There is extraordinary animation in the town, which is lavishly decorated with flags.

James W. Latta. who has been substituted for Isaac W. Lanning, ot the Fif-teentli ward, was elected chairman of HARRISON RESOLUTIONS TABLED. Charles Benjamin Wilkins on March 14 cure.

The capture of the vessels was a great surprise to their commanders, who were proceeding leisurely on their way to a friendly port when a rebel warship hove in sight, bore down upon them and got possession of the vessels without a struggle. To March on Caracas. Tbe event was celebrated with much rejoicing in Crespo's camp at Valencia. The insurgents now consider they have gained a decided advantage, and it is said that they will soon begin their last What Tliomas Says. When Thomas Clegg was interviewed TO OFFER UP SACRIFICES.

by an Inquirer reporter yesterday ha Captured Natives to be Slauehtered in did not say a word about his assignment In speaking of the affairs of th the Prwenoe or Europeans. Paris, April 14 La France says King Republicans of the Eighteenth District Not Ready to Instruct noletrates. Lewtstown, April 14. The Republican conferrees of the Eighteenth district to-day elected F. Espenshade.

of Juniata, and J. J. Cromer, of Fulton, delegates to Minneapolis, and Captain T. B. Reed, of Mifflin, and G.

F. Wagen-seller, of Snvder, alternates. S. S. Shock, of Snyder, was chosen elector.

Instructions lor Harrison were laid on the table. building association and the probable Behanzin, of Dahomey, has seized at causes which led to the shortage in his accounts as secretary of the organiza though some people supposed that such was the case." The overhead wires," said the Director, "are preferred by the Traction people on account of their cheapness In Pittsburg we were informed that it cost just one cent lor the motive power to run a car one mile." "Will the Traction Company provide guard "Only where the position of other wires is considered dangerous." "The giard wires are designed to prevent otht wires from falling upon those of the trolley. Is there no danger in case the trolle wire itself breaks and falls?" "There might be in such a case; but there is an ingenious contrivance, a cut-off, vhich may be placed on the posts and which acts automatically; the current in instantiy cut off on the dropping of the wire." Wouli I that obviate all danger?" "En tin ly. The wire might strike anyone, but would impart no shock." MANY MEN ON HALF TIME. hydah, the port of Dahomey, twenty Europeans, including several nuns, and that he has taken them to Abomey, his capital, where he will hold them in tho event of an attack by the French.

the delegation, and Harry R. Shultz, of the Twentieth ward, secretary. It was announced that a special train will leave Broad Street stationf at one o'clock next Tuesday afternoon, with Chief Clerk Frank Hartley, of the City Committee in charge, for the accommodation of tho local delegation. AH Indorsem*nts Deferred. Action in the matter of indorsem*nts ot candidates for place on the State ticket and the selection of delegates-at-large to the National Convention and electors at large, were postponed until the delegation meets in Harrisburg.

On motion of Amos M. Slack it was agreed that a caucus of the Philadelphia delegates shall be held in the State Senate chamber on Tuesday evening at .9 tion, he said: "There has been a mistake made by me somewhere, but just where it can" be found, I cannot tell. I A sc SurprlKn for Workmen In Leblsn Mayor's veto) introduced an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a con tract with the Traction Company, the provisions of whicli contract are the same as contained in the company's ofl'er when the Mayor had the bills under consideration, and, asked its reference to the joint Committee on Law and Railroads. Mr. Hicks moved to amend to refer the ordinauce to the City Solicitor for his opinion, saying: "There seems to be a great deal of doubt as i to iust where we legally stand upon this question.

The joint Committee on Law and Railroads has refused absolutely to consult the City Solicitor or the heads of the departments. My sole reason for the motion is to get an authoritative opinion upon our right to legislate as the ordinance proposes." HOW THE VOTE KESTJLTED. Mr. Souder (voted lor trolleys over the Maj-or's veto) said that the joint committee would meet again on Tuesday and it could consult the City Solicitor if it wanted information or doubted march to this eity. Shortly after the capture of the government vessels the revolutionists were further rejoiced to learn that in two skirmishes with Palacio's troops their advance guard had won decided victories.

False Government Reports. was not aware any such shortage ex Valley Shops. "Wilkesbarre, April 14. Consider isted until so informed by the expert The Dahomeyian forces that were menacing the French settlements south It may have been done in this way: of Dahomey, have retired northward alter capturing a number of the natives, who will either be offered up as sacrifices Florida's Repnbllcan Delegates. Jacksonville, April 14.

