Chapter 1: One
Chapter Text
Fake Fiancé/Husband Wanted!
Yes, I know the request looks weird, but I can explain. I work a high demanding job so I can't have custody of my child unless I marry someone with regular hours and a regular nanny on call. I have the nanny, but she is a uni student and can't be here at odd hours. After gaining custody and getting a job with normal hours I am willing to pay you or we can talk about divorce settlements. Preferably someone with a stable job and a liking towards kids. If you have a child, they are welcome to live here too obviously and I will treat them like my own for the foreseeable future. Serious inquiries only, please contact me via email I have made specifically for this.
Thank you.
Louis didn't know why he was on craigslist at three in the morning after drinking himself to death's door knowing Freddie was safe with Zayn for the night. He knew that when he was drunk, he tended to do stupid things and think stupid things. He had been on this post for almost an hour staring at it knowing damn well how stupid and dangerous replying was. That didn't stop him from clicking on the email and typing out a reply.
To Stranger,
My name is Louis Tomlinson I am a single father of a four-year-old boy. I work as a dramatic arts teacher at Abraham Moss Community. Not the best paying job, but nowhere in your post did you have a minimum annual income requirement. Despite the horrible pay I do love my job and I work at this school for free childcare at the nursery across the street my son goes to. I would like to know a bit more information about you wanting custody before I agree to such a thing. You hear so many stories about fathers taking kids to be spiteful, so I want to be sure that is not the reason.
It was two days later when Louis got a reply from the mysterious guy. He waited until his lunch break before he read it.
You are the first normal person who has shown interest in anything that wasn't money related. For that reason, I really hope we hit it off. I love my daughter so much; she is my absolute world and I video call her every day. It's not me that is the bad parent and I say this as nicely as I can, but her mother is a very absent and selfish parent, and it shows. It's funny you work where you do, my daughter is in Year 1 there.
I gave her mother the money for private school, but she spent it on a new wardrobe for herself and didn't even spent a dime on out daughter. So, she goes to Abraham. I have receipts and check copies, and everything is to prove that I am the 'fit' parent. I have tried to avoid court, but I haven't been able to have my daughter for more than a few hours in over a year. Now her mother is talking about movie to America if her boyfriend gets the promotion at the end of the twelve-month training which just began a month ago. I have a hearing in a few weeks for visiting rights so hopefully if you are still willing after hearing how much drama this will involve, we can talk about everything in person before then.
Your son Freddie, what's his custody like? He is welcome here anytime and if he lives with you full time that's amazing. Obviously, kids make this a bit more delicate, but all the more reason to see if we can try to be something more along the way? We'll discuss this more another time of course, but reply as soon as you are able to and maybe we can get coffee?
Your (maybe) future husband.
Louis smiled softly reading about how much the guy loved his daughter. He seemed to want the best for her, and her mother seemed to just want money. He heard about those people and he could honestly say he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe people put themselves first over their own child. Louis had three-year-old winter boots with the soles so worn out that the snow seeped into his socks, but his son always needed new boots every winter and he'd be damned if his son were in pain over too tight shoes because Louis bought a pair of boots for himself. Louis pressed the reply button and wrote a quick response.
My future husband,
She sounds like the devil. I'd be happy to help you if you don't/haven't found anyone better. I have the same lunch hour every Monday through Friday from 11-12 and there's a small coffee shop around the corner I can make it to for the hour. Then my best my mate has Freddie a weekend a month and then me mum has Freddie for another weekend. Usually it goes me mum, myself, best mate, and myself again. So, to make this believable we have two weekends to have "been together". Freddie is mine solely, I'm a carrier so I had him, and his other father ran out a few months after he was born. Ran off with a younger boy without a child and without a scar on his stomach. Let me know when you're available for that coffee.
Harry emailed only three people Louis, Matthew, and Brian. Matthew and Brian didn't have kids, but they said they liked them. Matthew kept asking about his monthly income which he kept avoiding and Brian asked how big he was and if sex was involved. Harry wouldn't say no to sex of course, but to ask someone's size. He ended up blocking him when he got a dick pic. Matthew then asked how much the wedding would total up to and if they were wearing designer suits, so he ended up blocking him as well. Louis was interested in his reason of doing this and he had a child so knew how real this had to be for kids. He knew what it meant to be a full-time parent and put the kid first. So, he was so far the best candidate and he never even asked about his job or finances. So, after checking his schedule he emailed him and told him he'd be able to meet Thursday during his lunch at the café he knew Louis was talking about.
He got off a rare 38-hour shift Thursday at ten, so it gave him time to make it to the school for a quick minute to see Maddison. He walked into the building still in his pink scrubs and lab coat on as well, but that was because he hadn't taken it off so use to having it on all the time. He headed up to the front desk smiling at Amy.
"Hey Amy, is Maddison available for just a minute? I know she's in art right now."
"She is, however, she's over at the other side in Mr. Tomlinson's room. He's her favorite teacher and she goes there every art class and sometimes when her mother is late for pickup, he stays with her. I can take you to his room."
"Louis Tomlinson?" Harry questioned not believing it for a second
"Well, she calls him Mister Tommy."
"Oh that's- no kidding yeah she told me about him. He gives her candy whenever she gets a good score on her writing or reading." Harry said grinning
"That's him. He seems to be everyone's favorite. I'll take you to him-"
"No, it's okay. Can you just tell her I stopped by? I don't want to disturb her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's fine. Thank you, Amy." Harry left the building and headed to his Murano. He waited in the parking lot for a little while as he went through their emails over the past few days. Harry had told Louis his name and that he worked as a doctor. He wanted to get into neonatal care, he already had the training and everything he needed there just hadn't been an opening yet, but the hospital was expanding their Neonatal Ward and Harry had already talked to his higher ups about working there. When he finally got to the cafe, he was only a few minutes later because he got lost in his own head in the parking lot. Harry got out of the car and headed inside up to the front desk. Louis' Gmail account had a picture of himself so when he looked around the cafe it was easy to spot Louis sitting at a booth as he looked down at his phone. Harry grabbed his cup and headed to the booth nervously then set the mug down and slid into the other side. Louis looked up from his phone and smiled.
"Hey." Harry said
"Hi. Sorry I was texting one of the nursery staffs about Freddie. He had a rough night last night so he's having a bad day today."
"Is he okay? Bad dream or something?" Harry asked concerned
"He has a problem of staying asleep, we live in the apartment complex and our upstairs neighbors stay up all night yelling at their game system."
"Melatonin. My mom swears by it when I was a toddler. I had to give mine some when she refused a nap even though she was exhausted a few years ago." Harry told him
"They have melatonin for kids?"
"Yeah, definitely get some for him if he wakes up at odd hours of the night. Also, you know my daughter."
"I do? I know a few Year 1, but not a lot. Who is she?" Louis asked
"Maddison Styles." Louis eyes widen and he grinned
"Yeah, I was just with her. She comes to see me every Tuesday and Thursday during her art class. She has a hard time concentrating in the room, so I took her to mine. I have a free period anyway, so I don't mind."
"Yeah, she's too much like me. Her and I have a sensory overwhelm with too much noise. We also have dyslexia, terrible dyslexia, mine is controlled most of the time now, but she's not doing so good with her reading or writing because she doesn't get at home help."
"Yeah, I figured that out when she wrote her name as Mabbison or Wappison more than a few times." Louis said grinning making Harry laugh nodding
"I had to get five different papers for her birth signing because I was so emotional when I was spelling her name, I messed it up. My mom had to take me to a quiet room and call me down before letting me write again. If was horrible. My patients look at my writing and I can see their confusion build as they try to decipher my spelling." Louis laughed covering his mouth with his hand, "anyway um I know this was meant to be a casual meeting to make sure we're not pedophiles or murders or whatever, but I did bring some copies of things just in case you want to see it. I'm not trying to make her out to be a horrible person, these are just some of the things I had copies of at home."
"Oh, now that I know you're Madison's dad and having met her mother I agree with you. She's a horrible person. I hate her. Today for example Maddison came to school in a dress without a jacket and without leggings. She was freezing, the school wasn't letting kids inside yet, so I let her in the side door to my classroom and gave her some of Freddie's sweatpants I keep in my car. Poor thing is in 3t sweatpants that stop at her shins."
"I have black leggings and a jacket in my car if you can give them to her. I always keep a small totes of season clothes for her just in case anything happens. Usually, the school calls me and tells me if something like this happens and usually, I'm at work so I have to ask someone to bring them for her. A few days ago, her teacher called me and told me Maddie came to school in dirty clothes and when I got there Maddie was in the nurses’ station crying. Apparently, her mother hadn't washed her clothes and that was all she had there. I called her as soon as I left the school and told her is, she didn't wash my daughter's clothes by the end of the day I'd report her to child services. Needless to say, that hasn't happened again, but September hasn’t even ended yet so who knows."
"Yeah, I can take them to her. I don't see how a parent can do such a thing. I always wash Freddie's clothes first then I do his bed sheets then I do the towel then I do my clothes and bedsheets last."
"Yeah, I wash her stuff at my house every two weeks so if I get her out of the blue, she has clean clothes and sheets."
"How long has it been since you last had her?"
"Her mother dropped her off at the hospital when I was working a few weeks ago but she came back right as my shift ended. Maddie was so upset because she thought she'd be able to stay the night. The last time I've had her over night was 16 months ago and I had for her two days because her mother and boyfriend were at a resort for the weekend."
"I couldn't imagine that." Louis said shaking his head, "Freddie is my world. I couldn't be separated from him. I barely manage a weekend away."
"So, does he call you Papa? I know that's the more traditional term for carriers."
"Yeah, most of the time. If he's upset, he'll call me mommy or mama. I am one of the lucky ones able to nurse, at least with Freddie. I heard some can't for their second child or third child. I think with every child the chances get lower. He called me mommy or mama until he was two and a half, so I think it brings him comfort. I don't mind either way."
"That's sweet. I wish I were a carrier. My sister and I had to play mommies and aunties instead of mommies and daddies because I always wanted to be the mommy. I'd shove the baby doll under my shirt and go through labor with my stepdad and everything. My mom held the seat rag to my forehead. We went all out, I demanded it. We were all convinced I was a carrier, then when I was seventeen, I got tested and I wasn't. I was devastated. I cried so much; I remember convincing myself I was straight for years after that. That's how I got Maddison." Louis laughed unable to help himself
"You're joking."
"No. Not one bit. I thought if I wasn't a carrier there was no point in being gay, so I went straight."
"I was the complete opposite." Louis said, "I was always the daddy, I'm the oldest of five sisters and my mom finally gave me a brother a year ago. Two sets of twins. I demanded to be daddy because I didn't think I was a carrier. I thought I was straight until probably sixteen."
"Yeah, I just never really thought about it, I guess. My first boyfriend was when I was seventeen and we dated until he left after Freddie. I had him when I was twenty on March twenty-first and graduated early. He's turning five next year."
"You had him in school and finished your studies early?"
"Yeah, it was really hard, the first year was terrible, but I got my degree and took the first job I was offered that had the best benefits for us as a family."
"That's amazing. We had Maddison when I was in my foundation programme. I was twenty-four. She was born on May twentieth, so she'll be six two months after Freddie turns five. I started working at twenty-six. Hannah and I split then because I had to work so many night shifts, so she started cheating while I slept during the day. She took Maddie and left. We've been fighting since."
"So, you're thirty?"
"Almost thirty. Still in my twenties for four more months."
"Can't relate. Still got a few years." Louis said smirking making Harry throw a walled-up napkin at him. "Well, you look good for thirty." Louis teased
"Same thing." Louis said grinning as he watched Harry shake his head grinning as he stared off to the side before their eyes met. Louis knew that even if nothing came from this marriage besides Harry gaining his daughter, it wouldn't be a horrible marriage of convenience. Which made him feel better and he could tell Harry was relieved as well, both glad this wouldn't be a disaster.
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions for me.” Harry said, “Especially considering how this came to be. I mean I know you see Maddie with her mom, so you understand some of it, but if you want to ask more feel free to do so.”
“Besides the obvious reasons why go to craigslist?” Louis asked
“Last resort? It had to be someone my friends didn’t know so I couldn’t ask anyone at the hospital. I tried dating, but it never went past a few texts. Having a daughter that I want full custody of sort of makes men run away. They don’t understand why I can’t just get a weekend a month and be happy with it. I’ve tried explaining the situation, but they don’t get it. Then it’s also my odd hours of my schedule. I’m a doctor at the hospital so I’m off and on and on call a lot. Makes it hard. My schedule is pretty tame, but it’s a pain to get use to and stuff like that.” Harry explained
“Yeah, I get that. With Freddie…he’s my priority and obviously before I fully agree to anything, he has to like you too, but that can wait a bit. Make sure you’re not a weird murderer or something.”
“Fair enough.” Harry said chuckling, “So I guess um…why did you offer to help? I know with a son this makes it more delicate, I mean obviously I’m hoping once we settle in, we can try for something real, but why offer?”
“Any parent who wants to see their child should be able to. I would help anyone who was sincere enough. If you were one of those fathers trying to take their child away from their mother out of pettiness then I’d walk out of this building, but I’ve met Hannah. I’ve seen, I’ve seen the clothes she drops her daughter off in while she’s wearing the newest Gucci purse or whatever. I’ve been talking to school about it since the first day, but there isn’t much we can do. We can record it and file it away incase you ever need it for court, but unless she comes to school with bruises or starving, we don’t have grounds to call child services.”
“So, Freddie’s other father?”
“If he ever contacted me, I’d let him see Freddie. I’d talk to Freddie about it first, make him go to the first meeting and if he didn’t want to see him after that? I don’t know. Freddie has asked and I told him the truth, that his other father left a few weeks after he was born. So, it’d be Freddie’s chose after the first meeting and anyone I see would obviously at least respect that. They don’t have to like it or agree with it.”
“I think people can change if the right person comes along. I hope for Freddie’s sake he contacts you a better man than when he left, but I also hope that if he hasn’t changed that he doesn’t drag Freddie into daddy issues.” Louis cracked a smile and nodded
“Me too. They’re not fun.”
“No not really. My biological dad left leaving my mom to feed two kids on one minimum wage paycheck. My stepdad came along and changed our lives basically.”
“My biological father left when I was born. My stepdad came along and gave me his last name so he’s my dad. Then he and my mom split, and mom is married to Dan now. She just had twin girl and boy two years ago in February.”
“Awe really? That’s sweet. I’m the youngest out of two kids. I have an older sister.”
“I’m the oldest of seven kids. Goes me, my sisters Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy are twins then Doris and Ernest are twins and my baby sister and my only baby brother.”
“That’s a lot of sisters.”
“Yeah, I’ve had my fair share of handling little girls. I was six when Lottie came around, so I’ve been through it all.”
“Well then I won’t stop Maddie from painting your nails a pretty pink color when I can’t be her victim in her nail salon. If she’s still into that stuff.” The last part was said sadly as he looked away
“She is. If she’s done with her art assignment early, then I let her color my nails with markers. It washes off by lunch, but she doesn’t need to know that. She’s great. She is one of my favorite students in that school, whenever we see each other in the halls she absolutely has to shout hi Mr. Tommy each time. My students probably think she’s my niece or something. They call me Mr. T all the time and try to encourage her to do the same however I think she’s too shy to.” Harry was grinning as he played with his napkin listening to him
“She’s very social. Always has been. There probably isn’t a stranger in the world she wouldn’t talk to. It’s a bad and good thing. I’ve tried to explain it to her, stranger danger and everything and she understands it, but I don’t think she realizes even a little hi can be dangerous in this world these days. Her mother scares me to death, I’ve seen Maddie run right upfront of cars sometimes and I swear my heart stops.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen her do it too and it’s always the arrival or departure teacher stopping her from getting hit. Hannah will walk her to the crossing way but not to the actual sidewalk so it’s not the easiest thing to watch when I’m on duty. We can’t leave our posts except for emergencies so I have to navigate kids and cars and then watch her and make sure she’s safe. It’s ridiculous sometimes.”
“Well thank you for doing what you can.”
“It’s not much, but of course. I’d do it for any kid. Just thinking about Freddie in the same situation I would probably do the same thing you are. So, for now I’ll help, Freddie is what will be the deciding factor.”
“We’ll talk more and figure it out?”
“Yeah of course. I should go though I need to get back early today. I forgot today is Pop quiz day, my kids are going to hate me.”
“Don’t worry about it. Thank you, Louis.” Harry and Louis stood up and walked out together, “My number is in the file I gave you so feel free to text me instead of emailing me if you want to.”
“Alright. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Bye.” Harry and Louis were luckily enough to have parked on opposite ends of the car park, so they didn’t have to awkwardly walk beside each other to go to their respected cars. Harry grinned as he looked at the picture of Maddie, he stole off her mother’s Facebook. It was on her fifth birthday party; one he hadn’t been invited to or hadn’t even been told about. She was dressed in a flowy baby blue dress and her hair curled and she was half smiling as she sat on a chair surrounded by a few presents. He touched the picture that was hanging about his rear-view mirror before he sighed sadly and let it fall from his fingers before he started his Murano and headed out of the car park.
Chapter 2: Two
Well....I had seven chapters finished, but as my readers from my other story know I have a terrible habit or rewriting an entire chapter in just one night because of ✨inspiration✨ and 🌈self-doubt🌈. So just know what was once chapter three is now chapter two because my brain hates me.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter Text
After Louis texted him the first time after their lunch, they haven't stopped texting except for when Harry slept, and Louis slept. They were currently talking about plausible backstories to make this believable. Luckily, they had Louis' every other free weekend to use as a cover up and Harry's odd hours to use as well. They then came up with their anniversary date, which was July 19 right after summer vacation started. They've been together for fourteen months going on fifteen, but despite that they've only seen each other a handful of times due to work, kids, and their busy lives. Once they work out the finer details it would be believable, but for now it will work.
From: Harry
What's your ring size?
Louis pulled his eyebrows together as he stared at the text before sending a reply.
To: Harry
From: Harry
Your engagement ring silly. I can't have a ringless fiancé, a nice, cute boy might get the wrong idea.
To: Harry
Like a supermarket engagement ring?
From: Harry
No Lewis. A real ring. A real show stopping stone. A real every kiss begins with K jewelry piece.
Despite the conversation Louis couldn't help but laugh as he sent a reply
To: Harry
I'm cool with any ole supermarket ring
From: Harry
I still need your ring size either way so....
To: Harry
7. Also, not every kiss begins with K. Some begin with a slap.
From: Harry
Kinky. Tell me more.👂👂👂
To: Harry
You're lucky I have a class in 5 otherwise I would.
From: Harry
Lol damn. Have fun teaching Shakespeare
To: Harry
It's not Shakespeare. It's Cinderella.
From: Harry
Rodgers and Hammerstein's?
To: Harry
Is there any other version?
From: Harry
Good man.
Louis locked his phone and looked up surprised to see Zayn sitting across from his desk.
"Oh, good you've noticed me." Zayn said
"You could have spoken." Louis told him as he set his phone down on the desk, "how long have you been there?"
"Long enough to know you have a secret boyfriend you haven't told me about. I get not wanting to tell Freddie or even your family, but me? Is it new? Is that why?" Louis hesitated; this would be the perfect chance to tell Zayn the lie that he has had a boyfriend for the past fourteen months. Or he could tell Zayn that it wasn't like that at all and he was reading the situation wrong.
"We both haven't told anyone anything. He has a daughter that goes to this school on the other side of the building, so it makes things delicate." Louis said
"Okay I get that but why not tell me? How long has this been going on?"
"Fourteen months." Louis said not meeting his best mate's eyes as he stood up and grabbed a stack of scripts
"Fourteen months?!" Zayn shouted, "you've been seeing someone for fourteen months and you haven't said anything."
"He's a doctor, he works odd hours and so we only see each other a few times a month. Look we can talk later alright."
"I want to meet him."
"Later. I have a class arriving soon so leave." Zayn opened his mouth to probably argue but the first student entered so Zayn huffed and left the room making Louis sigh in relief. Louis grabbed his phone and sent a quick message to Harry asking if he was free sometime this weekend to meet Freddie before he locked it, silenced it, and placed it screen down so he wouldn't be distracted. Come lunch Louis checked his phone to see a message of Harry.
From: Harry
Yes. I'm off today at 5 until Sunday afternoon.
To: Harry
Wanna come over Saturday for pizza and Monsters Inc?
From: Harry
Uh... yes! Count me in. Should I bring juice boxes? Candy? Snacks?
To: Harry
From: Harry
How else am I going to get your son to like me!?
To: Harry
The normal way? With time?
From: Harry
BORING! I'll see you Saturday! What time?
To: Harry
Say four-ish?
From: Harry
I'll be there.
Harry spent Friday after work at different toy shops trying to find the perfect toy for Freddie. He kept asking Louis what Freddie liked on disguise of needing to revise on TV shows little boys tend to like more than girls just in case. Which he did. He knew everything about PJ Masks and Bluey and Puppy Dog Pals. He knew about the animated Star Wars shows boys like and he was prepared with wrestling moves should it come down to it. However, having an awesome toy to give to Freddie wouldn't hurt his chances. He had been trying to be mindful that Louis lived in an apartment, but when he saw it, he knew it was meant to be. It was the last one in stock and it had been on sale, not that he would have cared anyway, but still it was a sign. So, he bought a few things to go with it then headed to checkout. He kept what he bought a secret and come Saturday Harry headed to the apartment complex. When he got there, he allowed himself to grimace only once inside of his car. Afterwards he schooled his features and stepped out locked his car three times just to be sure as he headed to the apartment building. The front door was held open by a large rock and the tiled floor was peeling but Harry ignored it and head up to the fourth floor to room 5D and knocked on it. He knocked on it while staring behind him at an old man sitting in a rocking chair with his front foot wide open watching him. He was only there for a few seconds before the door was pulled open revealing Louis.
"Is he alive?" Harry asked instead of greeting Louis like he had planned.
"Yes, though I never actually see him move but I see him gone." Louis said amused
"Right. Sorry. Hi."
"Come in before you get nightmares." Louis said pulling him into the apartment that matched the rest of the apartment complex except it was obvious Louis had done what the apartment manager allowed him to do to make it better. There was new paint on the walls and the floor had the new faux wood flooring probably replacing the tile that seemed to be all over the complex, "Freddie is in his room picking out his favorite toys to show you."
"Perfect. Do they have names?"
"Some of them though they change every other month."
"Got it. I bought him something by the way."
"I figured you had a scheme behind your questions. How big is it?" Louis asked folding his arms as Harry who shrugged
"I can carry it no problem."
"That doesn't tell me anything. Will it be in the way of my perfectly made walkway of toddler toys?"
"Yes, but it has a storage compartment."
"Will it be able to fit through the door once its constructed when we move?" Harry looked at the door then back at Louis and shook his head, "then no."
"What if I promise to be the one to take it apart and put it together?"
"Even tonight because you know he'll want it built."
"Yes, I promise."
"Fine. After pizza." Harry grinned following Louis to the couch, "just so you know don't be offended if he suddenly gets shy when he sees you. I never brought anyone home, so this is new to him."
"Relax I have a way with kids. You'll see and if it turns out he is immune to the Styles magic I have the toy as a backup."
"So, you are bribing my son."
"Call it what you will we are having Harry and Freddie bonding time while he loses every important piece as I build him his toy."
"That is probably accurate." Louis said amused, "How do you know so much about toddlers? You mentioned you didn't see Maddie much as a baby due to school and work and they moved here what...three years ago?"
"Yeah, just about. I work in a hospital. I see toddlers a lot when families visit loved ones and I occasionally work in the pediatric ward. Plus, I love kids. Always wanted a big family." Before Louis could reply Freddie came into the living room hugging the superhero chutes and ladders board game close to his body. Freddie climbed onto Louis' lap making shy eye contact with Harry before he turned away only to look back at him again a few seconds later.
"Hi Freddie." Harry said gently, "I'm Harry." He said leaning into him briefly teasingly making Freddie smile as he leaned away. "I bought you a gift." That had Freddie's attention
"You did?"
"I did. Your papa says it has to wait until after dinner though. Do you by chance have something we can do to make the time go by faster?" Harry asked innocently
"Well, if chance...have chutes and ladders anywhere in your collection...just know it's one of my favorite games ever."
"It is?!"
"Of course, it is!"
"I have it!" Freddie said excitedly as he handed Harry the box
"And it has superheroes?! That's so cool!" Harry said enthusiastically as he knelt on the floor at the coffee table, "Wanna play with me?"
"Yes!" Freddie quickly scrambled off of Louis' lap and knelt beside Harry and helped set the game up handing Louis the wolverine character and taking the spiderman character for himself. Harry took the Iron Man character before they closed the box and set it to the side and Louis knelt down across from Harry as he grinned at him. Throughout the game Harry kept asking Freddie about his toys and how Nursery was going and his favorite tv shows. Louis watched his son completely fall in love with Harry over the course of two games that Freddie won withoutanyhelp from them.
"Do you want to see my train collection?" Freddie asked after he helped put away the game
"Of course, I want to see it." Louis watched as Freddie grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to spare room that was once Louis' office that had been turned into Freddie's toy room. Harry grinned as he looked back at him waving his fingers before he turned into the small hall. They were gone only a few minutes before the pizza arrived. After tipping the deliver guy he headed to the kitchen and set the pizza and cheese bread boxes down grabbing some plates. He made Freddie a player with two of the smallest slices of pizza then a thin slice of cheese bread. He set the plate on the coffee table with his refilled cup of juice then he made Harry a plate of the two biggest slices and two things of cheesy bread. After Harry's he made his own and called the boys for dinner, they left a minute later with Freddie telling Harry the story of Operation Patching Patches which was his teddy bear that had a huge hole in the stomach that had been sewn closed with a scrap of fabric.
"Papa didn't do a very good job, the stuffing still falls out, but Papa always told me it's the thought that counts so...that's why I have a jar full of stuffing."
"Well, you know Freddie I sew up open cuts all the time. I can fix Patches if you want me to."
"Good luck he doesn't let anyone have Patches." Louis said handing Harry his plate and a beer bottle
"Thank you and I won't have to have him. I have a sewing kit in my car." Freddie sat in the middle of the couch making it clear he expected to sit between them. Harry didn't even raise a brow as he sat beside Freddie on one end of the sofa. Even Zayn tells Freddie to scoot over and Zayn adores Freddie, it took Louis by surprise for a second before he sat on the other end. Harry and he locked eyes over Freddie and grinned before Louis turned on the movie Freddie picked out earlier.
Louis laid on the couch watching as Harry, with Freddie in his lap more often than not, built the train track table. Harry had endlessly amount of patience for Freddie's curious mind and was gentle when explaining why Freddie couldn't do some of the things however, he did let Freddie screw in the screws tightening them quite a bit when Freddie was putting the screws on the other side. There were many photos and videos on Louis' phone of them together and a part of him wished in that moment that Harry was his real boyfriend, and he was meeting his son for the first time because they were ready for that next step in their relationship. He knew Harry wanted to try for something real together, but their relationship will have always started as a lie no matter where it led.
Shaking that thought out of his head he watched as Harry turned the table right side up. They finished the last few steps before they were opening the bags of tracks, cars, buildings, and other things that came with it. Once the city and tracks were built Harry pulled out the conductor hat and placed it on Freddie's head and gave him a whistle that Louis most definitely did not agree to.
"All aboard!" Harry and Freddie shouted before Freddie blew the whistle and they both made arm movements before Harry tapped the train with his finger and the train headed down the hill. By nine, an hour later than usually which Louis will regret in the morning, Louis sent Freddie to bed and tucked him in. Freddie was asleep before Louis closed the door.
"You are his new best friend." Louis said as he walked over to Harry who was putting the toys away with a grin
"Really? So, you think he likes me?"
"He didn't sit on Uncle Zayn's lap until two months after meeting him." Louis said as he took the whistle, "this is reserved for your house."
"Nope. Freddie will be upset if he realizes his whistle is gone." Harry said taking the whistle and putting in the storage bins the table came with. After dismantling it Harry and Louis moved it into the toy room then they sat on the couch, "I promise as soon as we have a solid timeline, I will take you out to a real date if you'll accept it. I really wish we'd have met in the shops or something. Maybe the park on a day I had Maddison. I wish this were normal."
"Don't worry so much about it. Did you want to discuss that? How we met?"
"Yeah, we probably should. Where do you picture meeting me?" Harry asked
"My dream meeting place is an adult toy shop." Louis said watching as Harry's eyes widen before he turned red and laughed, "I'm serious. I always imagine what if I met my husband as we are picking out adult toys."
"We can't tell our family that." Harry said laughing as he laid his head on the back of the couch, "my poor mother...all I'm picturing is telling her how I met my husband as we picked out adult toys and her dropping her pearl necklace on her vanity."
"Vanity!? Your mother has a vanity?" Louis asked
"It was her mother's. Moving on. Pick something else."
"I'm not sure. Where do you think we'd meet?" Louis asked looking at Harry
"Something fun. Unique. Different. Oh, I know. I cut you off." Louis laughed
"Then I stole your parking spot for the deli shop you cut me off to get into."
"And I cut you off in line."
"And bought the last thing of chicken."
"Then invited you over for a home cooked meal."
"With chicken?" Louis asked as he laughed
"With chicken." Harry promised grinning, "I made cheese and broccoli stuffed chicken with lemon roasted carrots and homemade rolls."
"Oh, that does sound good. Damn I missed out on a good date."
"How about you come over my next day off with Freddie and I make it for you two and Freddie can see the house? I work four am through four pm Monday through Wednesday then again on Friday and Sunday. You can come over Wednesday or Thursday?"
"That sounds good. If you're too tired Wednesday just let me know and we'll come Thursday."
"Great. I should go. Thank you for letting me meet Freddie. He's a great kid."
"Thank you. I'll walk you to the door." Louis followed Harry to the front door before opening it for him, "See you in a few days?"
"Yeah of course. We'll talk tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Louis smiled as he slowly closed the door behind Harry then bolted it and locked it. He checked on Freddie before he headed to his room to get ready for bed after a long day.
Chapter 3: Three
Chapter Text
Harry got home Wednesday afternoon excited for the night ahead. He had let the dogs out when he got home a Harlequin Great Dane named Gizmo and a brown Newfoundland named Bear. The large dogs thought they were lap dogs still despite their big size. Harry had sent the gate code and his address to Louis during lunch and Louis had told him they'd see him in a few hours. He kept his glass sliding door open and headed to the playroom that held a lot of toys. The room was originally going to be the family sitting room with the large space, but it ended up being Maddie's toy room. There was play furniture like a grand walk on kitchen, a play grocery store, a play doctor center, and a small nursery area with many play cribs and strollers and storage for her baby things in the corner.
There was a logo table with her Legos under the Lego board for easy storage that also flipped to be a real table to color on or play with playdoh or whatever else she decided to do. There were six storage cube organizers lined up on the longest wall with a reading book and bookcase in the middle so three were one side and three on the other. Some of the bins were empty, some over filling, and others half full. Harry had to go through some of the toys that Maddie no longer wanted so he could donate them, but he never had Maddie here to figure out what stuff she still wanted and what she didn't. Sighing Harry did a quick cleaning of the room making sure everything was cleaned for Freddie if he wanted to play in there.
He then headed to the outdoor playset and made sure no spiders or bees had made it it's home glad to see they haven't. He headed back inside with the dogs following and just before he was going to start dinner his cameras that displayed the live view onto his tv alerted him of Louis entering the gated driveway. Grinning Harry headed to his front door and swung it open watching as Louis parked beside his Murano and got out smiling at him.
"He hasn't stopped talking about coming over just so you know. Everyone at Nursery knows." Louis said as he helped Freddie out of his booster.
"Harry!" Harry spread his arms open wide and knelt down to catch Freddie as he ran into them, "Papa let me bring some of my toys because he said you have a lot of toys I may not want to play with."
"Is that so?" Harry challenged looking at Louis who shrugged.
"Pretty sure your daughter and my son have different tastes." Louis said as he grabbed a spiderman backpack from the backseat.
"Freddie, I have so many toys you won't even want your other ones come on." Harry said as he carried Freddie, his arm wrapped under his bottom as he entered the house. The dogs perked up immediately and came running over wagging their tails and licking Freddie's leg and shoes, "alright you mutts get off. Back up."
"Papa you didn't say Harry had dogs!" Freddie said excitedly as he wiggled down and was immediately kissed all over his face as he giggled.
"Sorry you're not allergic, are you?" Harry asked looking at Louis
"Don't worry about it and no I'm not. Neither is he. I'm never going to get him to leave now though." Louis told him with a grin as he stood beside Harry, "he's been wanting a dog for years."
"What kind of dog?"
"He wants a dalmatian."
"Maddie wants one too. These two dogs are mine, got lonely so got some dogs. Gizmo is the Great Dane and Bear is the Newfoundland." Harry said before he grabbed both dogs harnessed and pulled them off of Freddie before they knocked him down, "alright before you see...everything....just know that half of the stuff she doesn't even play with anymore or even knows is here since she's never actually here. I buy things periodically to be prepared and so she's not...bored. I don't have her here to help make a donation pile, so it looks like there's more than there actually is." Harry said looking to Louis.
"You're going to come home every week with a new toy, aren't you?"
"No...maybe." Louis rolled his eyes grinning as he knelt down to help Freddie out of his shoes, "I know I went overboard with the outdoor playset. So, don't even tell me. I know okay."
"Lead the way then Harry." Louis said after slipping his own shoes off and place both pairs by the door. The living room was directly to the right and was a fee inches sunken in. There was a brown plush modular sectional and a swivel cuddle chair to match the sectional. The tv was curved and sitting nicely on a tv stand with the drawers filled with movies.
"The only thing you're missing is a fireplace." Louis said
"Other living room. Well technically it's just a sitting room with a smaller tv for background noise. It will most likely be where our families will gather because it has more seating. Let's first show Freddie to the playroom then we can go on a quick tour." The playroom was directly across from the living room on the left side of the front door. It had a sliding door that had a hook lock on the outside where only someone five feet could reach it. Freddie stood in shock of all the space and storage that had toys in it.
"You spoiled her." Louis said looking at Harry noticing he was looking sadly at the room, Louis stepped into his side and wrapped his arms around his back rubbing it, "Hey we can always elope in secret and-" Harry cracked a smile before he laughed shaking his head.
"No that'll look bad. Thank you though...for doing this." Harry said as he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and pulled him in closer to his side, "come on I'll give you that tour."
Louis watched Freddie from the kitchen windows as he played on the playground with the dogs outside laying in the shade. The whole yard was fenced its, but Harry has still made sure Freddie knew not to go outside with the dogs. Harry was cooking and they kept talking about anything they could think of that still needed to be discussed."
"Wedding day. What day do you want to get married?" Harry asked
"January 19? It's six months after our anniversary?" Louis suggested
"Yeah, works for me. So, I was on Pinterest-“
“Figures.” Harry playfully glared at him before he continued chopping up some carrots.
“I was on Pinterest looking at winter color schemes we could discuss and found some that I liked. So, in order you don’t picked something just because I like it, I pinned every one that interested my no matter how little and you are to pick your top three.”
“Three?! What!? Why three!?”
“Because it’ll be easier to narrow it down. Here passcode is Maddie’s birthday 0520.” Harry said handing over his phone, “Pinterest is in the social media folder on the second page.” Louis nodded as he unlocked it then swiped to the second page and found said folder. Clicking on it he saw the usual Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat apps.
“You have Snapchat?”
“Maddie likes the filters. Seriously I think the only time I’m on it is when she’s with me or if she uses Julie’s, her babysitter’s phone to send me pictures. She’s under Princess with a heart emoji in case it ever shows up.”
“Don’t worry I’m not want to jump to conclusions because of emojis and contact names. My mom’s contact is five heart emoji’s and there’s been a lot of weird accusations. Especially since she has a nickname for me which I refuse to divulge.”
“Did you just use divulge in a casual sentence?” Harry asked amused as he looked at Louis
“Moving on.” Louis said pointedly as he found his boards, “You realize you have a wedding color board for every season, right?”
“I like to plan ahead. Moving on. It's the winter one...the second winter one. The newest one." Louis grinned as Harry blushed a dark pink shade. Louis clicked on the board that was made over the past few days and saw a lot of color schemes.
"There's twenty schemes...really?"
"I went a but overboard." Harry admitted, "to be fair I've been planning my wedding since I was five so be glad you have a say at all." Louis laughed shaking his head.
"I'll make a new board of the ones I like then we'll go from there."
"Sounds good." Louis looked through them all twice before he started moving them to a separate board.
Obviously, a lot of them were red and green or a light blue which he did like, but it was just so traditionally done it sort of irked him. He knew winter weddings weren't that common, but the colors were, and he wanted something different and he knew that Harry did too considering some the color palettes were for the Autumn season and Spring season. The colors would still work for the winter and he did like some, but it was the copper and greenery that kept his eye. Considering Harry had three copies of the similar color scheme he assumed it was safe to say Harry liked it too.
"Papa!" Louis turned and grinned seeing Freddie come running in with the dogs not far behind him.
"Hi Hun." Louis said lifting Freddie up onto his lap, "are you having fun?"
"Yeah, Harry's house is the bestest!" Freddie said excitedly as he bounced lightly on Louis lap.
"Hey Freddie, can you be the biggest boy?" Harry asked quirking an eyebrow.
