[Storyline Guide] Kanto complete walkthrough & Hidden item Guide (2024)

Pallet town

Key items: None

Items: 5x Pokeball (from Prof. Oak after delivering him the package)


Grab the starter, transfer your thingys, kick the rival's ass and just head to Viridian, don't waste your repel yet.

Route 1

Key items: None

Items: Potion (NPC)


Grab the Potion from this guy and continue heading to viridian.

Viridian City

Key items: Oak's parcel

Items: Potion, Macho Brace, TM26

Others: Dream Eater tutor


First enter the pokecenter and heal up. Then go to pokemart. Take the parcel, then collect the Potion on the left side (behind the tree). Now come back to Pallet and hand over the package to the old man. After that teleport to Viridian and head to Viridian Forest.

Route 2

Key items: None

Items: Paralyz heal, Ether


We shall be back here later.

Viridian Forest

Key items: None

Items: Antidote (hidden), Potion (hidden), Pokeball, Potion, Antidote, Potion


First collect the Antidote in the tree here. Head left, turn on the repel and run to take the Pokeball. In the lower right corner there is a Potion. Take it. Go up, be sure to still be in the grass patch because Bug Catcher might like to attack you. If you continue to head north, you'll find another Antidote. Continue going to Pewter, collect the Potion along the way. Here is your first mandatory battle against a Bug Catcher with a level 9 Weedle. Be careful, Weedle is stronk, be sure to bring a good counter for it. Starmie with psychic might do it. Then, collect the hidden Potion here and go to Pewter.

Pewter City

Key items: Old Amber (NPC)

Items: Pokeball, TM39

Others: Seismic Toss Tutor


First, visit the Pokemart and buy yourself a lot of repels. Something like 15-20 is enough to safely reach the location that has Max Repels which you'll be using later on. Head to Brock's gym, but stop along the way to take the hidden Pokeball here. Avoid the camper and reach the leader. Brock will challenge you with a lvl 12 Geodude and lvl 14 Onix. Kill them with Surf/ Vine whip/ whatever your starter or transferred poke has and head to Route 3.

Route 3

Key items: None

Items: Oran Berry, Persim Berry


Here is the route you need to follow to battle as little trainers as possible. Bug catcher Colton will challenge you anyway with 2x lvl 10 Caterpie and a lvl 10 Weedle. RIP in pieces. Follow the path from screenshot. You can grab the Oran Berry (I like doing it- you never know when it will come in handy) or just head to pokecenter. This is the screen where a "mark" on the ground shows that berry lays there, so I am not going to provide screens for berries. Another mandatory battle with a Bug Catcher Greg awaits you. Lvl 9 Weedle, Lvl 9 Caterpie, Lvl 9 Metagod and lvl 9 Kakuna shouldn't be much of a problem (except Metagod). Another battle with another Bug Catcher is ahead, James uses lvl 11 Caterpie and lvl 11 Metagod. Faint them and head to Mt. Moon PC, be sure that Lass with Jigglypuff won't see you though (she moves a lot). Take the Perism berry right to the PC, enter it and heal the sweeper.

Mt. Moon

Key items: Dome or Helix Fossil

Items: TM09, Paralyz Heal, Antidote, Potion, 3x Tiny Mushroom, 3x Big Mushroom, TM46, Ether, 2x Moon Stone, Revive, Rare Candy, Escape Rope


After you enter, use repel. You can go left to grab Bullet Seed and Paralyz heal but it's not worth it (although I like to collect the Bullet Seed TMs, that's just me). Head north, avoid the girl standing next to sign. Go down the ladder and collect the mushrooms. They are hidden here, here and here. Return back- down the ladder is only Antidote and rocket. Go south, avoid the nerd and take the Potion. Go east, Rare Candy is there. Now head north and take the Escape Rope along the way. Run to another ladder, on the west. There is a hidden mushroom here. This time go down the ladder. Collect the Thief TM, now go around the rocket from the down side and take the hidden Ether here. Go back. Around the youngster, watch out for Hiker for not to see you and take the Moon Stone. Go down the ladder and take another mushroom from here. Go forward, down the ladder. Now go north and take the Revive. Avoid the rocket (he spins around), go forward. Battle with Rocket Grunt is ahead, he got lvl 13 Rattata (Quick Attack) and lvl 13 Zubat. Take the hidden Moon Stone here and face the nerd with lvl 12 Grimer, lvl 12 Voltorb and lvl 12 Koffing. Take the Fossil (Helix ftw). Head down ladder and collect Antidote along the way. Go up. Collect the last hidden mushroom here and go out of the cave.