The Republican State Convention was in session all night and finally elected these delegates at large to the Minneapolis Con- able excitement prevailed in and about the Lehigh Valley Shops here to-day over the orders, under which many hundreds of workmen are to work only half time until further orders. For the past several years it has been my custom to pay the holders of their stock, as long as" six months before it matured. Now, this stock might have had an inflated value, and I am strongly Reports of prevailing peace and contentment throughout the country, together with stories of the utter discomfiture of the rebels, continue to be sent vention Joseph Ji lee, oi jacKson- All work was suspended at the shops tHll. Yt Hnnhir nf Tmnnjf JmM A. and roundhouse here this morning for the o'clock, when the delegates in each Sen-1 ghtmn, Pensacola, and John G.Long, "Suppose the cut-olf were not there? oaiance ot this week.

of St Augustine. Gun by and Long are atorial district will be expected to hand in tho names of their representatives on or sold as slaves. It has always been the desire of the King of Dahomey to have Europeans present at these "customs," during which hundreds of victims are killed. It may be that the Europeans, his forces, have compelled to accompany them to Abomey, are to witness the slaughter ot the victims. ALL FOR HARRISON.

inclined to think that such was the ease. This would take a great deal of the money, which the association stock is supposed to have earned. Then, when white and Lee and Sbann coioreu. Or suppo it was out oi oraen i "The construction is as simple as it is ineeniouii. Still if it were out -of order, out by the authorities here, but they are decidedly misleading.

Mauy Political Prisoners. The jails here continue filled with Accused by His l'artner. the Committees on Resolutions and Organization, and those of the electors Special to Thb iNoriBica. POLITICAL NOTES. Lancaster, April 14.

This afternoon political prisoners. The feeling of tne mistake 1 reier to was made, as I think it occurred somewhere, it was the fault of the auditors to not have found it when my aceounts were annually submitted to them. Alexander J. Gertz was arrested on the charge of keening fraudulent accounts alarm among all residents is as great as ever, and the sympathizers with the Cleveland delegates were chosen In the Second, Massachusetts, Democratic Congressional District Convention yes-; terday. and appropriating to his own use property belonging to the Keystone Bending I do not expect proceedings airainst North Carolina Republican Elect Del cares to Minneapolis.

revolution are more than ever active. its authority. The vote resulted in the defeat of progress. The poll follows: Yeas Messrs. Andersou, Bastitm, Bawn, J.

H. Brown, Cleaver, Edwards, Kahy, 1'albey, i inletter, ford, Garrett, Goodman, Grace, Hartman, llawkes, Hicks, Hults, lseminger, Karsner, Kins, Moehan, II. A. Jliiller, Mull, Myers, Niiulty, Rodenhausen, Rowen, Jtudolpb, Seger, Sei-berlich, Shoemaker, Smedley, V. C.

Smith, Fruithers, Stewart, Strickland, West. Whit-tiiiirliam, A. D. Wilson and G. H.

Wilson. The Ninth District Democrats of the persons who received the inflated value for their shares." Massachusetts adopted resolutions in MUCH TALKNO FIGHT. orks, valued at about 1900. 1 he prosecutor is Jacob Fetter, who with the accused formed the firm of Fetter Gertz. Gertz was released on (1000 bail for a hearing.

dorsing David B. Hill as the Democratic Raleigh, N. April 14. The State Republican Convention was held to-day at noon, and was called to order by John B. Eaves, chairman of the State Executive Committee.

In addressing Results of the Appraisem*nts. The appraisem*nt of the assigned es standard-bearer. tate of William Clegg, aggregates which includes several pieces No Likelihood of a Snnsalnary Eu counter Between Uorrow and Milbank and Fox and Ochiltree. Tbe Eleventh District Democratic Convention of Msssachusetts declared for Grover Cleveland, but the delegates riotai, i. the convention Mr.

Eaves predicted that the Republican party would give the The Bonlevard Railway. Harrisburg, April 14. A charter chosen in their respective congressional districts. William J. Muliigan, lor Charles Lauber, of the Sixth district; David Martin, for William Blair, Eighteenth, and William Linn, for Joseph G.