"Yes. Yes, I can." Freddie said
"Great you have to get off your Papa's lap though." Freddie immediately slid down and came over to Harry who gave him the stack of players.
Two glass and one reusable plastic plate with Thomas the train on it. Louis made to stand already opening his mouth to tell Freddie to give him the plates, but Harry gave him a look that had Louis sitting down before he was even out of the seat. Harry then played a handful of napkins on the plates with two adult utensils sets then one tinier set for little hands.
"Put a plate on each placemat then divide everything equally. The little set is yours, got it?"
"Okay Harry." Louis stared at Harry who didn't look at all worried as he turned away and opened the fridge door.
"Are you insane? He's going to drop them." Louis whispered walking over to Harry as he watched Freddie head to the square dining table set for four but only had three placemats.
"No, he won't. He's four years old, plenty old enough to help set the table. Maddie started setting the table at three and did fine." Louis swallowed looking over at Freddie who indeed looked completely comfortable as he set the plates down on the table and started setting it as perfectly as any four-year-old could, “Relax he can handle a few chores.”
“He does chores.” Louis defended weakly because he knew he really didn’t make Freddie do chores if it meant a fit. Usually, Freddie picked up his toys but that was it.
“Minimally picking up toys is baby word compared to what Maddie did at four. I don’t make her slave away, but I make her bring her hamper to the stairs where I carry it down then I have her take it to the laundry room and organize them. I have her feed the dogs, she makes her bed in the morning, she puts her clothes away. Tiny things that make her have responsibility. I absolutely will not step on your toes when it comes to Freddie and parenting styles will sometimes clash no matter what, we’ll have to talk about our dead set no’s obviously, but…” Harry trailed off as he pulled Louis closer to him by his hands and held eye contact, “Just know that as your husband your son is my son, and my daughter is your daughter. Chores, and we can discuss this together and build Freddie up to it slowly, will be done by each child. Freddie will have a fit and a tantrum and he will hate us but believe me when I say in time it will have massive improvements on his behavior. He’ll have a good list of responsibilities and he’ll feel like he’s needed, it’ll be good for him. I respect you as a parent, I commend you as a parent and I’m positive if I had Maddie more often, I probably would have spoiled her too much in the earlier years. Not having her gave me a lot of time to research and study and find a parenting style I wanted to stick with when I had her over. Her adjustment here won’t be easy either, her adjustment to just a few chores was hard so I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when I get her regularly. We’ll work through this together as a couple, as a family.” Louis smiled softly and nodded, he wrapped an arm around Harry’s neck and hugged him feeling his arms wrap around his body immediately returning the hug a tad tighter.
“Are you two going to kiss? Should I cover my eyes?” Louis and Harry pulled away blushing and Louis looked over at Freddie who looked between them, “Papa is Harry your boyfriend? Is that why you asked me if I liked him?”
“…Sort of…” Louis said cautiously as he and Harry looked at each other not actually having talked about when they’d address it to the kids let alone Freddie.
“That’s not a real answer Papa. You told me so.”
“I did say that didn’t I.” Louis said
“How would you feel if I were your papa’s boyfriend?” Harry asked like the saving grave he is as he knelt to be at the same level as Freddie, “How would you feel if we told you we had been dating for a long time and we might want to get married?”
“Married? Like a big white dress married?”
“Well neither one of us would be in a dress…I assume, but yes something like that.” Harry said glancing at Louis briefly.
“Would you move in with us?” Freddie asked almost excitedly, “Will you bring the dogs? And the playset?”
“Actually, you and your Papa would move in here. You’d have a bedroom you can decorate anyway you want and the dogs and the playset and the playroom. My daughter would join us here too sometimes.” Harry explained
“Oh…but what about my toys?”
“We’d bring them with us Freddie Bear.” Louis said kneeling beside Harry and looped his arm around Harry’s, “What do you think?”
“Will Santa know we moved so close to Christmas?” Freddie asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, Santa will know where to find you on Christmas. I promise.” Louis said amused as he grabbed Freddie’s hand.
“Well then…okay. I guess. When do we move?” Louis opened his mouth then closed it and looked at Harry.
“Whenever. When is your lease up?”
“November so we have a few more months. When is your first court hearing again? I feel like you told me already, but I can’t remember.”
“November fifteenth. By then hopefully you have met my lawyer and he has met you and Freddie. Just a routine meeting nothing to worry about. He’s upset with me that I didn’t tell him I had a boyfriend until now, but he told me us taking the precautions we did will look good for us.” Harry said carefully as he looked at Freddie who looked to be paying close attention to their conversation. Louis nodded in understanding, “Freddie tell your papa what juice you want, and I will bring the food to the table before it gets cold.”
Freddie fell asleep halfway through Finding Nemo and after a bit of reluctance, Louis finally agreed to let Harry show them to a guest room so they could sleep the night considering how late it was. Harry closed their guest room door behind him after wishing them a goodnight and Louis crawled into the bed beside Freddie falling asleep within seconds.
Chapter 4: Four
*A shorty but the next one will be longer*
Chapter Text
Harry was the first one awake due to his horrible schedule this week. Thankfully, it wasn't too early and only a little past five in the morning. He rolled out of bed a bit reluctantly but got into a hot shower and got dressed for his day off. He grabbed a sweater and his smallest pair of jeans after he was already dressed then made his way to the guest room, he gave Louis and Freddie last night. He knocked gently and got a sleepy groan as response, so he poked his head into the room seeing Louis was sort of awake. He was cuddling Freddie, but he cracked an eye when the foot opened.
"I went through my clothes for my smallest jeans if you want to stay for breakfast. Figured that way Freddie won't have to wake up until he has to. I most likely have clothes for him too." Harry spoke softly so he didn't wake Freddie.
"In my car I have spare clothes for him." Louis mumbled as he laid his head against Freddie's pouting slightly, "why must they grow?"
"Circle of life." Harry said stepping in and place the folded clothes on the foot of the bed, "waffles?"
"Sounds good. I'll be up in like...five more minutes."
"See you down there." Harry left the room and closed the door behind him then headed downstairs and opened the glass door letting the dogs out. He turned on his Bluetooth speaker and played his music on shuffle then headed to the walk-in pantry and found his mini dinosaur waffle iron then grabbed a regular waffle maker and headed back into the kitchen. Harry plugged in both irons then got to work making the batter from scratch singing along to the music as he mixed the ingredients.
"Old school Britney? Really?" Harry looked up grinning, a retort on his tongue, but he promptly swallowed it when he saw Louis in his sweater. It was abnormally large on him by any means but was definitely bigger than it should be. It showed just a preview of his collarbone with it leaned to one side. Not too much, but just enough to be visible and a distraction.
"I'm a gay man, aren't I?" Harry said after swallowing three times.
"Fair point." Louis said sitting on the bar stool across from where he was, "Need help?"
"No. Waffles are pretty simple. Easy to manage unless you want to cut up some fruit when Freddie wakes up?"
"I can do that. Speaking of I should go get his clothes from my car. I'll be down with Freddie in a few. If you dance to Single Ladies make sure I'm here to see it."
"I'll be sure to yell for you should it come on.” Harry said watching Louis roll his eyes before he walked away. A few minutes and a few giggles echoing through his house Harry heard Freddie come racing down the stairs with Louis telling him to slow down.
“Good morning Harry!” Freddie said grinning up at him.
“Good morning Freddie.” Harry greeted pulling out the stepping stool with his foot from under the sink and Freddie immediately climbed up to have a better angle, “What are you making?”
“I’m making waffles, but not any kind of waffles I’m making dinosaur waffles.” Freddie’s eyes widen and he grinned looking up at Harry.
“Really?! How?! I want to help.” Freddie said, but before Harry could reply his phone was going off where he left it on the island.
“Hey Lou, can you check who that is?” Harry asked glancing back at Louis briefly before he focused back on Freddie to make sure he didn’t touch anything hot.
“It says Lima Bean with a green heart.” Louis said walking over to him, “Answer it or no?”
“Yeah, put him on speaker.” Louis set the phone down away from the batter then placed it on speaker, “Hey Liam before you speak just know there is a child beside me and you’re on speaker.”
“Relax I’m not calling to complain about my single life. I’m calling because I have a proposition for you.”
“If it’s not you taking my Saturday then I don’t want to hear it.”
“Lucky for us both it is. I can’t come in for my shift today anyway I can swap you. It’s only six hours I promise. Eight to Two.”
“And you’ll take my Saturday? Four to four?”
“Yes, I’ll take your Saturday.” Liam said reluctantly.
“Deal. You’re lucky I love you.”
“Yeah yeah thanks. I gotta go.” Harry ended the call then went back to pouring the batter into the dinosaur imprints with Freddie’s not so helpful hands. Then they poured some into the regular waffle maker and Harry shut both and flipped them.
“Alright Freddie I have blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and I think raspberries. I also have chocolate syrup and whip cream. Two fruits and one topping. If you say please, I might let you have two toppings.” That last part was in a fake whisper.
“Bananas and strawberries and whip cream and chocolate please.” Harry glanced back at him briefly not at all looking guilty for what he was about to do before he scooped Freddie up and made a show of running around the island and to the fridge making Freddie squeal with laughter. Louis shook his head as he watched them dig through Harry’s fridge for the needed contents, Louis grabbed the banana Freddie picked out and peeled it then started cutting half into slices while giving the other half to Freddie to eat while the waffles cooked. Breakfast was soon over, and Louis went about collecting everything Freddie had somehow managed to spread all over the house that belonged to him and pack them back up while Harry went and got dressed. Harry came down in dark blue scrubs that caused Louis to give him a once over though luckily, he caught himself before Harry saw it and instead focused on finding Freddie’s shoe that somehow became lost.
“Need help?” Harry asked.
“A shoe has gone missing.” Louis explained.
“Are you sure?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
“What? Yes, I’m sure I think I’d know if there were two shoes in plain sight you dumb-“ Louis pressed his lips together when he saw Harry pick up said shoe from the shoe rack, “I hate you.” Louis said standing up from his knees that he had been on looking for the shoe under the sectional.
“It was right there.”
“Shut up I hate you right now.” Louis said.
“Right. Sorry. I forgot your blindness was my fault.” Louis glared as him as he slipped Freddie’s shoe on his socked foot, “There. Now let’s slip your jacket on, shall we?”
“Okay papa.”
“Where’s your jacket?” Harry asked as he handed Louis Freddie’s light jacket.
“Papa didn’t wear one.” Freddie said as he slipped his arms through the sleeves.
“That’s because Papa doesn’t need one.” Louis said.
“Yes, Papa does. Here. It’s cold this morning.” Harry said handing Louis one of his pullovers that read ‘keep calm…okay not that calm’ with the heart rate going flat lined. It was medical career humor that Liam liked to gift him as gag gifts.
“You’re joking.” Louis said.
“Nope. Put it on.” Louis glared but did as Harry said slipping his arms in and pulling it over his head while keeping his glare on Harry at all times, “Glare all you want you can thank me when you don’t get sick.”
“I hardly ever get sick.” Louis grumbled grabbing Freddie’s small backpack as Harry slipped on his shoes and pullover that read ‘I can save lives, but I can’t fix stupid’, “Oh god please tell me you don’t find these funny.”
“I do in fact. You’re marrying a dad Louis with that comes dad jokes.” Harry said grinning at Louis as he covered Freddie’s ears and moved his head making him giggle so he didn’t actually know he couldn’t hear a conversation.
“I regret my life choices that have brought me to this part of my life already.” Louis said rolling his eyes as he stepped out of the house, “Come on Fred let’s get you to Nursery.”
“Okay Papa. Bye Harry!”
“Bye Freddie. I’ll see you again soon okay?”
“Not this weekend. I’m with Nana this weekend.”
“Next time.” Harry said rubbing his head, “And I will text you during the day and we can plan our Saturday if you’d like?” Harry questioned looking at Louis.
“Sounds good. I’ll be free after five on Friday so if you think we can squeeze something in then just let me know.”
“Will do.” Harry said opening his driver door and getting into his car as Louis did the same. Harry let Louis pull out first then after making sure his gate closed and locked he followed behind him until they went their separate ways at the light.
Chapter 5: Five
You guys will be able to have a say in the venue! The reason it has taken so long is because as an American I have no idea about wedding venues in the UK. So I've been googling and I've only selected the ones that had Winter pictures so we all get an idea of what it looks like. In the comments go ahead and comment your favorite! It can be you only favorite or your top three! I do have three favorites that I am in love with writing a scene with. The Mills Wedding Venue didn't have many winter photos so I encourage everyone to google all the locations as well to get a good feel of them. I LOVE ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE SO THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU! I'll be counting Wattpad, Tumblr, and Archive's comments as they come until I am writing the chapter. If you need better pictures they will be on my tumblr page! LarryFanficWriter!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Friday night by seven o'clock found Louis being served a plate of steak, baked shell mac and cheese, honey buttered rolls, and a small side salad as he graded his papers.
"Thank you." Louis said looking up at Harry briefly as he sat to his left, "I could have helped you know."
"The only thing you need to do is one never do work at my dining table again and two eat." Harry said glaring at him playfully, "I have an office y'know, I have a spare office even if you wanted that for yourself. My dining table is not your desk."
"You're the one that demanded to keep conversation going about wedding flowers while I had to grade. I was moving to the coffee table. But I promise I won't turn your dining table into my desk."
"Good. Now eat." Louis rolled his eyes but set his red pen down and moved the graded stuff into his bag and the unmarked stuff to the living room coffee table for now. Returning to his seat he grabbed his fork and dug into his side salad first wanting to taste the homemade dressing Harry made.
"My mom is going to love you and demand to know how you made me eat a salad." Louis grumbled as he shoved another forkful into his mouth glaring at Harry.
"I'll be sure to give her my recipe." Harry said, "I use to cook with my mom almost every night, so I learned a thing or two."
"Now I feel like I shouldn't even try to cook your dinner. I'll disappoint you."
"Never. I just got into cooking because I have an empty house all the time. You have Freddie who gets hungry in five minutes and expects food in ten. You're not obligated to try and impress me with your cooking. If it's edible I'm happy. Doesn't even have to be warm. I'll eat cold food if I'm hungry enough. Hannah actually left out frozen pizzas or canned soup for me all the time. Most of the time the pizza was thawed by the time I got home and so it wasn't good to cook and the soup I would just open and eat without heating it."
"She didn't make you dinner?"
"Well, I guess I don't have to best her at being the better housewife." Harry choked on his beer and laughed as he wiped his mouth off.
"If there was a competition, I promise you, you have already won it. Anyway, speaking of your soon to be married title I picked up our engagement rings. Yes, I got us matching ones so the nurses can stop trying to persuade me into being straight. I’ve been telling them I’ve had a boyfriend for months and I think they don’t believe me.”
“Should I come by to your work to give you lunch one day? Be extra flirty?”
“Would you?” Louis laughed looking down at his plate, “I’m serious over here.”
“Sure, I’ll come over in my tightest pair of pants and your sweater I have at my house.”
“I have the perfect pullover hold on.” Louis opened his mouth to tell Harry to sit down but Harry was already running up the stairs by the time the words registered in his brain. Harry came back down on a minute later with a white pullover and when he spread it out, he saw STYLES was written on the back with the letter ‘19’ on the front and back.
“The hospital has a football team to encourage exercise and outdoor play. I bloody suck at football, but as my boyfriend you support me anyway.”
“Fiancé and give it.”
“Soon to be fiancé.” Harry countered with a grin as he handed the pullover to Louis who laid it with his other stuff in the living room. “Just come in wearing that and they’ll…hopefully back off.”
“Oh, they’ll back off. I can be mean if I want to be.”
“You’re the best.”
Saturday morning Harry was waking Louis up in the guest room with French Toast, bacon, and three poached eggs.
“Eat, get ready, we should leave in two hours.”
“Go away.” Louis groaned, “Why did I agree to do this today?”
“Because you and I both know it’ll be easier to do wedding things without Freddie there. As much as I adore him, it would be very boring. See you downstairs.” Louis glared at Harry’s retreating back then turned his attention to the plate of breakfast and decided getting up this early was an even trade for breakfast that looked that good. Louis ate his breakfast quickly then got dressed for a day outside in the late September weather. He took his plate downstairs and put it in the dishwasher and turned to Harry as he laid out on the couch, his phone in his hands.
“Are you taking a selfie?” Louis asked grinning when Harry stretched his neck to look at him with a beet red face.
“I’m snapchatting Maddie. Meanie.”
“Meanie?! Wow. I’m impressed. For a doctor you certainly have a way with words.” Harry grinned rolling his eyes before looking back at his phone, “You take selfies weird.”
“There is no wrong way to take a picture you child. Stop making fun of me.” Louis laughed and headed to him, hands on his hips as he stood where his head was resting on the arm of couch.
“Ready to go old man?” Harry laid his phone on his chest facing upwards and looked at him with a soft smile on his lips, “What?”
“I bet you looked cute pregnant.”
“Really? That’s what you are thinking about? Well for the record I most certainly did not look cute pregnant. My ex made sure to tell me that everyday too. He wouldn’t even give a hand if you know what I mean when my stomach was in the way.”
“You’re joking.” Louis shook his head, “What a douche. Why did you like him?”
“The sex was good. I was young and naïve. He gave great head all things considered.” Harry laughed, “What? It’s true. Why’d you stay with Hannah for so long?”
“It wasn’t the sex I can tell you that much. When we were about to break up, we found out she was pregnant, so we stayed together. We had been having a hard time in uni, so we were discussing breaking it off but then she told me she was late one night, and I got a pregnancy test for her and it was positive. Honestly, I don’t even remember the last time I had sex…god I’m lame.” Louis laughed as Harry swung his legs to the ground and pushed himself up, “Ready then?”
“Yeah, come on virgin Mary.”
“Not funny. When was the last time you got laid?”
“Point taken. Moving on.” Louis said grabbing Harry’s pullover he gave him yesterday and pulling it on as they left the house. Louis slid into the passenger seat of Harry’s Murano as Harry got into the driver’s seat. “Where are we headed first?”
“I figured we’d do what will take us the longest first which is our venue. They’re all south of us as well except one. Want to start with the furthest one out which is four hours out. Ready?”
“I’m taking a nap on the road.”
“Go ahead.”
As predicted the venue looking took all day, but it wasn’t taxing at all. Most of the venues they were able to walk around alone or with just one staff member. The colorful leaves on the trees, not yet having fallen down, made every location look breath taking and each venue had pictures of what it would look like in the winter. It was relaxing really, and since Harry had only written down the ones that had the 19th available, they didn’t have to worry about falling in love with a place only for it to not be free that date. Louis held Harry’s hand throughout the day watching as he charmed his way through staff members and watching as his eyes lit up when he saw the snowy landscapes. There had been one staff member that hadn’t taken his eyes off of Harry for more than a few seconds that Louis shut down with a raised brow that made Harry blush and grin widely trying to pretend he had no idea what just happened and why the staff member didn’t look at Harry any more than appropriate after that. When they got to the SUV Harry had pinch him and exclaimed, they could not pick that venue for fear of a staff member ruining their wedding because of Louis. Louis had laughed and continued to laugh as they drove to the other venue. By the time they got home the sun was set and they had grabbed takeout on the road then relaxed on the couch watching a movie as they talked about the venues and what they liked and didn’t like until they had narrowed it down to their top three.
You guys will be able to have a say in the venue! The reason it has taken so long is because as an American I have no idea about wedding venues in the UK. So I've been googling and I've only selected the ones that had Winter pictures so we all get an idea of what it looks like. In the comments go ahead and comment your favorite! It can be you only favorite or your top three! I do have three favorites that I am in love with writing a scene with. The Mills Wedding Venue didn't have many winter photos so I encourage everyone to google all the locations as well to get a good feel of them. I LOVE ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE SO THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU! I'll be counting Wattpad, Tumblr, and Archive's comments as they come until I am writing the chapter. If you need better pictures they will be on my tumblr page! LarryFanficWriter!
Chapter 6: Six
Chapter Text
Louis lasted all of two minutes under his mother's stare before he was trying to look busy. Usually if he looked busy, she'd leave and wouldn't stick around but not this time apparently.
"Who's Harry?" Louis froze only a second before he continued his organizing of children's books.
"Who?" He asked.
"Freddie mentioned him a lot over the weekend. Said you were getting married?"
"I am?" Louis asked trying to feign innocence, but he knew he failed when his mother didn't budge. "We've....discussed it."
"And I haven't even met this young man. Or heard about him."
"Fine. When we started discussing marriage, we decided it was time for him to meet Freddie. He has a daughter, and she doesn't know anything. We kept it a secret from everyone to see where it went. He's a doctor, works weird hours and we only see each other a few times a month. We've restricted ourselves to texting and the times when I don't have Freddie we see each other as much as we can." Louis said looking at her, she was sitting on the couch with her leg crossed over the other and her arms crossed across her chest.
"How long have you two been together?"
"Over a year." She narrowed her eyes at him, and he swallowed turning away chewing his lip as he focused on the books.
"Were you with him over the weekend?"
"I was." Louis pressed his lips together tried to suppress a grin, "we looked at venues." He spoke quickly before he turned away and headed to the kitchen grabbed random objects just to misplace them somewhere else.
"Venues? Like Wedding Venues?" Louis nodded grabbing a napkin and cleaning off the dry erase board for the month. September was ending in a few days anyway, so he didn't need it anymore. "So, you're getting married to a man we haven't met yet?"
"I've met him. Freddie's met him." Louis tried to defend himself.
"Has Zayn met him?"
"Is he...a criminal?"
"I just said he's a doctor. He works weird and long hours. We're getting married January nineteenth." His mother stared at him, but he refused to back down as he looked back at her.
"Are you pregnant? Is this your way of tying someone down?" Louis' eyes widen and his jaw dropped before he laughed shaking his head.
"No. He proposed to me. I'm not pregnant this isn't like that." Louis said.
"Fine then tell me what this is like? You've been together for a year Louis...what if you don't like his personality in the morning...what if he treats Freddie badly after he gets comfortable...what if he traps you into a loveless marriage popping kids out...what if-" Louis sighed and headed to the table sitting down across from her as the sounds of Freddie playing with his train set could be heard. He grabbed his phone and opened the video of Harry and Freddie as they built that set then gave the phone to his mother.
Her eyes widen briefly when she saw him, and she looked at him making him roll his eyes. The video played and he could hear Freddie's consistent chattering and questions and Harry's calming voice answering his questions and telling him not to do something repeatedly. Harry's endless patience impressed Louis and his parenting style despite not having a child to parent all the time was also calming and nothing like Louis could have ever hoped for in a partner. He knew the moment his mother finally let some of her worries go, it was same moment he allowed himself to trust Harry with Freddie. Freddie had been jumping on Harry's lap only stopping a few seconds at a time when Harry told him to. Freddie was a toddler still however, so he chose to play over listen more often than not and as a result had ended up accidentally hitting Harry in the head with his own. Harry, unlike most people even parents themselves, Louis included sometimes, didn't even react except to calmly make sure Freddie was okay then set him on the ground beside him and told him to stay there or go play. Freddie had sat beside Harry without comment. Harry didn't look angry, didn't let the injury make him lash out, didn't even look to be annoyed at all. It was one of the many things that came with Toddlerhood unfortunately, Louis has had many bloody gums and lips because of Freddie. Later Harry had explained that he had many patients head butt him on the daily and Freddie's head wasn't as hard as a grown man's was. He had also been preparing for it and it wasn't that big of a deal. Injuries happen in the parenting journey and how the parent reacts can reflect on the child. Harry made Louis feel stupid and inadequate a lot, but he never meant to, and Louis made sure to never actually tell Harry he made him feel like a bad parent more times than not whenever he got into his doctor mode.
"He seems lovely and he's cute." She said wiggling her eyebrows, "I can see why you wanted to keep him all to yourself."
"It wasn't like that. We both didn't want Freddie or Maddison to know until we knew it was serious. When marriage became a topic, we knew it was time to meet Freddie." He said taking his phone back, "when I saw how well they got along we started talking about in depth and decided to do it in January. Smaller intimate wedding with just immediate family and close friends."
"And his daughter?"
"That's where it gets messy. Her mother isn't...great. Before you say there are two sides to the story trust me this woman does not deserve the title. Maddison goes to the school I work at and I see this woman all the time. She doesn't let Harry see her, the only time they see each other is if Harry comes to the school for a few minutes or when her babysitter let's Maddison use her phone. It's a mess. Harry pays for child support, but the mother uses that money on herself and not Maddison then has the audacity to ask for more money from Harry and Harry let's her. He gives her money. Hannah will bribe Harry of seeing his daughter for money only for something to come up and say next time only to ask for more money. Harry's afraid if he says no it'll look bad in court, so he just gives her money." Louis explained as he rested his head in his hand, his mother let his words sink in before she slowly nodded.
"I can see why it's been a secret he's taking her to court?"
"November he's asking for regular visitation then after six months of visitation he can ask for custody. She wants to move to America and take Maddison with her, Harry wants to keep Maddison here for stability and since she has already started school. All of her family is in the UK her mother's side and Harry's side included. Her babysitter is here."
"Stability. Is he pressuring you to get married sooner for this reason?"
"No mom though I won't lie it has influenced us a little. I want to marry him and we both want a winter wedding. We are sacrificing a bigger wedding for a small one so it's easier to plan on short notice, but it's not because he's pressuring me. We have already been planning for Freddie and me to move in with him this November when my lease is up so getting married comes next and we're taking the step a little sooner than we would thought but not for the wrong reasons." Louis said carefully making sure he said the right things.
"Promise this isn’t him pressuring you?"
"I promise. Look I can't promise anything as a sit-down meeting but next time I see him I'll facetime you. Deal?"
"Deal. So, where's the ring?"
"At his house. We want to tell Maddison without her asking questions about a ring on my finger."
Louis jumped and looked up at the knock on his own classroom door and stared at Harry in shock for a minute before he grinned. He stood up and walked up to him.
"What are you doing here?" Louis asked glancing over at his students briefly.
"Came to see what you and Freddie are doing later tonight."
"Who's this Mister T?" A male student asked teasingly, "a boyfriend perhaps?"
"Great. Thanks. You couldn't have texted me?"
"I was on my way here anyway. Figured I'd stop by to see you and ask about your plans."
"We are free why?"
"Sleepover?" His class immediately reacted with 'oooh's and laughter, "it's Friday night and this is my weekend off. I'm over my overtime anyways so I can't go into work until Monday even if I was scheduled."
"I'll ask Freddie what he thinks when I pick him up. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to say yes."
"Good. I'll text you." Louis nodded watching as Harry headed down the hall towards the staircase.
He shook his head and sat back at his desk ignoring his class as he focused back on grading. When the final bell ran fifteen minutes later Louis was the last one out as usual and headed to the main lobby. As he was walking down the stairs, he saw Harry and Hannah talking with Maddison between them. Louis watched for a few moments before Hannah finally rolled her eyes and stormed off leaving Maddison with Harry who kneeled upfront of her. Maddison nodded rubbing her face and Louis' heart broke realizing she was crying. Harry hugged her tightly, his arms covering her entire back as he pulled her into his body and her arms wrapping around his neck. Louis smiled at the scene they made and was about to head out but caught Harry's eye who smiled at him and wiggled his fingers in a small greeting. Louis waved back and headed their way smiling at Maddison when she turned to him.
"Hey sweetie." Louis said.
"Hi Louis." Maddison said smiling up at him, "guess what."
"Hmmm....let me cut your hair?"
"You grew your hair?"
"Nooo silly."
"I know what it is. You're turning grey." He said making her laugh.
"No, I'm staying with Daddy this weekend and he promised that if you and Freddie come over, we can build a big fort and watch Toy Story."
"That sounds like the best Friday night a man my age could ever have. I'll be sure to tell Freddie the plan when I go pick him up." Louis said.
"Pizza sound good?" Harry asked looking at Louis who nodded.
"Pizza is always good. I'll come by after I grab some clothes for the weekend if Freddie is agreeable."
"Perfect. We'll be there awaiting your arrival."
Louis took the offered blanket with a soft thanks as he sat on the patio swing overlooking the large backyard space that was rare to find in Manchester or anywhere in the big cities for that matter. Harry sat beside him, and Louis made sure to give him enough of the blanket to keep warm in the chilly night air.
“So, I’d say all things considered today was a great step.” Harry said watching the dogs run around to find a good spot to do their business.
“Yeah. Only three fights and one tantrum. A lot better than I thought it would be.”
“To be fair Maddie definitely had it coming when she tried to put makeup on him.” Louis laughed shaking his head remembering the fight they had to breakup. Maddie had somehow convinced Freddie to dress up as a princess with her, but Freddie refused to wear makeup, so Maddie decided to try and do it anyway.
“I can’t believe you let her do your makeup…I never thought I’d see you with lilac lipstick Harold.”
“I was rocking that lilac lipstick Louis don’t deny it. Lilac lipstick and bright yellow eyeshadow with light pink blush is a killer look.” Louis didn’t say anything as he slowly sipped his hot tea in his mug held between his hands.
“Sure it is.” Louis said smirking lightly as he remembered he still had to send those pictures to his mother before bed, “Maddie took the news well.”
“She likes you. It makes things easier on her part I guess since she knew you from school. What did you two talk about?” Harry asked turning to look at him completely.
“Oh, she asked me if she had to call me Papa and I explained to her and Freddie that our names will be fine and that there is no pressure to call us anything they don’t want to. Apparently, Hannah’s boyfriend makes her call him dad upfront of his family.” Louis said glancing at Harry hesitantly, but he just nodded, “You knew?”
“Yeah. He’s been trying to adopt her as well, but he can’t. Not without my consent and obviously I’m not giving it.” Louis shook his head looking over to the dogs.
“I can’t believe people are this petty…or horrible…why keep a father from his child?”
“I wasn’t the best boyfriend Louis…not back then. I was so focused on my education I neglected her emotionally that is. I didn’t bully her or anything, I wasn’t abusive by any means, but it’s not completely her fault. When she took Maddie and left I…I was so pissed, and I had the cops called on me for domestic dispute. Luckily, they didn’t have to arrest me as I left willingly, but I wasn’t innocent in this mess. Sometimes I’d take a last-minute grocery run with Maddie when I had her just to keep her a little while longer and it pissed Hannah off. I didn’t mean it in a rude way I just wanted more time with her than the few hours she gave me randomly. When I turned her down to rekindle the relationship because I finally wanted to be me and be with guys and be gay and be a doctor, she became like this and worse.”
“She cheated Harry…she wasn’t there to help you study or ease your stress from medical school. She wasn’t making sure you had hot food when you got home or anything. She started it and she let it grow and then she cheated and took your daughter and left without any type of communication. You may not have been giving her flowers every Friday or complimenting her everyday like you think you should have, but she also wasn’t do the same for you. None of it is your fault. You may not have solved the situation when you could have, but you didn’t cause it. Not really.” Harry looked at Louis, his hand holding his head up as he smiled at him.
“Thanks.” Harry said reaching out and taking his hand squeezing it, “I know I tell you this every time we talk, but I really do appreciate this.” Louis looked at him with a smile as he intertwined their fingers together and looked back out to the dogs. They sat there in the calm silence of the chilly night, letting it calm them from the busy week they both had.
“So, you never did tell me why you had Maddie. You started to but we got summoned for fort construction.”
“That’s right. Well, we got called into a meeting about her reading and writing. They want her to start tutoring and I argued, tutors always made me feel dumber and I learned by having at home help. Hannah had this whole sob story about not having money for a tutor and how things have been tight as she was wearing a designer belt. But you know the man, the father is always in the wrong, so he believed her and asked me if I’d be willing to pay for a tutor. Long story short I refused. I said she needs help from someone who has dyslexia, someone who gave it to her. AKA ME. It was a tense meeting but at the end of it I figured me refusing to pay for a tutor would look bad, so I agreed to pay the hundred a month for school hired tutor. When we left Hannah and I started arguing because I asked if I could have Maddie sometime soon as I had news, I wanted to share with her. Hannah wanted to know but I didn’t tell her and eventually it ended up with Hannah leaving after telling me to just keep her until Sunday.”
“Sounds like a fun conversation. Sad I missed it.” Louis said smirking lightly making Harry’s eyes roll.
“Jerk. Ready to go inside?” Louis nodded standing up and grabbing the blanket noticing that Harry didn’t let go of his hand as they headed to the glass sliding doors. At Harry’s whistle the dogs darted inside and towards the fort where the kids were fast asleep still after watching Toy Story. Well after watching thirty minutes of Toy Story to be exact. Harry, his hand still holding Louis’ headed up the stairs quietly and walked him to his guest room, “What do you want for breakfast in the morning?” He asked leaning his shoulder against the wall, his hands now holding Louis’ hand in them.
“I think the kids mentioned pancakes.”
“That they did. Pancakes it is then. Goodnight Louis. See you in the morning.” Harry said.
“Goodnight. Thanks for walking me to my door.” Harry laughed.
“Well, I’m nothing, but a gentleman.” He said before he gently kissed Louis’ cheek before he turned and headed to his own room.
Chapter 7: Seven
Sorry for the twenty days without an update. My good friend Depression is here visiting and she brought her besties Anxiety and Insomnia with it's been a real party over here.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Harry was jumped wildly and spun around with his spatula in his hand ready to attack the person that decided sneaking up on him in the morning while he sang along to TLC ‘No Scrub’ was a good idea. However, when he was able to focus on who the person was, he saw Louis bent over laughing his ass off into his hand to keep from waking the kids that were still sound asleep. Harry glared at the younger man blushing in embarrassment as he turned back to his stove turning over his bacon.
“I could have hit you with my spatula Louis.” Harry complained.
“Oh yes…that would have caused real damage.” Louis teased, “The kids asleep?”
“Passed out still. I think we’re good for a few more minutes.” Harry said stepping away to grab a mug and hand it to Louis, “Electric kettle over there.” Louis took the mug and moved over to the kettle and opened the drawer that had every tea type imaginable. Louis was still shocked Harry had so much tea and was so organized about it. Though the organized part wasn’t as shocking now that he had seen Harry’s entire house, everything had its place and was organized, and it was a drastic difference compared to his own place where nothing was in its proper place because he didn’t remember where that proper place was anymore.
“So, our parents…how are we dealing with that?” Louis asked.
“I’m taking Halloween weekend off; I was thinking we all meet up here. My family and you family, the kids go trick or treating and us adults who want to cook stay here and make a large dinner. What do you think?”
“A large family dinner on Halloween? You’re either really confident or really stupid.”
“Both. What? Don’t think it’s a good idea? Come on this is a nice neighbor. Most of the houses give out the expensive stuff.” Louis laughed as he sipped his tea, “I think it’s a good idea. I always make graveyard pudding cups then let the kids pick out their top like gummy worms or tombstone chocolate models or candied ghosts. Needless to say, I am the favorite house on the block, and I have hot beverages for the parents if it’s cold.” Louis stared at him before he laughed.
“You’re that house huh? Geesh.”
“We’re that house.” Harry said grinning at him, “Can you get the fruit salad out of the fridge? And the smaller bowl beside it.”
“Of course. How long have you been up for?” Louis asked opening the fridge pulling out the large serving bowl of cut up mixed tangerines, kiwis, blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. He set the fruit bowl on the counter then grabbed the smaller bowl that was clear-yellowish color with diced something inside of it.
“About two hours. I’m an early riser most mornings.” Harry explained as he placed the pancakes on a large serving plate and the bacon and sausage on another serving plate then put them in the oven to stay warm. Harry came over to stand beside him and took the smaller bowl and poured the contents on the fruit before stirring, “Don’t get your underwear in a knot it’s a lemon and honey dressing that compliments the fruits with chopped mint. It adds flavor.” Harry said chuckling.
“It adds flavor.” Louis mocked, “You and your fancy cooking and fresh ingredients. You make me sick.” Harry laughed as Louis walked away and headed to the living room to check on the kids. He decided to gently wake them up and let them know breakfast was ready relieved when they woke up in a good mood with growling bellies.
“Go wash your hands, brush your teeth, and empty your bladders if you have to then come right back down.” Louis said gently watch as the groggily headed upstairs, Freddie with his overnight backpack that had his things in it. He headed back into the kitchen and grabbed the finished fruit salad bowl and set it in the middle of the square table.
“I should tell you to not do that and let the kids handle it, but considering Maddie is clumsy in the mornings I’ll let it slide.” Harry said coming up beside him with the two serving plates.
“They can set the table for lunch.” Louis said rolling his eyes playfully before heading back into the kitchen to grab the four plates, two glass and two kids. He set the table, so he and Harry were facing each other, and the kids were facing each other like they did with dinner last night.
“Milk or juice this morning for Freddie?”
“Probably juice the only time he likes to drink milk with his breakfast is when he has cereal.” Harry came up beside him with a pitcher of juice that he poured into the kids’ cups just high enough that it wouldn’t spill over the edge during the grabbing action by children. A few minuets later the kids came down more awake than when they had headed upstairs and sat down at the table with their now filled plates of cut up pancakes, fruit, a bacon strip, and a sausage link. Harry and Louis made their own plates and sat down digging into the delicious food.
After breakfast, the kids went on a Scavenger Hunt for something Louis wasn’t allowed to know about. Maddie and Freddie had both dressed up as scavenger hunters for the occasion and were both very adorable in Louis’ opinion. Especially when they pretended the dogs were wild animals they had to escape from. Louis was currently lounging on the couch with his legs in Harry’s lap as he graded some papers, Harry looking over some papers and occasionally rubbing near his shins and ankles.
