Passenger train - Vale (2024)

Passenger train


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  • Who we are Passenger train - Vale (1) Passenger train - Vale (2)

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    Who we are

    We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.

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    Passenger train - Vale (10)

    Passenger train - Vale (11)

  • What we do Passenger train - Vale (12) Passenger train - Vale (13)

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    What we do

    We extract ore and transport it through a a complete logistics chain, which includes railroads and ports. In our activity, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, care and integrity.

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    Access the page Mining Passenger train - Vale (17)

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    Iron ore is present in the solutions that transform people's lives, contributing to the evolution of society. Today we are the largest producer of iron ore and nickel in the world, in addition to operating in other segments. Come and discover each product and its curiosities.

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    Where are we

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    Passenger train - Vale (29)


    Click on the states below to learn more about our performance in each location.

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    Passenger train - Vale (44)

    Passenger train - Vale (45)

  • Our people Passenger train - Vale (46) Passenger train - Vale (47)

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    Passenger train - Vale (49)

    Our people

    People are at the center of our decisions. We value individual talent and seek to be more diverse and inclusive, acting with respect and practicing open dialogue.

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    Access the page Proud to be Vale Passenger train - Vale (52)

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    Passenger train - Vale (54)

    Proud to be Vale

    We are made by people and for people. With each job done, we receive a new opportunity to transform our work environment and the world we live in. Get to know our action fronts.​

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    Access the page Opportunities for professionals Passenger train - Vale (58)

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    Passenger train - Vale (60)

    Opportunities for professionals

    Our recruitment process has been changing and is in line with the cultural transformation we are going through. Access the job vacancies portal and come be part of this history.

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    Access the page Trainee Program

    Access the page Opportunities for students Passenger train - Vale (63)

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    Passenger train - Vale (65)

    Opportunities for students

    Have you ever thought about starting your professional life at a company that invests in people and in a transparent and inclusive work environment? Get to know our Internship and Professional Training Program.​

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    Passenger train - Vale (71)

    Passenger train - Vale (72)

  • Investors Passenger train - Vale (73) Passenger train - Vale (74)

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    We work with transparency for those who already invest with us or are thinking of becoming part of our investor base. Access documents, quotes, and key indicators of our business.

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    Access the page Information to the market Passenger train - Vale (80)

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    Information to the market

    Follow our events calendar, access documents and the main Vale’s financial reports.

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    Access the page Announcements, Results, Presentations and Reports

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    Access the page Dividends, Debts and Debentures

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    Passenger train - Vale (90)

  • Suppliers Passenger train - Vale (91) Passenger train - Vale (92)

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    We believe that business partners are essential to live our purpose, to improve life and transform the future - together. Learn about our guidelines to be part of our supply chain.

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    Access the page I'm a Supplier (Brazil only) Passenger train - Vale (96)

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    I'm a Supplier (Brazil only)

    We seek to work with a chain of suppliers that contribute to a more ethical and fairer society. Our relationships are based on honesty, dialogue and transparency. Learn more about our materials and services.​

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    Access the page Payment status (Brazil only)

    Access the page Requesting pickups (Brazil only)

    Access the page Schedule deliveries (Brazil only)

    Access the page Mobilization and Demobilization (Brazil only)

    Access the page How to measure (Brazil only)

    Access the page Registration of suppliers (Brazil only)

    Access the page Receiving and returning quotes and orders (Brazil only)

    Access the page Treatment of discrepancies in orders and tax invoices (Brazil only)

    Access the page How to send invoice (Brazil only)

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    Passenger train - Vale (112)

    Passenger train - Vale (113)

  • Our Future Passenger train - Vale (114) Passenger train - Vale (115)

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    Passenger train - Vale (117)

    Our Future

    We want to transform the future. For this reason, we are already working with local communities and different sectors of society with the aim of leaving a positive social, economic, cultural and environmental legacy. Discover our initiatives.

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    Access the page Culture Passenger train - Vale (119)

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    We believe that living the culture makes it possible for people to expand their knowledge and create new perspectives for the future. In this regard, for over two decades Vale has invested in and fostered the multiple Brazilian cultural manifestations.​

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    Access the page Sustainability Passenger train - Vale (124)

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    Passenger train - Vale (126)


    We think, dialogue, design and build, together, a future for mining and for the planet, while taking care of the present. Learn more about our commitments to sustainability.​

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    Access the page Innovation Passenger train - Vale (130)

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    Innovation is one of the main pillars for achieving our purpose. We use technology to redesign our ways of working. Learn how.​

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    Passenger train - Vale (136)

  • Reparation Passenger train - Vale (137) Passenger train - Vale (138)

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    We will never forget Brumadinho. We have learned from our history and we are committed to the full reparation of the communities and people impacted by the dam collapse, in accordance with the signed legal agreement.

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    Passenger train - Vale (147)

    Passenger train - Vale (148)

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    Vitória-Minas Railway

    Passenger train traffic on the Vitória-Minas Railroad will be suspended in both directions on Wednesday (05/01) for operational reasons. Transport will resume in the Cariacica-BH direction on the main line on Thursday (05/02) and normalize in both directions on Friday (05/03). The train will run again on the stretch between Itabira and Nova Era from Sunday (05/05).

    Passengers affected have 30 days to request a refund or reschedule their trip free of charge. We regret the inconvenience and reinforce our commitment to the safety of passengers, employees and communities.

    If you have any questions, please call Alô Vale (0800 285 7000).

