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Year / month 2009 2009

Boland, R.


Bouwknegt, H.


Bruijn, K. de, Dirven, R. , Eijgelaar, E. & Peeters, P.


Calvi, L.


Calvi, L.


Clark, D. & Byl, P. de


Drion, B., Marée, G. & Melissen, F. Eijgelaar, E.

2009 2009

Gras-Dijkstra, S. Groenendaal, E.

2009 2009

Hermans, O. & Martens, B.


Hutten, Th. Isaac, R.K., Platenkamp, V. & Portegies, A.

2009 2009

Jager, K. de


Jager, K. de


Leeuwen. M. van


Leeuwen. M. van


Lengkeek, J.


Title Kijk, de toerist van mogren. Brazilië, Rusland, India, China The golden crossroads. Multidisciplinary findings for business success from the worlds of fine arts, design and culture, Standing in the shadows, In: Isaac, R.K., Platenkamp, V. & Portegies, A. (eds.), Voices in tourism development: creating spaces for tacit knowledge and innovation. NHTV Expertise Series, pp.229-252, Beyond the simulacrum. A semiotic approach of digital media concept, Reizen op grote voet 2008. Breda: De carbon footprint van vakanties van Nederlanders in 2008 en de ontwikkeling sinds 2002, Disjoint montage in blow up. The role of readers and spectators in pre-digital media. In: Reading and writing new media How to engage users in online sociability, In: Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems, pp. 544-557 Enhancing the IMS QTI to better support computer assisted marking, In: Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions, Chapter 14, Information Sciences Reference Workin' wonderland, Nederland fietsland? Kansen voor de sector en het milieu, In: NRIT (Ed.) Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd 2008/2009, 111-15 Values in tourism. An itinerary to tourism ethics, Transmodern tourism entrepreneurship. An exploratory study on Dutch micro scale tourism entrepreneurship in France, Guidelines for step-by-step application of operational CRM-7-18. A best practice case in Hilton Antwerp, Het talent van Brabant, Voices in tourism development. Creating spaces for tacit knowledge and innovation,

The new tourist and co-creation as a key element of tourism destinations'competitiveness: new challenges in the tourism and hospitality industry, In: Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of higher education in Hungarian tourism and the Hotel Association of Hungary, pp.115122 Toeristische bestemmingen en co-creatie, In: Trendrapport, toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd 2008/2009. The Digital Void: e-NNUI and experience, In: Dalle Pezze, B. & Salzani, C. (eds.), Essays on Boredom and Modernity (Critical Studies vol. 31), Thinking outside the box. A theory of embodied and embedded concepts, Commerciële calculaties in recreatie en toerisme,

Place Breda UK

Publisher, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences Palgrave Macmillan


NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

Bayreuth, Germany Breda

PhD thesis University of Bayreuth

Broadway Cresskill NJ, USA Hershey, USA

NHTV Expertise Series 6

Hampton Press IGI Global

Mankato. USA

Information Science

Nieuwegein Breda

Arko uitgeverij NRIT Media

Meppel Wageningen

Edu'Actief b.v. MSc. Thesis Universiteit van Wageningen, 2009


NHTV Expertise Series 9 tijdelijke uitgave verschenen in juli 2009. Uitgever??

Breda Breda

NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest business school college of commerce, catering and tourism


NRIT Media

Amsterdam/New Rodopi Press York, USA


Uitgeverij Letters en Bits


Lier, H. Luckman, S., Potanin, R.

2009 2009

Lumsdon, L., Weston, R., McGrath, P., Davies, N., Peeters, 2009 P., Eijgelaar, E. & Piket, P. Mainil T. & Platenkamp V. 2009 Nawijn, J., & Veenhoven, R

in press

Nawijn, J.


Offringa, B.


Paquette, A.


Peeters, P. M.


Peeters, P.M. & Williams, V.


Peeters, P.M., Eijgelaar, E., de Bruijn, K.& Dirven, R.


Peeters, P.M., Gössling, S. & Lane, B.


Scott, D., Peeters, P.M. & Gössling, S.


Peeters, P., Williams, V. & de Haan, A.


Roevens, J.


Wheeler, B.


Wouw, B. van de ARTICLES Auteur ?? ?? ??