Route 4

Key items: None

Items: Great Ball, Razz Berry, TM05

Others: Mega Kick, Mega Punch Tutors


Grab the Great Ball here. You can collect Razz Berry south-east of that place but it's not worth it until something about those berries will be implemented. Anyway grab the Roar TM and head to Cerulean.

Cerulean City

Key items: Bike

Items: Rare Candy, TM28, TM03


Here is the hidden Rare Candy. Go north and kick Rival's ass. Keep heading north, there are 6 mandatory battles on nugget bridge but they are easy. After beating all the trainers, you will receive a Nugget. Keep in mind to do not overlevel your sweeper if you transferred it from main (a'ka it has diffrent OT). When your sweeper will be lvl 18 or 19, go to gym and finish Misty. Do not stand in front of Misty because gril will challenge you. Defeat her, she uses lvl 18 Staryu and lvl 21 Starmie. Starmie might be a little pain. Now go through nugget bridge again to route 24.

Route 24

Key items: None

Items: TM45, Pecha Berry


Just collect Attract TM and Pecha berry and head to route 25.

Route 25

Key items: S.S. Ticket

Items: Elixir, TM43, Oran Berry, Bluk Berry, Ether


Go around the Hiker and grab the hidden Elixir here. Now you can either fight the trainer that blocks your way to TM43 (Secret Power) or wait until you'll get cut and come back here. I prefer to kick his ass. Collect the berries and hidden ether here. Take the ticket from Bill and go back to Cerulean. Beat the Rocket that stole the Dig TM. then go through Route 5 to Underground Path.

Route 5

Key items: None

Items: None


Lel go to Underground path.

Underground Path

Key items: None:

Items: None


Ok go to Vermilion.

Route 6

Key items: None

Items: Cheri Berry, Rare Candy


After exiting the Underground Path, grab Cheri Berry on the left and Rare Candy on the right, here. Go through the grass and avoid the bug catcher, also by walking around him (through grass). Go down, fight the camper Jeff. He uses lvl 16 spearow and lvl 16 raticate. Afterwards, go to Vermilion city.

Vermilion city

Key items: Bike voucher, Old rod, VS Seeker

Items: Max ether


First of all, collect the Max Ether here. Then get the VS Seeker from the hot gril in the pokecenter, heal your sweeper. Take the Bike Voucher from the Chairman and go to S.S. Anne.

S.S. Anne

Key items: HM01

Items: TM31, Pecha, Chesto, Cherri berries, Great Ball, Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Ether, TM44, Antidote, X attack


Thanks to PlayLikeNewbs I will provide you screens on how the ship looks like:

Medium floor

Bottom floor

Upper floor

After you enter, go left. Second room from the left contains Brick Break TM. Take it and visit 2 rooms: Fifth room from the left is worth visiting to defeat the Gentleman, so is the last room from the left. Head to the kitchen (down left). Grab the berries from trash cans and Great Ball in the lower left corner. Now avoid all other rooms and go below the floor. Grab the hidden Hyper Potion here. First room from the right contains Super Potion. In third there's an Ether. Fourth has very useful Rest TM. Exit the area by going up, and then up again at the upper floor. Second room from the left holds Antidote (lel) but you can battle a gentleman for 2400$ (one poke). Forget about the antidote though as you will need to battle one more trainer which is not worth it. 4th has X attack but once again you will have to battle a trainer- a gentleman, so it's good. Head to Captain's room, kicking Rival's ass along the way. Rub his back and accept the HM01. Exit the ship now and head to Surge's Gym.


If you belive you might have problems during your battle with Surge, simply catch a random Digler in Diglett's Cave- it can alone rip apart the whole gym.

Surge's Gym

Key items: None

Items: TM34


He might be a tough challenge for Starmie but if you collected all the healing items then you'll have easier time with him. Beat the trainers in gym because they're annoying fgts when you are searching for the switches. Sailor uses 2x lvl 21 Pika, Engineer uses lvl 21 Voltorb and lvl 21 Magnemite, and Gentleman uses lvl 23 Pikachu. Your sweeper should be around lvl 26 now. Kick Surge's ass, he uses lvl 21 Voltorb, lvl 18 Pikachu and a lvl 23 Raichu. You'll get a Shock Wave TM. After getting the badge, head to Route 11.