    Carajás Railroad


    We inform that we are no longer issuing tickets for continuing your journey on board the train. It is therefore necessary to check the DESTINATION of the ticket issued in order to disembark at the indicated location.


    The train leaves São Luís on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., boarding ends at 7:50. Arrival in Parauapebas is scheduled for 23:50. On Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, the train leaves Parauapebas at 6am, boarding ends at 05h55. Arrival in São Luís is scheduled for 22:00. We recommend arriving half an hour before boarding time at all stations.

    Passenger train - Vale (160)

    Passenger train - Vale (161)
    Passenger train - Vale (162)

    Every day, tens of thousands of stories pass through our trains

    Operating over 2,000 kilometers of railroad network, we operate two passenger trains and one tourist train.

    We want a Brazil free of human trafficking, don't you? Vale is engaged in this fight. Watch the content about the theme and be aware of possible signs during journeys on our Passenger Trains.

    Passenger train - Vale (163)

    Passenger train - Vale (164)


    Vitória-Minas Railroad

    Vitória-Minas Railroad

    Every day, at 7 am, a train departs from Cariacica, in the metropolitan region of Vitória, Espírito Santo, bound for Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, arriving around 8:30 pm. At the same time, a train leaves the capital of Minas Gerais at 7 am and ends the trip at 8:30 pm, in Cariacica.

    There is also an additional train that runs between Itabira and Nova Era, both in Minas Gerais. On the train, there is a railroad car that works as a snack bar, another for a restaurant, an exclusive car for wheelchair users, air conditioning and on-board service.

    Learn about the railroad map

    Check prices and buy your ticket

    Passenger train - Vale (169)

    Fotógrafo: xxxx

    From Pedro Nolasco to Belo Horizonte

    Lorem, ipsum.
    Station Arrival Departure

    Pedro Nolasco (Cariacica)



    Flexal (Cariacica)






    Aricanga (Ibiraçu)



    Piraqueaçu (João Neiva)






    Itapina (Colatina)



    Mascarenhas (Baixo Guandu)



    Baixo Guandu











    Conselheiro Pena



    Barra do Cuieté



    São Tomé do Rio Doce (Galiléia)






    Gov. Valadares



    Pedra Corrida






    Frederico Sellow (Belo Oriente)






    Intendente Câmara (Ipatinga)



    Mario Carvalho (Timóteo)



    Antônio Dias



    D Drumond (Nova Era)



    João Monlevade



    Rio Piracicaba



    Dois irmãos (Barão de Cocais)



    Belo Horizonte



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    From Itabira to D. Drumond

    Lorem, ipsum.
    Station Arrival Departure




    D. Drumond (Nova Era)



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    From Belo Horizonte to Pedro Nolasco

    Lorem, ipsum.
    Station Arrival Departure

    Belo Horizonte



    Dois irmãos (Barão de Cocais)



    Rio Piracicaba



    João Monlevade



    D Drumond (Nova Era)



    Antônio Dias



    Mario Carvalho (Timóteo)



    Intendente Câmara (Ipatinga)






    Frederico Sellow (Belo Oriente)






    Pedra Corrida



    Gov. Valadares






    São Tomé do Rio Doce (Galiléia)



    Barra do Cuieté



    Conselheiro Pena












    Baixo Guandu



    Mascarenhas (Baixo Guandu)









    Piraqueaçu (João Neiva)









    Flexal (Cariacica)



    Pedro Nolasco (Cariacica)



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    From Itabira to D. Drumond

    Lorem, ipsum.
    Station Arrival Departure

    D. Drumond (Nova Era)






    '),r==rt_responsive_table_object.length-1&&(t(window).resize(function(){(!is_iOS||is_iOS&&rtStartingOuterWidth!==t(window).width())&&(rtStartingOuterWidth=t(window).width(),fix_responsive_tables())}),rt_responsive_table_count=t("table.rt-responsive-table").length,t("table.rt-responsive-table").each(function(r,e){var a;a="table.rt-responsive-table-"+r,rt_css_code='

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    Buying tickets

    In addition to an online ticket office, the EFVM passenger train service also has some external points of sale along the railroad, to facilitate your purchases and make your journeys even better.

    You can buy tickets up to 30 business days before travel at points of sale, at train stations or on the internet. You cannot buy a ticket on the day of travel. To buy a ticket, you need to present an official photo ID to permit your identification, such as:

    • a Brazilian national identity card (RG);

    • a driver’s license;

    • a photo ID card issued by a professional association (OAB, CREA, etc.);

    • a work card;

    • a valid passport;

    • an ID card issued by a federal or state judicial or legislative body;

    • a document issued by a ministry or entity reporting to the Presidency of the Republic.

    Only original documents or authenticated copies are accepted.

    You can pay in cash or by credit card. If you use a credit card, you can pay in up to six monthly instalments. Promotions are advertised here on this website, at train stations and on the trains.

    Children up to five years of age travel for free, but they must sit on their parent or guardian’s lap. Only one child may travel for free in this way per paying passenger. Children aged six and older pay the full fare. For babies or infants in car seats, you must buy a ticket for an extra seat on the train.

    You must provide your correct ID details when buying a ticket, as your name needs to be on the ticket. In line with Article 10 of Decree 4,308 of 2014, passengers may be prevented from traveling if their details are inconsistent and there is not enough time to correct them before boarding.

    Normal Ticket
    – Full fare.