Richmond, Twenty-fifth, are the substitutions in addition to that in the Fifteenth district The failure to indorse Castor for Con-gressinan-at-large is declared by his friends to have no significance. Had they wished it, they say, they could have secured an indorsem*nt It was not thought desirable to have a declaration for any candidate until the delegates reach Candidates for Supreme Judge who were in town yesterday were told the delegation will give each of the judicial Candidates some votes. Sadler Is Confident "I don't know that I can say more than that I am gratified at the interest shown in the matter by so many of my ays Messrs. J. ii.

o. uaiz- lley, Baldwin, Carniuny, Cavprow, Col- ot real estate on woodland avenue near Seventieth street, and a mill property with equipments in Delaware county, peclal Cable to the New York Herald and nnb- Democrats close contest in the State in are uuinetructed. Up to date-every county in-Wlscon was granted at the State Department today tto the Boulevard Passenger Rail -Jffhcxl simultaneously in Thb Inuuirhr. the coming campaign. piins, Colville, crnweli, jjixoii," yisher, Griffiths.

Haertter. Heins, Horr, Horroeks, Hunter, Ingram, sin that has chosen delegates to the State way, vt hiiaaeipnia; capital, Lojtdon, April 14. There has been no sanguinary encounter between Borrowe After a stormy scene the following delegates were elected to the Minneapolis and the stock of the store at 7103 Woodland avenue. That of Thomas T. Clegg amounts to including severaL it might not act.

Particularly if it were not there" A DISTINCT TJNDEBSTANDUfGI. "Have you authority to require that in this city such provision of guard wires an i cut-offs be made before you grant the permits "I distinctly understand that we have," Slid the Director, and Chief Walker, who was present, added: "The Traction people acknowledge that themselves." "DM yru hear much complaint of the dangers" cf the trolley in the cities you visited?" "Xot at all. We heard of some horses being ki led, but not of accidents to passengeis." "Did you notice any flag or signal men stat oned at street corners say in Pittsburg to keep people from being run over as the trolley cars came round?" "Thev may have been there. I did not notion them. We were not long in Pittsburg." "Did yu find that people generally liked the trolley?" "Xo, th iy did not.

They liked it for the speed, but they universally objected to it on ac-ount of the noise." THE KATES OF SPEED. "Did ac of tne cars run with what Knoll. l.eltneau. Lewis," unas- Convention has selected men known to be followers of ex-President Cleveland. lev, Linvrf' Londerslager.

Lo wen stem, Convention: Congressman Ii. and Milbank and Fox and OchiHree. The ime will he three miles long, irom City Hall to Fairmount Park. Edward J. Moore is president pieces of real estate near Seventy-first Cheatham, E.

A. White, J. C. Pritchett 1 The Sixth District Democratic Con and John C. Daney (colored).

All are vention, of Massachusetts, to choose del lcLuntrl)lin, Markman, 1'allatt, nirott," Kake, ReiUenbnch, Rossell, Seiberlich, houder. Staufler, Stinger, Stratton, Tom-lin, Van Osten, Walls, White and W. 11. Wilson. Total, 44.

street and Woodland aven ue, the stock of the store 7109 Woodland avenue, and considerable personal projerty. lor Harrison, and the utterances in the etrates to Chicaoro. yesterday adopted a LITTLE ONES ABOUT THE STATE. convention wer unanimous in favor of resolution indorsing Grover Cleveland. Michael a merchant tailor.

bis renomination. 6 Nine freight cars were wrecked on 1 The Twelfth District Democratic was one of the heavy stockholders in the Convention of Massachusetts chose del the Lehigh Valley, near Sugar Notch, yesterday. The Measles Bacillus Discovered. egates to the Chicago Convention. They Kingsessing, and he wants all he can get out of it.

Ho safd: "While the explanation made by Mr. Clegg suited Berlin, April 14 The Post to-day are not pledged to any particular 5 Architect Lansdale reported that ex Voted for trolleys over the Mayor's veto. Street Itatlwny Pnvinr. Mayor Stuart, in a message accompanying a report to him by Director Windrim, "which," he said, "has my unqualified approval," dealt with the pavine of streets by passenger railways announces that canon, or tne This is contrary to expectation, for every one believed the doughtyTexan at least would beard Borrowe in his Savoy Hotel lair this morning, and have the matter out in true Texan fashion. But Ochiltree takes a much more sensible view of the situation.