2009 Year / month 2009/3 2009/7 2009/2



Van experience naar challenge economy, Machinima: Why think "games" when thinking "film"?' In: Knobel, M., Lankshear, C. & Lang, P (eds), DIY Media:Digital Literacies and Learning through Popular Cultural Production,


The European Cycle Route Network EuroVelo. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism, Diving into the contexts of in-between worlds. Worldmaking in Medical Tourism, The effect of leisure activities on life satisfaction: The importance London, UK of holiday trips. IN I. Brdar (Ed.), The human pursuit off well-being: a cross cultural approach The holiday happiness curve. A preliminary investigation into mood during a holiday abroad, Kust tussen de oren, In: Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd 2008/2009, pp. 138-141 Computer graphics for artists II, In: Environments and Characters, 2009, XX, 344 p. 269 Carbon footprint emissiefactoren: versie 2008 en trends 20022005, Calculating emissions and radiative forcing: global, national, local, individual. In: Gössling, S. & Upham, P. (Eds.) Climate change and aviation: Issues, challenges and solutions, pp. 69-87. De 'carbon footprint' van de Nederlandse vakantieganger, In: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Ed.) Toerisme en recreatie in cijfers, 123-137. Moving towards low-carbon tourism. New opportunities for destinations and tour operators, In: Gössling, S., Hall, C. M. & Weaver, D. B. (Eds.) Sustainable tourism futures. Perspectives on systems, restructuring and innovations, pp. 240-257. Can tourism ‘seal the deal’ of its mitigation commitments? The challenge of achieving ‘aspirational’ emission reduction targets,

Peter Lang Publishing Group

Boek?Artikel???? Tourism Analysis (In Review) Springer Publishing

International Journal of Tourism Research. Breda

NRIT Media

London, UK

Springer Publishing


NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

London, UK


Den Haag / Heerlen

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

New York, USA Routledge

rapport NHTV??

Technical and management reduction potential, In: Gössling, S. & Upham, P. (Eds.) Climate change and aviation: Issues, challenges and solutions, pp. 293-307. Systemic constellations work in organisations,

London, UK



NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

The arts and tourism, In: Tribe, J., Philosophies of tourism, pp. 191-207 Woordenboek populair Frans - Nederlands,

Clevedon, UK

Channel View Publications


Uitgeverij Arti-Choc

Article title Universiteit als voorbeeld voor duurzame samenleving. Trends en ontwikkelingenfestivalcatering in Nederland International FM comparison research: lectoraat FM in Breda voert internationaal onderzoek uit Jong, vernieuwend, hip en sexy = starterskring?


Journal/paper, edition, pp. Facto Magazine, nr. 3, p. 42-43 Misset Catering, nr. 4, p. 18-20 FMI nr. 2, p. 54 FMI, nr. 4, p. 101


Bevolo, M.


Editorial Advisor, ESOMAR Research World magazine, Amsterdam. In such capacity, author of a regular "thought leader" interview monthly feature, with interviews granted by (specific references to each single article available on request) - Luca De Meo, CEO, Alfa Romeo, Turin - Mark Tungate, journalist and author, Paris - J.W. Sieburgh, Managing Director, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam - R. Nesselaar, CMO, City of Rotterdam - Davide Quadrio, Founder, ArHub, Bangkok / Shanghai - Rudy Provoost, CEO, Phiilps Lighting, Amsterdam - M. Zaman, CEO, RFF, Singapore - R. Shofu, Executive Manager, Hakuhodo, Tokyo - R. Soh, Past President, Singapore Society of Architects, Singapore - Lyndon Neri, Founder, Design Republic, Shanghai - Bianca Cheng, Executive Manager, Jade Investments, Beijing - Richard Meier, Architect, New York - Carola Saba, Communication Manager, United Nations, New York

Boland, R. & Wheeler, B.


Bows, A., Anderson, B. & Peeters, P. M. Byl, P. de

2009 2009

Calvi, L.. Cassella, M., Conte, G. & Caccialupi, R Calvi, L. & Donoso, V.

2009 2009

Calvi, Licia


Conference report on the second international colloquium on tourism and leisure Air transport, climate change and tourism. Making Web3D Less Scary: Towards Easy-to-Use Web3D eLearning Content Development Tools for Educators, L’usabilità nei depositi istituzionali. Un caso di studio: B@bele Self-regulated and informal learning: understanding how new digital contexts support learning processes Personal networks as a autonomous case for online communities: two case

Cornelis, P.


studies Build it and they will come...but what's the return on investment?

Drion, B. Drion, B. Dubois, G., Ceron, J.-P., Peeters, P. & Gössling, S.

2009/1 2009/10 in press

Ent, M. van der


Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Peeters, P.& Scott, D.


Horsten, P., Aalst, P. van der, Zegers, K. & Wijs, S. de Horsten, P., Wijs, S. de, Zegers, K.& Broek, M. van den Horsten, P. & Dorp, B. van Horsten, P. & Rooijackers, M. Hover, M. Isaac, R.K.