    Elderly Person’s Ticket (Decree 9,921 of 2019) – Economy

    – This is an economy class ticket governed by Law 9,921 of 2019, for passengers aged 60 and older, whose income is lower than two minimum salaries. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    Disabled Person’s Ticket (Decree 3,691 of 2000)
    - People with disabilities who have a federal government disabled person’s card are eligible for free economy class travel, in accordance with Decree 3,691 of 2000.

    Low-Income Youth Ticket (Decree 5,063)

    - This is an economy class ticket governed by Decree 5,063 of 2016, for passengers aged between 15 and 29, who belong to a household with monthly income of up to two minimum salaries, are registered with the federal government’s Social Programs Registry (CadÚnico) and have a Youth ID Card issued by the federal government. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    If people report the wrong age, fail to present the documentation required by law or falsely claim to have special needs in an attempt to buy a ticket designed for disabled people, low-income youth or low-income senior citizens, they will not be allowed to board, their ticket will be cancelled and they will not be eligible for reimbursem*nt, given that such conduct constitutes a crime, according to Article 299 of the Penal Code.

    Tickets may be acquired no later than one day before the day of travel. You cannot buy a ticket to travel on the same day.

    Children aged six years and older pay the full fare. Children aged up to five years ride for free, but they must sit on the lap of their parent or guardian.

    There is a limit of one child traveling for free per paying adult. Please note that even when travel is free, you need to get a ticket from the ticket office.

    The Elderly People’s Statute mandates the provision of two free seats per train, in economy class, reserved for passengers aged 60 or over (and whose income is no more than two minimum salaries). If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount (valid only for interstate journeys and in economy class). ID and proof of income must be presented, both when buying the ticket and on the day of travel.

    This is an economy class ticket governed by Decree 5,063 of 2016, for passengers aged between 15 and 29, who belong to a household with monthly income of up to two minimum salaries, are registered with the federal government’s Social Programs Registry (CadÚnico) and have a Youth ID Card issued by the federal government. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    Find out more

    You can book an excursion for more than 20 people, accompanied by a registered guide, via our excursions channel. Please email no later than 30 days before the day of travel.

    The provision of free tickets is guided by the collective employment agreement of the union to which the employee or retiree in question belongs. If you have any questions about the availability and quantity of free tickets, please contact your union or local labor relations area.

    Changes to tickets

    The online ticket purchase system for the Vitória-Minas Railroad passenger train service allows passengers’ names to be changed on the website ( up to 24 hours before boarding. If physical tickets have already been issued, you can only change them at a station ticket office. Please note that each ticket states the name of a specific passenger and any discrepancies in personal details on tickets will make it impossible to board.

    Note: If a message in red text appears at the top of the screen, saying “Tickets already printed out – please go to a ticket office to change your tickets,” you will have to go to a ticket office to change your ticket details, no later than 30 minutes before boarding.

    Tickets acquired at a train station or point of sale

    The current ticketholder will have to go together with the new passenger to a ticket office or the current ticketholder must present the new passenger’s ID document to make the change. In order to alter any ticket details, all ticketsmust be handed in.

    You can change your date of travel up to one year after you buy a ticket, no later than one day before the new date. There is a penalty of 20% of the ticket price and it is billed three hours before the train leaves.

    In accordance with National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT) Resolution 5,974 of 2022, cancelations with up to six hours of notice give rise to a 5% penalty. Less than six hours before departure, cancellation is no longer permitted, although it is possible to reschedule to a different travel date, subject to a 20% penalty.


    You can choose from three travel classes when buying a ticket:

    Three seats per row, individual power sockets, reading light, individual audio system, footrest. The seats are wider, more comfortable and can recline more.

    Four seats per row, one power socket for every two seats.

    Railcar for people with disabilities

    There is an exclusive railcar for people in wheelchairs.

    If someone falsely claims to use a wheelchair or to be accompanying someone in a wheelchair in order to buy a ticket in the railcar for disabled people, they will not be allowed to board and they will be instructed to go to the ticket office to cancel their ticket and request another one in a different travel class. If such a request is made less than three hours before departure, they will lose the right to reimbursem*nt or rescheduling, given that such conduct constitutes a crime, according to Article 299 of the Penal Code.

    ID card, driver’s license, work card, card issued by a regional work council or valid passport.

    If your document is stolen or robbed, or you lose it in any other way, we will accept a police incident report containing the details of all lost documents, valid for 30 days.

    Read the special boarding procedures for foreigners, minors, elderly people and people with disabilities below.

    Non-Brazilians need to show their passport in order to board. This is the only document accepted, except in the case of passengers from Mercosul member countries.

    Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and their ID and a document proving their relationship must be presented.

    When not accompanied by a parent or guardian, minors may only embark if they present authorization from the Child and Youth Protection Court or a notarized letter of authorization from the parents. This letter must specify the full details of the child and anyone accompanying them, the origin and destination of travel, and validity period. Only original documents or authenticated copies will be accepted.

    Children aged between 12 and 17 may only board if they present photo ID, in accordance with National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT) Resolution 4,308 of 2014.

    In line with ANTT resolutions 4,308 of 2014 and 5,974 of 2022, as of November 24, 2015, it is mandatory to issue a ticket for children aged up to five years who are sitting on the lap of their parent or guardian.

    The aim is to identify all passengers who board the train. This ticket is free of charge!

    Only one suitcase and one bag for personal use is permitted per passenger. You may not take perishable food on board with you.

    Passengers are responsible for all their baggage, including while they are taking it from the boarding gate onto the train.

    The Vitória-Minas Railroad’s passenger trains have an exclusive railcar for people in wheelchairs and those accompanying them, as well as two free seats. Economy class cars have a seat suitable for people with limited mobility, obese people and pregnant women.