What are you looking at over there?” Louis asked laying his stack of papers on his stomach to look at Harry.
“Lawyer papers.” Louis sat up keeping his legs in Harry’s lap and moving closer, so his arm rested on Harry’s shoulder.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just want to be prepared…I don’t want to be blindsided by anything because I didn’t read the updated case papers.” Harry explained looking at him with a tired smile, he shifted to better face him with his arm resting on the back of the couch and his other hand resting between his knees, “What about you? How’s grading going?”
“Oh, grading is fine. It’s tiring but it’s fine. Each year is in the same class, so I only have one set of papers to grade since each year is different work.” Louis explained, “So what are they doing anything?” Louis asked when a loud giggle came from upstairs.
“They’re on a scavenger hunt for the ring box. Maddie asked if she could find it yesterday, so I hid it and made it into a treasure hunt for them. It’s an easy distraction and it makes them feel involved in the engagement process. I took a parenting class by parents online a few years ago that has a whole bunch of tips and tricks from other parents who want to and have formed better relationships with their children as they grow up. The one thing they all emphasized on was making the children feel needed and included in everyday lives. Like with setting the table, it makes them feel included in the dinner process. Helps them with responsibilities and such. Some kids it helps with emotion control. I still go back to website from time to time when I need help with Maddie or just to see what new parents are doing or asking about.”
“So, you’re not always perfect.” Louis teased making Harry laugh as he shook his head.
“No not always.” Harry said looking at him with a soft look on his face, “Are you worried about anything? With the court or marriage or anything?”
“I think I’m most worried about what my nonexistent relationship with Freddie’s father might impact your case, but there’s nothing we can do about that. I know logically it affecting your case is very slim, but still. It’s there. I don’t want that to ruin your chances.”
“It won’t. My lawyer even sent me an email explaining that it most likely be brought up by her lawyer as a way to make you look bad, but your relationship with your son and with Maddie will outweigh that by tons. Especially if Maddie talks with my lawyer about you and says she likes you. He has it on recording that she doesn’t like Hannah’s boyfriend.”
“What do you mean by recording?”
“It’s just a standard interview with the child to get their response on things. He asks her a few questions about what she thinks on certain things and uses it as evidence. Hannah’s lawyer done it as well and has the same recording which looks bad for Hannah considering the things she said. He wanted to do the same with Freddie, but I said no. The lawyers can’t question the child without the parent’s permission, but I don’t want Freddie dragged into this. Now when it comes to the custody hearing when we’re married and living together, they may challenge to do so just so the court knows he likes us being married and likes living with Maddie. That kind of stuff. But again, with him being so young he isn’t able to be questioned without our- well your say so.”
“What type of questions? Would I be able to read them before they’re asked?”
“Yes and no…They have to give you the list of questions before hand and get your approval. Anything you disapprove of you can tell them not to answer. However, it has to be done the same day as the meeting. They have to be in the same room to make sure you don’t influence his answers. With him being younger than Maddie they will most likely question him in a playroom setting and with you in the room but not close enough to influence anything. My lawyer is a father himself, if he thinks at any point Freddie isn’t understanding or just isn’t ready, he’ll end the questioning and they’ll scrap it.”
“Then I’m okay with them questioning Freddie closer to the court date. I want him to get…settled with this new arrangement first, but if your lawyer thinks it’ll help and if Freddie is okay with it then I’m okay with it.”
“Louis you don’t have to do that-“
“I know I don’t, but I want to help. It’s why I’m here after all isn’t it.”
“You’re here to marry me and essentially play the role of the at home papa who has routine work hours that means Maddie won’t be home with a nanny. You’re not here to make your son be questioned by lawyers.”
“I’m not making him do anything. We’ll ask him when it get closer to the time and if he doesn’t want to then we don’t allow it. Where did all that making them feel included speech go off to?” Louis teased.
“My wisdom only comes in short bursts on my days off…unfortunately you’re stuck with average Harry at the moment.
“What a shame. Smart Harry is way hotter.” Harry laughed pinching his leg making Louis jump and quickly hit the hand away.
“I’ll tell my lawyer the next time I speak with him that you’re thinking about it. He wants to meet you at some point anyway, I figured next weekend since I’m on nights we can plan for a meeting over breakfast before I go to bed.”
“Sounds good. We’ll plan like a Saturday breakfast meet up and then while you sleep, I can hang out with- damn Zayn gets Freddie…huh I’ll be free this weekend.”
“Lucky you. Whatever are you going to do with a whole weekend of freedom.”
“Well, I am moving soon so I guess I’ll be organizing things. Maybe go down and see my family for a few hours. Get drunk in the comforts of my home. Who knows? I could just laze around naked all weekend.”
“I hate you. God do I hate you.” Louis laughed resting his head in his hand as he stared at Harry, Harry stared at him mirroring him by resting his head on his hand as well. His amused expression turned soft after a few seconds, “How hard would you slap me if I kissed you?”
“Extremely hard.” Louis said chuckling.
“Like a cheek slap or a chest slap?”
“Probably a cheek.”
“Worth it.” Harry said before he was leaning in and pressing his unbelievably soft and very warm lips against Louis’. His hand that had been resting on the back of the couch cupped the side of his face while the hand that had been resting between his knees squeezed just above them. Louis had his hand raised and primed for the slap he had threatened him with only for it to end up curled in the hair on the back of his head instead. When the slap didn’t happen, Harry leaned further in and deepened the kiss while his hand slid into Louis’ hair pulling him in closer. Louis will forever deny that he got hard within ten seconds of snogging, he didn’t care what his body did, it didn’t happen. He would also deny the fact that he so easily complied with being laid down with Harry above him as if they were teenagers. Because that definitely didn’t happen either. Another thing he would deny was how fast snogging led to grinding considering they were in fact adults…not teenagers.
“DADDY! LOUIS! WE FOUND THE TREASURE!” Maddison shouted from upstairs.
“Funny so did I.” Louis laughed and decided making good on his promise was definitely worth it as he slapped Harry on the shoulder.
“That didn’t happen. We are not fucking teenagers.” Louis said as they quickly sat up and adjusted themselves on the sofa to hide their erections that would dispute his teenager claim. Harry turned to the stairs just as Maddie and Freddie came reached the bottom and ran towards them.
“You found it then huh?” Harry asked.
“Yupp.” Maddison said happily as she handed the box to Harry who dramatically turned so Louis’ wouldn’t be able to see the rings as he made a show of opening the case and inspecting the rings.
“Yeah, these are it...see this one is Louis’ because it’s smaller and this one is mine.” Louis watched as Maddie took one of the rings then came over to Louis and he laughed as he watched Maddie kneel upfront of him and grabbing his hand, “Mads I’m suppose to do that.” Harry said.
“Hush daddy I’m busy getting you a husband.” Louis covered his mouth with his other hand to contain his laughter, “Loulou...” she addressed him seriously.
“Yes, my love?” Louis asked.
“Will you marry my daddy?” She asked, big green eyes looking up at Louis who grinned widely.
“I would be honored to marry your daddy.” Louis said watching as she slid a silver ring on his finger with an elegant and simple gold loop, “very beautiful, what do you think?” he asked smiling at her as she tilted her head.
“I think it’s missing a few diamonds.”
“I’m not much of a diamond man I think your daddy did perfectly. Besides diamond rings are for weddings not engagements.”
“Also, the wedding bands are picked together, the engagement rings are simpler design since they aren’t worn long. Especially in this case.” Harry said leaning over to gently pinch Maddie who giggled leaning away from him.
“Okay you’re turn Freddie.” Maddie whispered though they could still hear her loud and clear. Logic of a child. Freddie grabbed a thicker band that was the same design as his but was in rose gold. Louis watched as his son got down on both knees and grabbed Harry’s hand and asked the same question Maddie had asked him but using the term ‘papa’ instead.
“I would love to marry your Papa Freddie.” Harry said grinning when Freddie none too gently pushed the ring on his finger. Harry grinned over at him then leaned over and pressed a very chaste and quick kiss against his lips. Louis grinned pressing his hand against Harry’s cheek before turning to the kids.
“So how about we convince Harry to go to the dog park before the weather gets bad?” Louis suggesting looking over at harry when the kids cheered and started asking loudly and climbing onto Harry’s lap wildly.
“Alright! Alright!” Harry shouted playfully, “We’ll go to the dog park.” He said glaring at Louis.
Sorry for the twenty days without an update. My good friend Depression is here visiting and she brought her besties Anxiety and Insomnia with it's been a real party over here.
Chapter 8: Eight
Chapter Text
"What are you cooking for Halloween this year?" Liam asked as he and Niall sat beside him in the break room.
"If it's Shepherd's Pie count me in." Niall said eagerly digging into a mushy microwaved meal.
"Actually, you two are not invited." Harry said without looking at them as he dug into his own meal.
"Wait...what." Liam said confused, "we always come over for Halloween."
"I invited Louis to invite his family over so we can all meet and spend a day together."
"We're family." Liam pouted making Harry roll his eyes in amusement.
"Fine how about this I'll tell him Zayn can come as well and you guys can be there. You can be on babysitting duty."
"Perfect. So, what are you making?" Harry shook his head as he pulled his phone out, it was currently three in the morning and Louis was asleep, but he wanted to tell him before he forgot.
"Hi mama." Louis said answering the facetime with an eyeroll and a smile,
"You send me a cryptic text asking about my plans on Halloween and then you don't respond to my five texts."
"I was busy." Louis defended as he dumped the contents of his third junk drawer out and stared at everything, "God I'm a the hell am I a functioning adult with a child?"
"You can't be nonfunctional with a baby Lou. Do you need help? What's wrong?"
"What’s wrong is that somehow every drawer in this apartment has turned into a storage junk drawer combination. How did this happen!? I'm an adult."
"You're in your early twenties."
"Exactly an adult."
"Debatable." Louis rolled his eyes grinning at his mother, "why are you worried about your drawers?"
"I'm not worried about them I'm cleaning them out." Louis defended.
"What for?"
"It's October and my rent contract ends in November. Need I say more?"
"So, what's with the Halloween question?" She asked.
"Well Harry suggested we all get together at his place for a dinner and trick or treating. He usually makes a big dinner anyway with his family and he thinks it will be the easiest way for us all to meet." Louis explained.
"All of us as in his family and us?"
"Yes. Also, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. The last two are his best friends they always come for Halloween too and he thinks they and Zayn could be potential ice breakers if we need them to be."
"It sounds lovely Louis, what time should we be there."
"Anytime. Harry says it's an all-day thing at his place. He also has guest rooms if it gets too late since you have a long drive back home."
"I'll talk with the others, but I think we can make it. Keep me posted about it all and let me know if I should bring anything."
"Nothing except yourself and the others."
Saturday morning Louis glared at Harry as he climbed into his Murano passenger seat at eight in the morning.
"Good morning handsome." Harry said brightly, smiling wide as he looked at Louis which pissed him off more.
"Don’t talk to me Harold." Louis grumbled, "when I agreed to this, I thought I'd be waking up at eight not at six on a Saturday. I hate you so much right now."
"Oh, relax you'll be fine."
"So, what's the game plan when we meet him? Is he like expecting us to I don't"
"Louis we will be in a public place eating breakfast and talking to a lawyer. I highly doubt he's expecting us to swap spit together. Relax he just wants to meet you and probably make sure you're not y'know a call boy or something."
"He wants to make sure you didn't find me on Craigslist." Louis said smirking when Harry glared, his cheeks turning red, "the biggest thing he'll be looking at is making sure we're comfortable with each other which we are. He'll probably ask me how we met and things like that so have you told him anything I need to know about? Like if we have a favorite movie or whatever?"
"You're an ass but no I told him how we met and how long we've been together and how fast everything went with us, but he doesn't really care about the other things. He'll ask you about Freddie, he'll ask about your relationship with everyone and your family. He'll ask about your siblings and how Freddie is handling everything. He'll ask if I pressured you in anyway and if this court stuff influenced you at all. Just tell him what you told your mother that it did influence things but not in a negative way. He's not looking for a Saint he's looking to make sure we're not doing this for the wrong reasons."
"That I can do. Freddie is going to be pissed if he finds out I had Alabama's without him." Louis said watching as they turned into the car park for the famous restaurant.
"We just won't tell him." Harry said grinning at him, "come on let's get inside." Harry opened the middle console and pulled out his wallet and phone.
"He'll know. He has this like sixth sense whenever someone has Alabama's." Louis told him as he climbed out of the car,
"Then I'll take him to Alabama's for breakfast without you one day and we'll be even."
"Without me?" Harry didn't say anything only took his hand in his own and led him to the door opening it for him, "I don't think I like the sound of that plan Harold."
"Too bad."
Louis really did mean to go home after the breakfast meeting, but somehow, he had been coerced into coming back to Harry's place. Harry had fallen asleep two minutes after laying his head on Louis' lap which was how Louis found himself grading papers using Harry's back as his surface. Louis had a wet spot on his pants from Harry's drool and he was fairly sure his legs were permanently asleep and if he happened to have video footage of him snoring well it was potential blackmail usage for the future. It was also how he found himself completely trapped when his mother facetimed him at their usual Saturday afternoon time. He quickly ended it and sent a picture of Harry's head on his lap.
To: Mummy❤
Can't talk he's snoring too loud and no I can't move because my legs have lost all feeling. Raincheck? Also do you see that drool puddle on my pants?! He's 30! He shouldn't drool at this age! I thought they grew out of this?!?
From: Mummy❤
So Mister Perfect is not so Perfect??🤔
To: Mummy❤
You'd think!! But noOoOo. Even his snores are cute.😒😡
Louis sat there grading papers and texting his mother about his breakfast meeting and the lawyer for a few hours until she had helped the girls with homework questions and around the house things. After finishing his grading finally, he absolutely had to get up to relieve his bladder. So, after a lot of maneuvering and cursing and not so gently guiding of a head he was finally able to stand and head to the bathroom. Once that was done, he headed back to the living room and after little debating, he curled up beside Harry on the couch pulling the blanket over them both as he took a very late in the day nap.
When Louis woke up it was extremely late, and he groaned rolling onto his stomach when he realized he spent his Saturday grading papers and napping.
"Good evening sleeping beauty." Harry said making Louis lift his head to stare at Harry with a glare. Harry wasn't fazed however and instead seemed even more amused as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead.
"I was just about to leave you this lovely note here, but you woke up just in time for me to say it in person." That was when Louis noticed Harry was dressed in scrubs and a white lab coat and a jacket to fight the chilly air October brought. "I have to go. I made dinner though you can take the leftovers home if you want. I have a set of keys here for you so you can drive back home it's to the Murano I'll take my Audi tonight. I also left you a choice of pullovers all with medical dad jokes you're welcome. And I wrote down that you are more than welcome to stay here for the night. You don't have to leave. I also apologized for falling asleep on you and trapping you here." Harry said setting the note on the coffee table as he sat on the edge of the couch rubbing a hand over Louis' back. Louis groaned when he massaged his shoulder making Harry chuckle but also continue with both hands.
"Is this only with the finance package or does this come with the husband package as well?" Louis asked hearing Harry laugh as he kneaded between his shoulder blades.
"It comes with the husband package with added benefits." Louis laughed and swatting at him.
"Typical men." He complained chuckling as he looked at Harry rolling on to his back, "I will eat then I will go home and finish some things there and depending on the time will depend on if I come back. Deal?"
"Deal. The set of keys has the spare house key on them. Just make sure you lock up whenever you leave and before you go to sleep if you do come back. I need to leave before I'm late, I stayed as long as I could to wait for you."
"You could have woken me up."
"It's fine you probably needed it anyway. I will see you later either when I get home or probably during the week. We can have pizza together one night."
"Sounds like a plan. Have a good night. Save lives. Y'know typical doctor stuff."
"You too. Be safe driving and I'm not just saying that because you're driving my car. It's a Saturday night keep yourself focused."
"I'll be fine." Louis told him smiling, Harry huffed then leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss against his forehead then nose then he pressed a chaste kiss to Louis' lips before he stood up.
"Make sure you eat mister. Doctor's order."
"Uh huh. Whatever." Louis said kicking him lightly as he grabbed his keys and wallet. Harry's shot a playful glare at him before he rounded the couch and leaned over pressed another kiss to his lips. "Go...leave so I can go back to sleep and lie about eating." Louis said swatting at him.
"I want photo evidence of you eating." Harry said before he opened his front door and left the house. Louis laid on the couch for a solid twenty minutes before he dragged himself off of it and into the kitchen making himself a plate of the chicken stir fry before he headed home to finish up some cleaning before Freddie came home the next day. He did end up going back to Harry’s house mostly because he liked his tea options over his own, but Harry didn’t need to know that. Also he figured making himself much more comfortable inside the house would be a good thing considering their families were meeting here in a few short weeks.
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
I could have sworn I updated this last week...oops? It's been sitting in my drafts for a week.
Chapter Text
"Hey quick question." Louis pressed his phone between his shoulder blades and ear as he helped Freddie into a coat on the chilly Tuesday morning.
"What is it?" Louis asked.
"Can I have Freddie today?" Louis momentarily froze in his everyday routine of pulling Freddie's zipper up when he heard the question.
"Can I have Freddie today? I thought I'd take him on a Harry and Freddie date."
"I don't think a Harry and Freddie date classifies as a good reason to skip Nursery." Louis said though he was smiling when Freddie looked up at him excitedly.
"Sure, it does. Besides I'm already outside with a brand new spiderman booster in my backseat."
"I have a booster for him I could have moved."
"We'll need an extra booster anyway and i got a backless booster for your car incase Maddie needs it. She's sort of in the middle but I always make her sit in the backless still whenever I have her in my car. Nice to have extras when we have more than one vehicle. So, can I? I'm already parked outside." Louis laughed as he opened the apartment door and stepped out. He locked it before grabbing Freddie's hand and heading to the elevator.
"I'll have to ask Freddie if he wants to go with you. Who knows maybe he thinks you're too lame."
"Please Papa please!" Freddie begged making him and Harry laugh.
"I'm getting into the elevator see you in a moment." Louis ended the phone call as he stepped on the elevator. Once they reached the main floor they headed outside, and Freddie ran to the familiar Murano where Harry was leaning against it.
"There's my favorite little man!" Harry cheered picking Freddie up and spinning them around making Freddie laugh, "so do you want to spend the day with me Freddie?"
"Yes yes yes! Pease Papa." Freddie begged widening his eyes and pouring his bottom lip.
"Yeah alright." Louis said smiling when Freddie and Harry cheered
"Would you like ride to work?" Harry asked setting Freddie down.
"I would love a ride to work. Maybe even a lunch visit if I can get an hour slot during your busy date." Louis said grinning as Harry turned to Freddie with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you think? Think we can slot Papa into our lunch?"
"I think so. We'll get back to him." Louis laughed.
"You heard the boss. I guess we'll be in touch for lunch." Louis took the offered hand as Harry opened the passenger door for him.
"I shall wait eagerly." Louis said looking back as Freddie sat in his new booster. Harry helped adjust the straps correctly before he got in the driver’s seat and started the car. Harry's hand took his intertwining their fingers together before he pulled his hand to his lips and kissed it smiling over at him.
"So, when is my day date?" Louis asked.
"What? Looking at wedding venues or napping on my couch doesn't count as dates?" Louis laughed shaking his head, "I've got dates planned don't you worry about that. I figured it'd be easier to work with when everything settles down some. These next three months are going to be really busy as you well know."
"Waiting for us to get married so I can't run out on the date I see. Smart man." Harry chuckled.
"You know me so well." Louis grinned as he thought about how they had spent Sunday together laying on the couch cushions that were on the floor as a fake mattress. Harry had been exhausted but they had breakfast together and had spent the morning laughing as they talked about whatever came up. They had taken a few hours nap so Harry could get back on a night sleeping routine then they had watched a movie before Louis had to go home to prepare for Freddie's return. Harry had driven him home but didn't come on as he also had to get home and do some paperwork before his day back at work Monday morning. The few minute car ride to the school was filled with Freddie asking Harry all types of questions that Harry avoided answering.
Harry held Freddie's hand as they walked through Ikea, Freddie excitedly pointing stuff out for his bedroom. Harry figured the best way to get Freddie excited for a huge change was to let him decorate his bedroom as promised. This was his short week, only working three days this week and short eight hour shifts which made it a perfect time to get everything set up. He had the fee days leading and after Halloween scheduled off as well as the week of his court date as well as the week of Christmas then he had the three weeks in January off. The week before, week of, and week after for the wedding and family vacation which he still had to talk with Maddie's school about. Freddie was excited about his new bedroom and had picked out everything that was in the cart so far.
"What's next?" Freddie asked after picking out a few sheet sets.
"I think we're done at Ikea." Harry said, "next stop is the mattress shop to find you a new mattress."
"Then lunch?"
"Yes, then we will pick up lunch for us and Papa and eat with him then we will take everything to my house, and we will have you pick out your room."
Harry will have to remember to thank his parents for helping him with the cost of his house when he talks with them next. He didn't want a huge house when he moved, but his parents insisted he buy for the future. He had been set on a nice penthouse, but his parents had offered to help pay to get a house built and so he had relented. Harry had always been a good saver, always budgeting like his mother taught him even though they had been well off after her marriage. He still remembered eating peanut butter bread slices though and peanut butter toast. He remembered having to rinse his clothes in a bucket of water and dish soap and hang them on the shower rack to dry. He didn't remember as much as his sister, but he remembered enough for it to make a lasting impression on him. His first job he hardly ever spent his paychecks always saving it for emergencies that never came. At least not back then. He was always glad he did save them when he went off to college though. Now as he swiped his card through the reader and heard the ding of acceptance for his purchase of many things that cost far too much, he knew he was now his stepfather to Freddie. A doctor who comes into their lives and swipes his card on large expenses without batting an eye and hopefully make their lives better. Louis wasn't his mother, he obviously had money and had savings despite what his apartment building said about him. He obviously spent every reasonable pound on Freddie and clearly grew up in a household where he learned to budget like Harry did. Even if his time learning wasn't as needed as Louis' was. He hoped he could make their lives easier and better, he hoped this would last, that he and Louis were able to make it all work and by the time January comes they can say their vows and mean at least some of it. Harry looked over at Freddie as he bounced his bottom on the mattresses with the elderly salesman grinning and encouraging him to jump harder. He hoped one day Freddie and Maddie would seem them as a family with maybe a few more kids in the extremely far future.
Harry grinned as he covered Louis' eyes and led him up the stairs to Freddie's new room that was filled with boxes and bags and a mattress against the wall.
"Where are we going Harold?" Louis asked.
"My new room Papa." Freddie said excitedly as he opened the door and spread his arms wide. Harry removed his hands and grinned.
"Oh, wow I especially love the sleeping on the wall idea. Very unique." Louis teased making Freddie fold his arms and pout.
"Papa, look it's a jungle theme. There'll be dinosaurs and wild animals and look I got a new mattress and toys for my new room." Freddie said excitedly showing off five things at once. He got distracted by the toys and started playing giving them false privacy.
"He has a bed you know." Louis said quietly as they stepped out of the room.
"Oh, hush it got him excited for the big change coming to his life so unexpectedly. Besides, I figured you can sell the stuff or give them away to an orphanage. They could always use more things after all. I have to take some of Maddie’s clothes and toys she outgrew to the orphanage sometime soon."
"So how much damage did he do you your wallet?"
"Not as much as Maddie did when we redone her room a few years ago." Harry said as he intertwined their fingers together and led him to the door with MADDISON painted on it diagonally. He opened the door revealing the bedroom making Louis' eyes widen.
"I know. Alright trust me I know." Harry said chuckling, "to be fair I was overcompensating for not being around as much. I over did it I know that and trust me it won't happen again, but this is they're safe space. If they need time away, they go to their rooms and I want them to like being there and I want them to feel safe and secure in their private space. If that means spending a few hundred then so be it." Louis nodded as he closed the bedroom and turned to face Harry.
"And to think I found you on craigslist." Harry laughed as he wrapped an arm around his waist and led him downstairs with him.
"I think we would have found each other eventually. You do work at my daughters’ school after all. Eventually we'd have seen each other."
"Seen sure."
"Oh, trust me if I had seen you in your teacher outfit, I'd have looked for you a second time and gotten your number."
"What makes you so sure you'd have gotten my number?"
"I would have told you a brilliant dad joke and you wouldn't have been able to resist." Louis laughed shaking his head as he turned and pulled Harry in for a quick kiss. Harry grinned before leaning in for another kiss that had more pressure to it as his hands slid up and cupped his face pulling Louis in closer. Louis opened his mouth to the eager tongue and groaned as his back suddenly pressed against the wall.
"We have a toddler right across the hall." Louis spoke softly and only pulled away for enough to talk.
"I'm sure it's bedtime somewhere on this planet." Louis laughed shaking his head, "actually in Australia it is way past bedtime. It's like three in the morning over there."
"Yeah? Well in California it's nine in the morning."
"Damn." Harry said kissed his forehead, "so dinner then?"
"Yeah, I'd say that would be a good idea." Louis said putting his hands on Harry's shoulders and pushing him gently the rest of the way down the stairs, “Time goes by faster if you keep yourself busy."
"Liar. I’m busy at work all the time and time drags on for hours.”
“That’s because you’re thinking about it.”
“God you’re such a teacher. I hated teachers like you mister ‘stop looking at the clock and the time will go by faster’.” Harry mocked before groaning, “If you say one thing about dismissal, I’ll divorce you the second we sign our marriage papers.”
“Uh huh. Sure, you will.”
"Harry?” Harry looked over at the open doorway leading into his home office and saw Freddie standing there in his pajamas.
“Yes, my love?” Harry asked.
“Can you read me a story tonight?”
“Can I read you a story? Of course, I can read you a story come on.” Harry grinned as he picked Freddie up and headed upstairs. Freddie led the way to his new room, not set up yet for overnights, and he grabbed a book from his bag then made a beeline dash towards Harry’s room giggling wildly telling Harry he had preplanned it. Harry laughed as he followed Freddie into his bedroom to seem him already snuggled into the middle of the bed under the covers looking far too innocent. “Trickster.” Harry said as he grabbed a spare blanket and laid on the bed beside Freddie staying above the covers. He took the book and let Freddie snuggle into his side as he flipped to the first page after turning everything, but the nightstand lamps off.
“How does a Dinosaur say goodnight when Papa comes in to turn off the light? Does a Dinosaur slam his tail and pout? Does he throw his teddy bear about? Does he stomp his feet on the floor and shout, ‘I want to hear one book more!’? Does a Dinosaur roar?” Harry read aloud making sure to put extra touches in his words to make it fun and make Freddie laugh, “How does a Dinosaur say goodnight when Mama comes in to turn off the light? Does he swing his neck from side to side? Does he up and demand a piggyback ride? Does he mope, does he moan, does he sulk, does he sigh? Does he fall on top of his covers and cry? No, Dinosaurs don’t. They don’t even try. They give a big kiss. They turn out the light. They tuck in their tails, and they whisper, ‘Goodnight.’.” Harry grinned at Louis as he came in and laid behind Freddie kissing his temple as the little boy drifted in and out of sleep, “They give a big hug, then give one kiss more. Goodnight, Goodnight, Little Dinosaur.”
“Goodnight.” Freddie mumbled sleepily as he snuggled into Harry again before falling asleep.
“Sorry I had a mess to clean up in that bathroom. Little man’s bladder emptied itself before we made it on the potty.” Louis whispered.
“It’s fine I didn’t mind. I miss reading bedtime stories. Maddie doesn’t much like them anymore, occasionally she’ll want to be read to, but not often. Besides a sleepover in my bed is always welcomed. I’ve missed toddler cuddles. I’m sure when he knees me in the morning, I’ll regret those words, but for now his knee is a safe twelve inches away.” Louis laughed covering his mouth with his hand to stay silent.
“I can always move us to the guest room.” Harry settled into bed and wrapped an around Freddie and Louis and pretended to fall asleep. Louis chuckled as he pinched his side before he too settled in the large bed cuddling Freddie. Harry turned on the tv for a bit of background noise and turned off the nightstand lamp on his side and within minutes he and Louis was asleep as well.
Chapter 10: Ten
Also please enjoy my Storytime about this chapter's journey
Let me tell you about the roller coaster that this chapter has been through. I have rewritten this chapter a million and one times in the last few weeks that I honestly have no idea how I finished it. Then right when I got the idea I wanted to stick with my phone BETRAYED ME BY PLAYING GOSPEL MUSIC WHILE WRITING MY SMEX SCENE!!! GOSPEL!!! I was raised catholic though I'm not religious anymore BUT LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THAT WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN VERSE CAME ON AS I WROTE ABOUT GAY RIM JOBS!! My grandma probably rolled over in her grave a few times, my lights flickered, my computer went out of sleep mode...y'all made me summon my grandma and that woman does not like me. She opened my closet door and had the nerve to not shut it after she left. My grandma sang that song every morning so that song summons her and it just happens to be the song that plays while I write about one of the many things she did not believe in.
Side note- Not sure if roadblocks are a thing in the UK/Manchester area but in my town there is a roadblock every Friday and Saturday night (obviously except during the pandemic) and when I tell you they will find every drunk driver above the legal limit that is on the main roads I am not exaggerating. So I mentioned them in this chapter because I'm American and that's what I'm use to. Also throughout this story you will notice I go back and forth between UK English and USA English because I try to respect that this is technically based in the UK and they're British and I know a lot of my readers are British, but I am not therefore I use different wording. If you are ever confused and can't find the correct term googling it please comment and I will tell you what it means.
That is all. Enjoy.
Chapter Text
On his days off and hours he had to spare during his workdays Harry finished Freddie's bedroom and had went through Maddie's old clothes in her closet that no longer fit. He also had started going through the toy room downstairs digging through the toys from many years ago that he still had that she played with occasionally for a few seconds. He reorganized the toys and space and made sure there was plenty of room for Freddie's toys and future toys he knew he would buy him come Christmas and his birthday. He took down a few old princess dresses that didn't fit and the accessories and made a note in his home journal to ask Maddie if she wanted him to replace them when he spoke to her next. He made little notes as he threw toys in bags or moved larger things out of the room and by the week of Halloween his home was all ready for Louis and Freddie to start moving in. He left his Murano and keys at Louis' place for that week while he took his Audi to and from work for the few days that he worked and the other days he helped Louis and as promised he was the one who took the train table apart and rebuilt it back inside the playroom at his house.
"Come on Louis all five of us are off tomorrow I can call Amy and ask if she can babysit Freddie at my place and we all go there afterwards." Harry begged.
"Harry, I haven't even met Amy yet or talked with Freddie or even had five minutes to think about it. I'm not going to stop you from going out with your friends and if you want to invite Zayn out then go ahead, he'll be all for it. But I just- I haven't been out to a pub in years not like that at least. The last time I left Freddie with anyone other than Zayn or my mom I was given a fifteen-minute lecture about the apparent abuse and neglect I was inflicting on him by being twenty-two and having fun. I just...I don't want to leave him alone and-"
"Louis you are entitled to have fun a few nights. You're allowed to get a babysitter for a night once in a while. Amy is amazing and you will love her instantly and Freddie will like her. You will cause more harm not taking some you time than you will going out once a month to get drunk. We won't even get wasted we'll eat greasy bar food and have a pint or two then go home. I swear to you, you and I will not get drunk if you're worried about not being available for Freddie tomorrow. You're an amazing Papa Louis and I have no doubt a little hangover will never stop you from being there for Freddie but if you want to stay sober then we can."
"I'm not going to make you stay sober just because I am the lamest twenty-four-year-old around."
"You're not lame. You're a parent. A parent with full time custody. I'm not, I don't have all the...precautions and feelings that you do. It's okay to have boundaries with your son, if you don't want us going inside a home, he is at drunk then we won't drink, or Amy can watch him at your place, and you can drop us off at mine then go home. Whatever you want it's fine and we will respect that. You don't have to worry about hurting feelings or sounding lame. Liam and Niall will completely understand if they are limited to one beer. They will respect that."
"It's not that either. I just want to think about it first. Tell you what, tell Amy to call me at my lunch if she can then I'll give you my answer after we talk." Louis said as he unlocked his classroom door before walking to his desk and setting his stuff down.
"Alright. I'm sorry. I just- I think it'll be fun for all five of us to do something before Halloween this weekend. Since you don't have school tomorrow and I'm off until the third and Liam and Niall are off tomorrow, they proposed a night out. It's okay if you don't want to though, we'll all be together Saturday anyway."
"I'm not upset or feeling pressured relax. I just want to think about it. I will let you know everything when I know." Louis said grabbing Harry's hands as he leaned against his desk.
"Okay. Fair enough. I'm going to go home and finish some last-minute things for this weekend then tomorrow we can go shopping together with Freddie then pick up Maddison and have a family dinner outing then have a family movie night. What do you say?"
"I say that sounds like a wonderful Friday night. I'm glad you were able to get Maddison this weekend."
"Yeah, it wasn't easy. I'm just happy I can have her around my family after so long. My family hasn't seen her in years. Not in person for more than a few minutes at a store at least. I should go before your kids come into the room and see me with their teacher. I'm sure that's in the rule book somewhere."
"Something like that." Louis agreed, "You're allowed in my room just no inappropriate displays of affection upfront of students."
"Ah so I should get my goodbye kiss before they come." Harry said quickly grabbing Louis' face and kissing it all over. Louis laughed and swatted at him pushing him off before he pulled Harry down for a proper kiss with his hands on Harry's wrists as Harry's hands cups his face.
"MISTER T!" Louis jumped pulling away turning red as his early arrivals entered his classroom teasing him already.
"I'll talk to you later." Harry said chuckling.
"Oh, don't stop on our behalf." One of his students teased.
"Don't you kids have breakfast to attend?" Louis said.
"Why should we when the tea is obviously all right here." Harry laughed before he kissed Louis' cheek and left the classroom with a grin leaving Louis to fend for himself amongst the teenagers, "is that the fiancé mister T?"
"Yes, it was and you three saw nothing."
"You didn't text me after lunch." Harry said by way of greeting Louis when Louis got into the Murano.
"I know I forgot my charger at the apartment and wasn't able to charge it. The Nursery teacher called me after Amy, and I had to talk to Freddie because he was upset, he forgot his stuffy at the apartment. I obviously couldn't go get it then my phone died just as I was starting to calm him down, so I haven't eaten my lunch yet nor have I been able to text you." Louis said with a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry. You know you can add my name and number to the nursery call list. I can do things...I am going to be your husband, your partner."
"I know you've told me this before I just keep forgetting to since the mornings are always so routine and the afternoons, I'm usually ready to just go home."
"Well how about we do it today. We'll go in together. Then I'll call the boys and tell them we can do it another time and-"
"No, we can go tonight as long as Freddie is okay by the time we want to leave. I told Amy she can come by an hour early so Freddie can get comfortable with her first and we'll decide then anyway."
"Are you sure? It's okay if you want to stay home and get pampered."
"I could use a beer. One beer for me at least."
"Okay. And if we have to wait until Freddie goes to sleep to have that one beer we can. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me as long as you and Freddie are comfortable and happy." Harry said kissing his hand as he drove across the street to the nursery.
Louis had kept himself at one beer though he had tried to convince Harry to have fun and get drunk, but Harry had kept himself at two. That didn't stop him from going on the dance floor with Liam who was already on his fourth beer.
"So, tell me about Freddie. I mean obviously Harry talks about him all the time, but I'm sure you can tell me something new." Niall said.
"Really? What does Harry tell you?" Louis asked not at all bothered just curious, he knew Harry had told his friends about Freddie, but he didn't realize Harry talked about Freddie with them.
"Literally everything. The easier question to answer would be what he doesn't tell us. He loves that boy you know, has a picture of you and him in his locker beside his picture of Maddie. Has a picture of him in his wallet too. Harry includes him when he talks about Maddie and sometimes when he gets really animated, he calls him his stepson instead of his fiancé's son. It's cute and I don't think he realizes it." Louis grinned as he looked over at Harry who was being spun by Liam.
"I didn't know that. I think he's worried about going too fast with Freddie considering everything."
"Yeah, he is, but he means well. I get why you two waited so long to mention it to us, with Harry's court situation and with Hannah and with you having Freddie. It's understandable you two just wanted to stay on the low until you knew where it was going. What I don't understand however is why have a wedding so soon?"
"Yeah, Lou why so soon? Are you-"
"NO! No, I am not." Louis quickly said when he saw Niall's eyes widen with excitement, "No. I won't lie the custody situation did encourage me to push for it sooner and also we both wanted a winter wedding, but we also both wanted a small intimate wedding and with all those factors I figured why not do it in January. We talked about it and concluded that if we could make it work then why not. The custody situation alone didn't pressure me into it and neither did anything else it was just a why not situation. We knew we wanted to get married so why wait an extra year. There will be some sacrifices of course, but nothing that is very major or decision changing for either of us."
"I guess that makes sense. That's what Harry said as well that it was just sort how it was planned. I knew Harry wouldn't have pressured you, but I also know Harry can sometimes be a bit...pressuring without meaning to."
"I haven't felt pressured in anyway with him. I know he can be pushy at times, but he has always stepped back when he needed to. Actually, I haven't found any flaws except his puns and dad jokes and - is he always fucking perfect? Like is that a trait his entire family has or just him?" Niall laughed as he set down his fifth empty pint glass.