I met him on the street this afternoon. I do not intend to call on Borrowe," said the coloneL I wash my hands of the entire affair. I am called away to Paris to-day, but even if I was required to I would not have anything to do with the question. To my mind it has gone far enough. However, if they continue to wrangle I shall say something that cavations had been commenced in Chicago for the State Building.

Moabit Hospital, has discovered the some, it does not suit me. He might not have said so, but for several months before he resigned applications had been made tor the withdrawal of mon measles bacillus. At the Eighth Congressional District Democratic Convention, at Worcester, yesterday afternoon, resolutions 6 Walter Green, of Philadelphia, has purchased the Langhorno Manor Hotel, eys, which we had reason to be NOTES FROM THE CABLE. were passed in dorsinn Cleveland and the a popular summer resort, lor State piatiorm ot liftfj. lieve the association earned during the twentv-tour years of its existence.

Thomas Sturgeon, a Pennsylvania A state of siege has been raised in seemed tc be dangerous rapidity?" The Republicans of the Ninth Con- Rio Janeiro ana an is tranquil. "Some of them went very last. We erressional district of Michigan, yester Railroad conductor, of Middletown, wa3 fatally injured yesterday at Hillsdale while coupling cars. with it, 5102,000 of capital stock. A season of closeness of money struck us some months ago, and many of the men The Australian Official Inspector day elected delegates to tbe National Saw one going at tne rate or aoout twenty niles an hour.

That was in in Lunacy, after examining Murderer Convention. No resolutions oi any Kin 6 The survivors ot the Ringgold Bat Deeming at Melbourne, has pronounced instructive or otherwise, were adopted. who were out ot work w-anted their money, and applied for it in the regular manner. I applied for some, but none friends," remarked Judge Sadler at the Continental Hotel yesterday, when questioned regarding his candidacy. "They tell me I shall have a very very generous support In the convention.

I am, however, in full sympathy with tho popular sentiment against judges on the bench participating in any unseemly contest for a political nomination. I fully appreciate, however, the interest shown in my behal" Charles H. Mullin, of Cumberland; D. D. Phillips and Samuel A.

Losch, of Schuylkill, and other active Republicans who Herein town yesterday, predicted that Judge Sadler will have a formidable showing on the first ballot Friends of Judges Dean and Wickham are equally confident Jubilant Jlernoorats. Secretary Harrity and those of his supporters who remained over night at the cor.vention city returned from Harrisburg on the Atlantic Express yesterday morning. State Senators P. Gray Meek, of Cen him sane. The First and Second District tery, Reading, will celebrate tbe anniversary of their departure for the seat of war by a banquet to-morrow evening.

A movement is on foot In Dublin Queens County, N. Republican Buffalo. In general aDout eignt nines appeared be the speed." "Did yen find any cars operated from underground wires!" "Yes. In Chicago. President Love's company has built a road so operated, of us got it Mr.

Clegg said he had none on hand. to obtain the release of Mrs. Annie Mar- Conventions elected delegates to th 6 Fire at the factory of the SouthChester earet Montagu, who a few days ago was State Convention. The delegates will sentenced to a year's imprisonment for All The Fncts Demanded. "I want the members to urge the di probably favor the choice or Harrison may prove highly interesting." The Fox end of the controversy is more complicated.

Fox has not called on Borrowe to ask an explanation of bis remarks made to newspaper men in New York, and Borrowe is equally unsociable. Fox said to-night, "I have put tho matter in the hands of two friends. They have gone to the country to spend the Easter holidays, and I can do nothing until they return." The names of these friends are not Manufacturing Company yesterday destroyed property to the value ot 6000. The fire originated from an electric light in the suturbs. Charles T.

Yerkes, the causing the death of her 3-year-old delegates to the National Convention. rectors to call a special meeting and Traction manager there, talks of adopt daughter. wire. The Wyoming Democratic State ing the system if it proves asuccsss. So Convention, which met at Douglas on Governor Pattison aunounces that Boomers Llvlne In Dry Goods Boxes.

Wednesday, adionrned at noon yester the Philadelphia Horticultural Society, l. 1. AT. I. 1 1 nocicf day.