    When you purchase a ticket, you can fill out a space to indicate any specific needs you may have. This will help the onboard team better serve you.

    No, and smoking is not permitted on board.

    Passengers may not take any animals on board, except guide dogs.

    Guide dogs travel for free, alongside their owner and under their control, in the front row. Guide dogs must be equipped with a harness, though a muzzle is not necessary. They must have an ID card and ID tag issued by a guide dog training center or independent instructor, containing the following information:

    In the case of an ID card:

    1. Name of user and guide dog;
    2. Name of training center or independent instructor;
    3. Corporate taxpayer identification number (CNPJ) of center or company responsible for training or individual taxpayer number (CPF) of independent instructor;
    4. Photo of user and guide dog.

    In the case of an ID tag:

    1. Name of user and guide dog;
    2. Name of training center or independent instructor;
    3. Corporate taxpayer identification number (CNPJ) of training center or individual taxpayer number (CPF) of independent instructor.

    Mandatory items:

    - Up-to-date vaccination card, proving that a multi-vaccine and anti-rabies vaccine have been administered, signed by a registered vet.

    - The dog’s equipment, consisting of a collar, leash and harness with a strap.

    - The ID tag must be worn around the guide dog’s neck.

    To find out what times passenger trains will pass through your local station, Vale runs an exclusive passenger train helpline: 0800 285 7000. Select your nearest station and buy your ticket now, which will allow you to enjoy beautiful landscapes and experience new stories.

    Passengers should arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to avoid any problems.

    Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and their ID and a document proving their relationship must be presented.

    When not accompanied by a parent or guardian, minors may only embark if they present authorization from the Child and Youth Protection Court. Only original documents or authenticated copies will be accepted.

    Children aged between 12 and 17 may only board if they present photo ID, in accordance with National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT) Resolution 4,308 of 2014.

    Children up to five years of age travel for free, but they must sit on their parent or legal guardian’s lap. Children aged six and older pay the full fare.

    You can take a baby in a car seat onto the train with you, provided it fits on a train seat. In this case, as the baby won’t be transported on your lap, you need to buy a ticket for them.

    In line with ANTT resolutions 4,308 of 2014 and 5,974 of 2022, as of November 24, 2015, it is mandatory to issue a ticket for children aged up to five years who are sitting on the lap of their parent or guardian. The aim is to identify all passengers who board the train. This ticket is free of charge!

    The Elderly People’s Statute mandates the provision of two free seats per train, in economy class, reserved for passengers aged 60 or over (and whose income is no more than two minimum salaries). If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount (valid only for interstate journeys and in economy class). ID and proof of income must be presented.

    The following documents are accepted as proof of income, as established in Decree 9,921 of 2019:

    I – Work and Social Security Card, containing up-to-date annotations;

    II – Pay slip or another document issued by employer;

    III – Proof of contributions to National Social Security Institute (INSS);

    IV – Benefit payment statement or declaration issued by INSS or another public or private sector pension scheme (only valid up to 90 days after date of issue);

    V – Document or card issued by state or municipal social welfare secretariat or a similar institution.

    The Vitória-Minas Railroad’s passenger trains have an exclusive railcar for people in wheelchairs and those accompanying them, as well as two free seats. Economy class cars have a seat suitable for people with limited mobility, obese people and pregnant women.

    People with hearing impairments also have a special passenger train communications channel. Call 0800 021 9934 to find out specific information about procedures.


    The trains have a dining car and buffet car. There is also a food and drink trolley service. In the dining car, you can order items from the onboard menu.

    You can order a meal from a trolley service attendant directly from your seat, but you may choose to eat it in the dining car once you receive it, if you prefer.

    The buffet car sells ready-to-eat items, such as water, coffee, juices, soft drinks and candies.
    The dining car sells items such as hamburgers, pizzas, sausage sandwiches, fried snacks and cheese breads, as well as drinks.

    Trolleys also circulate through the economy and executive class railcars, letting passengers buy food and drink from the comfort of their seat. You can buy drinks, fried snacks, cookies and other items from the menu, as well as order lunch or dinner (in a take-out box). Lunch is served as of 10:30 am.

    Trolleys circulate through the economy and executive class railcars, letting passengers buy food and drink from the comfort of their seat. You can buy drinks, fried snacks, cookies and other items from the menu, as well as order lunch or dinner (in a take-out box). Lunch is served as of 10:30 am.

    You can pay in cash or using PicPay, PIX, debit card or credit card (providing there is a 3G or 4G phone signal).

    No, you cannot. Alcoholic drinks or toxic substances may not be consumed on the train or in stations.


    If you have any queries, suggestions or complaints about the Vitória-Minas Railroad’s passenger train service, you can call our exclusive “Alô Ferroviais” train helpline on 0800 285 7000.

    It’s a 24/7 direct community communications channel and calls are free. Among other things, you can find out the arrival and departure times of trains.

    The passenger train service also has a communications channel for people with hearing impairments: 0800 021 9934.

    Carajás Railroad

    Carajás Railroad

    The trains of Carajás Railroad (ESC) run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, connecting São Luís, in Maranhão, to Parauapebas, in the southeast of Pará.

    The train leaves São Luís on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., boarding ends at 7:50. Arrival in Parauapebas is scheduled for 23:50. On Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, the train leaves Parauapebas at 6am, boarding ends at 05h55. Arrival in São Luís is scheduled for 22:00.