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

Isaac, R.K. Koning, R., Bardoel, J., Nuijten, K. & Borger, S.

2009 2009

Kruijf, J. de, Hopmans, J. & Berkel, B. van


Landré, M


Liempt, A. Lukken, G. Lumsdon, L. & Peeters, P. M Mensink, Herman Mensink, Herman

2009/7 2009/2 2009 2009/2 2009/5

Uitdagingen voor de ondernemende facilitair manager Werkplek wordt ontmoetingplaats The future tourism mobility of the world population. Emission growth versus climate policy, Kansen en bedreigingen in het tijdperk van de ontketende reisconsument The future of tourism. Can tourism growth and climate policy be reconciled? A climate change mitigation perspective, Colin in Schotland Evaluatie leidt tot evolutie, Colins creatieve marktplaats Fysieke cultuurclustering: what’s in it for us? Custard Factory maakt pas op de plaats, Imagineering en Floriade Alternative Tourism: Can the Segregation Wall in Bethlehem be a Tourist Attraction? Master of Arts in Pilgrimage and Tourism. De schuivende achterban van de Nederlandse publieke omroep. Infrakosten verhalen op bouwprojecten: Tilburg geeft verkeerskundige invulling aan nieuwe Wet RuimtelijkeOrdening (WRO) Analyzing yachting patterns in the Biesbosch National Park using GIS technology. Wijk, identiteit en de kunst van het binden "Vakgebied is natuurlijk niet zo zwart-wit" Transport and Tourism: Is there a Sustainable Future? . De instapkaart, Creditcardtoeslag,


Chiang Mai

Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, Vol. 1, pp.107-113 Tourism and Hospitality: Planning & Development, 6 (1), pp.7-20. Innovate, Vol 5. No. 5. Biblioteche Oggi, vol. XXVII, 3, pp. 16-26 Interaction Design & Architectures Journal. International Journal of Web-based Communities, vol. 5, 1, pp. 49-65 ParkWorld Jaarboek Facilitair Management - Arko uitgeverij Business Nationaal Transportation Research Part , Elsevier Ltd. NRIT Trendrapport Toerisme, Recreatie en Vrijetijd 2008/2009 Tourism Recreation Research. MMNieuws nr 1 MMnieuws nr 3 MMnieuws nr 3 MMNieuws Volume 11, nr 5 Total Identity 2.0 Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 6(3) pp.221-228 Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 5(1) pp.73-76 Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap 37(2), pp.133 – 154

The Netherlands Verkeerskunde, nr. 8

Technovation (29) pp. 602-610. UNCOVER, editie3, pp.8-10 Recreatie en Toerisme nr.1, p.33 Tourism and Hospitality: Planning & Development, 6 (1), pp.1-5 Zakenreis, p. 38 Zakenreis, p.38


Nawijn, J.

in press

The holiday hapinesscurve: a preliminary investigation into mood during a holiday abroad

International Journal of Tourism Research

Nawijn, J. & Marchand, M. et al.

in press

Vacationers happier, but most not happy after a holiday

Applied Research in Quality of Life

Nawijn, J. & Peeters, P. M

in press

Travelling ‘green’: Is tourists’ happiness at stake?,

Peeters, P.M.


Het toeristisch klimaat.

Peeters, P.M.


Pro-poor tourism, climate change and sustainable development.

Peeters, P. M. Peeters, P.M. & Dubois, G.

2009 in press

Peeters, P.M. Platenkamp, V., de Haan, T.Z. & Portegies, A Poel, H. van der & Hoekman, R. Reichwein, O. & Peeters, P.M. Roevens, J. & Goele, G. Roevens, J. Rooijackers, M. Rooijackers, M. & Horsten, P. Secomandi, F., Hultink, E.J. & Snelders, D. Schendel, A. van Staal, P. & Vermeulen, F. Uijterwijk, J. & F. Schouten.

Ummels, T. & Mierlo, J. van Walsum, J.van Wheeler, B. Wijs, S. de, Aalst, P.v.d., Horsten, P. & Zegers, K. Zeeuw, W.de. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Auteur Bevolo, M., Gofman, A. & Moskowitz, H Bevolo, M., Gofman, A. & Moskowitz, H. Bevolo, M., Shofu, R. (Hakuhodo, Tokyo), Moskowitz, D. & Moskowitz, H. (Moskowitz Jacobs, NY) Bikker, J. & Reijerse, R. Calvi, L., Caccialupi, R., Cassella, M. & Conte, G.