Six delegates and six alternates occupying them. Since the decision ot the Supreme Court the Mayor said that with the Director he had had several conferences with a committee of the Board of Presidents of the railways, but had not been able to arrive at any" understanding or plan sufficiently tangible to recommend acceptance ot In closing the message said "In view of the fact that this city has, during the past three years, appropriated for the improvement ot her highways over 51,000,000, and in addition has expended nearly $500,000 yet to be reimbursed her by these companies, 11 eem the recommendations contained in the accompanying communication but fair, just and reasonable, and respectfully request that they receive the lavorable consideration of your honorable bodies." The report of the Director dealt with facts and figures of the case. It showed that during 1889 and 1SP0 445,506.83 had been expended by the city on railway streets, the bills for which have had to be put in the hands of the City Solicitor lor collection, and for the year 1592 It is suggested that Councils take steps to make the companies hereafter named do work on streets specified, the estimated cost of which Is set opposite the corporations' name: Citizens' Continental Enrtoire 37,374.75 Watertown, S. April 14. The storm which set in Tuesday night still prevails, and the Sisseton boomers have were elected to the Chicago Convention, the horticultural display at the World's Fair.

far, it has. It haa Deen running six weeks, stt adily and satisfactorily, at the time of visit. The electricians predicted its failure, but it bad proved a success and seemed likely to continue to prove so." "is the underground system much more extensive than the poles and Tne delegation was nninstructed, but forthcoming, and the chances are, there generally favors D. B. Hill for President 6 A 6-year-cJd daughter of John lodged themselves in front of the Land Office with dry goods boxes to protect them from the elements.

The rush still tre; Harry Alvan Hall, of Elk, and B. J. fore, that unless Fox and Borrowe meet by accident there will be a second disappointment as regards a duel. The First Congressional District Republican Convention ot Vermont Turner, of Rosstraver township, est-moreland county, was burned to death continues, every train bringing in loads wires?" was held yesterday alternoon. Hon by her clothing catching nro irom a Commander Forsythe, late of the of would-be settlers.

"Very much; though I cannot say HenTv H. Powers, of Morrlsville, was brush heap. adopt some plan to get at all the facts. Besides tbe 524,000 the capital stock was supposed to have earned in higher appreciations, bonuses and interests, and which cannot be accounted for, 5i000 of the capital stock is gone, while we were doing business presumably on a basis of 5102,000, we were startled to learn that it was now onlv 594,000. Where have the 5000 gone That is a question I want answered, even if the aid of the law must be invoked." W.

J. Dougherty, an ex-director, was found in a blacksmith-shop, and, while he shod ahorse, he said: "I accept Mr. Clegg's statement as being the correct theory, and I understand that a meeting will be held next Tuesday night to hear the report of tho experts. I will fight hard against taking the case into court "Our old association went into liqui just how much." nominated for representative to Con 6 William Delong, brakeman on the United States Cruiser Tallapoosa, which was recently apld at Beunos Ayres, has arrived In London en route to New York. JOTTINGS ABOUT THE CITY.

Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, gress to succeed himself, and delegates to the Minneapolis Convention were elected. Resolutions were passed favor while stepping from his tram at Jiaua- He is accompanied by Paymaster W7il The Reading Railroad Relief Associa noy City, fell through a bridge and was with the result of the convention, were at the hotels last night discussing the work of the convention. Ex-Collector A. Bigler, of Clearfield, and Representative Rush Gillen, of Franklin, who followed the Gufley standard, were at the Lafayette, resigning themselves as best they could to thetr defeat Reybura Club Election. The Reyburn Club has elected for the ensuing year, these officers: tion disbursed 533,550.20 to 1125 claim ing Harrison.

cox. Forsythe has been abroad for three fatally injured. ants during the month of March. Blumeufkld. years.

BEAT LY0IA THOMPSON'S HUSBAND. On Easter Sunday 150 persons will xhe Director ana vnier visneu iwcnes-ter, Buftelo, Cleveland, Chicago and Pittsburg, and the former described thoir investigation of the construction of the various-roads, which, in fact, was the principal object of Chief Walker's tour amo lg the trolleys. "Nowhere," said the Director, "did we have time to give any tudy to the operation of the roads." A RACE ON THE PIANO. be baptised in the Baptist Temple, lhis ROME. MINISTERIAL SHAKEUP IN Comedian De Forent and Broker Camp is an unusually large number for one day.

(n Several Resignations and Finances bell Held Under Buz Bait Special tO THE President, John E. Reyburn; Vice- Patrolman Michael Pickett, of the Very Had Shapa. Special Cable to the New York Herald and published simultaneously lu The Inquiiikr. New York, April 14.