    We recommend arriving half an hour before boarding time at all stations. On the train, there is a car that functions as a snack bar, another as a restaurant, a car exclusively for wheelchair users, air conditioning and on-board service.

    Buy your ticket

    Passenger train - Vale (170)

    Fotógrafo: xxxx

    Low Income Youth

    Section IX

    Right to Territory and Mobility

    Article 32. In the interstate public transport system, the following shall be observed, under the terms of specific legislation:

    I - the reservation of two (2) free spaces per vehicle for low-income youth;

    II - the reservation of two (2) spaces per vehicle with a discount of at least fifty percent (50%) on the ticket price, for low-income youngsters, to be used after the spaces provided for in item I are exhausted.

    DECREE No. 8.537, OF OCTOBER 5, 2015

    Section II

    Reservation of parking spaces for low-income youth in vehicles of the interstate public transport system

    Article 13. As defined in

    article 32 of Law No. 12,852, of August 5, 2013

    , low-income youngsters will be reserved two free spaces on each vehicle, railroad train or vessel of the conventional interstate passenger transport service, and two spaces with a discount of fifty percent, at least, of the ticket price, to be used after the free places are exhausted.

    § 1 For the purposes of the provisions of the head provision, the following are included in the condition of conventional transport service:

    I - interstate passenger road transport services, provided in a vehicle with basic characteristics, with or without toilets, on regular lines;

    II - interstate passenger railroad transport services, on regular lines; and

    III - interstate waterway transport services, open to the public, carried out in rivers, lakes, lagoons and bays, which operate regular lines, including crossings.

    § 2 In order to make use of the free spaces or with a fifty percent discount provided for in the head provision, the beneficiary shall request a single travel ticket for the youngster, at the carrier's points of sale, at least three hours in advance of the departure time, from the starting point of the transport service line, and may request the issuance of the round trip ticket, observing the ticket sales procedures.

    § 3 In the existence of sections, at the section points duly authorized for boarding passengers, the reservation of seats shall be available until the time defined for the starting point of the line, as provided for in § 2.

    § 4 After the period set forth in § 2, if the reserved seats have not been granted the benefit referred to in this Decree, the companies providing the services may offer them for sale.

    § 5 While the tickets for the seats referred to in § 4 are not sold, they will continue to be available for free and half-fare benefits.

    § 6 The youngster shall appear at the boarding terminal up to thirty minutes before the scheduled time for the start of the trip, under penalty of losing the benefit.

    § 7 The youngster’s travel ticket is nominal and non-transferable and shall contain a reference to the benefit obtained, whether free of charge or a fifty percent discount on the ticket price.

    Article 14. When requesting the youngster travel ticket, the interested party shall present the Youth Identity Card accompanied by an identification document with a photo issued by a public body and valid throughout the national territory.

    Sole paragraph. When the benefit is not granted, the companies providing transport services shall issue to the applicant a document that will indicate the date, time, place and reason for refusal.

    Article 15. The beneficiary cannot make a reservation at more than one time for the same day and same destination or for times and days when the trip proves to be impracticable and characterizes the domain of seat reservation, to the detriment of other beneficiaries.

    Article 16. The youngster's travel ticket will be issued by the company providing the service, in compliance with tax legislation and ANTT and Antaq regulations.

    Sole paragraph. Companies providing transport services shall inform ANTT and Antaq of the movement of users entitled to the benefit, per section and per status, at the frequency and in the manner defined by these Bodies in regulation.

    Article 17. The low-income youngster holding the benefit referred to in article 13 will have ensured the same rights guaranteed to other passengers.

    Sole paragraph. Fees for the use of terminals, tolls and food expenses are not included in the benefit.

    Article 18. Low-income youngsters are subject to passenger identification procedures when presenting for boarding, in accordance with the defined by ANTT and Antaq.

    Article 19. In addition to the benefits provided for in article 13, companies providing transport services are entitled to grant low-income youngster a minimum discount of fifty percent of the ticket price for the other available seats on the vehicle, railroad convoy or vessel of the interstate passenger transport service.

    Article 20. The companies providing transport services will make available at all points of sale of tickets, whether physical or virtual, a copy of

    article 32 of Law No. 12,852, of 2013

    , and this Decree.

    Article 21. The benefit referred to in article 13 will be addressed in a specific resolution by ANTT and Antaq, ensuring the availability of a report on free vacancies and discounted vacancies granted.

    Buying tickets

    Besides an online ticket office, the EFC Passenger Train service also has some external points of sale along the railroad, to facilitate your purchases and make your journeys even better.

    You can buy tickets up to 45 days before travel, at points of sale or on the internet. To buy a ticket, you need to present official photo ID to permit your identification, such as:

    • a national identity card,
    • a driver’s license,
    • a photo ID card issued by a professional association (OAB, CREA, etc.),
    • a work card,
    • a valid passport,
    • an ID card issued by a federal or state judicial or legislative body, or
    • a document issued by a ministry or entity reporting to the Presidency of the Republic. Only original documents or authenticated copies are accepted.

    You can pay in cash (onboard the Passenger Train) or by credit card (at a point of sale or on the internet).

    Children up to five years of age travel for free, but they must sit on their parent or guardian’s lap. Only one child may travel for free in this way per paying passenger.

    Children aged between 6 and 11 pay a lower fare, depending on the destination. Children aged 12 and older pay the full fare.

    You must provide your correct ID details when buying a ticket. In line with Resolution 5,974 of 2022, passengers may be prevented from traveling if their details are inconsistent and there is not enough time to correct them before boarding.