Route 11

Key items: Itemfinder

Items: Awakening, X defend, Escape rope, Great Ball


Right after entering the route, there is an awakening above. Go right, watch out for trainers- though few of them are worth battling: all the Gamers and the Engineer in the very middle of the location, right above the X Defend. In the very middle of the route there is an X defend. On the upper side of passage there is a hidden Escape Rope here. Also collect the Great Ball on the other side by going along the fence. Enter the passage, go up and grab the itemfinder from Oak's phag and exit the passage. Now fly to Viridian and head to Route 2.

Route 2

Key items: HM05

Items: Paralyz heal, Ether


When you reach Route 2, cut the tree, grab the Paralyz Heal and Ether, go into passage and take the HM05 from Oak's Aide. Then fly to Pewter and collect the Old Amber. Now you can head to Cerulean and east to Route 9. If you are doing an alt, you can skip the Amber since gift poke won't transfer to your main anymore (and it has 0% chance to be a shiny as well, basicly just a waste of time).

Route 9

Key items: None

Items: TM40, Ether, Burn heal, Chesto berry, Rare candy


Don't forget to exchange the Bike Voucher before proceeding from Cerulean.

Right after you enter, go down. Take the Aerial Ace tm. Go at the very top, above the sign "CERULEAN CITY- ROCK TUNNEL" and grab the hidden Ether here. Go down one "floor" and head right. Forget about the burn heal in the lower right corner of the area as you would have to battle a Hiker. Go back again and up again at the top floor where Hiker is walking. Grab the Chesto berry and go right from that location. Get the hidden Rare candy from here, now go down and right to enter Route 10.

Route 10, first side

Key items: None

Items: Persim berry, Everstone, Cheri Berry, Super Potion


In the lower right corner, Persim berry is laying. Take it, enter the PC, talk with Oak's uguu to get the Everstone. Exit the PC and cut the tree that blocks your route to the cave and get the hidden Super Potion from here. If you go down, there is also a hidden Cheri Berry. Enter the Rock tunnel.

Rock Tunnel

Key items: None

Items: Repel, Revive, Escape Rope, Max Ether, Antidote

Others: Rock Slide Tutor


Right after you enter the tunnel, use Flash and Repel. Go right to grab another Repel. There is a mandatory fight with Pokemaniac which uses lvl 23 Cubone and lvl 23 Slowpoke. Easy battle. Rek him and go down the ladder in the upper right. Now go down and left, to fight another Pokemaniac. This one has only lvl 25 Slowpoke. Keep heading left to take the Revive. Go back and up, another fight with Picknicker awaits you. She uses lvl 22 Oddish and lvl 22 Bulbasaur. Go right and up, avoid the battle with Pokemaniac, up again and defeat the Hiker on the lower side. He only uses lvl 25 Geodude. Go up again, up the ladder. Fight the first Hiker you see, he uses 3x lvl 19 Geodude, lvl 19 Machop. Now go right, avoid the hiker and take the Escape Rope below him. Avoid the Hiker again and go down the ladder above him. From the new location battle another Picknicker. She uses lvl 21 Jigglypuff, lvl 21 Meowth and lvl 21 Pidgy. Then head up until you reach Max Ether. Go back, defeat the Hiker guarding the passage to the ladder. He uses 2x lvl 21 Geodude and lvl 21 Graveler. Watch out for the Pokemaniac next to the ladder as he spins frequently. Make sure he won't see you. Go up the ladder, avoid the trainers, take the Antidote if you feel like it and go left to have the last battle in this cursed tunnel with another Picknicker. She uses lvl 20 Meowth, lvl 20 Oddish and lvl 20 Pidgy. Kick her ass and exit the Rock Tunnel and enter Route 10 again.

Route 10, second side

Key items: None

Items: Nanab Berry


Just go right, take the Nanab berry and enter Lavender Town.

Lavender town

Key items: Pokeflute

Items: None


Heal your sweeper and go to the Passage on Route 12.

Route 12

Key items: None

Items: TM27


Go above the floor and collect the valuable Return TM from the girl. Now exit the passage and go left from Lavender to enter Route 8.

Route 8

Key items: None

Items: Rawst, Cheri, Leppa Berries.