"Perfect? Harry? I have no idea what you're talking about. That man is not perfect."
"He is perfect, he's always so...composed and in control of himself."
"You do see him on the dance floor, right?" Zayn asked making Louis turn and burst out laughing as he saw Harry and Liam doing a circle while shimmying together.
"YOU PAYNO!" Niall shouted back.
"Go to hell Irish." Liam shouted as he grabbed Harry's hands and spun together dramatically.
"Okay so he's notalwaysperfect..." Louis conceded, "But he's pretty damn close."
"I think you're blinded by those biceps Lou." Zayn said making Louis turn red as his jaw dropped.
"I mean I can't blame you Dr. Styles definitely has a nice body. I'm impressed honestly. You're not one to go after muscular men."
"I have no idea what you are talking about." Louis said looking down at his empty glass with melting ice.
"I tried to hit on Harry when he was transferred to Manchester Royal. I was already a nurse there and here comes this hot young doctor who had scrubs that hidnothingfrom view if you get what I mean." Niall said, "I mean I'm sure you get what I mean you probably caused a few...accidents during your secret stays." Louis buried his burning face into his hands and refused to acknowledge Niall and Zayn laughing their asses off beside him.
"What kind of view are we talking about Niall?"
"Okay we're done talking." Louis said quickly interrupting that train of conversation as he slid out of the stool and headed to where Harry and Liam were, "I'm stealing him back." Louis said wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders.
"Only for a few minutes Tomlinson I'll be back for him after a pint. And don't think a boner will deter me we slept in the same bed during puberty when we had sleepovers." Liam said as he headed back to the table with a playful wink and a blown kiss towards Harry who playfully caught it and put it in his pocket winking at Liam right back and puckering his lips. Louis chuckled shaking his head as he pulled Harry away from the table's view and further into the crowd of dancing people.
"Ready to go home?"
"In a little bit, it is getting really late considering we only planned to be out until eleven. I think it's one already."
"Yeah, sorry I know you wanted be home. We can leave-"
"In a little bit Harold. For now, this is as close to a pub date as you're getting from me for some time which means we have to snog in the middle of aroused strangers who are grinding on us in all directions and probably trying to grab one of our wallets without us realizing. It's a relationship requirement." Harry grinned nodding as he looked around.
"I think we're meeting all the requirements."
"All except for one."
"Ah right let me correct that." Louis laughed as Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and pulled him closer to his body just as their lips met. Slowly, almost hesitantly, their bodies started to move and after a few minutes, they were one of the many couples dry humping each other on the middle of the dance floor. Harry grabbed Louis' hand and spun him around then wrapped the arm around his waist and pressed him against his body causing Louis's breath to catch momentarily. He leaned back against Harry, leaning his head on his shoulder letting Harry keep his arms wrapped around his waist while his mouth stayed on his neck mouthing at him in various spots. Louis' hands slid up and behind to wrap around Harry's neck pulling him closer as he turned his face to kiss him again letting Harry's tongue take control while one of his hands cupped his cheek keeping him there. Louis could feel Harry's other hand twitching from where it was rested against his stomach, it was one of the things Louis had learned about Harry that he was very touchy and handsy when they snogged and tended to keep his hands firmly in place on his cheeks, waist, hips, or back not moving them at all except to those safe locations. Harry definitely liked to touch more than he liked anything while also being respectful and mindful of his hand placements and where it was deemed safe to touch. He was also very willing to let Louis be in charge, didn't seem to have any hang-ups about ''roles'' or positions that were stereotypically associated with carriers and non-carriers who were gay unlike most people.
"Oi if you're going to give us a free show at least do something worth watching!"
"Remind me to kill Liam tomorrow morning." Harry whispered against his lips.
"Sure thing." Louis said turning to face him only to be kissed again once he did, "We're being watched Harold."
"Fine. We can continue this behind a closed bedroom door preferably locked too." Louis chuckled as he followed Harry back to the table, "You're getting killed tomorrow morning. Are we ready to head out?"
"Sure, I am and yeah we are. I already paid the tab, so we just need to figure out who is the more sober one of us all and get to your place."
"That's probably Louis or myself." Harry said.
"I can drive." Louis offered, "I only had a pint, I'll be the safest if we hit a roadblock."
"Agreed. Here you are my love. Let's head home." Harry said placing the keys into Louis' hands before wrapping his arm around his waist and walking with him out of the building while the others followed closely behind.
"I have to pee so bad." Harry said running up the stairs as soon as the front door was opened. "Holy fuck my bladder is about to explode."
"Harry always has to pee after a beer. I swear it goes straight through him." Liam said shaking his head, "don't worry we'll show Zayn to the guest rooms and make sure he's comfortable."
"Thanks, I want to check on Freddie really quick. Zayn-"
"I'll be fine." Louis nodded then headed upstairs to Freddie's room entering it as silently as he could. He gave Freddie a forehead kiss then fixed his blankets and tucked him in. He grabbed Patches off the floor and laid the bear beside Freddie then stared at his son until he felt Harry sit behind on the edge of the bed.
"If you stay here any longer, he'll wake up and neither of us are strong enough to say no to a half-asleep Freddie wanting snuggles." Louis chuckled nodding but he didn't move. Harry stood only to kneel on the side of the bed and gently run his fingertips though the messy hair. He gave Freddie a light kiss as well then stood up and pulled Louis up wrapping his arms around his waist as he guided him out of the room, "let him sleep Papa bear. He's fine and we have a busy two days starting tomorrow."
"I know I know I just wanted to make sure he was okay."
"Uh huh. Sure, you did. I'm sure you were hoping he'd wake up."
"Only a small part of me was hoping that would happen. I can't help it he's growing up too fast and soon he'll be too cool for snuggles."
"I still snuggle my mom, if he's raised right, he'll never be too cool for snuggles. And trust me I'll make sure he's raised to love snuggles when he's fifteen." Louis laughed as they walked into Harry's bedroom, well their bedroom now since they were mostly moved in by now. Louis turned in Harry's arms, so they faced one another and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"You know Niall told me something at the table."
"Oh?" Harry questioned wrapping his arms around Louis' waist.
"He told me you have a picture of Freddie in your locker."
"I do in a magnetic frame beside Maddie. You're in the picture too."
"He also told me you call him your stepson when you talk about him."
"I might say that word a few times." Harry said nervously as his cheeks turned red, "I love Freddie, I've told you he's my family now." Louis grinned as he stood on his toes and pressed his lips against Harry's pulling him in closer by his hand in Harry's hair. He walked back until his back hit one of the boards of the four-poster bed frame. Harry moved in and completely covered his body with his own slotting himself between Louis' legs.
"I don't want to like assume anything but-"
"Harry I am pressed up against your bed post by my own decision and you're worried about assuming things?" Harry laughed nodding.
~~The Smex starts in a few paragraphs~~(Smex spelling is so wattpad doesn't get their sensitive feelings hurt by already pre-tagged warnings of smex and the mature thingy tagged...they're pansies)
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted...assuming you're not on contraception methods which I'm not going to make you get on or anything obviously I know that can affect your body more ways than they tell you, I was going to ask what you wanted to do like if you wanted to top or if you have a preference. I'm sure you've noticed I have none and am completely fine with any method since I can't get pregnant. I mean obviously I have condoms and I’m obviously clean and everything I just don’t want to assume anything like you want to bottom just because you’re a carrier and I don’t want you to assume I only want to top because I’m not a carrier and I have an ‘’alpha male job’’ as some like to call it nowadays.”
“Oh well I usually don’t top unless I’m in my more fertile week. As I’m sure you know since men don’t ovulate or menstruate, we have a week of higher fertility rate that we can track by weekly pee sticks. Don’t care to know the science behind it so please don’t tell me.”
“I can give you a long lecture about your hormones and-“
“Don’t make me soft Harold.”
“Well alright. Are you-“
"No, it's always the first or second week of the month, it sometimes comes in the middle of the week, I usually take one very two days until I get it. So, stop worrying and stop talking." Harry chuckled as he pressed his lips against Louis' again pressing himself against Louis who was pressed against the bedpost. Louis' hands ran up under Harry's shirt bunching it until Harry pulled it off followed by Harry pulling Louis' shirt off. Their jeans and pants were off and in a few short moments Louis was bent over the bed with Harry between his legs giving him a mind-numbing rim-job. Something that not five minutes ago Louis would have said he hated because he never had a good one. Louis was very aware of the fact that they currently had six people on the same floor only few feet from them and one of those people being his son, which was why he was trying extremely hard to stay as quiet as he could. However, when two fingers joined Harry’s tongue at his entrance Louis gasp resisting the want to push back against them.
“I could do this all night. How are you feeling?” Harry asked smugly.
“Like if you continue, I’ll cum way too soon.” Louis said trying to swat at Harry but missed.
“If you think that’ll stop me you’ve got another thing coming. Literally.” Louis burst out laughing which quickly turned into a too loud moan that Louis just knew anyone awake on the second floor heard it.
“You ass you did that on purpose.”
“Well, they say you are what you eat.”
“You did not just say that.” Louis said laughing as he buried his face in a pillow muffling any and all sounds that came from him from that point forward. Harry kept his promise as he spread his cheeks wider giving him more room to lick his entrance pushing his tongue in.
A large hand wrapped around his cock and started tugging on it painfully slow while his tongue moved as fast as physically possible. When Harry removed his tongue, he sucked and ran a thumb over the wet hole before going back in not giving Louis any time to breathe between all the sensations. Despite all that not once was it hurried or rough in a way that took away the intimacy of a first time together. Louis moaned as he felt his orgasm building, he could feel it all building under his skin and when it was released it was released in strong spurts on the duvet cover underneath him and Harry didn’t stop until nothing else came out. Then when Louis was sure he’d get some time to breathe Harry pushed two thick lubed fingers inside of him making him groan in pleasure and slight pain at the over simulation.
“You’re not going to let me breathe?” Louis asked breathlessly.
“You’re breathing now, aren’t you?” Louis laughed shaking his head, “You’ll be fine I have faith in you and your lungs. You just relax and enjoy and let me know if you’re too sensitive. I am a doctor I know how to avoid a prostate.”
“No get out you’ve gone and ruined it with a doctor joker.” Louis said.
“Oh hush.” Harry said leaning over Louis to kiss his shoulder as his fingers slowly moved inside of him. Louis was all for slow fingering, but it was currently almost three in the morning and they had a long busy weekend coming up.
“Harry I’m all for slow sex and all but it is almost three in the morning and-“
“I’m obviously not doing it right if you’re able to think.” Louis opened his mouth to retort that Harry was doing great and it was just that it wasalmost three in the morning, but all thought process escaped his head when Harry pushed three fingers inside of him and started thrusting them, brushing them against his prostate. He moaned not even bothering with the pillow as he gripped the duvet in his fists before Harry rolled him on to his back. He arched his back as his legs spread almost automatically to give Harry’s arm more space between his legs. Louis cursed repeatedly when Harry wrapped his mouth around Louis’ head sucking it down as he fingered Louis, his second orgasm came as a surprise as Harry swallowed it all before Louis even realized he was cumming. Louis pulled Harry down for a kiss as soon as he had enough oxygen in his body and felt no shame when he could still taste himself on Harry’s tongue. His hands gripped Harry’s hair before he rolled them over, so he was straddling Harry’s hips as they snogged. Louis reached over and grabbed the condom on the nightstand then opened it and slowly slid it down Harry’s hard cock. Harry gasped tensing when Louis rolled the condom on before he relaxed and helped position Louis as he held himself in place. They broke the kiss momentarily so Harry could help guide Louis, he thrust up just enough, so the head entered the ring of muscle then his mouth was back on Louis’ to muffle the majority of the sounds that came out as he slowly slid himself down.When Louis was completely seated on Harry, he knew neither one of them would last long for multiple reasons. Louis slowly started a rhythm that he was comfortable with at first since he hadn’t had sex in years then slowly it sped up by both of their doings then Harry rolled them, so Louis was on his back when Louis was wearing out. The new position and angle had Louis burying his face in Harry’s neck before Harry was kissing him again. Harry started thrusting harder and faster leaving Louis to gasp and let out high pitched noises that he couldn’t help and only hoped they were as quiet as they seemed. When Louis came for a third time it was followed almost immediately by Harry as he groaned holding Louis close to him keeping their faces buried in the other’s neck.
“Holy fuck I can’t move.” Louis burst out laughing as rubbed Harry’s sweaty back as they slowly caught their breathes, “I’m serious I can’t move. We’re stuck like this. One and done.”
“I wouldn’t call that one and done.” Louis said making Harry laugh, “I’d call that almost two hours and done.”
“Last time I focus on your pleasure.” Harry joked before he kissed Louis’ forehead then straightened up and gently pulled out. Louis watched as Harry got off the bed and headed into the bathroom leaving the door wide open as he balled up some toilet paper and pulled the condom off. After tying it off he tossed it in the trash then he wet a washcloth and wipe himself off before he came over to Louis and wiped him off making sure to get everything from lube to the dried cum on his ass from when he rolled over the first time. Once that was done, he tossed it into the hamper and pulled off the duvet.
“Are you really stripping your bed? Right now?” Louis teased.
“No, I’m just pulling the duvet cover off, so we don’t accidentally sleep in cum or lube. If you dirty my white duvet, you’re in trouble though.”
“I promise not to ruin your fancy duvet.”
“Good.”Harrycrawledintobed and pulled the duvet over them, “Come here and cuddle.” Louis grinned turning to face Harry as he snuggled into his warm body tucking his head against his chest and wrapping his arms arounds his waist, “Perfect. Goodnight.”
Chapter 11: Eleven
**I've been asked and here it is! This story has a playlist on Spotify under the same title as the story made by Kelly with the same profile picture! If you have any trouble let me know. There will also be one for my other story Falling In Love Through The Phone**
**I've been asked and here it is! This story has a playlist on Spotify under the same title as the story made by Kelly with the same profile picture! If you have any trouble let me know. There will also be one for my other story Falling In Love Through The Phone**
Chapter Text
**Playlist Link (I think?? let me know if it works)**
Louis walked into the kitchen confused as he looked around the house. Harry was only in the Halloween sleep pants he had slipped on after they decided to get out of bed.
"Where is everyone?" Louis asked walking up behind Harry and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Oh, Liam and Niall offered to take the dogs on a walk and Freddie asked if he could go too. I told them I didn't know how you'd feel considering you just met them, and Zayn and Amy offered to go along so I agreed. And before you worry, they completely understood and were not offended at all. They left about ten minutes ago. Freddie has taken to Niall though; Niall was showing him my guitars and how to play them. Niall has already promised a kid guitar as a Christmas gift for both the kids."
"Anyway, we can convince him to take it back and claim he couldn't find any?" Louis asked.
"Afraid not. Freddie was too excitedly about it and I don't break little hearts."
"Only little ones?" Louis teased.
"Well, you are little- Ow! Not the nipples." Harry said turning to face Louis and wrap his own arms around him, "come on I have a surprise for you."
"Oh, you do. What is it?" Harry didn't answer just kept his arms around him as he led them towards the second living room making Louis walk backwards. Louis tried to look but Harry turned him around and covered his eyes, "what? Harold!"
"Relax you'll be fine." Suddenly he was stopped and shifted around then the hands were removed. When he looked, he noticed they were in the small sunroof with breakfast laid out on a blanket and candles that filled the room with a beachy scent and a record player playing at a low volume.
"What is this?" Louis asked.
"It's breakfast silly. Don't mind the half-eaten waffle Freddie demanded it." Louis laughed as he watched Harry grabbed the plain half eaten waggle off a plate and toss it into the main hall as if it never was there, "I really hope that wasn't in the photos I took."
"It adds character." Louis said grinning as he kissed Harry's cheek, "thank you this is great if with the decor Freddie added makes more special."
"Look I'm trying to impress you I don't need Freddie to show me up with his talents." Louis shook his head as he led Harry into the room by his hand making him sit down first then he slotted himself between his legs leaning back against his chest, "look I even dug out my fancy tea set." Harry said excitedly as he showed off his baby blue floral teacups and saucers.
"Very fancy. I practically feel like royalty." Louis said grinning widely, "since I'm royalty i absolutely cannot pour my own tea you'll have to simply do it for me."
"Ah yes how dare I make you lift a single finger." Harry said kissing his hand that he was holding while the other hand poured the tea carefully. Louis absolutely refused to admit he giggled when Harry maybe a clinking sound on accident, "Shhh it didn't happen."
"Oh yes my mistake." Louis said grabbing a chocolate drizzled fruit kabob, "I heard not a thing."
"Exactly." Harry said pressing a kiss against his cheek as he grabbed his own kabob, "who says romance is dead with kids."
"The half-eaten waffle decor definitely says something." Breakfast was finished between laughter and sips of tea, but that apparently wasn't all Harry had planned. He was up and changing the record to something else. When the vinyl was in and the needle was moved Harry pulled Louis up to his feet.
"Dance with me."
"Dance with you to what?" Louis asked skeptically even if he did wrap an arm around Harry and slide his hand in his free one. Before Harry had a chance to respond Shania Twin filled the room and Louis grinned, "I knew I was marrying a man with good taste. Though I must say I'm shocked it's not Abba."
"Oh, don't worry they're in the list of potential wedding songs. After all we do have quite the story to tell with our first dance. Who knows maybe Abba tells it better than Shania. Hard to believe I know, but it's possible." Louis didn't even deem that worthy of a response especially when the introduction ended, and the first words started to play.
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come, my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together, still going strong
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss goodnight
Louis grinned as he and Harry sang along with the lyrics, Harry's voice mending with his perfectly as they did a simple step and sway slow dance. His hand slid in Harry's hair pulling him down for a soft slow kiss and neither of them noticed when the others came back and stood in the doorway. Louis pulled away and gently guided Harry into a spin making them both laugh before their lips met again then it was Louis' turn to spin. As the last words were sung, they're lips touched again with emotion that seemed too strong with how little they knew each other, but Louis pushed it aside jumping when their friends 'awww'd loudly causing both of them to turn and see them standing there. Liam had Freddie on his shoulders and Niall had his phone out recording them.
"You two are so cute. I'm sending this to your mother Harry." Niall said as he walked away typing something on his phone, "don't worry I'm sending it to you two as well."
"We should get dressed. Busy day today, you go ahead, and I'll clean up."
"You sure?" Louis asked.
"Yes, now leave." Harry said gently pushing Louis towards the door.
"Alright come on Freddie let's get you ready as well mister Jammies." Louis said taking Freddie groaning slightly, "You're getting big kid."
"Liam says I'm light."
"Yeah, for him he has biceps the size of China. We don't listen to him." Louis grumbled hearing the lads laugh as he walked away.
Shopping was Harry was different than he expected or imagined. Since Harry didn't worry about money Louis had assumed Harry just tossed things in without much thought process and just swiped his card without worry. Turns out he was very wrong. Everything Harry bought he had a purpose for which really shouldn't have surprised Louis now that he thought about it. Though Harry also pretended not to notice when Freddie snuck snacks into the cart and buried them under things and Louis didn't say anything wishing for Harry to stop him when it was enough. Freddie was currently on his tenth box and Harry was reading the back of a noodle box as if it weren’t just a box of noodles that he had in his cupboards at the house. When Freddie had successfully hidden it only then did Harry coincidentally finish as well and put it in the cart pretending to not notice the junk food in his cart.
"What?" Harry asked innocently when Louis continued to stare at him, "I was reading the ingredients making sure they hadn't changed it."
"Uh huh. I'm not saying anything. It’s all on you this time." Harry looked betrayed but then he sniffed and turned away from Louis.
"Fine. I can totally say no when I need to." Harry said grabbing a few different boxes of pasta before he pushed the cart down a different aisle.
"Papa." Freddie whispered tugging on Louis' hand.
"Harry needs cookies."
"Oh, he does?" Louis asked looking at Harry who was humming as he quickly grabbed two of the same jams and read the backs of them as if they were different.
"Yeah, but we have to be sneaky about it. I am a break hider with Harry because he reads a lot unlike you so we can sneak in a lot I bet."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, and I reckon if we guess his favorite, he won't say no no matter how many we bring back, so I think we being back one of each."
"Wow you thought this one through. One of each you said." Louis said looking at Harry who started pushing the cart forward, "hey Haz."
"Yes, my darling?" Harry asked innocently as he looked back at them.
"Freddie and I are going to go look around you uh...have anything to say to us?"
"Have fun. Make smart choices." Harry said before he hurried down the aisle, Louis shook his head as he grabbed Freddie's hand and followed him down to the correct isle.
Harry didn't question it when Freddie practically begged that he and Louis unload the cart while Harry stood with his back to the belt. Louis shook his head glad he had sneakily snuck out the snacks he knew Freddie wouldn't miss or have eaten while Freddie and Harry had been picking fruits and vegetables. Harry didn't even question why there was ten boxes of random snacks in the produce section as he kept Freddie distracted by letting him push the cart.
"You'rewelcome." Louis hadwhispered.
"No idea what you aretalkingabout."
"Uhhuh." Harry grinnedturningto peck him on hislipsbut never admittedtoanything.
"Papa I think some things fell out but that’s okay. I think he would have noticed if we had too much." Freddie whispered.
"I think you're right. It must have fallen out when we helped rearrange the cart." Louis whispered back.
"Yeah, I think so too."
The cashier was grinned as she swiped the junk food boxes after having swiped the things Harry and Louis had picked out for dinners and lunches. The last fifteen items were obviously picked by a child and was obviously a 'secret'. She even played along by double bagging the items and sneakily handing them over the belt with a wink. Louis then pushed the cart ahead and started putting the bags in the cart while Harry paid for the groceries grinning. When everything was packed Louis moved ahead out of the way and helped Freddie put on his jacket. When Harry came over shoving his wallet and receipt into his pocket Freddie was ready to go out to the chilly October weather. When they got to the Murano Louis got Freddie into the booster first then went around and helped Harry finished packing everything. When they were back in the Murano Louis made sure Freddie was strapped in correctly before he buckled himself.
The drive to the apartment building was short and when Harry parked, he kept the Murano running and leaned over to kiss Louis on the lips.
"I'll be back."
"Okay we'll be here." Harry got out and hurried inside the building to escape the chilly breeze that accompanied the end of October. He hurried inside the elevator and pressed the fifth-floor button and then to room 409, He pulled out his phone and went to the camera app pressing the record button then he put the phone in his shirt pocket, so the camera was visible. His lawyer told him never to talk to her about Maddie without recording the conversation whenever possible and make sure to get her face so they could prove it was her. When it was situated, he knocked on the red door and waited only a few seconds before it was opened revealing Hannah dressed in a very revealing dress that Harry quickly averted his eyes upon seeing.
"Where's Maddie?" Harry asked stepping inside the apartment when she widen the door for him to enter.
"She's in her room." Harry tensed when Hannah's hand touched his shoulder. He quickly moved away from it and looked at her, "oh come on Harry...Danny isn't here, and Maddie doesn't have to know."
"I'm not interested. I'm also not available as you know. I'm engaged. I'm just here for my daughter. Maddie!"
"Daddy!" Harry grinned turning when a door opened and Maddie came out with a small suitcase making him frown slightly, "I'm ready."
"That's great princess what all did you pack? You look like you're ready to run away." Harry teased assuming she had packed toys or something.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you you're getting her for a week because Dan and I are leaving to look at a few homes in America where his transfer will be."
"A week? That would have been nice to know before today."
"It's a week or nothing. We leave tonight and we don't have a ticket for her, so we'd drop her off as Dan's parents’ place tonight otherwise.”
“Well, no I want her. Of course, I want her I just wish you would have told me. But thank you anyway for letting me keep her for the week.”
“You could thank me in another way.” She suggested.
“Not interested. Ready to go Mads?”
“She already ate so there’s no need to feed her dinner tonight.” Hannah said stepping closer, Harry immediately stepped back and opened the door.
“Goodbye Hannah.”
“Bye Harry.” She said slowly smiling as she wiggled her fingers. Harry ignored her and hurried out of the apartment with Maddie’s hand in his and her suitcase in the other hand.
“Daddy why does mom want me to you about you two getting back together upfront of Louis?” Harry pulled his eyebrows together and looked at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Mom said I had to ask you about you and her getting back together as soon as we got in the car if Louis was in the passenger seat. I asked her why and she told me it doesn’t matter to just do it.”
“Oh well I’m not sure, but I would prefer it if you didn’t. It can cause some tension that I really would rather not have inside the car. Your mother and I are not getting back together and there is no reason to ask that, okay? I’m marrying Louis and we are planning to stay together for a very very very long time.”
“like a Happily Ever After long time?”
“Yes, just like that. You’re going to be at the wedding and Freddie will be there. He’s going to be the ring bearer and you’re the flower girl. You’ll have a sort of baby aunt to help walk down as well. She’s only a baby you like that idea?”
“Yes, I can help her walk and help her throw petals on the ground, right?”
“Right. But don’t tell Louis I’ve already got it all planned out he has to feel included too.” Harry said jokingly making her giggle as he tickled her, “Promise?”
“I promise it’s our little secret daddy.” Harry grinned before he noticed something.
“Where’s your coat?”
“I don’t have one…well I have one, but it stops here.” She said pointing to her mid forearm, “and it’s tight and I don’t like it.”
“I gave your mother fifty pounds last week to get you a new one.”
“She spent it on the jacket, but it doesn’t fit, and I told her it didn’t fit but it was the only one the thrift store had.”
“The thrift store I gave her fifty pounds for a winter coat. She didn’t have to- it’s fine we’ll get you two one for me and one you’ll keep at your mothers, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, daddy.”
“You don’t need to thank me for getting you essential items like coats, but you’re welcome.” Harry pulled his phone out and ended the video making sure it had recorded the entire time before shoving it in his pocket. Once they got to the front doors, he made sure to have a good grip on her suitcase and her body as he lifted her up before he ran out into the cold making her squeal with laughter, “RUN RUN RUN RUN.” Harry said laughing as he got to the Murano and pulled it open as she giggled, “There we go all toasty. Get in your booster and buckle up.” Harry told her closing the door then hurrying to the driver seat.
“I told you to put a coat on.” Louis told him as he rubbed his arm.
“Tell me you were right later.” Harry grumbled as he pulled his phone out and set it in the little cubicle, “We have to go to a department store for Maddie to get her a coat. Does Freddie need one for winter?”
“No, I go shopping for the after-winter sales and get him a size up for the next winter. He has a coat and gloves and a hate. He’s all set for winter.”
“Smart man. I knew I was marrying you for a reason.” Louis rolled his eyes with a grin, but he leaned into the kiss Harry pressed against his cheek, “we need to talk when we get home for a few minutes about Hannah.” Harry whispered against his ear before pressing another kiss there to disguise it. Louis nodded letting him know he heard him, so Harry pulled back but kept one of his hands intertwined with Louis’ as he pulled out of the parking space.
Two hours later Harry and Louis were finally finished putting everything away and the kids were successfully distracted with each other and the toys, so Harry pulled Louis into his home office and pulled out his phone.
“My lawyer has always told me to record every conversation I have with Hannah as much as possible so that’s what I did. Anyway, I’m not worried about what happened inside the apartment for obvious reason what I want you to really focus on is inside the elevator, but I’ll let you see whole the video anyway.” Harry said handing the phone to Louis as he sat in the desk chair and Louis sat on his desk, his legs in his arm rest holes pulling the chair in closer making Harry grin at how cute he was. Harry didn’t pay much attention to the video, but he knew when Louis got to the part where Hannah started coming on to him more and more. He’d make a face and his hand in Harry’s hair would tighten briefly but then came to the part where Maddie asked about Hannah tell her to ask the question upfront of Louis. His eyebrows rose and he grinned as if he found it amusing and when the video ended Louis laughed sliding down to straddle Harry’s lap.
“Even if Maddison had asked that it wouldn’t have bothered me.” Louis said.
“You got upset with the florist commented about my eyes sparkling with artificial bluebells.”
“Yeah, because she was wrong.” Louis said with an eye roll, “Your eyes sparkled with the purple Ranunculus.”
“Right the flowers we never even went near.” Louis rolled his eyes with a grin as he stood up, “How could I have forgotten those.”
“Someone’s sarcastic today and I don’t know if I like it, Harold.” Louis said with his arms folded, “It might hurt my feelings.”
“No not your feelings!” Harry said in fake outrage before he quickly wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his face multiple times until he was pushing him away and running out of the room. Harry grinned as he grabbed his phone and hurried after him only to see he had teamed up with Freddie and Maddie in the matter of three seconds and all three of them had nerf guns points at him.
“CHARGE!” Louis shouted as he ran up the stairs and they ran after him shooting at him.
Chapter 12: Twelve
**Side note- 1. It’s a long one. 2.Daniel is Hannah’s boyfriend (not sure if I’ve explained that yet). 3. Fizzy (or Félicité) is not in this story, she was a teenager, not an adult so I do not feel comfortable writing her in like I do with the adults. Also because the adults play essential roles in this story while the sisters/siblings do not. I have not decided if mentioning her at all is in my comfort zone and respectful in my personal opinion with my writing so if you would like her to be mentioned briefly let me know, however she will not be a living or recurring character. If she is mentioned it'll be as respectful as possible with Louis obviously mentioning her or something along those lines. I do not want to come across as rude or disrespectful when it comes to her or any other character who is longer with us, but like I said it did not feel right to write her in just for it to not play a key role in the story and be a brief sentence. I try not to make them (siblings and all) key roles in my stories out of respect since theses stories are about Harry and Louis only, but obviously they'll be mentioned every now and again. Again I'm trying to write this as carefully worded as possible so sorry if it doesn't make sense or comes off badly.**
Chapter Text
Harry was up early the next morning as he prepared to make enough donut holes for over a dozen people, most of them being kids. He was excited to finally have the house filled with kids and family and glad today would be warmer than yesterday according to every weather app and website he looked at yesterday before falling asleep with the kids in the bed after they had all cuddled up for a movie in his room. Harry was pulled from his thoughts by arms sliding around his waist and a face pressed against his back making him jerk not having heard Louis.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just didn't hear you I was a lost in my thoughts." Louis hummed snuggling into his back, Harry didn't need to look at Louis to know his eyes were still closed and that he was wearing one of Harry's sweaters that fell to his thighs, his briefs probably was just peeking out at the ends, "what are you doing up of you're tired?" Harry asked amused.
"You took your body heat with you." Louis mumbled; it was barely audible, but Harry heard him well enough making him grin.
"Sorry." Harry said, "I had to start breakfast."
"What are you making?" Louis asked resting his chin on Harry's shoulders looking over into the fryer, "ooh something deep fried I like it already."
"Powdered sugar donut holes with little plastic spiders on the piles so they look like spider eggs." Harry said excitedly as he showed Harry the picture that was with the recipe in his homemade seasonal recipe book. Louis was silent for a few seconds before he laughed shaking his head.
"You're lucky you're cute Harold." Louis said pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek before he laid his cheek against Harry's back again.
"You're cuddly this morning."
"I'm tired this morning and you're warm."
"Just admit you're cuddly."
"Never." Louis said kissing his shoulder, "Alright what do you need me to do before everyone arrives?" Louis asked stepping away from Harry and grabbing a mug for his morning tea.
"I think we're all ready for visitors but you - oh baby proofing! I bought baby proofing things this week they're in the basement."
"You bought baby proofing stuff?" Louis asked.
"Well, I've never had babies here so yeah I'm about to have two one year old roaming the house. I figured you were the best one to do that stuff since we never really did Hannah and I, I mean."
"You never baby proofed?" Louis asked looking at Harry who shook his head.
"I bought a large pen and we kept Maddie in there during the day except for naps and such but we did tummy time in there and she crawled in there. When she started walking and wanting to roam, we completely sealed off the living room and kept her there. We didn't have a need to baby proof. I mean obviously we made the room was safe and her crib was where it should be and all of that stuff, but we didn't really have a lot of furniture or outlets so." Harry explained shrugging at the end, "obviously if you and I have a baby one day this house will need to be thoroughly baby proofed and we'll probably spend more money on gates than we will on anything else, but our apartment was probably the size of the living rooms combined. It wasn't that big."
"Not even married yet and you're already thinking about trapping me with a little baby. The audacity." Harry grinned looking over at Louis.
"I'd be more worried if I didn't know you have a Winnie the pooh outfit in the basement storage for a baby girl. Still on the store hanger that is at least a year old."
"It was on sale." Louis said sipping his tea as he walked towards the basement door, "at least you have a warning of what the theme of the nursery is going to be. You can pretend you had a say in it now and suggest Winnie the pooh before I have to go behind your back and do it myself."
"You're lucky I approve otherwise we'd argue."
"No, we wouldn't." Harry chuckled as he heard the basement door click behind Louis before it opened again, "oh by the way its seven months old thank you very much. Not a year. I bought it in March. It was last one of its size and it spoke to me Harry. It said buy me and so I bought it."
"Remind me to never let you know where the credit card is." Louis laughed closing the door behind him.
Three hours later both of their families were there, and everything was going smoothly. Anne had looked so shocked and heartbroken but excited when she saw Maddison that Louis had almost cried. He knew his mother had to look away to keep from crying as well. After that however everything went smoothly, and Louis could tell his mother was absolutely in love with Harry.
"So is a baby in the near future for you two?" Anne asked as they stood in the kitchen moving the pudding cups onto the decorative trays. Harry was outside with his mother talking about recipes or something that Louis didn't pay much attention to.
"Not so near that I'll be showing at the wedding but yes it's been discussed. We both wanted to wait until he had custody though so we're not dealing with too much. With my mom an hour and a half away and you guys in London, Liam and Niall working most of the days Harry has off, and Zayn being the only real available last-minute option we don't want to deal with a pregnancy during the craziness that is sure to come." Louis explained looking at her briefly.
"Right, I understand that. So sometime in the next or two."
"Yeah, I think so. I hope so at least. I loved being pregnant with Freddie, it wasn't the greatest experience with my partner, but take him away it was great. Harry is such an amazing dad to Maddie, and he is stepping into the role with Freddie so easily. He missed a lot of Maddie with his school and Hannah doing what she did I know he feels more guilty than he lets on about that."
"He loves her to death and Freddie. You can see it when he looks at them. And you, of course. I thought Harry was in love with Hannah but him looking at you doesn't even come close to him looking at her."
Louis blushed, there was that four-letter word again so soon in the real timeline yet so casually being mentioned today. Harry and he have been carefully avoiding that word, they knew it was too soon, or maybe that was their excuse, so they didn't have to say it so soon. He didn't know. What he did know was that he and Harry both had a conversation about that word and that they wouldn't say it until they meant it. If anyone asked, they would say it wasn't something they just casually said or whatever felt right in the moment. So far no one seemed to notice or think anything of it if they had noticed.
"He's great. I'm really lucky to have found someone like him." Louis freely admitted, "even now he just...I don't have words to tell you everything that I want to list." Anne chuckled nodding
"I'm so proud of him I just wish he would relax a little with saving so much. He was such a careful spender always terrified of spending too much and ending up barely making ends meet."
"Really? I've always thought him a little, not careless, but definitely not cautious. He definitely doesn't come off as a rich boy just someone who has enough money to not blink yknow."
"Yeah, he's very humble, I think. Doesn't show off his wealth any more than he does unconsciously. Though a lot of that is from his childhood, I'm sure he's already told you about that, so I won't go too much into it, but it was hard. Especially since I can see how much they remember it now as adults, I always wished they were too young to remember or maybe it'd be pushed as they got happier memories. I overcompensated a lot when they were teenagers."
Louis nodded even though Harry hadn't actually told him anything of his childhood except a brief mentioning that his mom had been a single mother with two kids. Nothing in depth that would explain what his mother was talking about. And looking back that was Louis' fault, Harry always asked about him and Freddie and their lives. Louis was always too happy to tell anyone about Freddie and his baby years, Louis has never asked Harry about anything. By the way Anne was talking it was obviously not something Harry would just casually mention and had to be asked about it to talk about it. The door slid open before either of them could continue talking and Harry walked in with his mom, the kids, and dogs running into the house.
"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked wrapping his arms around Louis' waist from behind resting his chin on Louis' shoulder.
"Just this and that." Anne said with a shrug, "I asked him about grandbabies."
"I asked Harry about grandbabies too." Jay said.
"Our mothers are conspiring against us." Harry whispered just loud enough for the mothers to hear him; Louis chuckled nodding.
"I think so too. Though my mother should be ready for a break from kids. She has twin toddlers at the moment."
"I can send yours back to you after cuddling them." His mother said.
"Yeah, I've already tried that." Harry told him, "she's prepared."
"Of course, she is. We're going to have to rearrange weekends around, so every grandparent and honorary uncle has quality time."
"Just imagine the weekends without kids though. I'm sure we can think of something to pass the time away."
"What? Practice makes perfect." Louis slapped Harry with the closest item which happened to be a spatula. Harry quickly dodged the swats as he ran out of the kitchen.
Trick or Treat was a long three hours filled with adorable kids coming up to them with large grins and most of them greeting Harry by name. Afterwards they spent a few hours laughing and talking in the living room before Harry, Anne, and Jay went into the kitchen to start the pot pies and other food.
"DADDY! I NEED HELP!" Maddie shouted as she came running down the stairs out of her costume, but her hair piece was tangled in her hair which was a whole mess.