    Normal Ticket
    – Full fare.

    Elderly Person’s Ticket (Resolution 2,030 of 2007) – Economy
    – This is an economy class ticket for passengers aged 60 and older, whose income is up to two minimum salaries. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    Disabled Person’s Ticket (Decree 3,691 of 2000)
    - People with disabilities who have a federal government disabled person’s card are eligible for free economy class travel, in accordance with Decree 3,691 of 2000.

    Low-Income Youth Ticket (Decree 5,063)
    - This is an economy class ticket governed by Decree 5,063 of 2016, for passengers aged between 15 and 29, who belong to a household with monthly income of up to two minimum salaries, are registered with the federal government’s Social Programs Registry (CadÚnico) and have a Youth ID Card issued by the federal government. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    If people report the wrong age, fail to present the documentation required by law or falsely claim to have special needs in an attempt to buy a ticket designed for disabled people, low-income youth or low-income senior citizens, they will not be allowed to board, their ticket will be cancelled and they will not be eligible for reimbursem*nt, given that such conduct constitutes a crime, according to article 299 of the Penal Code.

    Yes, provided there are seats available. However, you can buy tickets up to 45 days before travel and we recommend securing your ticket in advance.

    Children up to five years of age travel for free, but they must sit on their parent or guardian’s lap. Only one child may travel for free in this way per paying passenger.

    Children aged between 6 and 11 pay a lower fare, depending on the destination.

    Children aged 12 and older pay the full fare.

    The Elderly People’s Statute mandates the provision of two free seats per train, in economy class, reserved for passengers aged 60 or over (and whose income is no more than two minimum salaries). If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount (valid only for interstate journeys and in economy class). ID and proof of income must be presented, both when buying the ticket and on the day of travel.

    This is an economy class ticket governed by Decree 5,063 of 2016, for passengers aged between 15 and 29, who belong to a household with monthly income of up to two minimum salaries, are registered with the federal government’s Social Programs Registry (CadÚnico) and have a Youth ID Card issued by the federal government. Two free seats must be available for these people per train. If these seats have already been taken, two more eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount.

    Find out more

    The provision of free tickets is guided by the collective employment agreement of the union to which the employee or retiree in question belongs. If you have any questions about the availability and quantity of free tickets, please contact your union or local labor relations area.

    Changes to tickets

    To transfer your ticket to someone else, you will have to go to a Vale ticket office or may lend your original ID document to the new passenger to make the change. In order to alter any ticket details, all old tickets must be handed in.

    You can change your date of travel by up to one year, no later than one day before the new date. There is a penalty of 20% of the ticket price and it is billed three hours before the train leaves.

    In accordance with National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT) Resolution 5,974 of 2022, cancelations with up to six hours of notice give rise to a 5% penalty. Less than six hours before departure, cancellation is no longer permitted, although it is possible to reschedule to a different travel date, subject to a 20% penalty.


    You can choose from two travel classes:

    Three seats per row, individual power sockets, reading light, individual audio system, footrest. The seats are wider, more comfortable and can recline more.

    Four seats per row, one power socket for every two seats. The seats can recline a little.

    ID card, driver’s license, work card, card issued by a regional work council or valid passport.

    Digital documents accepted: Digital driver’s license or voter registration card. (A screenshot or photo is not legally valid. You need to access the official system to be valid).

    You won’t be allowed to board if you do not resemble the photo on your ID or if your documents have been tampered with.

    Passengers aged 18 years or older will not be allowed to board if the photo on their official ID is that of a child or young teenager.

    If your document is stolen or robbed, or you lose it in any other way, we will accept a police incident report containing the details of all lost documents, valid for 30 days.

    Non-Brazilians need to show their passport in order to board. This is the only document accepted, except in the case of passengers from Mercosul member countries.

    Read the special boarding procedures for minors, elderly people and people with disabilities below.

    Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and their ID and a document proving their relationship must be presented.

    When not accompanied by a parent or guardian, minors may only embark if they present authorization from the Child and Youth Protection Court or a notarized letter of authorization from the parents. This letter must specify the full details of the child and anyone accompanying them, the origin and destination of travel, and validity period. Only original documents or authenticated copies will be accepted.

    Children aged between 12 and 17 may only board if they present photo ID, in accordance with National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT) Resolution 5,974 of 2022.

    Two bags per passenger will be allowed, up to a weight limit of 35 kg, sized according to the space available on the Train.

    You may not take perishable products onto the Train, apart from food for consumption during the trip.

    Any items carried by passengers must not harm the comfort and safety of other passengers and train operations due to their nature or size.

    Electronic products must be accompanied by a tax invoice.

    Please pay attention to your belongings while traveling. It is your responsibility to look after them and make sure you have them with you when you disembark.

    The Passenger Train have an exclusive railcar for people in wheelchairs and those accompanying them, as well as two free seats. Economy class cars have a seat suitable for people with limited mobility, obese people and pregnant women.

    No and smoking is not permitted on the Train, in the stations and at stops.

    Only one small domestic animal (between 28 and 35 cm in height at the withers), weighing up to 10 kg, is allowed per passenger. You must present a vaccination card and health certificate issued by a veterinarian (valid for 10 days), and the animal must be kept in a suitable container of an appropriate size. Your pet must be able to stand up, turn around and lie down inside this container, and it must be rigid. The animal will be transported as checked baggage and it must not be removed from the container.

    Passenger train - Vale (171)

    Guide dogs are the only animals allowed to stay next to their owner throughout the entire journey.