18-3-2010 Current Issues in Tourism NRIT (Ed.) Trendrapport Toerisme, Recreatie en Vrijetijd 2008/2009, pp.58-61. Breda. The Netherlands Tourism Recreation Research, 34 (2), pp.203-205 http://www.nachhaltigkeit.at/article/articleview/77254/1/25540/ Journal of Transport Geography

Das Märchen vom nachhaltigen Tourismus, Exploring tourism travel under climate change mitigation constraints, 2009/2 TTRA congres door NHTV Breda en Inholland Rotterdam – Breng vervoer en toerisme bij elkaar, Knowledge production in tourism: Contextual learning processes in 2009 destination studies 2009 Sport: speelbal voor ruimtelijke ordening 2009/1/10 Al reizend duurzaam blijven doen. 2009/11 Dossier systeemdenken in HR: de kracht van de context 2009/7 Effects of international systemic constellations work. London, UK 2009 Gaan voor geluk. 2009 Custard Factory maakt pas op de plaats. 2009 From quality surveys to new touchpoints - a challenge for service design. 2009/2 Evaluatie van het WK Veldrijden 2009 in Hoogerheide 2009 The big question 2009 De lange mars door het binaire landschap; het academiseringsproces van NHTV internationaal hoger onderwijs Breda. 2009/7 Rol evenementen steeds belangrijker bij marketing stad, Glazen Huis in Breda sprekend voorbeeld, 2009/4 Leisure en de bezoeker van de binnenstad 2009 Heritage tourists, responsible, (f)or what….? 2009/7 Uncover 3: Social Design. 2009 Academisering en de intrinsieke motivatie van NHTV-lectoren en docenten. Year / month Title presentation Place 2009/9 Sustainability, Higher Margins and opportunities in the economic crisis 2009/6 Premium driven innovation design Vienna, Austria 2009/6 Putting fragrance in perspective

ÏSPIM Conference Paper ESOMAR Conference paper presented and award-nominated best paper 2009

2009 2009/9

Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference 2009 European Conference on Digital Libraries

Calvi, L. & Donoso, V.


Cornelis, P. Cornelis, P. Cornelis, P. Cornelis, P. Eijgelaar, E.

2009/3 2009/5 2009/6 2009/10 2009/4

Hermans, O., Melissen, F. & Agteren, R. van


Hermans, O. & Mutsaerts, H.


A Precalculated Pointset for Caching Shading Information, Usability evaluation of a multimedia archive: B@bele. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5714. Mobile learning in higher education: adoption and discussion criteria Verantwoord investeren in nieuwe attracties?! Effecten van nieuwe attracties Impact of new attractions Marketing for emerging theme park leaders Voluntary carbon offsets a solution for reducing tourism emissions? Assessment of communication aspects and mitigation potential. Customer relationship management and performance management: exploring an actionable relationship in hospitality Guest relationship management principles as a reference point for building your brand: the case of a Dutch hospitality group's brand building process

Corfu, Greece

Recreatie en Toerisme, nr.1, p. 38 Tourism Analysis, Volume 14 number 4 Rooilijn 42 (2), pp. 458-465 Trouw, p 46 HRMagazine, nr.163 The Knowing Field Journal Uncover 3. Colin. MMNieuws, 4, pp.25-26 Touchpoint 1(2) pp.45-47 Website gemeente Woensdrecht Hospitality, nr. 16 Th&ma 16, pp. 56-59

UNCOVER People, editie 3, SCN; "Shopping Centre Nederland" jaargang 11 nr.2 Tourism Recreation Research, vol.34 (1), pp. 84-87 Colin Magazine Th&ma 16, pp. 50-55.

Conference ËSOMAR Congress Paper

Barcelona, Spain Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2009 Dagtoerisme Limburg VZW (DAL) Vaals. The Netherlands Minisymposium theme park management Breda, the Netherlands Vienna, Austria Members meeting TEA European Attraction Show Amsterdam, the Netherlands Transport and Tourism. Challenges, Issues and Conflicts. Proceedings of the Rotterdam / Breda, the Netherlands Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe 2009 Annual Conference – 4664. Breda: TTRA. conference proceedings of 2009 I-CHLAR Conference The Hague, The Netherlands Silver award best conference research paper conference proceedings of 2009 Tourism Conference Rhodes Island, Greece



Isaac, R.K.


Jager, K. de


Jager, K. de


Landré, M


Co-creation as a strategic element of tourism destination competitiveness Co-creation as a strategic element of branding a tourism destination Transport and Tourism. Challenges, Issues and Conflicts.

Newman K.