"Sweetie, I can't right now, and I told you not to touch your hair without help, didn't I?" Harry said gently.
"But daddy please. Mom said if it gets stuck again, she'll cut my hair." Maddie said crying, "I didn't want it to get stuck and have it cut."
"Maddie sweetie as much as I want to help you I really can't. I told you not to touch your hair now out of my kitchen with your hair please and thank you."
"But daddy you have to help. It hurts and it's a knot and mom says she'll cut it." Maddie pleaded crying more.
"Your mother isn't here to cut it Mads. You'll be fine for an hour as soon as I'm finished, I'll handle your hair, okay?" Maddie stomped her feet and folded her arms pouting.
"But daddy-"
"Maddison. Not right now. In one hour, I can help but I can't right now and that is something you'll have to accept."
"Maddison Rayne." Maddison made a closed mouth scream towards Harry as she stomped her foot again before she ran upstairs slamming a door closed. Louis only lasted a minute before he snuck upstairs and poked his head into Maddison's room seeing her sitting on her bed crying.
"Hey, can I come in?" Louis asked getting a nod, so he entered the room closing the door behind him, "you know Maddison I have a ton of sisters and each other has had at least ten knots I've helped get out of their hair all without scissors." Louis told her.
"Of course. I know we haven't had me and you time to talk about your dad and I, but I am marrying him. I'm marrying you too essentially. I know I said I become your stepparent when I say I Do with your dad, but even right now you are my stepdaughter. That means if your dad is busy doing whatever he us doing and you need help you can always come to me and if I can, I will help you as much as you need me to."
"I didn't want to bother you...Daniel doesn't like it when I ask him for help. He tells me I'm not his responsibility just because he's with my mom."
"I'm not Daniel. You are my responsibility this week as much as you are your dads. You're my daughter too, you never have to call me anything you don't want to either it be Papa or Mr. Tomlinson. The title doesn't make the parent, the love and support does, and I love you and will always support you and I will always have your back. In one hour, we can trick your dad into going outside and we can throw water balloons at him as payback for making you cry." Maddison giggled as she wiped her eyes and face with her sleeves and looked at him.
"Yes really. Now how about I help you with this tiara and we paint each other’s nails in a fall color? Sound good?"
Maddison smiled and nodded climbing onto her knees and hugging him tightly. Louis kissed her head rubbing her back before he got up and went to grab the hair things for Maddie's hair in the kids shared bathroom. Maddie had a light pink basket full of curly hair care products and decanters as well as combs and hair accessories. He grabbed it and headed into her room sitting them upfront of her floor length mirror on her closet door and got to work. He never had to deal with curly hair like Maddie’s, but he soon got the hang of it and they never noticed when Harry came up only to stand in the doorway watching as they sang Disney songs and Louis carefully detangled her hair. Maddie had dressed up as Rosie the riveter and Harry had done her up in an updo with her bandana looped through her hair, so it hadn't fallen off and thus when Maddie tried to undo it all she had ended up with a mess. A mess that took over an hour to undo but once it was finished and Louis was able to come through it no problem he went and got the nail polish form her kit.
"Thank you LouLou." Maddie said as she hugged Louis around his neck once their nails had been dried. Louis grinned as he hugged again rubbing her back.
"You are most welcome. You can ask me for help anytime." Maddie nodded, "now how about we go downstairs, and you say sorry. Just a tiny one."
"Okay." Maddison held Louis' hand as they head out of the room and down the stairs. Harry was in the living room with Freddie lying beside him as they laid on the loveseat and watched Wall-E together. Maddie skipped over and carefully crawled on top of Harry situating herself comfortable as she cuddled up to him.
"I'm sorry daddy."
"Thank you, sweetie. I love you you know that right?"
"I love you too Daddy. I was scared but I didn't have to act like that."
"It's okay. Your emotions still get the best of you at times. Your nails are very pretty."
"Thank you LouLou and I paint each other's nails and looky he got my hair untangled without scissors." She said sitting up and pulling her hair over her shoulder to show him.
"I see that. He might be better than me with all the practice he has with his sisters." Harry said as he looked up at Louis.
"Not with curly hair mind you, but enough practice it didn't take us that long to get the worst of it." Louis said folding his arms on the air of the sofa and leaning down to press a chaste kiss to Harry's puckered lips, "besides I'm a big softie when it comes to tears, I only last a minute after she ran upstairs."
"That’s because you're a great Papa who doesn't let a baby cry for more than a minute."
"You mean I'm weak."
"You went through a c-section and want to do it again. I'd call you incredibly strong before I ever call you weak. As much as I wish I could carry sometimes I do not want to go through that and if I had I'd never do it again."
"The only reason I'm so willingly to do it again is because I know this time will be different. I'll have a cute doctor fussing over me as much as I fuss over the baby. I may even be able to have him do the heavy lifting for the first few weeks."
"The lifting, the carrying, the picking up, the bending, you name it, and I shall do it for as long as you need." Harry said pulling Louis back down for an awkward but sweet kiss, "also I'm more than cute I'm drop dead sexy when I'm awake at three on the morning making sure your stitches aren't infected and you're not in pain."
"Oh, right my bad." Louis said rolling his eyes as he straightened up and moved off to where he heard Zayn, Liam, and Niall were at in the other living room drinking and playing FIFA.
"Hey, grab a beer and join us. You have enough designated sober for you and Harry to drink a little." Niall said.
"Let me guess Harry said not unless I did it." Louis guessed folding his arms watching as Liam and Niall blushed guiltily, "I don't care if he drinks you know."
"We know that, but he respects you too much and he probably doesn't want you to think badly of him with y'know his past drinking problem after Hannah kept Maddie from him." Louis also didn't know about that but didn't let it show as he left and grabbed two beers from the fridge then headed to Harry and put one on his chest.
"Will you drink before your friends decide I'm a bad influence on you and controlling you through telepathic connections or something." Louis said.
"What if I don't want to drink."
"All your friends are doing it." Louis teased waving the can upfront of his face making him laugh.
"Peer pressure. Really."
"Yes, now chug it and shut it." Louis said kissing his cheek before heading back to the other room and grabbing the spare controller as he flopped on to the large beanbag chair that the lads had dragged upstairs from the basement living/gaming room.
After dinner Louis took his family to the basement where the guest rooms were located for them there were a total of four guest rooms down there, one with a queen size mattress, and two rooms had two twin size bunkbeds with the stairs in the middle and the last one had two full size bunkbeds with the stairs in the middle. Louis helps his mom set up the travel crib then held get the twins ready since Dan was still with Harry getting the bags. The evening turned late and one by one everyone was in guest rooms or bedrooms and Harry and Louis were finally alone and relaxing on the couch with Louis’ back pressed against Harry's front.
"We should get to bed." Harry said.
"I know but I can't get up. I'm tired. Besides, I've got questions for you that I know I will forget if I sleep on them."
"Oh? And what are those questions?" Harry asked amused.
"Niall mentioned you had a drinking problem? When Hannah left?"
"Oh that? Yeah, I guess. I was pissed and my lawyer said there was nothing that could be done until we proved paternity, so I drank and went out to the clubs a lot. It got a bit...obsessive I guess but I never really considered it a problem. Like I could stop I just didn't want to. I was stupid the first six months but then the DNA test came back, and my lawyer said I had to get my life together and so I did. Instantly. One weekend I was at the pubs and the next I was home or working. Guess it didn't really occur to me to tell you that." Louis nodded understanding where Harry was coming from.
"Is that why you won't casually drink?"
"No, I just don't want to be unavailable for Maddie or Freddie if they need something. Liam and Niall don't understand that, I get it y'know they don't mean any harm by it and a few beers never hurt anyone, but I've always been scared of drinking one night and not being able to drive Maddie to the hospital because the ambulances were out of order or something. I don't know. It's a weird parenting nightmare I get every once in a while."
"I will never let you get so drunk you wouldn't be able to function as a father around the kids. That's where I draw the line but drinking with your mates with a dozen people here sober is completely fine. No one will think twice of that."
"I know I just feel I'm being judged or something. Choosing beer over my kids. I never want to do that."
"And you never will." Louis promised, "your mother mentioned something today as well. Well, a few things."
"Oh God. Whatever it was I swear there's an explanation."
"No but now I know I've gotta ask her for the good stuff. No, she mentioned your childhood very very very briefly. Like she completely skipped over it thinking I already knew. Which if you don't want to tell me that's fine." Harry tense for a second before he sighed and scooted Louis closer against his front, "you don't have to-"
"My mom was young when she fell pregnant with my sister. She got kicked out of her rich family’s home with nothing but a bag of clothes and a fee bundles of cash. She was able to get a job as a waitress after dropping out of school and she got a studio. My dad, my biological dad that is, he didn't want to lose the money from his money and my mom was young and naive, so she stayed with him. When I came my dad left after taking the money my mom glad hidden away for emergencies. Fast forward two years and my mom was poor, like poor poor. I was potty trained because my mom couldn't afford diapers and because of this the carpet in the living room smell horrible. We had a beat-up couch with a pull-out bed that smelled. When I got older, I remember being so embarrassed by it, obviously I couldn't control it and mom and Gem always said it wasn't my fault, but I hated it. Obviously, it wasn't only me, Gem had accidents too, but it was mostly me. Anyway, my mom spent everything on the electric and water, the two most important things. Then she spent it on her phone so she could be called into work y'know. Then the little she had left was just enough for bread, peanut butter, and sometimes a fruit of our choice to share. So, for most of my childhood we ate peanut butter toast for breakfast and peanut butter bread folded up for lunch and dinner. I can’t eat peanut butter to this day, like plain peanut butter. I can eat it with something but not ever in large amounts.” Louis shifted around so he was able to look at Harry, he played with a bracelet Maddie had given Louis to give to Harry a few weeks ago during art. He was clearly thinking about it from the faraway look he had on his face, “My mom suddenly stopped wanting us to go to the stores with her and she’d bring home groceries. Real groceries. She’d cook and we ate vegetables and fruits and had food we were allowed to snack on. Gemma and I thought she was stealing and so we started telling mom to stop and that we were fine. We met Robin a few days later, mom done everything to get rid of the smell that lingered in the studio apartment.” Harry’s lips twitched in a small smile that only now looking back on it all was he able to release in light humor,
“She bought a mattress from a goodwill and got rid of the couch and had the mattress on the floor for all three of us. I remember mom had us all showed that morning because the water was being shut off the next day and so we all helped do laundry in the bath and then hung them to dry. Robin walked into the door in a lab coat and Gemma started freaking out, crying. She thought mom was giving us away, up for adoption, Gemma was begging mom not letting her get a word in to explain. She told her she would go without food so I could eat and that she would help out as much as she could and went on this rant. It was like she was prepared to plead our case and I don’t doubt she was. I started crying when Gemma went on and on because I was scared, and mom just looked so helpless and guilty. After mom was able to calm us down and explain Robin was a friend of hers and was a doctor, we slowly opened up to him. I was practically his son within a month. He and I just grew close because I asked him about his work, I knew doctors made a lot of money so in my mind I would become a doctor and help my mom out with money. It made perfect sense. Mom and Robin moved fast, I don’t know if mom was just desperate at first or if they had known each other longer than they let on, Gemma and I never asked because Robin was our dad and mom married him. I know mom loves him now, I know mom has loved him for a long time, not sure how long, but long enough that it doesn’t matter anymore to me to know the truth. They met when mom was at work, he’s been a regular for years, but mom never had him as a customer, barely even saw him before then. One day she had him as a customer and I guess they just hit it off. He saw her at the store a few weeks later after a few more times meeting at the restaurant and he told me something just told him to give her his groceries. So, he did. Mom said she was having a bad week that week and that home life was stressful, and her boss had almost fired her so when he gave her his groceries she just cried and told him everything. Just ranted. Poor guy was just trying to do something nice and got ranted at. He drove her home and started tipping her bigger and then asked to buy her and us dinner without us knowing of course. They never really did give us a complete timeline, but they made it sound like it was going on for a few months at least before mom introduced us.” Louis was smiling, chuckling when Harry empathized with Robin being ranted towards, “When I was old enough to realize what happened, like why things changed so dramatically for us, I wrote him this long letter for Father’s Day because it was coming up and I have it to him as soon as he woke up and I left for school. I was pulled out of school not an hour later by Robin and we had a father son week, he literally kidnapped me and took me to Greece only telling my mother when she called him frantic that I wasn’t home after school and Gem hadn’t seen me all day. When we got back Mom was there waiting for us and ripped us a new one right in the middle of the airport. Not giving a damn about who was watching us. That lecture lasted an entire month.”
“Your mom says you’re too cautious with your spending because of it. Is that true?”
“I guess in a way. I mean I have a lot of money from all different kinds of things and this house is completely paid off, I don’t have any debt or loans. I know how much I have in my savings accounts and all of that stuff. I know how much I have inside this house and how much I carry with me. I guess that is something we should talk about whether you want to join our bank accounts or keep them separate or what.”
“Yeah, that is something we should talk about but after I’ve had sleep.” Louis said resting his head in his hand as he stared at Harry, “I couldn’t even imagine it. What you went through. My mom wasn’t the richest, but always made the end meet in the end and we were always full. She may not have been, but we were. She’s a nurse which was good money for one two even three kids, but then more and more babies came. I don’t even know when she found the time or energy. Nor do I want to, but still. She worked so much and did so much in so little hours that sometimes when I look back, I feel like she had magic to make the time slow down. I have no idea how she did everything and still had time for every child that needed her. I guess that’s why I stepped in so early, I saw my mom needed help and so I was there. Changing diapers, feeding babies, changing clothes, burping. Whatever it was. I don’t why I ever thought I wouldn’t be a carrier; I was bloody natural at seven years old.” Harry laughed shaking his head.
“You are a natural. Thank you by the way for earlier with Maddie.”
“Of course. You don’t need to thank me for that. She is my soon to be stepdaughter after all. I don’t think Daniel has left a good idea of what a stepparent is supposed to do and its easier spending time with her when we’re in familiar school territory. It’s different here, I guess. More…personal, I keep forgetting she’s still a child, only six. She had to grow up so much around her mother…she’s completely different here than she is there or with her. It’s like she isn’t afraid to express normal attitude and emotion. Like earlier Maddie has never even remotely given attitude to anyone that I’ve seen.”
“The first time she came over she had this huge tantrum, she had behavioral problems so bad, and she just broke everything she could possibly reach and then she cried. At first, I was mad yknow, she broke a tv, she broke mugs, plates, literally everything. But then I thought about it. I remembered what my mom used to tell me that the child acts up the most around a parent they trust. So, I sat down on the couch and I waited. I waited over two hours I think when finally, Maddie came over and started crying. She was three at the time I think, maybe four, I’m not quite sure so at that age she didn’t have all the proper vocabulary to tell me what she was feeling, and she was behind on her development anyway. I just remember holding her as she sniffled herself to sleep and then I got up and I felt like such a failure. My baby was hurting, and I couldn’t do anything to help her because I got a job that took so many hours of my life away and there was no routine or schedule. So, I promised myself that even if Maddie came over and broke everything in the house each and every visit, I would do everything I could to get her over here as often as possible. I started looking for someone to settle down with, it wouldn’t be casual it wouldn’t be testing the road, it would be the long haul. I started with women; I knew my best bet was getting a housewife. A normal life and family. One a judge couldn’t look at and disagree with. Never went past a first date because obviously by then I had explored through drinking and pubs and everything else I much preferred the male body. So, I started dating men and as you know men didn’t want babies in their twenties. They want casual sex and relationships and that was it. I stopped about a year ago, gave up and resigned myself into not getting my daughter at all and quitting my job and finding something else to do. I started looking at jobs and things to do with my degree with better hours. I was very desperate to just find something to help me so I could help my daughter. Then the hospital announced they were opening a bigger pediatric ward with scheduled days and routine weeks. But it wouldn’t be ready for two years. Then Hannah told me about Daniel’s potential promotion, and I knew I didn’t have two years.” Louis knew where it led to, where the desperation of a father wanting to do right by his daughter led. He grinned and leaned over pressing a not at all chaste kiss to Harry’s lips.
“Lucky for you, you found me then huh?” Harry laughed but nodded pulling Louis in for deeper kiss, “I am not having sex with you with our families here.”
“Buzzkill. Come on let’s get to bed. Any later and none of our families is getting cooked breakfast in the morning.” Louis followed Harry upstairs after they turned off the lights and set the alarm, Gizmo and Bear following close behind them only for Bear to enter Maddie’s room and Gizmo to enter Freddie’s. When they entered the bedroom they crawled into bed and cuddled up together falling asleep almost instantly.
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
This can be very emotional and even triggering to some people however there is nothing bad that happens except a child having an emotional reaction to a shitty situation.
Chapter Text
This can be very emotional and even triggering to some people however there is nothing bad that happens except a child having an emotional reaction to a shitty situation.
Sunday morning Harry woke up early but had taken one look at Louis curled up against his chest and had promptly pushed any thoughts of leaving the bed out of his head. As if sensing Harry's change of plans Louis curled up closer to him in his sleep. Harry kept am arm around Louis' waist as he grabbed his phone and lowered the brightness down so it didn't wake Louis up. He had a message from Gem and when he opened it he saw screenshots of his and Louis' social media profiles and a message under them.
Nowthatwe've met himanddefinitelyapproveIthinkit's time to make it official don't youlittlebro? Go on andslapitonsocialmedia, makesuretopostpictureswithhis butt visible. 😉👌
Harry shook his head but knew his sister was right. It was time to make it social media official and so he headed to Facebook and updated his relationship status to engaged and sent a relationship request to Louis. He then went to Instagram and updated his bio so it said he was engaged to Louis. After that was done he locked his phone and grabbed the remote turn the TV on keeping it at a low volume as Louis slept.
"Well this is nice. You should definitely stay in bed more often." Louis said thirty minutes later as he looked at Harry.
"I'm thinking about it. Though I might need some persuasion." Louis leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to Harry's lips before he laid back down and cuddling closer to him. Harry honestly just enjoyed the cuddling, it had been a long time since he has cuddled someone. He knew there was a good portion of people awake downstairs, could hear their voices, but he had no desire to get out of his warm bed.
"We should get down there. We're being bad hosts." Louis said
"I know." Harry groaned before he was trying to motivate himself out of bed. It didn't work right away but eventually he was rolling out of bed and getting himself ready for the day. Louis doing the same a few minutes later. Louis stole one of Harry's sweaters and Harry grinned as he watched the way the extra fabric moved around as he brushed his teeth while Harry waited for him to finish. He also not so subtly watched him bend over the sink to spit out the tooth paste. Once he was done they headed downstairs together to see everyone was awake.
"Good morning. Jay and I made breakfast for everyone. Should be still warm." Anne greeted them
"You didn't have to do that. I was awake you just had to come and get me." Harry said
"Yeah but Louis looked comfortable when I saw you two so I didn't want to wake him."
"Harry gets out of bed every morning without waking me. I'm sure he would have managed." Louis said sending a glare towards Harry as he headed into the kitchen.
"He doesn't like it when I leave the bed. Says I take all the heat with me and it forces him out of bed." Harry told them as he sat in the oversized chaise while Louis headed into the kitchen.
"So we never did get to talk about the wedding. Have you picked a location? The flowers? The time? The honeymoon? Y'know Brazil is beautiful I know you loved it last time we visited as a family. Remember you wanted to stay at the pink place."
"I'm pretty sure Harry wanted to live there when he was twenty." Gemma said
"Louis and I have decided to take the kids on a holiday with us, a family vacation. As soon as the judge approves it which my lawyers says there isn't any reason why he wouldn't, I'll get it ran by the school. I think we've decided on Orlando there's Disney, Universal, SeaWorld, and other big things to do with kids and such. Then during spring break or the summer holidays we'll take a week away together somewhere else."
"I haven't agreed to that yet." Louis said from the kitchen
"I'll hogtie you." Harry told him, "Don't worry I'll have him in a hut on a beach without kids eventually. Or in a hotel right beside the Iguazu Falls in Brazil or Argentina."
"Or a summer trip with the kids." Louis said
"Or a private trip with a promise of loud uninterrupted-"
"Harold." Louis warned making their families laugh when Harry put his hands up in surrender.
"I was going to say playtime."
"That's even worse."
"How about the hokey pokey in our birthday suit?" Louis laughed loudly
"If you have to pokey the hokey then you're clearly doing it wrong Harry." Anne said
"Maybe we like to pokey the hokey mother." Harry said throwing a balled up piece of paper at her as Louis walked into the room shaking his head. He sat across Harry's lap so his back was pressed against the arm of the chaise. His plate of food piled high sat on his lap and his mug of tea was set on the coffee table.
"For the record if you ever poke me we're getting a divorce." Louis told him
"You ruin all of my fun. You won't have sex with me with our mothers here and you won't let me play hokey pokey with you naked. Next you'll be telling me I can't wear a lace teddy around the house with the kids home."
"Absolutely not." Louis said shaking his head as he cut into the pancake, "at least not while the kids are home." Harry laughed
"You're restricting my teddy wearing time. Geesh. I think I purposed too soon." Louis stabbed a piece of pancake and offered it to Harry watching as he leaned forwards and ate the piece off the fork.
After breakfast Louis was in the kitchen with Anne and Jay as they cleaned up from yesterday and breakfast. A loud banging came from the door causing them to jump from the suddenness.
"Are you guys expecting company?" Anne asked
"Not that I know of." Louis said as he dried his hands and headed to the front door. Louis unlocked the bolt and pulled the door open. He pulled his eyebrows together confused when he saw a police officer, Hannah, and her boyfriend standing there.
"Are you Mr. Styles?"
"No, but I am his fiancé why?"
"Can we come in?" Louis hesitated looking back for Harry but he still wasn't inside so he nodded and allowed them into the entry way closing the door behind them, "Does your fiancé still have his daughter here?"
"Yes of course. He has her for the week per her mother's....request."
"That's a lie I told him he could have her for Halloween, but he had to bring her back home Halloween night. I gave him last night out of kindness, but now I still don't have my daughter and I'm starting to worry about her. I have texts between him and I saying he wouldn't give her back. It's why I called the police." Hannah said tearfully, Louis laughed unable to help himself.
"First off Harry has it on video of you telling him to keep her for the week or not at all. Secondly Harry hasn't had his phone on him all morning. I do because he asked me to go get for him from the bedroom but then he went outside with the kids so he never got it from me. Thirdly any text Harry has gotten I haven't responded to or looked at because it's none of my business. Fourth call the number you were texting because I guarantee it won't ring Harry's phone."
"Hey what's going on?" Harry asked jogging up to them, "I thought you were going to America this week?" He said looking at Hannah.
"Mr. Styles, Miss. Carpenter claims you were suppose to take your daughter back home last night and that you are threatening her through texts of keeping your daughter from her."
"I don't even have my phone on me and Hannah and I don't text. Everything is on the phone or in person. Our lawyers demanded it since anyone could be Hannah in my phone and anyone could be me in hers. Any communications we have is to be recorded and sent to our respective lawyers. This isn't the first time Hannah has tried to charge me with parental kidnapping."
"I'm going to have to make sure that's the truth. Hand over your phone."
"Wait you're not even going to call the number she was texting. Make sure it was his phone in the first place." Louis asked the officer paused and looked at Louis before he turned to Hannah who looked offended by just the idea of it.
"Excuse me. We are here for my daughter."
"I have to investigate both sides of the story. Find out who is lying. Give me your phone please."
"No we are here to get my daughter from Harry and take her home not for you to turn around and accuse me just because my ex boyfriend's fuck toy spoke. Besides he shouldn't even be involved in this conversation."
"Louis is my fiancé and has every right to be here. So unless Daniel is leaving, Louis stays. Look I can show you the video where Hannah told me I have her for the week." Harry said but the officer shook his head
"It won't matter. She has custody and you have no legal visitation or right to have her in your house if the mother doesn't want her here. Unfortunately that means she can press charges for parental kidnapping if you don't let her take her daughter." The officer said looking like he didn't want to be the one telling Harry those words, "I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to go get your daughter and let her mother take her home."
"Okay." Harry said softly
"Okay?" Louis said shocked
"Louis please. If I fight or argue it can look bad on me. The judge won't look at the body cam footage and see a father wanting to see his daughter for more than a day, he's going to see a big man yelling at, not only a woman, but the mother of his child. That is all he is going to see. That is all they ever see because she has sob stories prepared to make me look bad. I have lost a lot of cases because I fought too hard, because I raised my voice, because she cried in my presence. I can't do anything except comply I can't have a parental kidnapping charge while fighting for visitation." Harry said gently, "can you please just go get Maddie for me?" Louis wanted to argue, wanted to yell and curse at Hannah because how dare she stand there smirking while she took Harry's daughter away just because. How dare she call herself a mother. But Louis nodded pressing a quick kiss to Harry's cheek and headed to the glass sliding doors watching Maddie and Freddie running and laughing on the playset.
"Maddison can you come here for a minute?" Louis asked just loud enough to be heard over the laughter filling the backyard. Maddison and Freddie looked his way before they ran up to him with large smiles and red faces, "come on Maddison, Freddie stay out here with Zayn alright?" Louis said as he felt Zayn squeeze past him with a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder.
"Come on Freddie bet you can't run faster than me." Louis owed Zayn a nice dinner as he watched Freddie run off yelling after him. He gently led Maddison inside the house and closed the glass door and led her to where Harry was with Hannah, Daniel, and the officer.
"I will have these screenshots and body camera sent to your respective lawyers so they each have a copy for the court meeting." The officer was saying
"Thank you." Harry said shaking his hand before he turned to them, "hey princess you have to go with your mom."
"What? Why?" Maddie asked looking between Harry and Hannah, "you promised. You promised I'd stay with Daddy all week." Maddie said looking at Hannah
"Yes well I've changed my mind now come on we need to go. We still have to pick up the cookies from the shop for career day tomorrow. Remember."
"You're not going to career day tomorrow?" Louis asked looking at Harry who clearly knew nothing about it.
"Mom says daddy has to work." Maddie told Louis
"I'm off tomorrow. What's career day?"
"It doesn't matter Daniel is going. He is with her everyday after all. Much more her dad than you are. Come on Maddie we are leaving." Hannah said grabbing Maddie's wrist only for Maddie to yank it out of her grip.
"You are leaving right now come on." Hannah snapped grabbing Maddie's arm again.
"NO! NO NO NO NO NO! NO!" Maddie screamed fighting out of her mother's grip, "DADDY! DADDY PLEASE! SHE SAID A WEEK! SHE PROMISED!"
Louis had tears in his eyes as he watched this beautiful little girl fall apart in a way only a child in a such a bad situation could. She was crying, screaming, kicking, flailing, doing everything she could to fight off Hannah. Louis looked at Harry and could see the pain in his face as he tried to make her let go of him when she hugged his waist begging him to keep her.
"Maddison that is enough. Stand up and let's go." Hannah said
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Maddie screamed as she was dragged out of the house, "DADDY! DADDY PLEASE! SHE PROMISED A WEEK! SHE PROMISED! DADDY! LET ME GO! LOULOU! LOUIS! LOUIS DON'T LET HER TAKE ME! LOUIS PLEASE!" Louis took a step forward fully prepared to go to jail to stop Maddie's pain but a strong arm wrapped around his waist and kept him there.
"Harry let me go. Harry let go of me." Louis hissed pushing his arm off of him and running outside, he pulled Maddie into tight loving hug before Hannah could put her in the car, "It'll be okay. Hush darling it'll be okay. Relax. Deep breaths. There you go. Easy breathing...there you go." Louis whispered gently as he rubbed her shaking back.
"She promised. She promised a week."
"I know but it's not your daddy's fault, sweetie. Now tell me what you want your daddy to bake for your class."
"C-C-C-Cookie dough cup-cupcakes." Maddie said between sniffles, hiccups, and heavy breaths from her crying and screams.
"Okay. I'll tell him. He loves you and so do I. It'll be okay." Louis stood up and kissed her head then without even turning towards Hannah he headed back inside the house.
Harry was sitting on the floor crying just as hard as Maddie had been a few moments ago. Louis slid into his lap and hugged his neck feeling his arms wrap around his waist and his sobs wet the sweater Louis was wearing.
"Don't you ever hold me back when my child yells for me like that again." Louis said as gently and a softly as he could so Harry knew he wasn't mad at him. Harry didn't respond, not that Louis expected him to, he just sat there holding Louis as he cried and Louis sat there holding Harry rubbing his back and trying to do whatever he could to soothe him. They sat there well over an hour before Harry stood up and headed upstairs with a soft click of a door closing. Only then did Louis let his own tears fall as he sat between Anne and his mom.
Harry only came down briefly to say goodbye to their families and he tried to apologize to Louis' family, but his mother out a stop to that immediately. When they had left Harry had kissed Louis' cheek then headed back upstairs. Louis understood that Harry wasn't in the right space to be out so he didn't mind doing the last few things that needed done before Freddie came back. Zayn had texted saying he was feeding Freddie then would bring him back and from there they would decide if he should take him overnight. So yes Louis definitely owed Zayn for today. Louis had just sat down when the front door opened and Zayn and Freddie came in.
"I'm sorry." Louis said looking at Zayn
"Don't worry about it. I can't even imagine what you two are feeling."
"She yelled for me. Cried and screamed for me. I felt useless. Harry hasn't left the bedroom except to say goodbye and he tried to apologize to my mom. I can't imagine it. I can't- my heart hurts." Louis said stubbornly wiping his eyes before Freddie saw
"Do you want me to take him for the night and take him to nursery? I don't mind and it wouldn't be the first time I kept him an extra night."
"Do you mind? It's just Harry will want to make Maddie's cupcakes and-"
"Say no more. Go take little man to say goodnight to Harry and I'll pack him a bag." Louis nodded calling for Freddie and heading upstairs with him as he told him he would be staying with Zayn.
"We're going to tell Harry goodnight okay?"
"Okay." Freddie said cheerfully opening the door and running to the bed climbing up on it , "hi Harry Papa is letting me stay with Zayn on a school night so I came to say goodnight to you before I leave."
"He is? That sounds like so much fun. I bet Zayn will let you stay up an extra hour if you ask him." Harry said
"I bet so too. I'll miss you though but I guess I'll just see you tomorrow because we live here now so I won't miss you too much." Harry chuckled
"I hope you have a lovely time tonight Freddie and you give this to Zayn. Put it in his hand and yell no takebacks and run away got it?" Harry said as he grabbed a bundle of 50s and handed it to Freddie.
"Tell him to buy art supplies or pizza or beer or a night buddy. It's his to do with what he wants. No take backs alright?"
"You got it Harry. Goodnight."
"Goodnight squirt." Louis chuckled as he followed Freddie downstairs where he did as Harry told put the cash bundle in his hand and yelled no takebacks then ran outside to the car. Louis could hear Harry laughing from upstairs as Zayn glared at them.
"Louis I can't-"
"You can and you will. Look I promise you that is the lowest bundle in the house so if you don't take that one he'll just give you one that's bigger. Seriously just go on and get out of here and have fun and spend it on yourself mister." Louis said pushing Zayn out of the house and locking the door behind him laughing as he watched Zayn glare at him through the window. He waited until they had left before he headed upstairs and saw Harry was sitting up in the bed now rubbing at his face with his sweater.
"I'm sorry. I just...I couldn't socialize anymore."
"Hey it's okay. Trust me my family didn't even care you were up here after that. The only reason they stayed so long because we all cleaned up so you didn't have to."
"I know and I feel bad. They were guests they shouldn't-"
"My mom was feeling useless not cleaning something, she was ready to beat you if you didn't let her help. She didn't mind. No one did. It's okay they still think you're amazing."
"Okay...alright...tell me what I gotta do." Harry said rubbing his face again.
"She said she wanted cookie dough cupcakes."
"Figures. I made them a few months ago for her birthday, I saw her a few weeks after her birthday and I baked her a cupcake of her choice. I need to run to the store real quick but I have mostly everything here."
"Okay. What do you need me to do."
"Relax. I need you to relax. Lay in bed, go to sleep, lay on the couch, whatever it is, just relax. You've done enough today."
"I want to help."
"And you will when I need you to so for now take a nap because this might take a few hours."
"Alright. I'll nap on the couch."
"Good." Harry kissed his forehead as he stood up and they headed downstairs together. Louis made up his spot on the couch and laid down while Harry got the recipe and checked his ingredients. He gave Louis a kiss before he headed out of the house and to the store. Louis fell asleep shortly after that as Titanic played on the TV.
Making the cupcakes didn't take as long as Louis had feared, but he was definitely regretting it Monday morning as he sat in the passenger seat of the Murano while Harry drove to the school. Louis had explained to Harry that career day was an all day event, hence the snacks, a few students were assigned a good a beverage like Maddie and a few others were assigned desserts. A few others were assigned drinks and lunch and stuff like that. There were thirteen students each year one class so the forty cupcakes were more than enough for Maddie's class and they would have extra to bring home which Louis was excited about. When they got to the school building Louis walked with Harry to Maddie's classroom. Maddie was sitting at a round table with her chin held in her hand as she kicked her feet.
"There she is." Louis said quietly pointing at her watching as Harry grinned when he spotted her as well. Louis said a quick hi to Maddison before he headed to his class as Harry sat in a too small chair at a too small table with Maddie. Turns out career day was much more than just talking about your job, at least for this classroom, there were coloring sheets and recommended questions to ask. It was very thought out and Harry had never been more happy to be so uncomfortable especially when the teacher had given Maddie a stack of papers about doctors to pass out to the students and parents.
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen
**Warnings!! Sex! Also there are optional visuals (gifs) for the positions. I use for ✨inspiration✨ and a few of my readers have anonymously asked me for links and or content so I'm here to deliver. Please be warned these are actually sex gifs so if you do not want to see them don't click on them. Thanks.**
Chapter Text
-Oh and it has also occurredto me I have not given you the inspirationof Harry’s house so I made a collage of that as well as Louis’ outfit in this chapter. If you would like any other pictures please feel free to let me know I literally have every photo I have used as an inspirationfor almost everything in this chapter.--
Louis groaned miserably when the alarm pulled him from his very warm sleeping position curled into Harry's chest.
"Time for you to go to work." Harry said sleepily.
"That's just the first alarm I still have time." Louis mumbled.
"How many alarms do you have?"
"Enough to know that thing will go off a few more times before I even need to move. Now hush I'm going to sleep some more." Louis said rolling over onto his other side and hugging his pillow. Harry followed after him pressing in close so there wasn't any space between them, and Louis grinned when he felt Harry's morning semi pressed against his ass. Louis shifted, making sure to rub his ass against Harry feeling his cock twitch against him.
"Oi I thought you were trying to sleep." Harry said.
"I am...I was just getting comfortable. Adjusting my position yknow."
"Uh huh. Well adjust your position again and you're not sleeping." Louis grinned and waited a few seconds before he shifted rubbing against Harry again.
Harry rolled away but before Louis could even do the same, he was back with lubed fingers pressing into his hole making Louis gasp and grip his pillow under his head. They both knew they didn't have a lot of time before Freddie was bound to wake up and demand some type of breakfast, so Louis had no complaints about the fast pace stretching. Louis didn't exactly know when it happened but sometime between one finger and three Louis had a pillow under his hips pressed against his hard cock. He was gripping the pillow under his head as he tried to stay as quiet as he could, so they didn't wake Freddie. When Harry pulled his fingers out Louis didn't have enough time to miss them because immediately his condom covered head was pressing against his hole. His jaw dropped and he moaned when Harry pushed in slowly until he was completely inside him.
"Fuck...move..." Louis whined already rocking his hips impatiently.
Harry groaned before he leaned over him and intertwined their fingers together, Harry's large hands covering Louis' own smaller ones. (position similar to this) Louis wasn't so sure about the position that was until the first thrust and then he was completely on board as with each thrust hit his prostate dead on. Louis arched his ass just a little and let out a noise he would deny for the rest of his life. He cried out and pushed back against Harry listening as he gasped and groaned against his neck cursing quietly whenever Louis thrust back particularly hard. Harry's lips also kept pressing sweet kissing to the back of his head, neck, and shoulders.
"Oh, fuck Harry right - fuck." Louis' cock was rubbing against the pillow with each thrust, and it was complete torture, "Harry I'm gonna- I'm- fuck." Louis moaned, his hands squeezing Harry's as his whole body tensed and his ass clenched around the cock slamming in and out of them as he started cumming on the bed. Harry groaned behind him, cursing as he thrust harder until he thrust in once more and moaned quietly against Louis' back. Louis could feel Harry's cock twitching as he came into the condom, Harry thrusting very gently a few times before he stopped as he breathed heavily.
"Fuck. You don't need to go into work today, right? We can just lay here all day." Harry said making Louis laugh causing his ass to move against Harry as he was still inside of Louis.
"I'm afraid not." Louis said, "besides Freddie will be awake literally any minute now."
"He's a kid he won't wake up until we wake him up."
"No Freddie actually wakes me up usually. Don't know if you noticed but I am not a morning person."
"Oh, I've noticed." Harry said before he was kissing his cheek and gently pulling out of Louis. Louis saw the tied off condom get flung into bin near the bed partially hidden by the nightstand and the curtains attached to the bed posts. Then Harry spread his cheeks and shoved his tongue into him as if he didn't just have his cock in it.
"Fuck...Harry don't. We don't have the time nor the energy or even the ability." Louis whined.