    Guide dogs travel for free, alongside their owner and under their control, in the front row. Guide dogs must be equipped with a harness, though a muzzle is not necessary. They must have an ID card and ID tag issued by a guide dog training center or independent instructor, containing the following information:

    ID card:

    1. Name of user and guide dog;

    2. Name of training center or independent instructor;

    3. Corporate taxpayer identification number (CNPJ) of center or company responsible for training or individual taxpayer number (CPF) of independent instructor;

    4. Photo of user and guide dog.

    ID tag:

    1. Name of user and guide dog;

    2. Name of training center or independent instructor;

    3. Corporate taxpayer identification number (CNPJ) of training center or individual taxpayer number (CPF) of independent instructor.

    Mandatory items:

    - Up-to-date vaccination card, proving that multi-vaccine and anti-rabies vaccines have been administered, signed by a registered vet.

    - The dog’s equipment, consisting of a collar, leash and harness with a strap.

    - The ID tag must be worn around the guide dog’s neck.

    To find out what times the Passenger Train will pass through your local station, Vale runs an exclusive Passenger Train helpline: 0800 285 7000. Select your nearest station and buy your ticket now.

    Passengers should arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to avoid any problems.

    At São Luís and Parauapebas stations, boarding ends 10 minutes before the train departs.

    Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    When not accompanied by a parent or guardian, minors may only embark if they present authorization from the Child and Youth Protection Court. Only original documents or authenticated copies will be accepted.

    0 to 11 years: Birth certificate or declaration of live birth (within 30 days).

    12 years and over: Official photo ID (original or authenticated copy) is required (national identity card, work card, passport, driver’s license or any other photo ID valid in Brazil). Digital documents accepted: Digital driver’s license or voter registration card.

    Children accompanied by uncles, aunts or grandparents:

    In the case of children up to 12 years old, you must show their birth certificate and official photo ID of their parent or guardian, allowing you to prove that you are the child’s grandparent, uncle or aunt (with the same surname, without any alterations).

    In the case of children aged between 12 and 16, you must show their official photo ID or birth certificate, as well as official photo ID of their parent or guardian, allowing you to prove that you are the child’s grandparent, uncle or aunt (with the same surname, without any alterations).

    Children up to five years of age travel for free, but they must sit on their parent or guardian’s lap. Only one child may travel for free in this way per paying passenger. Children aged between 6 and 11 pay a lower fare, depending on the destination. Children aged 12 and older pay the full fare.

    You can take a baby in a car seat onto the Train with you, provided it fits on a Train seat. In this case, as the baby won’t be transported on your lap, you need to buy a ticket for them.

    The Elderly People’s Statute mandates the provision of two free seats per Train, in economy class, reserved for passengers aged 60 or over (and whose income is no more than two minimum salaries). If these seats have already been taken, eligible passengers can buy their ticket at a 50% discount (valid only for interstate journeys and in economy class). ID and proof of income must be presented.

    The following documents are accepted as proof of income, as established in Decree 5,934 of October 18, 2006:

    I – Work and Social Security Card, containing up-to-date annotations;
    II – Pay slip or another document issued by employer;
    III – Proof of contributions to National Social Security Institute (INSS);
    IV – Benefit payment statement or declaration issued by INSS or another public or private sector pension scheme (only valid up to 90 days after date of issue);
    V – Document or card issued by state or municipal social welfare secretary or a similar institution.

    The Passenger Train has an exclusive car for passengers with disabilities and their respective accompanying persons. In the economy class, there is a seat available for people with reduced mobility, the obese, and pregnant women.

    People with hearing impairments also have a special Passenger Train communications channel. Call 0800 021 9934 to find out specific information about procedures.

    For questions, suggestions, or complaints about the Passenger Train you have an exclusive number: 0800 285 7000.

    Alô Ferrovias is a direct channel with the community that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On this same telephone it is possible to find out the Train's arrival and departure times. The call is free.

    The Passenger Train also has a communication channel for the hearing impaired: 0800 021 9934.


    The Train have a dining car and buffet car. There is also a food and drink trolley service.

    Only cash payments are accepted onboard the Train.

    No, you cannot. Alcoholic drinks or toxic substances may not be consumed on the Train, in the stations and at stops.

    The buffet car sells ready-to-eat items, such as water, coffee, juices, soft drinks and candies.
    The dining car sells items such as hamburgers, pizzas, sausage sandwiches, fried snacks and cheese breads, as well as drinks.

    Trolleys also circulate through the economy and executive class railcars, letting passengers buy food and drink from the comfort of their seat. You can buy drinks, fried snacks, cookies and other items from the menu, as well as order lunch or dinner (in a take-out box). Lunch is served as of 10:30 am.


    Yes, all railcars are air conditioned, keeping them at a comfortable temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. We always keep the damper open, thereby bringing in fresh air all the time.

    We advise you to bring a sweater with you to make you more comfortable.

    Yes, we have a Lost and Found service. All objects that are found on the Train and in stations are sent to this sector.

    If you find an object on the Train, kindly hand it over to the onboard staff. If you find an object at a station, please hand it in at the ticket office.

    Our stations have parking spaces for picking up and dropping off passengers, but we are not responsible for the security of vehicles.

    All of the restrooms on the Train, both male and female, have baby changing facilities for the customer's comfort.

    No, gambling-related games such as dominoes and cards are not allowed.

    Yes, as long as you use headphones so that other passengers are not disturbed.