This morning Comedian Charles De Forest and Broker Frwikford and Southwark 40,729.5) GeVninntown 81.00fi.00 Gireen and Coates 31.J.00 Htstonville and Mantua 20,532.75 Lombard and South 23,87 1.00 Peinle's President E. D. Van Horn; Treasurer, Stephon H. Markee, Recording Secretary, J. Wallis Aitken; Financial Secretary, dation last Tuesday evening, after tbe reports were steps were taken to organize a new one.

Some of the prospective members want to call it tho Grover Cleveland, while others think the New Philadelphia will suit it James Campbell played leading parts in a little drama in 'Jefferson Market Twenty-second district was discharged from the force yesterday lor conduct unbecoming an officer. T. Mason Mitchell, 84 years old, residing on Lyceum, Roxborough, one of the best "known citizens of thai Paris, April 14. A Ministerial crisis has unexpectedly taken place in Rome Court where they were arraigned on Philadelphia and Gray's Ferry 11,445.00 Cliestnut and Walnut 20.953.00 Ktilire Avenne li.30ti.O0 George Turner, Trustees, E. J.

Adamson, J. F. Atkinson, Isaac Moore, A. M. Richards, George Turner, Harry Y.

Williams, Charles Griffith, Alexander Peoples, a paper hanger In Allegheny, while standing on a step ladder lost his balance and fell on a pair of shears, which penetrated his left side. Ho is not expected to recover. Joseph Kelly and Thomas Kelly, the tramps implicated in the killing of policeman John Mergott near Tamaqua, pleaded not guilty at a hearing at Potts-ville yesterday and were remanded lor triaL The third attempt In eight days to rob the Keystone Lock Works at Lancaster was made early yesterday morning. The thieves were discovered by a watchman, who fired twice at one of them. A public meeting was held last evening in the Reading Board of Trade rooms in tho interest of a proposed boulevard to extend along the Schuyl in consequence of the refusal of the Min Professor Ferdinand Schlusselbnre I -lays Asalnst Time.

Special to 1 UK INCUIRBR. New "York, April 14. Promptly at eleven o'slock this morning a twelve cliarge of cruel assault upon Manager istry to grant a new credit for the pur fcond and Third 2t.395.00 Ernest Hutchinson, husband ot Liyaia Thompson, tbe burlesque actress. The fevnteenuh and Nineteenth 31.K52 S-i James Magmre, Fred. Miller.

assault took place in the lobby of the rinrteenth and Filteentli 3i.S8.50 "nion 50,046.00 Fourteenth Street Theatre last night ALL FOR GENERAL ALGER. The trouble grew out of Hutchinson KVest Philadelphia 15.376 (JO Catharine and 9,245.00 refusal to extend the usual courtesies of chase of guns. The Minister of War has resigned and several of his colleagues leave office with him. The reason why the King and the Ministers refuse to grant a military credit is because Iialy is suflering from a heavy financial embarrassment and because the iniquitous policy inaugu fLehuru Avenue 8,843.00 the profession," which Comedian Do borough, is seriously ill. Handel's Oratorio of the Messiah will le sung in the auditorium of the Drexel Institute, on Monday evening, by the Philadelphia chorus.

Abel D. Downs, of the firm of Dougherty A Downs, dealors in alcohol and cologne spirits, died on Wednesday at his residence, No. 1807 Spring Garden street Arbor Day was not particularly no Forest blandly requested lor his friend. hours' go-as-you-please race on a piano was start Ml in Peter Geiglis' Harlem Assembly Rooms, at 216 East One-hun-dred-and-i wentieth street Professor Ferdinand Schlusselburg, of Coney Island ami dime museum fame, was the one chiefl interested in it. He was to breaK his previous record ol seven hours.

The prt feasor started off on his race with the Star Spangled Banner." "The Little Fit her Maiden'came next, and Broker Campbell, and himseit Hutchin Michigan Republicans Will Stand toy Him as Lonz as He Has a Chance or Nomination. Detroit, April 14. The Republicans Total ...90,344.82 The Union Committee's Action. A communication from the Union son may not recover. He is sunenng from a fracture of the nasal bone, and kill River from Exeter street to Stout's Ferry.