"Sorry it's just such an inviting ass. I can't help myself." Harry said before he was thrusting his tongue back into Louis, "I could just do this..." another thrust, "for the rest..." another one with a cheek squeeze, "of my life."
"Stop you're going to get me hard and we really don't have the time." Louis said swatting at Harry.
"Ten minutes tops." Harry said rubbing his cheeks, "I could totally make you cum from a rim job in ten minutes. Five if you ride my face."
"Are you begging?!" Louis asked incredulously ignoring the 'Ride my face comment for his own sanity.
"No but I can. Do you want me to? Come on we have ten minutes I'll make breakfast while you get Freddie and yourself ready and I'll make you both lunches." Harry said before he was slowly flicking at his hole with his tongue, then he spread his cheeks further apart and fucking nipped where his cheek met his hole and Louis jerked moaning loudly as his cock gave an interested twitch, "see you're already hard might as well just let me finish the job."
"But the time-"
"Ten minutes." Harry promised before he was pushing his tongue inside of him again and Louis lost all of his incredibly good arguments in his head. He moaned pushing his ass back into Harry and heard him groan. (position similar to this)
"Fuck." Louis gasped as he pushed tried to push back against the tongue.
He moaned bowing his head as he wrapped a hand around his cock and started tugging desperately. Harry's tongue was incessant, barely stopping for more than a few seconds as his hands tightened around his cheeks. Louis' second orgasm was a shock to him, one minute it was still building and the next he was cumming again around Harry's tongue. Harry groaned around his hold and Louis felt him jerking himself desperately. Louis' hips pressed back into Harry's tongue as a last reaction to his orgasm and instantly Harry was groaning and cumming again as well.
"Go away." Louis groaned when he felt Harry's lips against his back.
"I'll get cleaned up. You might want to have a quick shower." Louis didn't need to look to see the very smug grin on Harry's lips as he could feel it against his skin when Harry kissed his shoulder.
"I don't have time for a shower you dick."
"If you stay in that position any longer, I'll just do it again."
Louis was out of bed and in the bathroom within seconds. Louis had a quick rinse off getting sweat and cum left of him while he watched Harry brush his teeth and tongue. He watched as Harry leaned on his elbows on the bathroom counter as he washed his face and hands off in the sink. Harry then leaned his hip against the counter and watched him grinning widely when Louis folded his arms across his chest.
"You coming out?" Harry asked.
"And let you see me bent over as I spit out toothpaste as an invitation? No. I'm not leaving until you do." Harry pouted but then he stepped towards the shower and opened the glass door and stepped inside, "absolutely not. No. Get back." Louis said grabbing the first bottle of soap he could reach and threatening Harry with it while he backed up against the glass.
"I just want a kiss." Harry said sweetly with a pout that Louis gave into too easily as he pulled Harry in for a kiss. It was gentle and sweet, a little bit of tongue. A very sweet kiss that had Louis' knees weak as he pressed himself against the shower wall and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. Harry's hand slid up to cup his face as his body pressed closer against Louis'.
"PAPA I'M AWAKE!" They pulled apart immediately and both looked to the bathroom door that was thankfully still closed.
"Told you we had plenty of time. Don't worry I got him." Harry told him before he was stepping out for the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist before he left the bathroom, "hey Freddie how about you and I pick out papa's clothes for today?"
"Yeah!" Louis grinned as he leaned against the wall breathing heavily. His heart and heavy and Louis knew what that feeling meant. He just wasn't ready to admit that to himself yet. Soon. just not yet. After washing himself off he stepped out and wrapped a towel around himself before he brushed his teeth and tongue and had a wee before he leaving the bathroom. Harry was dressed in briefs as he held Freddie up so he could go through the many button ups.
"This one." Freddie said picking a blue button up before he slid down and ran to the bed and Louis' eyebrow twitched at the outfit. Louis didn't have many patterned pants due to the fact that every single one tended to hug his ass way too inappropriately for him to be standing in the front of a class all day. Leave it to his son to pick out one of his patterned pants and, luckily, pick a shirt that matched it. Louis looked over at Harry, but he was suspiciously very busy looking at sweaters while trying to maintain a serious face.
"Do you like it Papa?" Louis was cursing in his head, but when he saw how proud Freddie looked, he sighed and nodded.
"It looks great sweetie. How about you go help Harry so he can make us breakfast faster."
"Good idea." Louis grinned when Freddie went back into the closet, but it didn't have the same effect as he had hoped. Harry was all for Freddie picking his outfit and had led him to where his clothes were. He huffed but hurried and slipped on a pair of briefs before he dropped the towel and pulled on thankfully plain black socks. He looked over at Harry and Freddie and grinned seeing Freddie hold up a baby blue cable knit sweater to Harry's chest before switching to an oversized lilac sweater tilting his head slightly. He got lost in the moment as he watched Freddie decide on the baby blue one saying something about Papa and eyes that had Harry grinning and nodding. Louis was pulled from the very lovely show by his phone, and he quickly turned off his last alarm. When he looked over next Harry was dressed in the baby blue sweater and a pair of black pants that were way too dressy for being home all day today.
"Alright Freddie stay with your Papa and I will go make you some breakfast and I'll pack a lunch." Harry said sitting Freddie on the foot of the bed while also covering the cum stain with the duvet making Louis blush. Harry leaned into him and kissed his cheek then kissed Freddie's head before he was out the bedroom door. When Louis was dressed in his ass hugging pants and blue shirt, he helped Freddie pick out a matching outfit and socks then they headed downstairs to see two plates with overfilling omelets and Harry at the stove with Freddie's insulated dinosaur lunch and one of Louis' various insulated lunch bags opened on the counter.
"Papa I think Harry snuck healthy stuff in our omelettes." Freddie whispered.
"I think you're right, but I think he added enough cheese so we may not taste them. Let's take one big bite and find out yeah?"
"Okay. But if I taste a single pepper, I'm throwing it at him."
"I am a very bad influence on you." Louis said but he was grinning, and he saw Harry's shoulders shaking in amusement. He watched as Freddie took a big forkful of his omelets that definitely had a pepper in it from what Louis could see. When Freddie gave him a thumbs up, he leaned over and kissed his temple then ate his own omelet. Harry was blocking their view of what he was making which was always a dead giveaway it was healthy and had vegetables in it. Louis finished his omelet quickly then stood up and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist from behind just as he was finished packing the bags.
"Whatever will we do when you work mornings and nights." Louis said.
"Have junk food and cereal for meals." Louis chuckled.
"Cereal is a fine breakfast."
"Yeah, but not every day."
"Hush you don't know anything your brain has been corrupted by medical bullshit."
"That medical bullshit involves prostates."
"So does being gay. You'd have learned eventually." Louis said tapping his chest gently making Harry laugh, "I know about prostates and I'm not a doctor."
"Oh, really what do you know about them?"
"I know that they are in the ass and that they feel great."
"You failed. Do you even know what a prostate is?"
"It's a...feel good button."
"Wow I'm impressed. It's actually a gland that is located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate also secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation-"
"One more word and I will wear clothes to bed for the rest for the month. As hot as you are in doctor mode I'm not bending over for a prostate exam. At least not this morning." Harry laughed pressing a quick kiss to Louis' lips before he stepped away and grabbed Freddie's empty plate.
"Good job Freddie." Harry said.
"Thank you. It was very yummy even with the veggies."
"I'm glad you think so. You see if made correctly you won't even notice the vegetables."
"I will always notice the onions."
"I'll find a way to get you and your Papa to eat onions." Harry said.
"Never." Louis said, "alright we should finish getting ready. Put shoes on and make sure we have everything. Last day off for you what are you doing today?"
"I have no idea." Harry said before he kissed his cheek then he turned and started loading the dishwasher. Louis pinched his very perky ass before he led Freddie upstairs determined to find a way to fluster Harry at work one of these days. He made sure they both had everything they needed before he headed back downstairs and set everything by the door.
"Oh, by the way." Louis looked up as Harry spoke and approached him with a grin, "those pants are going have a hole in them later tonight." Louis' eyes widen then he blushed and swatted at him, but Harry quickly ran off dodging him.
"YOU HORN DOG!" Louis shouted grabbing a random shoe and throwing it at Harry's direction hearing it hit a wall rather than a person.
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Harry shouted from somewhere in the house. Louis shook his head as he grabbed Freddie's and his coats. When they were ready Harry walked them out to the car and kissed them both goodbye and wished them a good day before Louis got in the car and drove off.
Louis was determined to kill Harry and burn every patterned pants he owned as soon as he got home. Not only had he tried to sit down multiple times today resulting in immediately standing back up. He also has seen every pair of eyes go to his ass at least three times today.
"Lou Lou! I got a question." Louis looked up to see Maddison standing in his doorway making him frown as they still had thirty minutes before the final bell.
"Hey sweetie what's your question?"
"Well one of them is if you can five Daddy this folder. It's my graded artwork from September and October. If I give it to mom, it might get lost or misplaced like my nursery art." She said walking up to him with an art folder.
"I will definitely give it to him. Anything else?"
"Yes, this goes to daddy. It's about my tutor classes he just needs to sign it since he's paying for it."
"Okay. I'll bring it back tomorrow."
"Okay bye bye Lou Lou." Maddison said.
"Bye sweetheart." Louis said watching as she hurried out of the room before he turned back to his work setting the folder and papers aside for now. The time passed quickly and before he knew it he was helping Freddie out of car then into the house once he had everything.
"HONEY IM HOME!" Louis shouted.
"DID YOU HAVE A HARD DAY!?" Louis laughed when he heard Harry laughing at his own joke.
"You're not funny!" Louis shouted even if he did head upstairs and was momentarily surprised to see tools sitting out with Freddie in Harry's lap.
"What are you doing?"
"I thought I would need tools but turns out its just adhesive." Harry said grinning, "it's a door sweep, got one for all of the doors."
"What's a door sweep?" Freddie asked.
"It’s a strip of rubber that attaches to the bottom of the door to reduce noise, drafts, and little, tiny eyeballs trying to look under the doors." Harry said poking Freddie making him giggle.
"I don't do that."
"You would eventually." Harry said, "Maddie has done it while I was doing something. The fastest way to get me uninterested is a little hand shoved under the door yelling Daddy my hand is stuck. And it really was stuck too I had to remove the door." Louis laughed covering his mouth.
"I'm going to need that entire story. Beginning to end." Louis said.
"I was awake early, and I was having quality me time and then a little tiny hand was slapping the floor and quality me time was completely gone. End of story." Louis kneeled behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his waist kissing his neck.
"Were you traumatized?"
"Very. She didn't see anything obviously but still it was very traumatizing for myself and I am not having that heart attack again. I never knew someone could go soft so fast." Louis laughed.
"I have papers for from Maddison by the way. It can wait until you're done up here, come on Freddie you have homework."
"But I wanna help Harry."
"Yes, I’m sure you do, but homework first. The quicker you do it the quicker you'll be done." Louis said.
"Sorry Freddie but your Papa is right." Harry said.
"Fine but I won't be happy about it." Louis chuckled as he led Freddie downstairs to the main living room and helped him with his worksheet. Then he told Freddie he could go play once it was all finished and he watched as Freddie ran back upstairs to join Harry in doing whatever he was doing. Louis focused on grading papers but when two hours passed, and they still weren't back down he headed upstairs to check on them. He found them sitting on the floor of Freddie's room while they played with his dinosaurs.
"Oh, and at reception we are talking about family and what our house looks like the people in it. So, I drew a big brown dog for Bear, but my teacher said I had to redo it because no one has a pet bear and I told her that it was a dog named bear obviously and she made me sit in time out for like ever because I had lip. So, I told her everyone had lips Miss Daisy and she said my time doubled. Which wasn't fair at all."
"Miss Daisy doesn't sound like a very nice teacher. I bet your drawing of Bear was very great, he never leaves your side so I'm sure you know exactly how to draw him."
"I know right. I tried to tell her, but she said I had to redo it tomorrow."
"Well how about you take her a picture of Bear and show her he's a big brown ball of fluff."
"Okay I guess I can do that. Do you think she'll apologize? She should I was right."
"A lot of adults won't admit that they were wrong to children bud. Especially someone like Miss Daisy but it never hurts to ask especially since her job isn't to tell you your drawing is wrong. Her job is to encourage you and tell you how you can improve next time."
"What if she says no?"
"Well Freddie you can't force someone to apologize even if they are in the wrong. All you can do it tell them why you want an apology, explain to them what they did, and then be the bigger person in the end. If she doesn't apologize you just say you understand and that you forgive her anyway because you're the bigger person. Your actions and words will always have consequences so the best thing you can do is make those consequences count for the better. She may not apologize to you, but she'll apologize to someone else in the future because a four-year-old was the bigger person."
"Okay but why should I forgive her if she doesn't make it right? That doesn't seem very fair either."
"It's not and it never will be. You'll always be cheated out on something unfairly and that's just the way the world works."
"Seems like a sucky world to me."
"There’s a lot of good to overcome the bad. You'll realize that as you grow older and meet more people who experience different things than you. You'll meet people who had it better than you and worse, people who only has a mom or a dad or Papa...people who don't have any parent at all. Some kids will go hungry at night while others will be eating too much to cope with issues at home. Someone may not be good at reading and might stutter while someone else may be having a hard time seeing the board. No one gets a fair life Sweetie, it’s how you react to that unfairness that makes you who you are. Your Papa and I will teach you a lot, your Papa has already taught you so many incredible things, but there will be things we can't teach you. Things that will shape who you are in five years."
"Like what?"
"You'll know. Just trust yourself and remember to be kind and you'll do the right thing. I know you will." Louis quietly walked away with a soft smile as he headed downstairs to start dinner.
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Text
The closer they got to the fifteenth the more Louis noticed how nervous Harry became and how stressed he seemed. Louis also noticed Harry's lawyer calling more often which seemed to only stress Harry out more. Louis did everything he could to calm me down and comfort him, but he didn't exactly know what to do or say so he didn't know if he was much help. Despite Harry reassuring him he was helping plenty. When the morning of the fifteen arrived Louis had made sure he and Freddie had been excused so they were there for Harry.
"You really didn't have to be here but I'm glad you are. I told my family not to come, but they never listen to me. They've been to each one so far." Harry said as they entered the courthouse, Harrying holding Louis' and Freddie's hands as he was between them.
"Of course, I was going to be here." Louis said gently, "we're in this together after all remember." Harry kissed his hand before he pushed open the door that led to a waiting area where Harry's family and his lawyer.
"Good morning." Anne said walking over to them and each of them tightly, "how's my baby doing?" She asked rubbing Harry's arm.
"He's been extremely nervous the past two weeks." Louis told her as he snuggled into him, "I don't think I've been much help."
"Oh, hush you've been great." Harry said kissing his temple, "have you seen Maddie yet?"
"Very briefly. We're actually about to go talk to her, me and Johnathan." Gregory said as he checked his watch, "there's absolutely no way you won't get at least scheduled visitations."
"I know I've just lost a lot of these."
"I know but this year is different."
No one mentioned why exactly this year was different and Harry for a moment felt weird about how he had found Louis. Not that he regretted it, but he just wished it were true, that they had met normally and been together for a year and were in love and getting married for the right reasons. Not he needed a husband to see his daughter. He looked over at Louis as he talked with his mother, Freddie sitting on his lap. Was it too soon to be in love? Was it too soon to actually marry him because he wanted to keep him at his side forever? Harry didn't know but he did know that his crinkly eye smile made his heart race and his sass made him laugh harder than he ever remembered laughing. He knew that Freddie had a special place in his heart just like Maddie did and he knew that he wanted to see Louis round bellied full of a child Harry had given him. He knew he wanted to wake up at three in the morning to see Louis feeding their baby either by nipple or bottle, he didn't care. He knew he wanted to see Louis covered with kids...grandkids even...maybe a few great grandkids if they were lucky enough. Harry knew he wanted to see Louis every morning for the rest of his life. Yes, here he was worried that being in love with him was too soon. He scoffed at himself and pulled himself from his thoughts noticing Louis was now standing upfront of him looking amused.
"Sorry I was lost in thought."
"I could tell. What were you thinking about?"
"How lucky I am to be able to spend every day of my life with you." Harry said honestly watching as Louis looked shocked for a split second before he grinned as he stared at him.
"Every day huh?"
"Every single one."
"Even the bad ones?"
"Especially the bad ones." Harry said leaning in to kiss him sweetly, "I'm very lucky you know."
"Well so am I and so is Freddie. He's really...grown a lot this past month and it's all because of you. So independent compared to two months ago. I hate and love it at the same time."
"You think so?"
"I know. He's very lucky to have such a great man to look up to...after me of course." Harry grinned as he looked at him a little teary eyed, "oh darling come here. Darling you are such a great man and such a wonderful dad to Maddie." Louis said gently as he pulled Harry down to hold him.
Harry wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his face into his neck holding him tightly as his shoulders shook lightly. Louis vowed to tell him every day how great of a father and man he was from now on as he rubbed his back. When they pulled away Louis wiped the left-over tears away and smiled up at him. Louis knew he should say those words, should say them for multiple reasons, but he also knew that it was too soon. It was much too soon and damn him he wouldn't tell him those words to comfort him because them Harry may not believe them. So instead, he put those words into a loving kiss that he pressed to Harry's lips, because that was the best he could do at the moment.
Louis sat beside Anne and held her hand with Freddie on his lap once they entered the courtroom. Louis would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but he was also very confident that Harry would be able to see Maddison regularly. Even if it were just every other weekend for now, he was confident Harry would be able to see her. He also knew Harry would do everything he could at work to be able to spend at much time with her when he did have her even if it meant more nightshifts. Louis would miss him at night, but he also knew that it would be worth it and a tiny sacrifice he would have to make. Harry would work nights, sleep while they were gone, then be up for after school hours before going to work before or after dinner. Well Louis assumed that's how that would work, and Louis would be okay with that, would be willingly to lose Harry at night so Harry had Maddie during the day. He'd miss him and it'd be hard, but it'd be okay.
"We are going to start with the dates Mr. Styles has asked for first which are either the twenty third, fourth, fifth, or sixth of December. Reason being he has not seen his daughter at all during the holidays for three years. Is that true Miss Carpenter?"
"Yes, because hasn't asked in advance. You see we have so many families that they each want to see Maddison and of course I want her for Christmas, so Harry just usually drops a handful of presents off at the apartment. Small things really nothing worth going over to his place with." Hannah said evenly as if it made perfect sense.
"That is because Harry keeps the bigger things at his house because he knows space is limited and he wanted to have toys for Maddison there for when she visits. I have pictures and receipts of everything he bought her for holidays and birthdays over the last three years." Gregory interjected.
"Yeah, because that's not suspicious." Hannah mumbled getting a look from her lawyer.
"Can I see those?" The judge asked. A thick file was handed over to the court officer who then handed it to the judge. The judge looked through the pictures and receipts, screenshots of text messages from him and Harry of what Harry sent over to Hannah's place for Maddison.
"And this room is a toy room correct?" The judge asked showing a picture of the playroom.
"Yes. That is the newest picture with my stepson’s- um soon to be stepson’s toys in them as well. It's why those aren't listed." Harry explained and Louis couldn't help the small smile that spread on his face hearing Harry say it so casually.
"And that is that little boy?"
"Yes Freddie. They just moved in."
"Is there a reason you didn't send the fire tablet over to Miss Carpenter's place this year like you have the previous years?"
"I felt like it was being used too much over there, so I made the decision to keep it at my place. Maddison would come over and sit on the couch playing her tablet and if I took it from her, she would throw a huge tantrum. I didn't want her obsessed with the thing, so she has it very rarely and with Freddie over now she hardly asks for it."
"Miss Carpenter any comment?"
"I gave her the tablet whenever she was bored. That's why I asked Harry to buy it so she wouldn't be bored. It entertained her."
"Why was she bored? Didn't she have toys to play with?"
"Of course, she did she just didn't want to, or she wanted me to play with her and I couldn't so to compromise I gave her the tablet."
"How old was she at this time?"
"I don't know like four?"
"She was three and four." Harry offered.
"Thank you, Mr. Styles. I am going to grant you the afternoon of the twenty third through the morning of the twenty fifth. Miss Carpenter you will see you daughter the afternoon of the twenty fifth. The twenty third Maddison will be dropped off at Mr. Styles' location at two in the afternoon. Thirty minutes late will be a penalty against you Miss Carpenter. Mr. Styles you will drop Maddison off at Miss Carpenter's location at two in the afternoon the afternoon of the twenty fifth. Thirty minutes late will be a penalty against you. That thirty-minute window is not an invitation to be late. It is me being nice considering the weather and traffic. If you do get stuck in traffic you are to record it until you get to the location. Am I clear?"
"Yes ma'am." Louis didn't need to see Harry to know he was grinning; he could hear it in his voice and could feel it on his own face. Anne squeezed his hand and he looked over saw she was already crying as quietly as she could.
"The second set of dates are January seventeenth through February fourth. "
"Absolutely not!"
"REASON being is his wedding and instead of going on a honeymoon Mr. Styles and his husband will be taking the kids on a family trip. They will leave the twenty first and will return the second and the extra few days will help her adjust to the time zone. I am granting this request and Mr. Styles will drop her off at Miss Carpenter's location at four in the afternoon on the fourth which is a Monday. If she goes to school that day, then Miss Carpenter can pick her up after school." Hannah huffed but wisely didn't say anything, "now on to visitation. What are you two thinking?"
"I think it should be up to me like it has been the last three years." Hannah said, "Harry's job is too unpredictable and changed too much to be reliable."
"While that is true and I can understand where you and the everyone from the past is coming from, I disagree with their decisions. That doesn't matter anyway, Mr. Styles now has a much more flexible hour schedule due to a number of coworkers agreeing to take his place if he needed them too. Also Mr. Styles' fiancé works at the same school your daughter attends therefore is able to take her home and drive her to school as well as be there during the hours Mr. Styles can't. Maddison has expressed great comfort and a great relation with Mr. Tomlinson so I see no reason why he can't be a guardian for her while in the care of her father's. Mr. Tomlinson has a son and has experience raising little girls from his young siblings, and Maddison talks very highly of him. By my accounts they are more than capable and responsible enough therefore Mr. Styles did you have a specific schedule you were thinking?"
"Honestly, every other weekend is fine. I just wanted to see her."
"You act like you never see her." Harry ignored her and the judge raised an eyebrow at her, "he just seen her for Halloween."
"Yes, and he was supposed to have her longer, but you changed your mind and tried to accused him of parental kidnapping. I've seen both videos, I'm not impressed. Mr. Styles will have Maddison every other week Monday to Monday starting this Monday. Monday when Maddison arrives at school, she will be in Mr. Styles' care until Monday when he or Mr. Tomlinson drops her off then she will be in Miss. Carpenter's care. Then it will repeat the only exception will be the scheduled days I've granted. Following that schedule Mr. Styles you will have your daughter the week of her birthday which falls on a Friday, so we do not need to schedule a time for you to see her. On the matter of custody Mr. Styles gets shared custody rights and Mr. Lambert is denied the adoption request again. Anything else?"
"You're just giving my daughter to him?"
"No, I'm letting a father see his daughter more than two times a year as well as during a time a major change will be happening that will affect not only his life, but hers as well." Hannah huffed but remained silent.
"My client is also asking for more child support to help support her learning disability." Hannah's lawyer said making Louis' eyes widen as he looked at them.
"Mr. Styles is paying four thousand a month in child support to Miss. Carpenter."
"Yes, but that was three years ago, he's making more money now and there's another income in the house now. Miss Carpenter is finding it hard to buy her child what they need with how little she is receiving."
"Mr. Styles I will be reducing your child support payments from four thousand to one thousand a month. Not only will you be having her half of the time now you are also paying for a tutor as well as even though it falls under Miss Carpenter's responsibility. Now is there anything else we need to discuss? No? Good. In six months, we will hold another court date and follow up on the visitation and custody arrangement. We will also discuss America and what is best for Maddison. Child Protective Services will be in and out of your homes at random. They will be looking for various things however I will not divulge that to you. They will also be at the school and will be taking with her teacher and discussing her education and what she talks about. Please stay to collect your schedules and packets. Have a good day." Louis grinned standing up and opening his arms out for Harry who immediately ran into them.
"Every other week. Lou I'm getting her every other week."
"I know Darling, and you have her for the holidays and her birthday and the wedding. See you should never doubt me I told you it would all be okay." Harry laughed as he pulled away.
"Of course, you turn this into an I'm right you’re wrong situation." Harry said though he was grinning as he cupped Louis' face before he kissed his forehead. Then he turned and hugged Anne then Gemma and Robin. They headed back to the side room while Gregory headed to a different room with Hannah's lawyer. They sat there for an hour before Gregory came back with files, one of them he handed to Harry.
"That is your schedule, the days in red are your days and the days in blue are Hannah's. The school holidays are divided equally and there is also a paper for the school to inform them whatever they tell Hannah they also must call you. So, if she's hurt, needs clothes, or needs picked up you'll get a call. It now goes Hannah, you, Louis, and then Daniel. Hannah is definitely not happy about that."
"Thank you." Harry said as he looked over the papers, "when does the child support change?"
"Next month. Two hundred and fifty will be taken out every week from your pay. So, these next two weeks you will still lose one thousand each pay, but next month it'll only be two fifty. Honestly, them asking for more even though you pay for everything was just ridiculous. No judge would have raised that four thousand for one child is insane. This was a relatively easy win for us, fighting for custody shouldn't be too hard especially since she doesn't know you want to. She won't be expecting it until they tell her lawyer closer to the court date, which is May twenty-third, I think her lawyer will be informed in March, she will probably lash out so be prepared for that and they will start to focus on Louis and Freddie. It'll get extremely messy in April."
"Thank you."
"Come on let's go out for lunch. My treat." Robin said, "we can talk about when we can take Maddie for a few hours over food."
Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Have some fluff
Chapter Text
It wasn't every day that Louis woke up without Harry anymore. Since going back to work Harry has been working from 7 to 5 or 7 to 7 so he was getting out the bed the same time as Louis. So, when Louis woke up Saturday morning without Harry curled into his back he was momentarily surprised. When he turned and looked around the room not seeing him at all he pouted before he slowly made his way out of the bed. He pulled on one of Harry's sweaters, so it fell just below his ass then headed downstairs in fuzzy socked covered feet. Harry's fuzzy socks, but they kept his feet warm, so he didn't care. He turned the little landing on stairs and saw Harry was sitting on the sofa, his knees drawn up as he wrote something in a journal. Louis was usually a very nosey person, would have no qualms about walking right up behind him and hugging his neck and reading whatever it was that had him writing away so intently. This time however he didn't want to interrupt Harry's writing or concentration since he seemed to be really concentrated on the words. Instead, Louis very quietly walked into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea then sat in a chair curling up in it as he watched the food network Harry usually turned on whenever it was too silent. Something about needing a light background noise to fill the room. He sat there in the chair listening to a chef talk about food and the scratching noises of pen on paper all for well over an hour before he was startled from his deep thoughts by a gentle press of a kiss to his cheek.
"When did you come down here?" Harry asked wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and resting his chin on Louis' shoulder.
"About an hour or more ago." Louis said, "you look like you needed your concentration, so I didn't want to disturb you."
"Wedding vows. I was concentrating extremely hard to not mix up my letters. God, forbid I said I wow myself instead of I vow myself or something just as terrible." Louis chucked as he leaned back against Harry, "which speaking of the wedding guess what came in yesterday when we forgot to check the mail?"
"We have so many things coming in I don't even want to guess just tell me."
"The invites came in as well as a few boxes I didn't open yet. I wanted to wait for you to wake up. They're in my office you go get the boxes and I'll make a quick breakfast."
"Sounds good." Louis set his mug down and headed to Harry's office. He walked up to the desk and grabbed the boxes off of it then headed back to the living room setting them down on the coffee table. He was very tempted to open them but refrained and instead grabbed the envelope that had the invites in them pulling them out and looking at them. They were a simple glossy white with eucalyptus tripping around the edges and a metallic copper geometrical design around the message itself. It was beautiful and elegant and just how he and Harry had designed it a few weeks ago.
"So does my fiancé approve of the invites? I didn't mean to open them by the way I just didn't realize that's what it was." Harry said as he came in setting plates with an omelet on them down by the packages.
"I do approve. Seems silly to need actual invites though considering it'll be so small, and everyone already knows."
"Oh, hush it's worth it." Harry said, "we'll have a wedding album, and a copy of our invite will be in it. Let's eat then open packages."
After breakfast Louis was quickly to grab the first box and tear it open with enthusiasm to match Freddie on Christmas or his birthday. It was a smaller box, and he was pretty sure he already knew what it was. He was proved correct when he opened it revealing the table placements and organizers. [There will be pictures of everything come the weddingchapter]. The second box revealed to be the candle holders and cups for the utensils. The third box was a few decorations, and the big box was the copper plates, cups, mugs, utensils, and decorative pieces.
"I think all we are waiting on is ornaments, a few other glasses, and a few more decorations." Harry said after he put the boxes back in the office and pulled out the wedding invite envelopes, "you should probably address these least they end up going somewhere else than intended because of a wrong letter or it being illegible."
"Right." Louis said as he took the envelopes and the small list of addresses. Immediate family and close friends which were Louis' mom, stepdad, and sisters all for one address, Louis' 'dads who he had taken his last name from, then Harry's mom and dad, Gemma, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and two extra ones set aside for Maddison and Freddie that they would give them Monday afternoon. Harry had already switched shifts with Liam so he had the day off and he would be taking his 5m to 5pm shift Friday. When he finished with the addresses, he set the envelopes aside and was then crushed onto his back by Harry.
"What shall we do with our Saturday without any kids?"
"We should probably take the dogs on a walk."
"Damn it and here I was thinking we'd shag all day."
"You're insatiable. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to knock me up."
"Not yet and besides you're the one who can't stop snogging me when I wear scrubs. You're the one who made us late last time."
"Actually, all I did was kiss you you're the one who lifted me up and initiated wall sex."
"You didn't stop me."
"I'm pretty sure I said Harry no we can't."
"You didn't sound very convincing." Harry told him as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Louis' lips, "you said it as you were rubbing against me."
"Details details." Louis said before pulling Harry down for a deeper kiss. It wasn't sexually driven despite the conversation and instead was sweet and loving as Harry's hand pressed against Louis' cheek.
"Alright let's get dressed and walk the mutts." Harry said pulling himself away from Louis and standing up, "come on if I have to dress in normal clothes so do you."
"They're your dogs." Louis argued though he did get off the couch and follow Harry upstairs, "not sure why I have to suffer the cold too."
"Welcome to the married life my soon to be husband." Harry said grinning back at him making Louis reach over and pinch his ass, "Oi! No touchy!" Harry swatted at him.
"Now I'm just going to touch it more." Louis said grinning as he dodged Harry's hands and kept pinching various parts of his body either it be his ass or thighs or sides. Harry was laughing as he dodged the pinches until he grabbed Louis' wrist and held them away from his body, "this is cheating."
"It is not you're just a bitter loser." Harry said as they entered the bedroom, "no more pinches mister."
After getting dressed in warm clothes to fight the bitter cold of the late November air they hooked the dogs up on leashes. Harry taking Bear and Louis taking Gizmo who was practically the same size at Louis. His head went up to his chest and it was completely unfair especially when Harry laughed each time Gizmo came and nuzzled Louis.
"I hate you." Louis said to Harry as they left the house, "why do you get Bear?"
"Because he would drag your skinny ass across the street." Harry said as he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist, "Gizmo doesn't pull, Bear does when the wind shifts directions."
"I think you're lying. I haven't seen Bear pull you once I think you just like seeing me with Gizmo." Harry's hand slid into his back pocket as he kissed his temple.
"Not true. You'll see what I'm talking about one day." The neighborhood they lived in was a rare batch of houses with yards and gates, very upper-class style and rich.
There was a community dog and family park a few minutes down the road that they headed towards. The cold weather had most of the kids inside their house but there was a few bundled up kids that had dragged their miserably cold parents outside to the park. There were a few joggers on the path that Bear was more than excited to greet and try to run with. The joggers knew of Bears antics already and had either dodged him successfully or had stopped and petted him for a few seconds. Despite the cold it was still a nice day out, not too gloomy for once and the occasional moments when the wind stopped it was warm. They were stopped a few times by kids wanting to pet the dogs or parents wanting conversation that wasn't filled with kids for five minutes. Louis didn't mind as not too long ago he was the exact same way always talking just a bit too much to adults whenever he could. Louis met a few more of the neighbors and their kids that hadn't come by when they saw a moving truck in Harry's drive. They had been worried Harry had been moving only to be more than welcoming when they realizing Louis and his son would be moving in with him. They asked about Maddie and Harry was grinning as he told them he had weekly visitations now. The reply was the same with a plan to all get together before or after the holidays with all of the kids. That's when Louis realized Christmas was only a little over a month away.
"Where the hell did the last two months ago?" Louis asked as they walked back to the house.
"After September October and November always disappeared, I don't know why you're suddenly shocked. It happens every year." Harry said teasingly.
"Yeah, but I'm usually much more prepared...sort of."
"Well to be fair all of October was filled with a move across town and November we retreat both so focused on the fifteen we didn't notice the first half of the month."
"Yeah, I guess. We're getting married in two months."
"We are. We only have a few more things to finish up. Our sisters are coming down next weekend and staying here and we are doing the bridesmaids, flower girl, and ring bearer outfits."
"I still can't believe I lost rock, paper, scissors and ended up as the one to walk down the aisle."
"At our real wedding I'll walk down it I promise." Harry said and for a moment Louis was completely confused before he realized Harry was talking about the wedding that would inevitably be a large one with their friends and family and extended family and extended friends, they haven't spoken to in years but are still friends with on social media.
"Planning on marrying me a second time before we even get married a first are ya?" Louis asked looking up at Harry.
"Of course." Harry said bending low to press a quick kiss to his lips, "I'd marry you a hundred time."
"I think two times is a good start, maybe a few vow renewals." Louis teased.
"Gotcha." Then suddenly a raindrop fell on their heads.
"Oh, absolutely fucking not. Come on Gizmo let's get home and lock daddy out." Louis said before he was dating off with Gizmo running just a beat ahead of him. Harry and Bear running after them as it started pouring freezing cold rain on them.
"You're forgetting I have the house keys!" Harry shouted and fuck Louis forgot Harry was fucking mental about locking his doors. He cursed but didn't stop as he ran to the front door and bounced on his feet as he waited for Harry.
"COME ON HARRY IT'S FUCKING COLD YOU DICK!" Louis shouted as he watched Harry casually walking with a soaked bear. Harry grinned as he unlocked the door.
"Not on the sofas you dicks." Harry told the dogs before he grabbed Louis and pulled his struggling body into the rain again.
"Harry! It's fucking cold!"
"I know." Harry said seconds before he was cupping Louis face and kissing him.
"Are you serious right now you want to snog in the rain!?"
"Yes." Louis shook his head but didn't stop Harry as he kissed him once- twice- three times before he pushed his tongue into Louis' very willing mouth.
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as Harry's hands slid down to his ass and lifted him up, immediately Louis' legs wrapped around his hips. Harry walked them into the house and up the stairs then straight into their bathroom where he set Louis on the counter. Wet clothes were pulled out terribly that had them giggling as they kissed and fought against wet denim. Then they were in a burning hot shower together letting the warm water heat them up. They didn't stop kissing switching from heated and passionate to sweet and loving.
Then Harry was leading them to the bed, lifting Louis again momentarily to lay them down so he was between his legs with Louis on his back. Harry pressed their foreheads together as his lubed fingers pushed into Louis. Their breaths mixing together as they Louis kept an arm around Harry's neck and his other hand pressed against Harry's cheek. They grinned whenever they locked eyes and it was like a magnetic kept pulling their lips together in sweet little kisses between their smiles and little giggles. When Harry pushed into Louis it was with a kiss that left Louis breathless and his heart hammering inside of his chest.
Harry's movements were slow and careful, not at all like their hurried giggling sex in the early morning before the kids woke up or their calmer but quieter pace at night after bedtime. This was what Louis knew making love was classified as. It was in the way their lips lingered and the way Harry's movements were slow and precise. It was in the way Harry held Louis. The way Louis touched Harry and held him in his arms and how his hand slid down his back. The way Harry opened his mouth, Louis' name on his lips and a sentence that Louis interrupted with a desperate kiss. A kiss that caused the slow loving movements to turn desperate and rough, but still caring in a way that really shouldn't go together but oddly did.
"Harry." Louis spoke breathlessly, gasping as he leaned into Harry's shoulder feeling Harry bury his own face into Louis' neck groaning. Louis could feel it building just behind his balls, feel it getting stronger with each thrust, he swore he could feel it travel through his body and out as he tightened down around Harry pulling his own orgasm from him. Louis held Harry's face for a minute just kissing him as they came down. Then Harry huffed and pulled out tying the condom off before tossing it into the beside bin. Louis curled into body holding him as he rubbed his back pulling the covers over them.
"Hey Louis?"
"Hmmm?" Louis hummed nervously, was Harry going to say it? Say those three words that felt like a heavy brick blanket weighing Louis down. A few seconds passed of just silence so Louis nudged Harry unable to look at him at the moment.
"I um... I just wanted to tell you that I uh- I think you are the most extraordinary person I have ever met, and I am so lucky to have met you."