    No, you cannot climb on top of the seats and place suitcases and packages in the aisles, nor can you sit on the arms of the seats and put your knee on them.

    As a security measure, only ticket holders are allowed to access the boarding platforms. Please note that our onboard teams are ready to help all passengers, prioritizing the elderly, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and people with disabilities.

    Vale Tourist Train

    Temporarily suspended

    Vale Tourist Train

    How about taking a trip aboard a train that is the result of the revitalization of an old railroad built in 1883?

    From 2004 to 2006, Vale revitalized the old 18 km long railroad built in 1883, between Ouro Preto and Mariana. Today, the train consists of 6 passenger railroad cars and keeps the same design as the old one, with wooden interiors. Through its transparent structure, passengers can have a full view of the landscapes along the way in a beautiful journey through time.

    In Mariana, you can also visit Loco 201, which is exposed next to the Railroad Station. It was manufactured by Skoda in 1949 and ran at a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour (km/h).

    At Ouro Preto Station, another locomotive is on display: the Brigardier, also known as Máquina 3. Built in Germany and used for military work during the First World War, it was later bought by the Brazilian government and used to transport loads from potteries and quarries.

    Check timetables and buy your ticket

    Passenger train - Vale (172)

    Fotógrafo: xxxx

    Passenger train - Vale (2024)


    Are passenger trains profitable? ›

    No country in the world operates a passenger rail system without public support. But Amtrak's “for-profit” status is sadly ironic. The train company has never been profitable since its founding nearly fifty years ago. It's only thanks to its subsidies that the company has survived.

    Why is the passenger train important? ›

    Passenger rail travel links urban areas together faster than a car, bus, or plane. Loading and unloading times are also much faster than you will find at any airport.

    What is the speed of passenger train? ›

    Track sections are rated for speeds ranging from 80 to 200 km/h (50 to 124 mph), though the maximum speed attained by passenger trains is 160 km/h (99 mph). Spanning 65,093 km (40,447 mi) 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) broad gauge is the most used gauge with express trains limited to these lines.

    Is Amtrak losing money? ›

    Now, Amtrak continues to rack up big losses that are mostly covered by taxpayers. “Despite being heavily subsidized, Amtrak projects it will lose roughly $1 billion every year and has never in its history turned a profit,” said Open the Books Founder and CEO Adam Andrzejewski.

    Is Amtrak supposed to make a profit? ›

    But, for the past 46 years the laws on the books have not required Amtrak to make a profit, and trying to make Amtrak profitable not only won't work but will make it even harder for Amtrak to do what we already pay it to do.

    Why doesn t the us use passenger trains? ›

    Decline of Passenger Rail in the 20th Century

    Eisenhower marked the beginning of a new era. This era saw a gradual yet decisive turn away from railroads to roads and aviation. Government policies heavily favored these new modes of transport, leading to a decline in the use of passenger trains​​.

    How many passenger trains are in the US? ›

    More than 2,200 trains operate over some portion of the NEC each day, carrying approximately 720,000 passengers, or more than 260 million passengers annually. Commuter rail demand is anticipated to grow by 58 percent by 2030.

    Is Amtrak the only passenger train in the USA? ›

    The sole long-distance intercity passenger railroad in the continental U.S. is Amtrak, and multiple current commuter rail systems provide regional intercity services such as New York-New Haven, and Stockton-San Jose. In Alaska, intercity service is provided by Alaska Railroad instead of Amtrak.

    What is the fastest passenger train in the United States? ›

    Under the most common international definition of high-speed rail (speeds above 155 mph (250 km/h) on newly built lines and speeds above 124 mph (200 km/h) on upgraded lines), Amtrak's Acela is the United States' only true high-speed rail service, reaching 150 mph (240 km/h) over 49.9 mi (80.3 km) of track along the ...

    Are trains safer than planes? ›

    And the answer depends on how safety is measured. If you look at fatalities per billion miles traveled, airplanes are clearly safer. If you look at fatalities per trip, trains are almost six times safer! But what is clear is that both modes of transportation are extremely safe compared to buses and cars.

    Are passenger trains faster than cars? ›

    Trains are Reliable and Stress Free

    With high-speed rail, train travel is always faster than driving.

    Which country has the fastest train in the world? ›

    1. Shanghai Maglev. The Shanghai Maglev is from China, its maximum speed is around 460 kilometres per hour (286 Mph) and it's the fastest train in the world currently.

    What is the slowest train in the world? ›

    The Glacier Express has been called the 'slowest express train in the world'. As St. Moritz and Zermatt are home to two well-known mountains, the Glacier Express is also said to travel from Matterhorn to Piz Bernina.

    How fast can a train stop? ›

    The average freight train is about 1 to 1¼ miles in length (90 to 120 rail cars). When it's moving at 55 miles an hour, it can take a mile or more to stop after the locomotive engineer fully applies the emergency brake. An 8-car passenger train moving at 80 miles an hour needs about a mile to stop.

    Is the rail industry profitable? ›

    The US economy is colossal. In fact, it represents more than 20% (1/5th) of the entire global economy.

    Is the auto train profitable? ›

    One of its three profitable lines, the Auto Train carries a comparatively small number of passengers, but appeals to snowbirds and families who want to bring their vehicles and belongings to and from areas near D.C. and Orlando, Florida.

    Which Amtrak routes make a profit? ›

    Amtrak has 37 routes that crisscross the United States. Three of them are profitable. Two of those — the Northeast Regional and the high-speed Acela — traverse the heavily populated territory between Boston and the Mid-Atlantic.

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    Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.