The Troubled Transition to Game Study Projects

Proceedings of 3rd International conference of destination branding and marketing Proceedings of the Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe 2009 Rotterdam / Breda, the Netherlands Annual Conference In: Proceedings of Digital Games Research Association Conference, Digra09 Londen, UK

Piket, P.


Indirect taxes and subsidies for international tourism passenger transport and conflicts with climate policies: a European case study.

IN: Landré, M. (Ed.) Transport and Tourism. Challenges, Issues and Conflicts. Breda, the Netherlands Proceedings of the Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe 2009 Annual Conference – Rotterdam / Breda, the Netherlands, p.217-233. TTRA.

Portegies, A. & Boland, R.


Roevens, J., Sjoerd, W. & The, R.


Paper presented at the second international conference on impacts of movies and television on tourism Machen Sie die bewaehrten FM Praktiken Ihrer Mitarbeiter in Echtzeit sichtbar Frankfurt, Germany Make your best human FM practices visible in real time (Frankfurt: Mesago FM Congress Book) Just being themselves? Goals and strategies for self-presentation Memphis, USA Paper, submitted for the Southern States Communication Association 80th annual conference of Facebook.

Rosenbaum, J.E., Johnson, B.K., Stepman, P.A. & Nuijten, 2009 K.C.M.

Integrated guest profitability management: guest relationship management, revenue management and customer profitability analysis Alternative Tourism in Bethlehem, Palestine

Helsinki, Finland EuroChrie Conference

Hermans, O., Talonen, J., Krakhmal, V. & Vleuten, M. van der

Uses of cinema

18-3-2010 Amman, Jordan International Tourism Conference 'Traditions and Transformations: cultural change and transformation: culture, heritage and tourism' Bournemouth, UKProceedings of 3rd Advances in tourism marketing conference Macau, China

Hong Kong


2. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS, not published Auteur Barten, C.

Year / month 2009

Boland, R.


Boland, R & Portegies, A. Bouwknegt, H. & Kruse, J.

2009/5 2009

Byl, P. de Byl, P. de

2009 2009

Calvi, L. & Boost, A.


Calvi, L. & Wilde, M. de


Calvi, L. & Cassella, M.


Calvi, L.


Calvi, L. Dini, D. Drion, B. Drion, B. Drion, B. Drion, B. Drion, B. Drion, B. Drion, B. Eijgelaar. E.

2009/9 2009 2009/1 2009/6 2009/6 2009/8 2009/10 2009/10 2009/11 2009/11

Ennen, E.


Ennen, E. & Fonds,T.


Heritage planning in reverse: no heritage without users

European Conference on Digital Libraries Corfu, Greece GDC Europe Lyon, France Facilitair 's Hertogenbosch,Vakbeurs the Netherlands Hospitality Consultants Congres Valkenburg, the Netherlands European Facility Management Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands Schetsdag de Kamers Amersfoort, the Netherlands Bouwstenen voor Sociaal Lunteren, the Netherlands IFMA België Congres Huy, Belgium Nationale studiedag FM Amsterdam, the Netherlands Warsaw, Poland The iron curtain trail awareness-raising workshop for Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Norway Paper presented at 2nd UNESCO-ICCROM Asin Academy for Heritage Macao, China Management Conference Urban Heritage and Tourism: challenges and opportunities Paper presented at 2nd UNESCO-ICCROM Asin Academy for Heritage Macao, China

Gössling, S., Peeters, P.M. & Scott, D.


The post-Kyoto emissions challenge for tourism

Management Conference Urban Heritage and Tourism: challenges and opportunities presented at the Post-Kyoto Emissions Challenge for Tourism conference Eastbourne, UK Paper

Hassreiter, S. & Nuijten, K. Hover, M. Hutten, T.J.H.M. Hutten, T.J.H.M. Hutten, T.J.H.M. Hutten, T.J.H.M.

2009 2009/5 2009/7 2009/11 2009/10 2009/3

Safeguarding cultural diversity within the context of the NWICO Imagineering and storytelling External quality Assurance Op zoek naar talent? Verenigingen met talent? Talentontwikkelingen, van selectie naar leerperformance

Paper presented at the 3rd annual conference of the institute of communication Leeds, UK. Presentation at expert meeting Nationale Raad voor Winkelcentra, Taskforce Rotterdam, the Netherlands Qingdao, China Keynote speaker at International Forum on Higher Vocational Education Lezing voor Stichting Topsport Kennemerland Kennemerland, the Netherlands Lezing voor Kenniscentrum Breedtesport Breda Breda, the Netherlands Het belang van Bewegen, studiedag VVS Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Jager, K. de


The new tourist and co-creation

Masterclass Sociale innovatie kenniscentrum kusttoerisme Renesse, the Netherlands

Konig, R.P., Bardoel, J. & Nuijten, K.