"Me too." Louis whispered kissing his chest.
"Yeah..." Harry huffed softly rubbing his hand over Louis back. Louis didn't know when, but he soon fell asleep listening Harry's heartbeat and feeling his large hand slide up and down his back.
Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Text
Monday morning was thankfully uneventful. Harry woke them up with breakfast grinning brightly talking about having Maddison the entire week. Louis had to remind him that Maddison would be in tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursday which had him making a face. Then despite Harry really wanting to he did not drive them to Reception and work and instead kissed them both at the car before waving goodbye. When the final bell rang Louis headed over to Maddison’s pick-up area and was hugged immediately by the little excited girl.
“How was school?” Louis asked taking a hold of her hand as they hurried across the parking area to the car.
“It was fine. I got yellow carded because the new boy in my class kept throwing paper balls at me, so I threw it at his face and told him to stop.”
“Well did he get in trouble too?” Louis asked.
“Nope. The teacher said boys will be boys and I should learn to ignore it. I told her she should do her job and learn how to control the students in the classroom and make them behave in an orderly fashion.” Louis’ eyes widen as he definitely remembering saying something similar to a teacher that Maddison just happened to be near.
“And uh…where did you learn that from sweetie?” Louis asked.
“You. I heard you say it to Mister Marcus back in September.”
“Right. Yeah…I did say that didn’t I? Perfect.” Louis said as he pulled out of the parking space shaking his head, “Your dad had to pick up Freddie early today because he’s sick, so we have to run to the shops for medicine. I will buy you a candy if you promise to not tell your dad where you learned it from.”
“Three candies.”
“Two Candies.”
“Two candies and we get Nando’s for dinner.” Louis turned around and stared at her as he came to a stop to leave the school, “Well?”
“Deal. Two candies and Nando’s and you don’t tell your dad where you learned that.”
“Yes!” Louis drove the short trip to the shops, helped her out of the car, then led her all the way to the medicine aisle. Louis had to open his messages from Harry to find the symptoms Freddie had and the recommended medicines Harry cent because he was officially in doctor mode apparently in regular cold syrup wasn’t good enough. It took well over ten minutes and a few too many curse words and one or two complaints about Harry’s doctor language until Maddison found it and handed it to him.
(Now for these next few lines that Louis says y’all gotta read them in a very thick Louis accent like it doesn’t work any other way you’ve absolutely got to imagine the accent and the heaviness his accent forms on some of the words alright. Alright carry on.)
“Fifty pounds for a medicine pack for a child is he insane? What’s the difference between this one and that one?” Louis said exasperated as he grabbed his usual brand and looked at the ingredients, “Literally fucking nothing.”
“This is the kind Daddy always buys.” Maddie said pointing to the one Harry wanted.
“Your Daddy let his medical school go to his head. Come on I’m getting both. Let’s go pick out your candy bar.”
“Nuh-uh LouLou you said Candy never said candy bar.” Louis stopped walking and looked at the smug little girl in shock, “You should also call Daddy and tell him we’re getting Nando’s tonight. Actually, it’s okay I’ll tell him when we go home.” Louis’ jaw dropped at he followed Maddison to the candy aisle.
“You fucking little shit. You played me.”
“I know.” Louis watched as Maddison looked through the candy picking out a bag of chocolate Aero’s and a Cadbury chocolate bar. (alright you’re good you can continue reading it however you like)
“How about you pick something out for your daddy too? We can surprise him and when Freddie feels better, he’ll have candy waiting for him.”
“Okay.” She looked really concentrated as she looked at all the choices while he grabbed another bag of Aero’s for Freddie. Louis was about to ask her if she needed help picking something when he was interrupted.
“Louis?” Louis turned confused when he saw the familiar man walking up to them until he realized.
“Charlie hi.” Louis said shifting slightly, “What are you doing here in Manchester?”
“I don’t live here I’m just getting snacks.”
“Fun. Maddison have you picked something out for your father?”
“Um…Yes.” She said shyly stepping up and handing him a Galaxy raspberry chocolate bar, “Daddy doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but he likes those. We share them all the time.”
“I thought we- you had a boy?”
“I do. This my fiancé’s daughter, Maddison.”
“You’re engaged?”
“I am. If that is all, I need to get home. Come on Maddison.”
“Actually, can we talk one day?” Despite really really wanting to tell him to fuck off he had already promised himself and infant Freddie that he would never be that parent so with a sigh he nodded.
“Yeah sure. Just um…” Louis faltered he absolutely did not want to give this man his phone at all.
“Here just put your number in my phone.” Louis pressed his lips together as he took the offered phone and typed in his number making it into a contact, “Thanks.”
“Yeah. Come on Maddison.” Maddison was quiet as they headed to the register, “You okay sweetie?”
“Yeah. Thank you LouLou.” She said as she took the offered bag after Louis paid for everything.
“You’re welcome Sweetie.” The car ride was quiet and maybe it was just Louis, but it felt weird. When they did get home, Maddie grabbed her bags and the shops bag then headed inside with Louis, “Maddie is something wrong?” Louis asked setting his bags down by the front door while they took their shoes off.
“I thought you were different.” Maddison mumbled before she ran upstairs leaving Louis confused as Harry came downstairs then the door slammed closed.
“Well alright not the warm welcome I was hoping for. What was that about?” Harry asked.
“I have no idea. I literally bought her candy.” Harry chuckled as he looked back up the stairs, “Seriously we were having a good time then the last few minutes has been really quiet and just now she told me she thought that I was different then ran upstairs.”
“Different from who?”
“I have not a clue. It is too soon to blame hormones?”
“Just a tad too early. Want me to try to talk to her?”
“I don’t know I just- I didn’t do anything. I took her to my car, we went to the shops, I complained about your medicine choice, we went to the candy aisle, then I saw – I know what it is. I ran into Freddie’s biological father, Charlie and he asked if we could talk. I already told you that if he ever asked, I wouldn’t say no because well obviously anyway he gave me his phone and I put my number in it. We didn’t share more than a few words to each other, and I told him I was engaged and that she was my fiancé’s daughter so in my head it was perfectly clear I was taken.”
“But her mother is who she is so to Maddie you giving the guy your number was like her mother.” Harry said making Louis nod, “Does he want to be a permanent fixture in his life?”
“I don’t know I didn’t ask I figured I’d talk to him first and find out what I should tell Freddie. If he just wants to see him once a year, I probably won’t tell him until he’s older and can understand it better, but if it’s going to be a regular occurrence then Freddie will obviously know everything. Honestly, I don’t think he is much of a father type so I’m not expecting anything long term.” As he spoke his phone dinged, “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.” Louis mumbled as he grabbed his phone and looked at it.
“From him?”
“Yeah, he says ‘’Hi this is Charlie. Just wanted to clear some things up. I am not planning on anything permanent I think I just want to meet him even if it’s just as an old friend of yours. Rather not confuse the lad if he is already use to your fiancé being his dad. Thanks again. Bye.”.”
“Well least he’s civil and honest.”
“Yeah, he’s always been the blunt type. Even when we were dating if we spoke about kids, he always said one and done if any at all. Of course, that conversation didn’t start until further along in our relationship, so I was already gone for him by the time that came up I was willing to overlook it. Why are teenagers so stupid?”
“Because we think we’re adults when we’re not.” Louis chuckled nodding.
“I’ll go talk to her and clear that up before she-“
“Daddy.” They turned to see Maddison coming down the stairs with the shopping bag and her arms folded over her chest.
“Yes princess?”
“Louis is cheating on you.”
“Sweetie I’m not cheating on Harry.”
“Yes, you are I saw it and mommy told me not to tell Daniel when she cheats but I’m telling on you to my daddy. Daddy Louis gave some man his number.”
“I know he did. Come sit down.” Harty said taking Maddie’s hand and leading her to the sofa where they sat beside her on opposite sides, “You know Freddie isn’t my biological son right?”
“Yeah, he’s Louis’.”
“Right well I carried Freddie, I gave birth to him for that to have happened I needed to be with a man unlike your dad who was with your mom.”
“I got pregnant by the man you saw today, he left when Freddie was a baby however, so Freddie doesn’t know anything about him except that he exists, and his name is Charlie. He asked me if we could meet up so he could see Freddie.”
“But he doesn’t get to. Daddy is Freddie’s dad now, right?”
“Well in a way yes, but Charlie is still Freddie’s dad too.” Louis said looking over at Harry.
“Maddie you’re still a bit too young to fully understand everything for this situation, but I promise you Louis isn’t cheating on me.”
“Nor will I ever cheat on him. Your dad and I are combining a family together and I know your mother and Daniel isn’t the best role model for how that goes, but I promise you I will never cheat on him. No one is worth breaking up a family for.”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry you thought otherwise.”
“And you won’t cheat on him right daddy?” She asked looking at Harry who grinned shaking his head glancing over at Louis.
“Never. Like Louis said we are making a family and one day we will build this family with babies. You’ll get a baby brother or baby sister hopefully in about two years.” Her eyes widen as she grinned.
“Not anytime soon, but definitely one day.”
“Okay I’m sorry LouLou.”
“You don’t need to apologize, but next time how about to talk to me first alright? I promise there will always be an explanation for something even if it’s one you don’t understand or like.”
“Okay. I promise. I took my candy out just in case you took the bag from me.”
“Oh well one I would never take something from you like that and um thanks for the bag back. You have homework though so before you head off to play how about you go get your bag and bring it back down here so we can do that.”
“I hate homework.”
“It gets worse the more you age. Go on.” Maddie pouted but stood up and slowly dragged herself up the stairs.
“Well glad that has been cleared, however I see a uh galaxy bar in there?”
“Oh, do you? I don’t know if you’ve earned it actually. You were ready to feed me to the wolf.” Louis said holding the bag out of Harry’s reach for all of five seconds before Harry had him pinned underneath him.
“Now unless you want me to go tell my daughter that we need like…thirty minutes. I’d suggest you give that to me.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“I am, aren’t I. Well, it could be worse.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Hey Maddie?! How about you go play for an hour before we start your homework! Louis need a bit of a nap!” Harry shouted.
“Okay Daddy!” Louis’ jaw dropped as Harry grinned at him wiggling his eyebrows.
“Absolutely not. No. Get your greedy hands off of me Styles.” Louis said slapping Harry’s hands away from him as he ran off.
“Come on we only got an hour Louis.” Harry whined before he grabbed Louis’ waist and carried him upstairs and into their bedroom closing and locking their door as he pressed Louis against it.
“You’re a fucking dick.” Louis said even if his hand involuntarily started pulling at Harry’s shirt. What happened next was obviously not Louis’ fault at all it was entirely Harry’s and Louis was completely innocent. Really it was completely Harry’s fault that Harry’s shirt was pulled off of his body and entirely Harry’s fault Louis pushed him towards the bed and straddled his thighs when he sat down.
“Wait what about Freddie?”
“He’s napping come on I promise I won’t make you cum more than once. Doctor’s honor.”
“You’re an idiot.” Louis, “We are very irresponsible parents. We really shouldn’t-“
“Who is going to know we are having sex with one child napping and one playing downstairs in her playroom completely distracted? Are you going to go online and tell everyone what we are doing? No? Then stop thinking and just let me have my wicked way with you.”
“Like I said…an idiot.” Louis said before he was kissing Harry, pulling his hair back as he pushed him onto the bed rolling his hips down to meet him, “We seriously had sex two days ago.”
“Honeymoon phase.” Harry said as his hands pulled at Louis’ pants, “Wait you know what that means?” Harry asked grinning up at him.
“Oh god what?”
“This honeymoon phase and the real honeymoon phase is going to be back-to-back.”
“I’m going to need a break somewhere in these phases.”
“You get like eight hours of a break at night and another eight for work and a few more before bedtime. I think you’ll be fine.”
“I disagree I think like every three times should be like a five-day break for me ass.”
“Then you can fuck me. See compromise.”
“Insatiable.” Louis said shaking his head as he cupped pressed a kiss to Harry’s lip, “You are insatiable.”
Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen
This took forever because I kept coming back on whether to publish or not due to the somewhat debatable parenting that happens in here. I just think this particular Harry as a doctor and as someone who is compensating for a horrible mother may be a bit too honest with his daughter but also have a good reason to be so here it is.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Harry woke in the middle of the night in a dark room disoriented as he looked at Louis who directed his head to Maddie standing beside the bed for too innocently.
"Yes Maddie?" Harry asked rubbing his face tiredly.
"Daddy I've thought about and I've decided I want a baby sister. I already have a brother with Freddie now, so I want a sister. I had a dream about it." Louis started laughing behind him and Harry just groaned burying his face into the pillow.
"Okay baby. I'll try my best." Harry mumbled.
"You better daddy because I don't want another brother. If I have a sister, I can help LouLou dress her up and I can stay home some days with her since LouLou won't work."
"Sounds good." Harry said, "wait what."
"Maddison sweetheart when I said you can come talk to me any time, I didn't actually think you would make three AM our deep conversation time." Louis said pushing himself to sit up and look at her, "also I will still work, not right away, but I will."
"But my mom doesn't work, and you'll be a mommy."
"I'm already a mommy. I've got Freddie."
"Yes, but daddy is the breadwinner." Harry burst out laughing, his shoulders shaking as Louis pinched his side, "you can stay home and be a stay-at-home mom and live off my Daddy’s paycheck like my mom does." Harry tried really hard to cover his laughter but by the pinching and twisting at his side he knew he failed.
"I'm not anything like your mother sweetie. I actually like to work; I went to university for a reason not to sit around. Also, she doesn’t live off his paycheck, she lives off his child support check and trust me she won’t be living off it for long. Once that new amount hits her, she’ll be living off Daniel’s paycheck."
"But who will watch the baby?"
"Maddie is now really the time to have this conversation. We haven't even had this conversation yet." Harry said looking over at Maddison, "Louis isn't pregnant and won't be pregnant for at least a year. We have time to discuss this and when he is pregnant, we will still have nine months to talk it over."
"But I have so many questions daddy. Like how are babies even made? How does a whole baby get crested inside a person? It's crazy."
"A baby is created when a person who can carry a baby ovulates which means the ovaries releases a mature egg carrying an x chromosome. A man's sperm will enter a tube and it will have a race with all of the other sperms and it will fertilize the egg which over a nine-month process will create a baby." Harry said sleepily making Louis stare wide eyed at him though he didn't notice.
"How does the sperm get inside the tube?"
"Well technically after sex the race begins and all the sperms race towards the tube to the egg though most of the sperm doesn't make it very far."
"Is sex the only way to have a baby?"
"No there are many different ways however sex is the more traditional way."
"It sounds gross."
"Okay. Anything else?"
"Yes. How fast is your sperm?"
"Please don't ever ask me that question ever again."
"But I'm curious."
"I don't care we're not discussing my sperm speed. It's inappropriate, meaning it's not proper conversation to have with you. Now please go to bed."
"But I have more questions."
"Does Louis have a vagina like mom?"
"No. He has a penis."
"Well then does it go inside of him? How does the baby come out?"
"It doesn't go inside of him sweetie it stays where it is. They cut him open and pull the baby out of his stomach."
"And he lives!?"
"Obviously. I cut people open all the time Maddie."
"Wait so will you cut him open when he has a baby?"
"Not unless it's an emergency."
"Oh okay. Goodnight daddy. Goodnight LouLou. Goodnight future baby sister."
"G'night." Harry mumbled turning his head away as the door closed behind her.
"What the fuck just happened." Louis asked, "did you just- did she- she really ask about sperm?"
"Just go to sleep."
"I can't your daughter asked about sperm and penises and vaginas. Is this normal?!"
"Yes, now go to sleep." Harry pleaded pulling the pillow over his head.
"I can't go to sleep Harry. You just told her how babies are made...medically correct terms and everything. She's a bit young don't you think?" Harry pushed himself up on his elbows and looks at Louis frowning.
"What do you mean?"
"She's five."
"Yeah and? She asked a medical question, so I gave her a medically correct age-appropriate answer. What's wrong with that?"
"Teaching her medically correct terms for her body is one thing but talking about sex at her age-"
"I didn't talk about sex I talked about the creation of a baby. I didn't tell her a man puts his penis into a person's vagina or anus and ejaculates into it. I told her sperm and eggs create a baby." Harry defended pushing himself to his knees to look at Louis sitting back against the headboard.
"Which is inappropriate. She asked about your sperm."
"Which I shot down immediately. I told her it was inappropriate, reminded her what that meant, and she didn't ask again. It's not like I encouraged her to ask. Granted I should have maybe told her before she asked not to ask such specific questions but she's five. She's going to ask questions. I'm not seeing the big deal here. Yes, her questions were a little inappropriate at times, but it's better to explain it than to have her clueless."
"There are better ways to tell her how babies are made. More age-appropriate ways."
"More conservative and untruthful ways you mean."
"Untruthful? How is saying that babies are made when two people love each other and have special connection to one another untruthful?"
"Because it's a lie."
"It is not a lie. It is an age appropriate-"
"Lie. It is a lie. Do you know how many rape victims I have to tell they're pregnant to in a year?"
"That's different-"
"It is not they still have a baby and I promise you they did not love whoever it was that did that to them. When she is older, I want her to know she can talk to me about anything either it be questions about sex or questions about menstrual cycles or hell even discharge. Whatever it is no matter how weird and uncomfortable it may be, it is my responsibility to make sure she knows everything she needs to know. I'm not going to tell her these pretty little lies."
"When she's older you can better explain it, but no five-year-old should know about sperm and eggs and sex in general." Harry rubbed his hands over his face then looked at Louis again.
"Look I see where you are coming from, I really do, but I feel like being completely honest with your child is the best way to prepare them for this world. The world is going to shit, women can't even go to the bar alone Louis, I have to prepare her for that. I'm going to hope and pray to whatever I can that the world changes for the better, but in case it doesn't she needs to know she can talk to me, talk to us openly without fear of lies or half-truths. In a perfect world babies are made out of love, but they're not. I wasn't. You think my dad loved my mom? If he loved her, he wouldn't have done what he did. Maybe a small part of him at some point, but in the end the only thing he cared about was getting his pants off somewhere regularly. Maddie wasn't even made out of love. Freddie even? Can you honestly tell me Freddie was made out of love on both sides?" Louis folded his arms and looked away from Harry pressing his lips together. Harry watched him for a moment then ran a hand through his hair and looked at the clock noticing it was half past three.
"A little white lie doesn't hurt every now and again."
"So would you tell me a little white lie?" Harry challenged.
"What? No? No not between us Harry I meant-"
"To kids. To kids who trust us impeccably. Who believe every word we tell them until they learn something new, they use us as examples for future use. If we lie about small things, then they won't talk to us in the future about big things. You won't lie to me, your partner, your equal, but you'll lie to a child who doesn't comprehend the danger a stranger can do in five seconds?"
"That is not what I meant."
"There is literally no other way to take it. That is exactly what you were going to say one way or another. Little white lies to equals is bad but to kids it's perfectly fine."
"In certain circumstances at certain ages yes I think it's fine. Like the sex talk can wait until she's older."
"I didn't give her the sex talk." Louis rolled his eyes and threw the duvet off his legs as he got out of bed, "where are you going?"
"I don't know a guest room maybe. Just away." Louis said taking his pillow and walking around the bed.
"You're leaving? Because I told my daughter about sperm?"
"No, I'm leaving because you won't even consider that maybe perhaps what you told her was entirely too inappropriate." Louis argued.
"Because it wasn't."
"See you won't even consider it."
"And you won't consider that it wasn’t, but you don't see me grabbing a pillow and leaving the room." Harry countered.
"Goodnight Harry." Louis said before he was stepping out of the bedroom closing the door behind him.
Harry sat there for a few moments completely shocked and confused before he just ignored it and got out of bed. He knew trying to sleep was a lost cause so instead he took a long shower and got ready for work then headed downstairs to make himself some breakfast. After a quick egg sandwich, he made both kids and Louis their lunches since he had time to spare then headed upstairs and checked on both kids seeing them fast asleep. He kissed them both then headed to a few guest rooms checking in them until he found Louis'.
"Lou." Harry whispered stepping up to the bed, Louis had his back to him and was cuddled under the duvet, but he was awake, "Louis."
"I have to go to work. I made lunches for you and the kids." Harry hesitated before he carefully climbed in behind Louis wrapping his arm around his waist, "I'll see you when I get home."
"Oh, come on anything can happen to me or you on the way to work today at least pretend to miss me."
"Don't pull that."
"I'm not pulling anything Louis it just so happens that I work in a hospital where I see car accidents daily. The most common sentence out of their partners mouths is we fought today. So...just drive safe alright? I'll see you when I get home." Harry pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead and cheek then left the room with nothing but a simple 'yeah you too' from Louis. One more kiss to the kids then he was leaving the house and getting into his car driving off.
Louis got back to house ready to bury himself for a few hours only to enter the house to not only his family, but also Harry's family there. He and possibly Harry had completely forgotten their families were coming up for their weekend wedding shopping and planning trip. The kids were excitedly though yelling for their respective grandmothers and running to them.
"You look like you had an early morning." Anne teased.
"Well sorry to disappoint but I look like this because your granddaughter woke us up at three in the morning asking about babies then I couldn't go back to sleep after Harry left for work."
"Early morning and night shifts get hard especially in the beginning but you'll soon love having the bed all to yourself for a few hours. Especially when you don't have any kids here."
"That'll be new." Louis commented unsure how he felt about that yet, “Have you guys settled in? How did you even get into the house?”
“We stopped by to get Harry’s house key and when we got here, I told Jay she was welcome to come whenever she was ready, but yes we are all settled into our rooms. Jay and I are making dinner tonight, so you don’t worry about that.”
“That’s right you relax dear.”
“Come on Maddison let’s get started on your homework so when your dad gets home you are free.”
“Freddie you too come on.”
“But Papa-“
“No buts come on.” Freddie pouted but let go of his nana and walked over to the living room with them. Louis settled in between the two kids and between Maddison’s homework, Freddie’s homework, and his grading he was kept busy which relaxed him. Before he knew it the kids were finished and off to play together while he finished grading.
“So dear brother what sort of dress are you thinking?” Lottie asked.
“Don’t know or care. It’s going to be cold so keep that in mind. The only dress I care about is Maddison’s. Wear whatever you want. However, I will say that if it clashes, I will hurt you.”
“Noted. I’ll ask Harry when he gets here.”
“Yeah, you do that. The wedding inspiration book is over there, that big light blue binder. Harry did most of it.” Louis said pointing to the big binder in the bookcase, Lottie stood and grabbed it just as Louis noticed Harry was almost an hour late. He immediately sat up and reached for his phone checking for any messages but found none.
“What time is Harry supposed to be home? Dinner is almost ready.” His mom asked.
“One hour ago.” Louis said standing up from the couch and pressing the call button on Harry’s contact, “He always texts or calls when he’s running late.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, it’s Friday he’s probably busy.” Robin said gently, but Louis couldn’t stop playing the words Harry said earlier that morning before he left. It was just about to go to voicemail when Harry answered the call.
“Hey sorry I left my phone in the car all day. Everything okay?”
“Yeah…I was just making sure you were okay I- you’re late.”
“Yeah, I’ll be a little later, probably won’t be home until twelve maybe. We’re busy I actually just ran out to get my phone to text you to tell you that. Just got back to my office when you called.”
“Okay do you want me to bring you some dinner? Our families are here by the way.”
“Oh, shit they are, aren’t there. I would love a visit from you with food. We can eat together I’ll make sure to get my mandatory hour break when you visit. When are you coming?”
“I’ll make us a plate once the kids have their own then I’ll be on my way…say…thirty minutes.”
“Perfect. I-“
“Dr. Styles you’re needed in room 503.” A woman’s voice was heard in the background.
“Okay one tiny moment.” Harry said, “I gotta go, just tell the front desk you’re my fiancé and they’ll send you to my wing. Drive safe, please it’s crazy over here. I’ll see you when you get here.”
“If you tell me to drive safe one more time, I’m suffocating you in your sleep.”
“If suffocating me in my sleep involves your ass then I’m perfectly okay with it.”
“You’re insatiable. Just for that I’m hanging up on you and I’m going to say the q word when I get there.”
“YOU WOULDN’T DARE!” Anne, Robin, Harry, and his own mother shouted in pure shock making Louis laugh.
“You’re a dick.” Harry said, “It’s not my fault your ass is-“ Louis quickly hung up the call before Harry could say anymore.
“You taking food to him? Long shift tonight?” Anne asked.
“Yeah at least another six hours it sounds like. I’ll help plate the food for the kids then I’ll leave with ours. Hopefully, he can eat a full meal while it is hot. He said he’ll wait for his mandatory hour break for when I arrive, but I’m sure you know that’s not guaranteed especially since they do sound busy.”
“Yeah, the best they can do is thirty minutes, but thirty is better than none. Take what you can get.” Robin told him.
Arriving at the emergency room department wing area was hectic and Louis was momentarily worried he would have to wait far longer than he wanted to, but he was surprised when Liam called him over and told him Harry was just finishing his rounds for the moment and would be getting his break in a few minutes.
“You can stay in his office; I’ll send him in when he’s done. Also eat, he told me to tell you not to wait on him.”
“I would have brought you a plate if I knew you were working.”
“Got called in about twenty minutes ago. Huge pileup crash on a motorway. Honestly don’t expect him home until midnight at the earliest.”
“Okay thanks.” Louis said as he sat on one of the chairs Harry had in his small office, Liam nodded before he left closing the door behind him. Louis did as he was told and started eating his own food while he waited for Harry who came in a few minutes later. He looked tired and worn out, but he grinned when he saw him, and Louis was immediately out of his chair and in his arms before he could even realize he had stood up.
“If twelve-hour shifts get me these types of hugs, I’ll have to work more of them.” Louis shook his head causing Harry to chuckle as he tightened his arms around Louis’ body, “For the next hour, this morning never happened. We’ll deal with it later.”
“Deal.” Louis said pressing kissed to Harry’s jaw before pulling away to look at him, “You look tired.”
“I’ll be fine. Just not used to my long hours after so long. How’s the family?” Harry asked walking to the chair Louis had just left and sat in it pulling Louis into his lap.
“They’re fine. So are the kids, a little upset I came to visit you without them, but they’re fine. Maddison is really excited about dress shopping tomorrow.”
“I’m sure she is. I am too, it’ll be fun. Can’t promise I won’t be exhausted, but it’ll be fun. Now how about for the next hour we eat our food and cuddle and hopefully just relax.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Louis cuddled against Harry as they both ate their meals that their mothers made, Harry practically inhaling everything barely taking a few seconds to chew it properly.
“I told you during my long shifts I could eat anything.” Harry said with his mouthful of broccoli and cheese rice and maybe some chicken in there. After their meals were done Louis laid his head on Harry’s chest hugging his waist as his mind wandered back to this morning.
“I just don’t understand why she needs to know the dirt details.” Louis confessed.
“And I don’t understand why we should lie about it? It’s not harming anyone for her to know these things. It’s preparing her for the unfortunately near future of teenage boys and hormones and sex. She’s five right now Louis, but she’ll be six then seven then eight then she’s ten then she’s fifteen with a boyfriend or girlfriend. All her mother does is lie to her, half-truths, little lies, big lies, that’s all she does. That’s all Maddie knows from a parent, well knew from a parent.”
“I know that, but it’s weird.”
“It’s only weird because you’re making it weird and sex talk with our kids is never going to be fun and comfortable, but at least they’ll know. Besides Maddie doesn’t even know what sperm is, she just knows it exists now. It’s really not that big of a deal. Look if it makes you more comfortable, I can have these conversations with her alone, but I’m not going to lie about anything. If a question is asked, I’ll answer it the way I feel like is appropriate. I’m not going to talk to her about sperm and the actual sex act for years unless she asks about it and even then, I won’t tell her all the dirty details.”
“She’s a child.”
“Yes, but she won’t be one forever.” Louis pouted folding his arms making Harry chuckle, “Is that your problem?”
“Seems to me that is the exact problem. You know I had a hard time accepting the fact my baby girl is growing up too, but it’s the way of life. We can’t stop it, the only thing we can do it prepare her for it and unfortunately, we have to prepare her for a world that one in five women is a saying that every woman knows about. School and work are the most popular places to experience something within that nature and she needs to know that eventually.”
“Stop talking I’m not listening to you.” Harry chuckled but held him close to his body for the next thirty minutes until they were interrupted by Liam.
“Ready to get back to work? Fifty minutes…almost an hour.”
“Yeah, come on I’ll walk you out.” Harry and Louis stood and left the room after gathering everything up then Harry walked Louis to his car, “We’ll talk later. Drive safe and text me when you get home okay.”
“I will. Wake me when you get home.”
“Of course.” Harry pressed a lingering kiss to Louis’ lips before pulling away and opening the door for him, “See you when I get home. Give the kids bedtime kisses and cuddles for me.” One more kiss then Harry was heading back into the hospital while Louis headed back to the house.
This took forever because I kept coming back on whether to publish or not due to the somewhat debatable parenting that happens in here. I just think this particular Harry as a doctor and as someone who is compensating for a horrible mother may be a bit too honest with his daughter but also have a good reason to be so here it is.
Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Louis had a restless sleep the entire night. Waking up periodically to an empty bed and looking at his phone finding another 'still at work' text. Louis gave up on sleep around four in the morning and instead headed downstairs. He laid on the couch and turned on the TV watching the first thing he could find to fill in the silence. He didn't remember falling asleep, but he was woken up by noises and whispers. Sitting up he looked around only to be disappointed when it was just his mother and Anne in the kitchen with their husbands.
"He's not home yet dear go back to sleep." Anne said but Louis ignored her and grabbed his phone seeing it was a little past six.
"We're making breakfast. What are you in the mood for?"
"Anything." Louis said rubbing his eyes tiredly as he laid back on the couch, "I hate this."
"You'll get used to it." Anne told him though Louis doubt that very much. He laid there for a while listening to their mothers in the kitchen before he heard keys at the front door. He sat up and stared at it as it was pushed opened then he fought the blanket to stand up and he jumped over the couch jumping onto Harry making him stumble.
"I've missed you too." Harry said hugging him and lifting him to let Louis better wrap around him. Harry walked further into the house carrying Louis,
"Good morning ladies."
"Hello Harry."
"Hi sweetheart. You look exhausted."
"I'm fine." Harry said as Louis unwrapped his legs from around his waist and pulled away to look at him. Harry indeed looked exhausted, he had dark bags under his eyes and his movements were a little sluggish.
"You should try to sleep a little bit." Louis told him
"No trust me when I lay down, I want to sleep not nap. I will be fine. Besides I am not missing dress shopping."
"Just a little cuddle on the couch?" Louis tried
"No. However, I will make some tea."
"I will make it. You go sit."
"If I sit, I'll sleep, and I don't-"
"Harry. Go sit. Now." Harry grumbled as he turned and headed to the living room while Louis headed further into the kitchen to get started on Harry’s regular morning tea. He made it just that extra bit stronger for him then he sat beside him on the couch handing him the mug of tea.
“Thank you Lou.”
“Of course. Anything else?” Harry didn’t verbally say anything only shifted and spread his legs and arms giving Louis enough space to slide in between his legs and have a much needed cuddle. Louis laid his cheek against Harry’s chest and had his arms encircle his waist as he laid on his stomach feeling Harry’s free hand rub his back squeezing him every so often.
Again Louis didn’t remember falling asleep, but as he opened his eyes he was relieved to notice that Harry was still there, but now had a large plate of food in his hand instead of his mug of tea.
“Good morning Darling. Want some? They gave me extra for you for when you woke up.”
“Yes please.” Harry smiled as he got a large helping of eggs on his fork then fed it to Louis when he sat up but stayed pressed against Harry.
“How were the kids for bedtime?”
“Maddie was a little upset, but my mom told her a ridiculously false story about me as a child that had her giggling well past bedtime.”
“Oh really? I guess I’ll just have to ask them about this false story.”
“There really isn’t any need for that Harold.” They got through a plate and some seconds before Harry was getting antsy to see the kids.
“Go on. They’ll be excited to see you.” Louis said amused as he took Harry’s empty mug after his third refill.
Harry grinned kissing his cheek before he hurried up the stairs. Louis could faintly make out Maddie’s excited squeal a few seconds later making him smile as he could just picture the scene they were no doubt making up there. Freddie’s shouted was followed moments later then minutes later Harry came walking in carrying both of the kids in his arms. Maddie was latched on his torso and Freddy was hanging around his neck but his arms supported them both and his grin was bright. It was as if the lack of proper sleep didn’t matter anymore with the kids awake and with him and he didn’t let any of his tiredness to show as he helped get them plates of food and take one of the twins setting Dory into a highchair. He helped feed Dory while effortlessly keeping up listening to Maddie and Freddie’s tales of their day yesterday.
“Please stop the heart eyes. It’s sickening.” Lottie said sliding into a barstool across from Louis effectively blocking his view of Harry getting syrup on his jaw by Ernie as he fed Dory and told Freddie how amazing and cool his dinosaur jungle sounded.
“Well excuse me for finding my Fiancé adorable surrounded by children. I mean look at him how can you not think he is adorable?” Louis said grinning when he saw Harry blush and glance over at him with a piece of pancake being smushed into his face by Ernie of course.
Chuckling Louis grabbed a pair of wipes and headed to the table deciding to help out just this once as he pulled a wipe out from the pack and took Ernie. Giving Harry the wipe he took a new one and cleaned his baby brother off then he leaned down and kissed Harry’s cheek before heading back to the kitchen where he resumed the conversation he had been in previously before being distracted by Harry.
Despite most of the women’s dresses being for Louis’ sisters Louis absolutely did not care one bit and it was all on Harry. Well okay Louis had opinions, but he didn’t really care about certain shades being just right or ruffles or lace or whatever. Lottie, Gemma, and Harry were the ones doing most of the shopping with Harry showing up a dress to Louis and if Louis didn’t care for the it then it went back on the rack, but if Louis didn’t have an opinion or actually liked it then it got put on someone’s arm either it be someone of their group or a poor employee who had quickly gotten a rolling rack to hang the dresses on. Louis focused on the flower girl dress and keeping the potential dresses hidden from Harry who Maddie didn’t want to see her dress until the wedding day. Which Louis was all for. Someone had to make Harry cry after all. Color didn’t bother Louis however he did love the idea of Maddie in a white dress or a different color than the other dresses and the suits so she stood out. Yes this was his day and Harry’s day, but it was also the kid’s day and her little winter shawl could be Freddie’s main color of the suit and his secondary color could be her dress color. Okay so Louis may have it all planned out, but that doesn’t mean he can’t entertain other ideas just in case.
“Hey Lou do we care about them having the same dress?”
“Not one bit. As long as one isn’t like satin and the other I don’t know Chiffon or whatever. The colors have to be consistent though. Similar but not exact.”
“Alright just making sure. You better not be checking price tags over there.”
“Don’t worry Daddy I’m not.” Maddie said Louis shook his head chuckling softly as he took the hanger from Maddie and hung it up.
Despite what Harry thinks Louis had checked the website of the shop and knew the most expensive dress was well into the overpriced budget Harry had set because despite being obviously well off he had obviously only listed shops that wouldn’t make Louis’ family out of place or hesitant in. Harry of course knew he knew of this but it went unspoken between them after the first time Louis saw the list and googled each store then looked at Harry who pretended to not have a clue why Louis was staring at him while he had worked on something on his laptop. Louis had tried to stare it out of him for the better part of an hour before he gave in and just kissed his cheek and told him he would tell his family the game plan. Besides the extra money could be used in the family vacation they were still planning.
“What do you think LouLou?” Louis was pulled from his thoughts a few hours later as he stared at Maddie in the long sleeve white ball gown dress with a dark red fur shawl that stood out against the white beautifully making Louis tear up.
“I think it looks absolutely beautiful on you. Do you like it?”
“I do. I love it. I’m a princess watch me twirl.” Twirling the dress spun with her and Louis could almost see her all grown up twirling in a wedding dress and he had to quickly fight that back before those thoughts got the better of him, “Do you think Daddy with like it?”
“I think Harry is going to love it and will cry just seeing you in this. So is this the one my dear?”
“Yes it is.”
“Good I agree I love this one. Your dads will be the luckiest dads there to have a little princess to dance with.” The employee said grinning widely as she helped Maddie into another twirl.
“LouLou you’ll dance with me?” Maddie asked shocked
“Of course I’m going to dance with you, can’t let your dad have you all the time now can I? Your dad and I are going to have lots of dances for you and Freddie and as a whole together. We’re still outlining that part, but rest assured we will all dance together at least twice.” Maddie grinned hugging his middle
“You’re the best LouLou.” Louis grinned leaning now to kiss her head before he had her go change out of the dress while he went to find Harry.
“Hey Haz oooh having fun girls?” Louis said grinning as he saw his sisters in a few dresses, “They need you up there to schedule fittings.”
“Really? Already?”
“Already? It’s been a few hours Harry.”
“Yeah I’m shocked it didn’t take longer. I’ll be back ladies.” Louis debated on whether to follow Harry, but decided to stay with the girls.
“How is it going?”
“We have a few more to try on, but I think we all have our favorite.” Lottie told him, “So this is really happening huh? You’re marrying someone.”
“It was bound to happen one day you realize.” Louis said amused as he adjusted one of her scraps, “Besides I think I could have picked worse.”