It will be a macadamized drive rated by Crispi really threatens to ruin this fair country. of Michigan will present the name of Anti-Trolley Committee was presented Russell A. Alger to the National Con ticed yesterday, but the ceremonies of by Mr. Meehan. It cited the notorious vention at Minneapolis as the choice of a severe contusion at the base of the skulL Justice Grady held De Forest and Campbell in 3000 bail each for examination pending tbe result of Hutchinson's injuries.

the Wolverine State for President of the after thai "Where Did lou Get That Hat?" The professor wound up at eleven o'clock Lift evening: with Rubinstein's Unite! States. This was definitely set lour miles in length. At the meeting of the World's Fair Executive Committee in Harrisburg yesterday Governor Pattison and Messrs. Wright, Whitman, Mercur and Gobin were appointed a committee to visit Chicago to secure ground upon which to exhibit the State's coal aud oil industry. The task of forming a new Cabinet has been assigned to Premier Rudini, one of whose objects is to increase the amount of taxes by twenty millions.

That he will succeed seems hardly possible, as the finances of tho kingdom are in a very bad way. Jacques St. Cere. tled tit to-day's convention, and the concertolaG minor, "Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-1 de-ay" an i the classic song, "We won't lriends of Michigan's favorite son main Arrived State of Nebraska, from Glasgow. At Philadelphia Indiana, from Liverpool.

Arrived out Germanic, Xew York for Liverpool. l'uscd Krowheacl: l'ni-dentia, Philadelphia fo Xordonhnm. Passed the Islo of Wijrlit: At frrederickshuven, Nordcn, from 'Philadelphia: at Bristol, Crcsswell. from Philadelphia; at Bremer-liuven, Havel. Iron; New York; at Bristol, Kxeter City, from Sew York; at Loudon, Kbro, from New York.

rr- lmn ntil lYIAfninrf tain that in the delegates selected, Gen May 6, the second day set apart by the Governor, will he observed in most ot the schools. Shippers to ports in Uruguay, whether by direct conveyance or via ports of Great Britain, Europe or South America, will have to certify hereafter fcillK of lading through the Uruguayan Consul at this port Office, 711 Pine street. One copy of each bill of lading must be furnished for filing at the Consulate. WIRES FROM WASHINGTON. gS UUIiin i iiiii iiivuiiiu During entire twelve hours he did not take his hands from the piano, and whatever 1 le wanted to eat was led to him.

THE WEATHER. eral Alger has a following which will stand by him loyally as long as he has a hope of success. The approval of President Harrison's administration was in. conformity with Alger's expressed wishes oi yesterday, AN ATTEMPT TO KILL WORSHIPPERS. MANY DEATHS FROM THE FLOOD.

Two Petards Thrown Into a Proces "DEACON" WHITE'S FAILURE. Assignee Gonld Flips Ills Final Iteport and Accounting. Special to Thb IxoriREtt. New York, April 14. Charles W.

Gould, assignee for S. V. White who tailed last year, filed his final report and accounting to-day in the Court of Common Pleas. The unsecured debts amounted to 51,013,543.94, and the secured debts to 51,742,000. The actual value of the assets over the amount of the secured indebtedness was 5353,228.

4L Per ions Ln Their Lives Near Fifty but it will lie observed that Secretary Blaine came in lor somewhat the larger Forecast ov Washihotow For Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, showers in the early morning followed by clearing winds becoming hijth northwest. 'or Western Pennsylvania, generally fair preceded by light local showers on the lakes; north gales. TESTEUDAT'STESirEBATCBB. share of the encomiums of tbe administration. Every mention of Blaine's name dereliction of the street railway companies to keep streets occupied by them in repair, according to law, and tho decision of the Supreme Couit.

Annexed was a resolution appointing the Committee on Highways to examine in what respect the companies had been derelict, to report the sums due by them to the city and to suggest steps. by which they can be compelled to pave, repaveand keep in good repair the streets occupied bv them. "Upon this resolution Mr. Meehan said: "I need scarcely mention the necessity for this resolution alter the full explanation, upon the subject in the Mayor's communication. The final struggle in the courts has been made and the decision was in favor ot the city, and I hope the resolution will pass and the messages! the Mayor be seut to the committee." Mr.

Smithers said: "I heartily agree with the intention of this petition and the communication that came with it-Why have the companies not fulfilled thoir obligations? Certaiuly not through the fault of Councils, who have passed ordinances regnlating the matter and moving for their enforcement. The law la clear that there has been default, and it remains now to enlorce it." The resolution was agreed to without dissent. The ordinance will now go to the High- was received with hilarious applause. It was shortly alter 12 o'clock when Secretary Bates, of the State Central Comncittee. called the convention to The report that diplomatic relations with Chile are to be gradually broken off is officially denied.