Paper presented at the annual IAMCR conference Mexico City, Mexico

Maanen, E. van


From collective emancipation to individual citizenship. A longitudinal analysis of the membership of Dutch public service broadcasting associations, 1979-2005. Colonial heritage: a plural interpretation

Nawijn, J.


The effect of a holliday trip on tourists' happiness

Nawijn, J.


The challenges of a sustainable leisure lifestyle

Title presentation Conservation, sustainability and community development; the case of Siem Reap Movies, tourism and ethics: what I know about morality and obligations in tourism I ow to the cinema (apologies to Albert Uses of Cinema. Media Innovation, Inaugural Professorial and Media Lab launch

Place Macao, China

Conference Paper presented at Asian academy for heritage management conference


Hong Kong, ChinaPaper presented at the Second International Conference on Impacts of Movies and Television on Tourism Hong Kong, ChinaPaper presented at the Second International Conference on Impacts of Movies and Television onofTourism Breda University Applied Sciences

IADIS International Multiconference on eLearning Is there an Augmented Reality Future for eLearning Portugal Breda University of Applied Sciences Augmented Learning, Inaugural Professorial and Media Lab launch Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH2009) Conference Digital cultural communication: the role of social media to enhance Rotterdam, the Netherlands the communication between cultural institutions and their audiences Using Bb as a repository for e-theses: a case study Barcelona, Spain Bb World Europe 2009 New journals models and publishing perspectives in the evolving digital environment. Mobile learning in higher education: adoption and discussion criteria Usability evaluation of a multimedia archive: B@bele Design, Constraints and Integrity Facility performance monitoring Facilitaire regieorganisatie Facility performance monitoring Gastvrijheid en beleving Gastvrijheid en beleving Kostenbeheersing en -flexibiliteit Sourcing en regieorganisatie The iron curtain trail as a EuroVelo route. Strengths and weaknesses. Results from the EuroVelo studies The commodification of a chestnut, visitors and authenticity: the impossible combination?

Milan, Italy

IFLA World Library and Information Congress

Barcelona, Spain IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2009

Paper presented at 2nd UNESCO-ICCROM Asin Academy for Heritage Management Conference Urban Heritage and Tourism: challenges and opportunities Aalborg, DenmarkPaper presented at Experiencing differences: changing tourism and tourists' experiences Macao, China

Paper presented at the Transport and Tourism, Challenges, Issues and Conflicts, Breda, the Netherlands Breda University of Applied Science 6

Nawijn, J.


The challenges of a sustainable leisure lifestyle

Paper presented at the Transport and Tourism, Challenges, Issues and Conflicts, Rotterdam, the Netherlands InHolland University

Nawijn, J.


Tourism and happiness

Paper presented at the Promotieseminar 2009, vakgroep sociologie Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Nawijn, J.


The holiday happiness curve: mood during a holiday abroad

Preston, UK

Nuijten, K.C.M., Pellengahr C.E. & Byl, P. de


Recall and recognition of in-game advertising: Effects of environment, ad presentation, and difficulty

Ghent, Belgium Paper, intended for the annual Etmaal voor de Communicatiewetenschap conference

Offringa, B. MSc. & Smeenge, M. MSc.


A Model for Seaside Tourism: Visitors experiencing the Seaside. Congres: Perspectives of Seaside Tourism: Challenges for Science and Business.


Ouwerkerk, F. van


ICOM Nederland annual meeting 'Musea en toerisme' Musea en Toerisme, vluchten kan niet meer, cultuur als cadeautje Otterloo, the Netherlands

Ouwerkerk, F. van


How educaion and cultural action can make the difference in a global village

Reijkjavik, Ijsland ICOM-CECA 'Museum education in a global context - priorities and processes'

Peeters, P.M.


Climate change and tourism. A scientific background,

COP15 side event on 'Climate justice and tourism', EED Tourism Watch Copenhagen, Denmark

Peeters, P.M.


Tourism, transport and climate change. Ethical issues between inefefctive and unwanted solutions.

TTRA European Chapter Conference 'Transport and tourism: challenges, issues Rotterdam / Breda, the Netherlands and conflicts' (keynote)

Peeters, P.M.


De carbon footprint van vakanties van Nederlanders,

presented at the customer day of NBTC-NIPO Haarlemmermeer Paper (Schiphol), the Netherlands

Peeters, P.M.