Go left, avoid the girl and kick the gamer's ass. He uses lvl 24 Growlithe and lvl 24 Vulpix. Cut the tree and collect the berries: Rawst, Cheri and Leppa. Especially Lum and Leppa might prove very useful. Cut the other tree and go through the passage on the upper left. NOTE: Gamer right of the passage uses 2x lvl 22 Poliwag and lvl 22 Poliwhirl and gives 950$ for winning with amulet coin (I like to kill him as polis give speed evs and it's still almost 1k monies, hue).

Underground Path

Key items: None

Items: None


Umm, go through the path to Celadon.

Route 7

Key items: None

Items: Wepear berry


Just go right from the exit of the Path to take the berry and enter Celadon.

Celadon City:

Key items: Tea, HM02

Items: Rare Candy, Ether, TM16, TM20, TM33, TM19

Others: Eevee, Counter Tutor, Softboiled Tutor


After you enter the city, cut the tree on the right side and collect hidden Rare Candy. Now go inside Pokemon mansion from the front side and collect Tea from the Old Lady. Go right, around the pokecenter and then head left to take the Ether. Go inside the mansion from the back and collect the Eevee on the highest floor. You can teach it dig if one of your HM slaves doesn't have it yet. This will come handy. Exit the mansion and go to the top of the Pokemart. Buy 2x Lemonade, 1 Fresh Water and one Soda Pop. Don't drink your second lemonade yet, it will be exchanged for a valuable TM later on. Now go to the little girl and exchange each of drinks to get Light Screen, Safeguard and Reflect TMs. Head left to the place where Snorlax sleeps, cut the tree and follow the path to reach the house where you will obtain Fly HM. Now go to Gym to kick Erika's ass. Fight the Beauty on the right, she uses 2x lvl 21 Oddish and 2x lvl 21 Bellsprout. Gives some nice monies x). Cut the tree above her, battle the Cooltrainer. She uses lvl 22 Bellsprout, lvl 22 Weepinbell, lvl 22 Ivysaur, lvl 22 Gloom, and lvl 22 Oddish. Your sweeper now should be around lvl 28-29. Challenge Erika. She uses lvl 29 Victreebel, lvl 24 Tangela and lvl 29 Vileplume. Piece of cake. Giga Drain TM is yours. You can battle 2 other Beautys for money but that's not necessary. The one next to Erika uses only lvl 24 Exeggcute, other on the left uses 2x lvl 24 Bellsprout. Exit the gym and go to Game Corner.

Game Corner

Key items: None

Items: None


Sweep the Rocket guarding the poster. He uses lvl 20 Raticate and lvl 20 Zubat. RIP in pieces. Turn the switch and go into Rocket Hideout.

Rocket Hideout

Key items: Lift key, Silph scope

Items: Rare Candy, Escape Rope, TM21, Antidote (hidden), Rare candy, Max Ether, Blackglasses, TM49, Moon stone, X Speed, TM12, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Calcium, Net Ball, Nest Ball


Go down and collect the hidden Rare Candy from here. Now go to the room on the left and get the Escape Rope. Now go down 2 times, to the 2nd floor basem*nt. Then, go down and collect Frustration TM. There is a hidden Antidote in the upper left corner of this location if you feel like it. Otherwise just go into the maze. Follow the path to Rare Candy. Now go back and take the path to the lowest floor and collect the Blackglasses ( B) ) along the way. After you enter the lowest floor, take Max Ether from the table, take the Snatch TM from the upper room and battle the Rocket. He uses lvl 21 Koffing and lvl 21 Zubat. Take the Lift Key and go to 1st floor basem*nt. Follow the path to get Moon Stone, then grab X Speed and Taunt TM. Then, go through the maze to get Super Potion. Now again through the maze, and up the stairs to get Hyper Potion. Now get into the elevator and ride to 3rd floor. Go left to collect Calcium and defeat 2 rockets guarding the doors. The one on the left uses lvl 23 Sandshrew, lvl 23 Sandslash and lvl 23 Ekans. The one on the right uses lvl 23 Ekans, lvl 23 Arbok and lvl 23 Sandshrew. Go through the doors and collect your first hidden "hipsterballs" in here- Net and Nest Ball. Now challenge Giovanni. He uses lvl 25 Onix, lvl 29 Kanga and lvl 24 Rhyhorn. Ez. Grab the Silph scope, go to elevator and ride to 2nd floor. Exit the Hideout and fly to Lavender Town. Heal your sweeper and enter the cursed Lavender Tower.

Edited by RysPicz

[Storyline Guide] Kanto complete walkthrough & Hidden item Guide (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.