James R. Young, Senate Executive Clerk, was officially notified yesterday that his office had been declared vacant Owing to the depressing weather yesterday Mrs. Harrison's condition was not so favorable as it was on Wed Miss. jACKsoir, April 14. The lowest estimate laced on the loss of life in the flooded district fs fifty, all of whom are negroes.

Most of the damage is in the vicinity of Columtus, which is on tbe bank of the Tomtigbee, but more than three thousand families in the counties of Loundes, Monroe and Moxubee are reported homeless and suffering for the necessarie of life. sion in Madrid's Madrid, April 14. To-day being Holy Thursday, there was a public processiou of worshippers, the priests bearing religious emblems and relics. A considerable crowd watched the processionists as they passed along the streets, a great majority of the bystanders bowing reverently as the religious emblems were carried past them. Everybody in the procession was passing slowly along without the least thought of danger, when suddenly two men in the crowd of onlookers threw two petards directly into the processiou.

L09KF0RTHH HAXDSOSZJjT SUITS Ton evr raw! Thejr arn our window on nnr eomi'-rs. ISoiiietUiiig very far dlUeient fro-u tUss wuiuiod run. Prices antojilsliliijrly low. Bit; of Uuutoe salts w. Ten and TwelTS Dollar.

Ktis'lsh (1st C'nat and Vest. leD Twelve Dollars we liive to kceii filling lu thesa ecry day. overcoats spiling rapidly lxrause we have tlin kiHl-i (he people warn. one tim below regular luices. fivtom lp.rtnienr WorRhis till 10 o'clock at night to i ry to Week up with tne orders.

PJiKKY 0., 1CSO I' KSTNU I trer. Weather. Time. TP- order, and after prayer by the chaplain, presented ex-Congressman Edward P. Ilr.

Veil A Toronto Uroker a Forjser. Toronto, Ont, April 14. A. G. Brown, a young has fled.

It has been discovered that he has gained at least Allen, of Ypsilanti, as the temporary 5fl 8 A.M. 11. I 1 8 p.M.a.i i .0 llioudy. .19 LU lialu. E.

S. E. chairman ot the convention. Mr. Allen, who was subsequently chosen Max.T.

1 00 P.M.).. 47 I Min.T. (7.00 A.M.). 39 550,000 by forging. The extensive nature of the business done by Brown may be permanent chairman, was warmly re Mean leron 43 I normal Temp oi interred from the fact that in one month ceived and opened the convention with Boars of 0.0 Apr.

14, deficiency of temDerature 8 Apr. 14, excess of temp, since April 1 77 a stirring speech. Those in the line were panic-stricken nesday. The Investigation into the. charges against the Census office will be conducted by a sub-committee cf five of the Eleventh" Census Committee.

The Attorney General has declared the legality of the attitude 'and practice of the Treasury Department relative to the Ellis Island expenditures. At the conclusion of the chairman's speech the minor officers were selected Apr M.aenciency ot temp Bincejan. I. fleQ in every direction. The by.

i i 1 1 wtn ti (i fi rs ere also terribly fricrhtenea standers were also terribly anrt the various committees appointed. 'ros Not Guilty of Kllllnz Wilmhs gtox, April 14. In the United States District Conrt this afternoon a verdict of not guilty was rendered in the case of Isaac Cross, charged with shooting Martin Johnson on tbe high seas oQ. Bernegat, January 9. alone his bank account amounted to 5900,000.

Dr. E. E. Davis, of 4513 Aspen street a member of the Twenty-fourth Section School Board, died ot his residence, after a short illness, on Wednesday night' Apr. 14, deficiency of rainfall since Jan.l 1.17 KI.UTI HOXTOOHIXT.

KiltLFI V. JUSTiC. KLIXK MON TC3 OMEKY fc after which the convention took a recess and sought safety in flight In the contusion and excitement the villain who threw the petards made 2SoTK. Showers from 11 A. M.

to 11.30 A. M. Bain storm began 1.03 P. 11. sad coutia-ue at latobervtlou- until .30 P.

M. 14 9. ELKVKNTM St- MKKCHAftX XAlLOEi, Kntghla 'leuiuUr Ceati a weculty. Immediately after the convention re-.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.