Het toeristisch klimaat. Reizen op grote voet 2008

Paper presented at the congres 'Vrijetijdsstudiedag Duurzaamheid: niet denken Etten-Leur, the Netherlands maar doen'

Poel, H. van der


Professionalisering in de sportvereniging

Inleiding Vrijetijdsnetwerk Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Poel, H. van der


Sport, stad en identiteit

Inleiding Landelijke Sociologiedag Utrecht, the Netherlands

Poel, H. van der


Vrijheid: bron van waardecreatie

Masterclass Leisure en Detailhandel Den Haag, the Netherlands

Poel, H. van der


Naar een gemeentelijk bewegingsbeleid

Inleiding Jubileumcongres NISB Ede, the Netherlands

Poel, H. van der


Rotary Nieuwveen Olympische Spelen 2028: een gezonde ambitie, of hebben we iets Nieuwveen, the Netherlands beters te doen?


Paper presented at Tourist Experiencing: meanings, motivations, behaviours

University of Klaipeda


Poel, H. van der


De strijd om vrije tijd en ruimte: gevolgen voor sportparken

Inleiding voor de VSG conferentie voor sportwethouders 'Het sportpark van de Arnhem, the Netherlands toekomst'

Proper, J.W.


Strategic thinking session about the supply chain management profession

CSCMP St. Petersburg, USA

Proper, J.W.


Logistiek optimalisatie

Mace: SCOR Ijsselstein, the Netherlands

Proper, J.W.


The future of the resilient public transport

Nantes, France UITP

Proper, J.W.


Logistic competences in higher education

Sante Fe, USA


Proper, J.W.


Education in transportation

Chicago, USA


Proper, J.W.


Future of engineers

Congres Feani Den Haag, the Netherlands

Put, W.


Impact of user generated content on the travel decision making process

Eye for Travel Sales and Marketing Summit 2009 Prague, Czech Republic

Roevens, J.


Managing yourself in times of chaos

Masterclass Hochschule Bremerhaven Bremerhaven, Germany

Rooy, P. de


Customer loyalty in the performing arts

Paper for 17th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM) Maastricht, the Netherlands

Self-disclosure and self-presentation on social network sites. A qualitative study on Hyves-users. Investigation the extraordinary

Paper, presented at the annual Etmaal voor de Communicatiewetenschap Nijmegen, the Netherlands conference British academy of management annual conference Brighton, UK Brighton, UK

Stepman, P., Schollmeyer, L., Heijnekamp, D. & Nuijten, K. 2009 Stierand, M. & Dörfler, V.


Stierand, M., Dörfler, V. & MacBryde, J.


Ummels, T. & Mierlo, J. van


Van der Voort-Kruk, A.


Wheeler, B.


Innovation of extraordinary chefs: development process or systemic phenomenon? Rol evenementen steeds belangrijker bij marketing stad, Glazen Huis Breda sprekend voorbeeld Promoting the value of cultural diversity in commercial communications education and in agencies The best of times: the worst of times

Wheeler, B.


Sustainable tourism? Time to exit fantasy land

Wheeler, B.


What do they know of tourism who only tourism know

Wheeler, B.


The pernicious myth of sustainable tourism

Wheeler, B.


Wheeler, B. Wijs, S. de Wouw, B. van de Zegers, K. 3. OTHER (Columns, Interviews, Ingezonden brieven etc.) Auteur Bikker, J. Bikker, J.

2009/6 2009/2 2009/3 2009/2 Year / month 2009 2009

From pier revue to peer re-view. Donald Mc.Gill's legacy to contemporary tourism In the realm of the raucous. Donald Mc.Gill: king of the saucy Colin, networkorganisation for creative businesses Argot à gogo Cultural Clusters Title A precalculated pointset for caching shading information Real time ray tracing


British academy of management annual conference UNCOVER people, editie 3

EFCCE (European Foundation for Commercial Communications Education) conference Istanbul, Turkey The cities as creative spaces for tourism, keynotespeaker Vienna, Austria

Sustainable tourism… Just do it Etten Leur, the Netherlands Keynotespeaker Beyond the boundary: creating new epistemologies for tourism Bridgetown, Barbados Keynotespeaker International conference on sustainable tourism management Chiang Mai, Thailand Klaipeda, LithianiaSeaside Tourism Conference Resorting to the coast: tourism, heritage and cultures of the seaside Blackpool, UK Barcelona, Spain Atlas Winter University Congres voor docenten Frans Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands Barcelona, Spain Atlas Winter University Place

What Consultancy presentation to Intel Graphics Research team Guest lecture Delft University Delft, the Netherlands


Bouwknegt, H. Bouwknegt, H. Byl, P. de Byl, P. de Calvi, L. & Cassella, M. Davies, O. Drion, B. Drion, B. Goossens, K. Goossens, K. Hover, M. Hover, M. Hover, M. Hover, M. & Jensen, N. Hutten, T.J.H.M.

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009/11 2009 2009/11 2009/2 2009 2009 2009/11 2009/9 2009/1 2009/3 2009/7 2009/11

Hutten, T.J.H.M. & Klerks, Y. 2009/12 Landré, M 2009/5 Nie, H. de Ouwerkerk, F. van Proper, J.W.

2009/1 2009/4 2009/8

Research at NHTV Medialab Serious games and future learning and teaching technologies Computer game technologies and the future of teaching and learnng Review of the ECDL 2009 conference, D-lib The history of machinama De visie van… Gastheershap, effectiviteit en beleving Procedural road creation Soulful charecters for video games The magic of fairy tales

Presentatie voor Europese HBO raad Presentatie cross media café Mediapark Hilversum, the Netherlands Presentation to the board of governors NHTV Breda, the Netherlands

Concertour: transport and tourism

Chair Rotterdam, the Netherlands Change management program at Master's level involving 8 graduating students. Bremerhaven, Germany See: http://organizewithchaos.ning.com Letter to the editor, Strategy & Business Cursus ‘Get Connected’ i.o.v. Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten Amsterdam, the Netherlands Cursus ‘Get Connected’ i.o.v. Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten Amsterdam, the Netherlands Cursus ‘Get Connected’ i.o.v. Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Presentation to commissionaire to the queen of Holland and advisors Review Presentation at International Film Festival Breda Column in Facility Management Magazine Column in Facility Management Magazine nr. 167 (p. 51) Video tutorial for CMIVFX CG&ASI-2009-11-0147, IEEE Computer Graphics and applications Workshop for Department of imagineering of the Efteling Kaatsheuvel, the Netherlands Workshop for members of Educational Tour Orlando: suppliers/stakeholders from Maurik, the Netherlands the field of recreation and leisure Creativity Imagineering / creativity Workshop for delegation from Manchester Metropolitan University Breda, the Netherlands Rotterdam, the Netherlands Workshop for Rotterdam Festivals & various stakeholders Imagineering / creativity & storytelling Qingdao, China Workshop at International Forum on higher Vocational Education Internal quality assurance or internal quality management? Hoe maak je een leisure gebied multifunctioneler en productiever? Rotterdam, the Netherlands De rol van gebieds- en accomodatiemanagement Masterclass op Vakbeurs Leisure & Sport Totaal Helsinki, Finland Decision support systems for tourist destination planning Workshop given at Haaga-Helia University op Applied Sciences Business model lecture and panel discussion on opening day. New network for Vertrek en ontdek creatives Guestlecture Reinwardt Academy, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Cultuur en toerisme, trends en ontwikkelingen, kansen voor musea Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Organise with chaos Leading in times of chaos Inleiding op CRM. Klantkennis: klantgedrag en klantbeeld CRM strategie

Roevens, J. Roevens, J. Rooy, P. de Rooy, P. de Rooy, P. de 4. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Auteur Arensbergen, R.v., Nijssen, B., Ploeg, Q.v.d. & Welle, W.(Graduates FM) Borst, L. van den, Schoevers, S. & Harms, J. (ROP) Hooff, S.van & Arts, A. (Graduates FM) Horen, N. van (Graduate FM)

2009/11 2009/1 2009/2 2009/5 Year / month 2009/7

Article title Sustainable facility management

2009/2 2009 2009/7

Nieuwe recreatiemogelijkheden dichterbij huis dan gedacht Het vakantie project Bezoeker wil gezonder eten!

Scheele, J., Vrij, E. & Stelt, K. v.d. (ROP)


Bufferzones rond luchthavens. Een ongekende mogelijkheid


Journal/paper FMI, nr. 6 (pp. 72 -73) Recreatie en Toerisme Stichting Kleurrijk Leven voor Suriname Trends & Ontwikkelingen Festival Catering Nederland. Catering Misset + www.missethoreca.nl ROM Magazine



other specifications

ISBN 9 789051 796711 Conference proceedings! NHTV ES 8

NHTV ES 7 ISBN 9 789051 796711 Conference proceedings! NHTV ES 8 ISBN: 978-963-715927-5

PhD thesis, ISBN 97890-9024487-7 ISBN 9789490611019



ISBN: 978-1-84882469-0,

NHTV Expertise Series

ISBN 9789080411128



ISSN 1 757 031x














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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.