“I don’t know you definitely could have also picked better. Seriously how did my brother get you?” Gemma asked making Louis roll his eyes playfully
shaking his head.
“I think you’re wrong. You’re brother is absolutely lovely.”
“Ew if you’re about to start gushing love poetry about him let me get a bin for my vomit first.” Rolling his eyes Louis sent them back into the dressing
rooms telling them he would torture them back at the house.
They were only back at the house for an hour when Louis saw Harry dozing off every few minutes while playing dinosaur jungle with Freddie. Smiling at the scene Louis slid off the couch then crawled over to Harry and straddled the back of his thighs as he wrapped his arms around his chest kissing his cheek.
“You should go to sleep.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re falling asleep as you do very bad roars. If you were a T-Rex I’d laugh at you.” Harry huffed a tired laugh but otherwise remained where he was stubbornly refusing to give in, “Hey Freddie you know what would be really fun?”
“If we convince Nana and Anne to take all the kids and grandkids to the indoor trampoline park.”
“Yeah! Let’s do it!”
“Okay go get Maddie and got to Anne because she’s the weakest. She’ll say yes if you give her those really big puppy eyes.”
“Okay Papa.” Freddie stood and ran to the playroom where most of the kids were and Louis grinned at Anne who had of course heard all of this sitting only a few feet from them.
“Come on naptime mister.” Louis said kissing Harry’s shoulder
“Fine. Mom you’ll be okay?”
“We’ll be fine dear you go nap. We’ll keep the kids out until it gets later, maybe take them out to dinner as a group.”
“Good luck.” Louis said standing up and helping Harry up just as the kids ran into the room.
“Kisses first.” Harry said grabbing Freddie and Maddie and kissing them both on their heads, “I love you two and If you two convince them you two be
“We will Daddy.” Maddie promised kissing Harry’s arm that was around her before she and Freddie escaped his hold and ran to Anne. Louis took Harry’s hand and led him up the stairs into the bedroom where he immediately went about unbuttoning Harry’s shirt for him.
“I could have slept with them here. Trust me I can be a very heavy sleeper.”
“I know but this way they get to spend time with our family and we can nap in peace because I’m tired too. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“I’m sorry. Unfortunately shifts like those do happen, not as often, but more than a few times a year it seems like especially around the holidays and weekends that are just a tad busier than usual due to a game or something.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Louis pulled down Harry’s pants then sat him down leaving him only in his briefs as Louis felt his hands grab his thighs pulling him closer, “You and I both know you don’t have it in you right now.”
“Oh I have it in me, it won’t be good and Ill never claim it ever in my life, but I could do it.” Louis laughed as he pressed a kiss to Harry’s forehead, “It won’t be good but it would be done.”
“No. I would much rather have no sex than bad sex. Bad sex just ruins entire day.”
“We couldn’t have bad sex if we tried. We could have not good sex, but never bad.”
“Want to test that theory?”
“I do now.”
“No.” Harry chuckled as he gave his thighs a squeeze before he stood up and pulled the covers back while Louis quickly undressed himself. He climbed in bed beside Harry and curled up against his chest wrapping his arms around his waist and within seconds Harry was fast asleep breathing deeply while Louis laid there for awhile listening to the kids get packed up. When the house was silent and the last beep from the alarm was heard Louis snuggled deeper into the covers and Harry and fell asleep.
Chapter 20: Chapter Twenty
My birthday was yesterday (the 2nd) so here's a chapter.
Chapter Text
"Papa?" Louis looked up from his grading and turned to Freddie as he stood in the doorframe of the bedroom.
"Yes Freddie Bear?"
"Why are you in bed?"
"Because I am very lazy today. I don't want to get out of bed and Harry is at work for another few hours."
"When can we make Christmas lists?" Freddie asked as he came up onto the bed and laid beside him.
"Probably the next time Maddison is over so you guys can make a list together. Why already got ideas?"
"Maybe...Papa Maddie told me to put a baby brother or sister on my list." Louis laughed as he set his pen down on the papers he was looking over before turning to Freddie.
"Do you want a baby brother or sister?"
"Maybe next year."
"I agree. So what can I do for you my love?"
"When is Harry coming home?" Louis looked over at the clock on the bedside table.
"He should be getting off soon but his job sometimes makes him stay later remember? It depends why?"
"He's been working a lot is all. He use to be here a lot and now he's not ever home for more than a few hours before bedtime."
"I know he works a very busy job but it's an important one."
"I know but I still miss him. I drew him a picture and I want to show it to him before bed."
"Tell you what I will text him and ask if he'll be on schedule tonight and we'll go from there. I need to start dinner soon anyway."
"Okay Papa." Louis grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Harry before he headed downstairs to the kitchen to start the preparation for dinner. It was well past an hour before the front door opened and Freddie's squeal of 'Harry!' filled the house.
"Freddie Bear!" Harry said groaning slightly and Louis could picture Harry lifting the boy up and spinning him around, "Where's your Papa?"
"In the kitchen but I have a drawing for you."
"You do?! Well go get it for me and I'll go see if Papa needs help okay?"
"Okay." Moments later Louis felt the familiar arms of Harry wrapping around his waist and the press of lips against his shoulder.
"You need help?"
"No I'm fine, but you can stay tight there." Harry chuckled but tightened his arms and moved his lips slowly up to Louis' ear pressing lingering kisses on his way up, "your daughter told my son to put a baby sister or brother on their Christmas list."
"Oh? Well we should practice giving them just that. Practice makes perfect after all."
"You're in a mood today." Louis said chuckling as he felt Harry mouth at his neck where it met his shoulder.
"With you around? Always." Harry gave Louis one last kiss before he backed away just in time for Freddie to come running into the kitchen with a piece of paper in his hand.
"It's my family drawing from last month remember? We got it back today. I lost points because of Bear though. But lookey there's Papa and Maddie and me and look there's you Harry and that's Gizmo and Bear." Freddie pointed to each stick figure excitedly as he stood beside Harry and showed him the drawing.
"Why did you loose points that looks exactly like Bear."
"Because my teacher is a bitch. Papa says so." Louis' eyes widen as he looked at Freddie then he fixed his eyes directly on the meatballs currently being made as he felt Harry look at him.
"Papa said that did he."
"Yeah Monday after she told him that I'm spoiled."
"She said what?"
"See it wasn't uncalled for and I didn't say it to her face I said it in the car." Louis said blushing, "Freddie don't say that word."
"But you do."
"Yes but I'm older. You can cuss when you have double digits in your age and your balls have dropped until then no."
"Bur your balls haven't dropped they're still attached."
"No I meant- Harry stop your laughing."
"Come on Freddie I'll save your dad an aneurysm and explain it to you." Harry was still giggling as he sat at the table later that night earning several kicks under the table from Louis.
"Keep laughing and we will be sleeping with separate blankets tonight." Louis told him as he watched Harry load the dishwasher.
"Oh come on kids say the funniest things."
"I think you're a bit sleep deprived if you find it so funny you are giggling hours later. You're almost thirty Harry."
"Ew don't remind me. You know you'll he twenty five soon you don't have much room to talk."
"Only about five more years of it." Harry gave him a glare as he closed the dishwasher and started it then he walked over to Louis and pinned him against the island.
"You are very lucky I already promised Freddie I'd play with him or else I'd show you all the advantages of being almost thirty. One of them involves you sitting right here." Louis blushed as he pushed Harry away from him when he pointed to his face.
"Go away I have things to do that does involve that."
"What a shame." Louis shook his head as Harry winked before he headed back to the play room where Freddie was.
Louis was not at all surprised when the moment they closed Freddie's bedroom door after bedtime Harry was all but dragging him to their room. They haven't had sex in awhile for various reasons of no time and the kids.
"You are unbelievable. Can't even wait for him to fall asleep." Louis teased
"I'm horrible I know. Tell me all about it later." Louis chuckled pulling Harry into a deep kiss as he backed up to the bed.
He dug his hands under Harry's shirt pressing his hands against the warm stomach then slowly trailed his hands up removing the shirt. His hands then trailed back down slowly, brushing over his nipples briefly before he found his waistband of his pants and briefs. Pulling them down he smiled into the kiss as he felt Harry step out of the clothing. Harry turned them around and sat on the edge of the bed then he broke the kiss only to mouth at his neck.
"Harry." Louis' voice was barely above a whisper with his eyes closed and his head tilted to give Harry as much room as he could.
His large hands were spread across his back keeping him close as he bit a particular spot that make Louis jerk. Those hands slid down and pulled off the sweater Louis had been wearing in one quick motion tossing it somewhere across the room. Harry pulled Louis with him as he laid down making it easier for him grasp his ass in his hands as his mouth found his nipples.
Louis moaned grinding himself against Harry momentarily forgetting he was still in jeans while Harry was nude. Harry hissed a little wincing but otherwise didn't stop his ministrstions as he held Louis and rolled them a little too close to the foot of the bed for Louis' liking. The edge dipped dangerously and Louis was worried they would fall for a second and had every intention of telling Harry to move them, but then Harry's leg was rubbing against his Jean trapped cock and all thoughts left his brain.
"Harry! Oh fuck."
Harry's mouth trailed up to kiss him then he trailed down as his hands undoes his jeans outing them down with his briefs. His cock wasn't out for more than a few seconds before Harry's mouth was around it. Louis gasped, one hand going into his hand while the other grabbed the foot post closest to his head to try to move him away from the edge but it was useless so instead he just held it. His hips jerked which caused his body to shift which them caused him to slid a little and him falling was all that he could think about now.
"Harry. Harry. Harry! Harry! You one tracked minded dick stop I'm literally about to fall off the bed you caveman." Harry laughed as he pulled off of Louis to look at him hanging on to a foot post and his upper body off of the bed.
"Sorry." Harry had the decency to say as he helped Louis back onto the bed then he moved them so they're were on the bed the right way, "better?"
"Much. Thank you. Except we need lube and I pretty sure it's still under the bed from when we dropped it last time." Harry groaned but moved and laid over the edge looking under the bed. Louis stared at his perky butt for a total of five seconds before he smacked it. What followed that singular smack was the funniest thing to happen while in the middle of foreplay in Louis' entire sexually active life. Harry had jerked and then flipped off the edge of the bed landing on his back however Harry had tried to save himself and had also knocked over and essentially breaking the bedside table and clock that was on Louis' side of the bed. He also ended up knocking over the glass of water from earlier causing an entire mess. Louis had burst out laughing unable to help himself as he sat up and leaned over looking down at Harry.
"You didn't even ask what my safeword is." Louis laughed falling back onto the bed, "seriously Louis what if I couldn't have handled more than one. Then what. I'd just the saying pineapple for the fun of it to you."
"Stop I can't breathe." Harry laughed as he popped up kneeling beside the bed grinning at him. Louis giggled a few more times as Harry tried to fix the bedside table, but it was definitely broke so instead he just let it lay there. He grabbed a piece of clothing and laid it over the water mess before he climbed back onto the bed with the lube bottle setting it off to the side. Louis was still giggly as Harry laid beside him grinning at him then Harry leaned in and kissed him a few times lovingly. When they pulled away Louis smiled as he watched Harry's eyes roam over him as if memorizing him.
"I love you." Harry said suddenly as he let a hand rest against his cheek ans his thumb rub over Louis' cheekbone. Louis' smile fell a little as the air shifted into something more serious, he hesitated before his smile returned and he kissed Harry again.
"I love you too." Harry's eyes lit up and his smile widened then he was kissing him again.
"Well try sex tomorrow." Louis laughed, his head falling back against the pillow and Harry laughed beside him, "good news is the lube will be easier to reach next time."
"Stop." Louis laughed out before he was pulling Harry down for another kiss or two or five.
"I'll get you something to sleep in." Harry said before he kissed Louis once more then he climbed out of bed and headed for the closet.
He came back out with one of his own sweaters that Louis like to sleep in with the new cold weather. He helped Louis into the sweater then laid them down pulling the duvet over them. Louis snuggled into Harry's chest, it was rather early for sleep, but Harry had been working long hours the last few days and Louis was always okay with cuddling a sleeping Harry. They stayed up watching the TV for an hour before Harry was sleeping, Louis was awake for another hour before he too fell asleep.
With Harry off the next day there was a full plate of healthy breakfast waiting for them when they came downstairs.
"I need your phone today Haz." Louis said
"When you find it it's all yours." Harry said as he had a tendency to loose it more often than should be humanly possible, "why?"
"Because you gave my phone a bath yesterday." Harry's eyes widen and he looked at Louis who nodded.
"It's also smashed to even more pieces than before."
"I am so sorry. I didn't know your phone was there."
"Neither did I. It's fine I have everything backed up anyway. I'll get another one after work. I just need a phone for the staff at Freddie's school to reach me in case of an emergency. You'll have the iPad here anyway. I guess I could take an iPad-"
"You can have my phone you know I don't care about that. I'll go look for it for you and while you're at work I'll get you a new phone." Harry kissed Louis' cheek before he headed off to search for his cellphone for the hundredth time this week. Louis spotted said phone not a minute later beside Harry's keys on the counter from yesterday when he got home and hugged Louis as he had cooked dinner. Louis let Harry waste a good twenty minutes before he finally told him where it was getting a pinch as payback.
"You're a jerk."
"I know."
"So a new phone and a new bedside table. Anything else I broke unknowingly?"
"Well the weeks not over who knows you may break a car or the TV or the couch." Harry rolled his eyes
"If anythingwewould break the couch."
"One track mind."
Louis slid into the Murano quickly closing the door to fight the cold air only to find himself attacked by a slobbery dog.
"Oh okay hi Bear yes I missed you too but why the hell are you here."
"Ms. Daisy is going to be one very sorry teacher today. How was work?"
"You- nevermind. It was fine same as always really. How was your day off?"
"I got a lot done today. I went to Ikea and got a new bedside table set, I then got you a new phone and add you onto my phone plan because it seemed silly to be on separate plans. I kept your old number however for obvious reasons. I also put your first photo on the phone. Did you see it?"
"The dick pic? Yes Harry I saw it."
"What did you think? I thought the lighting was perfect."
"Well I stared at it for a minute then I thought 'damn he really thinks he's something doesn't he'." Harry's jaw dropped as he laughed, "then I thought waiting until our wedding night sounded like a brilliant idea. However I looked at it one more time and decided if you put that much effort into a dick pic it's safe to assume you have some idea of how to do it yourself therefore you don't need me at all."
"You're a dick." Louis chuckled as he leaned over the middle console and kissed him deeply. He let his hand slid down to grope him smiling when he felt Harry gasp against his lips.
"Later. Also if you ever send me a dick pic again I will have no shame in forwarding it to Zayn and I promise you he will do everything he possibly can to turn into an art piece that we unknowingly hang in our home and only Zayn will know where the dick is hidden at."
"Did you breathe during that sentence?" Louis slapped Harry then settled back into his seat
"Just drive dick pic." Harry grinned as he kissed Louis before he pulled out of the parking space and heading across the street. They both got out with Harry grabbing Bears leash and the drawing Freddie had shown him yesterday.
"Harry you can't be serious."
"Oh but I am come on." Louis followed Harry into the building then signed themselves in before they headed to the classroom.
"Mr. Tomlinson how was work?" Mrs. Hillary asked smiling at him
"It's was fine Mrs. Hillary. How was Freddie today?"
"BEAR!" Freddie shouted running up to them with a big smile as he hug the big fluffy dog that attacked him with kisses.
"Freddie that is not a bear it's a dog." Ms. Daisy said
"Bear sit. Good Boy stay. Freddie stay here with Bear okay?" Louis watched as Harry stepped around a nodding Freddie before he stepped up to Ms. Daisy extending his hand, "Ms. Daisy correct? I'm Dr. Harry Styles."
"Oh...Dr. Styles I'm sorry are you Freddie's uncle or something. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"No I'm not his uncle actually I'm the owner of the dog that you marked not one, not two, but three points off my son's drawing for because you keep insisting to him he is fake. So I brought Bear, my Newfoundland who is a literal fluff ball of a dog, in to show you why you are going to fix this marking here and why you are going to apologize to my son." Louis' eyes widen as he watched Ms. Daisy go from flirting to defensive within seconds.
"Excuse me?"
"No. Your behavior is inexcusable and you're lucky I decided to come in. Now you either fix his marking and apologize to him or I get you fired. Your job isn't to tell my son what is and isn't inside his home. He brought in proof proof you and yet you still marked him down. This is purely your choice of course, but just know if you don't apologize to him you will not work anywhere where my family is located either it be Doncaster or London. Your inexcusable behavior will follow you and you'll be lucky if you get hired again."
"You can't get me fired."
"Wanna bet your next paycheck on that? Apologize to my son and fix his mark because he damn sure didn't do anything wrong or you won't come into work tomorrow morning."
"Freddie isn't your son-"
"I do hope you enjoyed your last day working his Ms. Daisy because I promise you it is your last. Come on Freddie." Louis watched as Harry led Freddie out of the classroom with Bear following obediently, he turned to Mrs. Hillary and hesitated.
"Did you know about Ms. Daisy's inappropriate behavior with my son?"
"No we split our students up. Freddie and a few either kids mentioned a fee things but every kid has a bad day with am adult so I just figured that's what it was."
"Have a nice day Mrs. Hillary." Louis looked at Ms. Daisy for a moment before he headed out to the car. Harry already had Freddie buckled, Bear settled down, and was already sitting in the driver's seat waiting for him. The drive back home was quiet but relaxed and when they got home Harry took his phone and disappeared into his office with a kiss to both of their heads and a promise to cook dinner tonight.
"Papa Harry called me his son."
"That's because he sees you as his son. You're just as much his kid as Maddie is just not the same way." Louis said
"So...he's like my daddy?" Louis' heart sped up.
"Yeah he is, but you don't have to call him that if you don't want to. He can stay Harry or you can call him dad. It's up to you."
"Come on let's do your homework."
It was well over an hour later when Harry came out.
"Ms. Daisy will be on unpaid leave for a week while they investigate and talk to other parents. Then she will most likely be fired. They'll be bringing in a new teacher for Freddie's side of the classroom and Mrs. Hillary will be told to take the students complaints more seriously and investigate further than just assuming it's an off day." Louis smiled as he pulled Harry down to kiss him
"You didn't have to do that."
"Of course I did. I love him, he's my boy, and I love you."
"I love you too." The kiss was interrupted by the best possible interruption Harry could have possibly hoped for.
"I love you too Daddy." Freddie said hugging Harry's neck suddenly making them pull apart, "Thank you." Harry's eyes widen and teared up as he hugged Freddie lifting him and looking at Louis. He smiled as his son with his face buried into Harry's neck.
"You're welcome Freddie. I love you so much." Harry pulled back grinning at Freddie, "tell you what. How about we go out for dinner just you and me and we bring Papa something back."
"Can it be ice cream?".
"It can be whatever you want. Come on. Your new phone is on the island bye love you!" Harry shouted as he carried Freddie out of the house after grabbing his shoes and coat by the door. Louis laughed shaking his head as he went back to grading smiling as he thought about his boys going put together for no other reason than Freddie calling Harry 'daddy'. Harry always liked to say Louis couldn't say no, but Harry was so whipped compared to Louis.
Chapter 21: Twenty-One
Chapter Text
"Okay I think we have the holidays finally organized." Harry said as he flopped back onto the sofa beside Louis.
"What's the final verdict then?" Louis asked having given up trying to organize everything three days ago.
"The twenty third my family is coming down to do Christmas then we will leave Christmas eve morning to spend the day with your family for your birthday. That night we will come back and have our Christmas eve gift exchange for the kids, do Father Christmas prep, then tuck them into bed. After that we will do any last-minute things, we need to do and have Christmas that morning. I'll will take Maddie to her mother's then we will have the rest of day to relax. New Year's Eve we are all heading to my family's home, your family is invited as well for the New Year's Eve party. Kid friendly until ten then the real fun begins. We'll stay there New Year's day then leave that night or the next morning depending on how we feel. Sound good?"
"I am very impressed. It won't be too much driving though, will it? London is four hours and Doncaster is one and a half."
"Nah we'll just make sure the tablets are charged for the car ride. It'll be fine I've taken the drive multiple times it goes by faster than you think."
"Okay. Are we finished Christmas shopping at least?"
"You are not buying a car."
"Then yes we're done." Louis looked over at Harry with narrowed eyes but he only grinned, "we got a lot of gifts for all of the kids and teenagers, our parents have gifts as well, so we just need to finish wrapping and figure out which gift Father Christmas got them and get it situated like are we wrapping it or are we putting a Santa Approved tag on it or what."
"I've done both I think the tag is more believable, but the wrapping is more fun for the kids, so it doesn't matter. Does Maddie still believe in Father Christmas?"
"She's questioning it but so far she believes it still. Mostly because everything she's asked for from Father Christmas has actually shown up here and not at her mothers. She's asked when she was younger if I was Father Christmas, I thought she was too young to not have that magic still, so I told her no. If she asks again, I'll probably tell her the truth away from Freddie. She's old enough to understand, I think. I didn't believe obviously so being able to give that to her is great."
"I couldn't imagine a Christmas as a kid without it." Louis said shaking his head.
"Our gifts were usually secondhand clothes, shoes, a nice new coat, or a few more extra food items. My first Christmas with a ton of presents was an eye opener."
"Is that why you don't have a limit for gifts?"
"Kind of and also because it's Christmas. The more things they get the more they give away which means the more we can donate. If Maddie gets two of something she donates one or she give two toys away instead of one. Her birthday she has like three to five gifts from me but Christmas she doesn't get limit. I understand why a lot of families do limit though, but I just never did it. The one time a year I can spoil her rotten? Hell yeah I'm doing it."
"Anything else we need to do for the holidays?" Louis asked shifting to lay his head on Harry's lap.
"No but we do have a check list of things we need to do for the wedding."
"Hit me with it."
"Prepare photo and video list?"
"Done and sent to the photographer."
"Finalize details with vendors?"
"Done copy of the email exchange was forwarded to you two days ago."
"Is that a jab?" Harry asked looking over at hit from his checklist on his planner specifically for the wedding.
"No of course not. Continue." Harry pinched his nipple but turned back to his planner with a huff.
"Rehearsal dinner invites/texts?"
"Done. We have a group chat for that."
"Two jabs. Final fitting?"
"I have had mine and your appointment is next week. It's in our shared calendar." Harry gave him a look but otherwise didn't comment.
"Seating chart? Are we doing that?"
"It's just family and close friends I don't think we need to."
"Marriage license?"
"We have it."
"Pick up wedding rings?"
"First week of January."
"Then that's it. For now." Harry said flipping his planner closed and setting it and the pen on the end table by the sofa.
"Thank God. We're having a bachelor party together, right?" Louis asked laying his head back against the cushion.
"Yes. Me, you, and our friends. I heard Zayn mention strippers but I'm pretty sure it's for them."
Louis shook his head already knowing Zayn and Liam were planning on getting strippers just for the hell of it.
"I'll strip for you." Harry said turning to him with a grin and an eyebrow wiggle
"One track mind. Do you even have stripping attire? I'm pretty sure I'd have seen it by now."
"Attire?! I don't know if I find this teacher talk sexy or not."
"You're wrong on so many levels Harold. My point remains I'm pretty sure I'd have seen some sort of outfit in the drawers by now if you had anything remotely sexy."
"I keep it well hidden I'll have you know. Give me five minutes and I'll put on some fishnet and leather."
"I prefer my strippers with lace actually."
"I have lace."
"I don't think that's what my mother meant when she said for us to finish any last-minute things we need to do while she took Freddie for the night."
"We're almost newlyweds surely she knows where the night will end up at with no kids in the house." Louis rolled his eyes grinning as he pushed himself to a sitting position, "Besides who wouldn't want all of this." Harry said waving his hand down himself making Louis laugh.
"Me now that you've done that. How much longer on my food mister?"
"I'll go check it." Harry groaned as he pushed himself to stand then head into the kitchen. Louis heard Harry move around in the other room and the smell had him standing to follow him only a few minutes later.
"It smells amazing, and I hope you're going to tell me it's ready to eat."
"More or less just needs a few finishing touches." He walked up behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his waist as he looked over his shoulder staring down at the delicious looking chicken that Harry was topping with something green.
"What are you topping it with?"
"Basil you uncultured swine."
"You know I could say so many mean and hurtful things to you, but I won't because I'm nice."
"Coming from someone who called a teacher an uneducated 'yes man' puppet...two days ago."
"He deserved it." Harry hummed amused as he turned to face Louis, "You're lucky you're cute."
"Only cute?"
"Sometimes you're rather dashing...but at the moment cute works." Harry grinned as he leaned in brushed his nose with Louis' before brushing their lips together.
"Sometimes I look at you I realize we only met three months ago, and it honestly shocks me."
"It's only been three months?'s been longer than that." Louis was sure that it has been longer than three months as he pulled away from Harry to do his own math, but he kept getting to the same number, "That's crazy." Louis said shocked that it has only been three months of knowing Harry.
"I know. I'm glad I'm not the only one that is completely floored by the revelation."
"I'd have used realization in that sentence."
"Well I used revelation it's the same thing Lewis."
"It is not Harold. Realization and Revelation are different. Realization is the act of figuring out or becoming aware while Revelation is the act or revealing or disclosing."
"Yes and I revealed to you that it was only three months."
"That is not- we're not doing this Harry." Louis said shaking his head, "I'm not arguing with someone who still writes like my son." Harry's jaw dropped before he laughed
"Emotional Abuse is a real thing Lewis."
"It's about to Physical if you keep it up." Louis said grinning as he leaned in to press a quick kiss to Harry's cheek. Harry scrunched his face at him before he leaned over and pressed a kiss against his lips.
"Anyway tonight is our last night alone together for quite sometime why not enjoy it with some wine and a movie and maybe I'll put on my lace afterwards. If you're nice to me." Louis grinned hitting Harry with the closest thing near him which happened to be a paper towel roll.
"I'll get you some plates." Louis stepped over to the cabinets and pulled down two large plates handing them over to Harry then he grabbed silverware and wine glasses as he asked, "So does this dish have a ridiculous name that is definitely made up or did you not name it?"
"It in fact does have a name it's called Marry Me Chicken."
"That is definitely made up."
"It is not. Google it."
"Oh, I will. I will google this recipe while you're stripping for me in your lace later."
"No phones allowed when I'm performing, I'm afraid."
"What a shame. I was going to record you too." Harry laughed as he threw a piece of potato at him that Louis expertly dodge.
"Come on let's go watch a movie grab the wine, will you?" Louis grabbed the wine that was on the counter then followed Harry to the basement where the larger TV was for game nights with the boys and movie night. The sofa down here was extra comfy as well with dozens of places to put a drink and plates at.
"What do we want to watch?"
"Anything except romance please. One more romantic holiday movie and I'm actually going to throw myself off the roof."
"You said not a romance and it's a classic."
"Fine, but only because I want to know why you consider this a Christmas classic."
"I have a very compelling argument that will convince you of it being a holiday classic by the end of the movie. Just wait and see."
Louis settled on the couch as Harry got the movie started then he settled in beside him. He pulled Louis' feet into his lap and made his legs into a table as the movie started.
"Alright first argument it's Christmas time-"
"Very observant Harold."
"Keep it up and we're having sex until that attitude is gone. Food be damned."
"So?" Harry asking two hours later as Louis finished laughing
"You've convinced me. Unfortunately."
"Told you I would." Louis shook his head as he grabbed their plates and empty wine glasses, "I can do that."
"So can I. Stay I'll only be a minute."
"Fine, but only because I'm too comfortable to protest." Louis headed up the stairs to the kitchen and made sure to put all the dishes into the dish washer after putting away what was left of the dinner. Once the dishwasher was started, he headed back down to find Harry laid out on the couch clicking through their options, so he made himself comfortable on top of Harry, laying his head on Harry's chest.
"What are you looking for?"
"Nothing in particular. I'm not tired at the moment, are you?"
"Not yet, how about we move this cuddle session to the bedroom and just relax in bed though."
"That means I have to get up though."
"I'll be naked."
"I am suddenly very motivated."
Louis laughed as he stood up and helped Harry off the couch. They turned everything off and double checked the locks as they went, the dogs following them straight up the stairs and to the bedroom. Bear laid on the loveseat in the bedroom while Gizmo tried to lay on the bed straight away which Louis stopped. They were allowed on the bed once he was asleep, no sooner.
"Sorry Gizzy." Harry whispered to the Great Dane as they undressed and climbed under the covers, "You're so mean to the poor thing."
"The poor can damn well wait for me to fall asleep before he plasters himself to my body." Louis grumbled as he cuddled into Harry's warm body, "Now put something on and hold me."
"Come here." Harry held him close as he put on a random show and turned the volume down. Harry snuggled down into the blankets and rubbed his hands over his body until they settled one around his shoulders and the other holding his ass.
"Hey, you knew what you were getting when you suggested naked cuddling. I get to hold the cheek without complaint. It's in the vows." Louis huffed as he snuggled in deeper breathing in his scent, "Comfy?"
"It was worth a shot." Harry said chuckling as he kissed his forehead, "I've got you. Go to sleep."
"You're just so warm. I can't help myself."
"I'm glad I could be here as your heater. No where else I'd rather be."
Harry was woken up in the pitch-black room by a loud annoying buzzing coming from his bedside table. Groaning Harry reached out and answered the call praying that it wasn't the hospital.
"Hello?" Harry asked quietly as he rolled out of bed so he didn't wake Louis.
"Harry? Oh I'm sorry for calling. It's just Freddie had a bad dream and is demanding to go home so I compromised and asked if a phone call would work instead. Do you mind?"
"What? Oh no of course not. Put him on the phone I'll see what I can do." Harry headed to the closet as he heard Jay mumbling on the other line.
"Daddy Harry?"
"Hey kiddo. What's the matter?"
"I wanna come home."
"Yeah? Okay. Tell me what's wrong first won't you?"
"I had a bad dream and I just want to come home...Nana says she can't take me home right now, but can you come and get me? Please Daddy."
"Of course, I can baby. Put Nana on the phone okay?"
"I'm sure he'll fall back to sleep in no time don't worry about it Harry. Not my first bad dream I had to take care of." Jay said and Harry didn't doubt that she definitely had it covered, but Freddie had asked to come home and even if the hour and a half drive came out to be a waste Harry was still going to do it.
"It's not a problem Jay. I told Freddie I would come and get him no matter the time of night no matter the drive if he ever wanted to come home. I'll just slip my shoes on and I'll be on my way to get him."
"Oh, it's really not worth the drive Harry. I'm sure once we end the call he'll be asleep within minutes." Harry hesitated as he was pulling a pair of socks on but took a relaxing breath and continued on with his plan.
"I know you can take care of him and bad dreams without a problem, but Freddie is asking to come home which means he is clearly not uncomfortable at the moment there and even if the drive ends up with him staying there with you until morning, I will feel more comfortable coming and giving him the option. Freddie is expressing the want to leave and come home where he is more comfortable and as his parent it's my responsibility to do just that. So I am going to come to get him, tell him I'm on my way there and I'll be there in less than two hours." Harry ended the call quickly then left the closet and looked at Louis still fast asleep in bed. He walked over to the bedside table and hesitated. He wanted to just write a quick note to Louis, but Louis had already told him if it regarded the kids he wanted to be woken up. He stood there for a moment before he sighed and walked to Louis' side of the bed.
"Louis." Harry gently woke him with a light shake to his shoulder.
"What? You don't work go back to sleep." Louis grumbled, "Where are you going at...three in the morning? Your side piece's house? This is where it begins? It's not even a year in yet you home wrecker."
"If I was trying to sneak out I wouldn't have woken you up silly. Your mom called. Freddie had a bad dream and he wants to come home so I'm going to go get him." That woke him up far faster than breakfast in bed did which Harry was honestly a little surprised at. Louis was suddenly sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his face.
"Freddie wants to come home after a bad dream."
"Okay...yeah...alright let's uh- let me find my shoes and-"
"You can stay here."
"No I'm coming with you." Harry grabbed Louis' slipper by the bed and handed them to him then also grabbed a pair of joggers and a sweater, "Thanks."
"I'll get the car ready." Giving Louis a quick kiss to his forehead Harry turned and left the bedroom with the keys in his hand.
It was less than ten minutes later when they were on the road to Louis' mothers. Louis had Freddie's favorite blanket, pillow, and Patches in the backseat with the heat on so they were warm. He also had a blanket for himself as he rode in the passenger seat on the phone with his mother who had called him a few minutes ago.
"No mom it doesn't matter he is asking to come home, so we are coming to pick him up- No- No mom I- I know he has had nightmares over there before, but he has never asked to come home before- NO- Okay you know what I'm ending this call. No I love you mom but this is a boundary I have had with my child for as long as he left my house. I told you multiple times if he ever wanted to come home I would get him no matter what. I love - Put Freddie on the phone. Hey squirt...yeah baby we're on our way...okay kid love you buh-bye sweetie." Louis ended the called with a deep breath then he promptly silenced it and looked at him, "I love her, I do and she is an amazing mother and grandmother but that woman I swear sometimes-"
"Don't. It's just a new parenting boundary that grandparents just don't understand. It's new and it's affecting her for the first time. She's bound to try to push the boundary."
"I know but why can't she just accept it. I remember asking to go home during sleepovers and when she didn't get me I felt so uncomfortable for the rest of the night and I could never fall back to sleep."
"She'll learn. The first time is always hard, but if he ever asks again it'll be easier you'll see."
The hour and a half drive went by faster than usual due to the empty streets and calming ride. They got to the house just shy of four thirty and was met with a wide awake Freddie all ready to leave. Harry gathered him in his arms and took him to the running vehicle his Louis talked with his mother for a few minutes. Jay came out and kissed Freddie goodbye then they were back on the road again getting home as the sun was beginning to rise and Freddie was fast asleep in the car. They laid him down in their bed and fell asleep cuddling him between them as a family.
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Text
Harry was awake and making breakfast before the sun was breaking the horizon the morning of the twenty-fourth. He made a full English breakfast with a side of cinnamon rolls because Louis had said he wanted cinnamon rolls a few days ago. It took enough time out of the morning that by the time he was finished it was reasonable time to wake the kids up considering they had to leave for Louis' families soon. After waking both kids up he sent them to wake up Louis while he finished setting out their outfits for today and making sure everything was packed in the Murano along with the kids' tablets, so they had them for the drive. He was just finishing setting the table with the food when Louis came down with Maddie and Freddie.
"If I'm good with your baby brother and sister, can I get a sister sooner?"
"I think a baby is the perfect birthday present Papa."
"Do you hear this, Harry? All morning they've been talking about a baby."
"Guys we have already told you there will be no baby for quite some time. Trust me I am doing everything to make sure of that. We do not need a pregnant Louis filled with hormones this Spring and Summer. Especially Summer."
"But Daddy I want a little sister." Maddie pouted
"And I wanted to sleep in with my fiancé, but alas kids and birthday boy has to eat, and we have to drive an hour to Doncaster on one of the busiest and most dangerous days of travel. So, sit down and eat up so we can get on the road." Harry said as he guided her to her chair then he pulled out Louis' seat and pressed a kiss to his lips, "Happy birthday."
"Thank you and we could have stopped somewhere on the way if you wanted to sleep in longer."
"For your first birthday here? With me? Absolutely not. I'm still in the spoiling you stage. It'll last for another fifty years I'm afraid. No take backs."
"Maybe twenty years you're almost fifty after all."
"I'm not even thirty you take that back."
"Closer to fifty than I am."
"Sit down and eat your food or else I'll make you drive. December is your attitude month I think."
"It's the cold and the holidays. Makes me stressed and that makes me cranky. The fact my birthday falls into that mess doesn't help."
"Well eat up then we'll get everyone ready, and we'll be on our way. You can sleep for the drive."
Almost two hours later Harry was getting both kids into the back of the Murano making sure they were the safest they have ever been before. Not that he ever let them not be securely buckled, but this time he made sure to tighten the strap just that much tighter and made sure to check them at least three times before we closed and the door and made sure the security system was activated and the doors were locked. After that he headed to the driver door and got into the seat adjusting it discreetly.
"I am not that short compared to you." Louis said with an eyeroll
"I have long legs." Harry defended, "Alright are we good to go? Anyone has to go potty before we leave?"
"They already did I made sure of it." Louis told him as he looked back at the kids, "We're good let's get there as quickly as possible."
"On that we agree."
The drive to Doncaster wasn't as terrible as they had been prepared for, but neither was it easier and they were thirty minutes later than expect.
"I hope my mother lost all embarrassing photos of me." Louis said as they pulled into the driveway of his childhood home, "I swear if she shows you the one of me completely naked."
"Nothing I haven't seen before Louis and trust me, it's grown since then."
"You did not."
"I did." Harry grinned as he leaned over the middle console and pressed his lips against Louis'.
"Hey LouLou?"
"Mm. Yes Maddison?" Louis asked turning to look back at her blushing as Harry chucked smugly beside him.
"What do I call your mom?"
"What do you mean?"
"Freddie calls her Nana, right? So, do I call her Nana too? Or should I call her Ms. Tomlinson?"
"Oh well her to start her last name isn't Tomlinson anymore its Deakin. My family is a bit more complicated than your dad's. But as far as a title for her you can call her Nana or Jay. Whichever you're comfortable with."
"Okay...and you're sure she wants me here?"
"Of course, she does. We all do. Come on I will show you where my mother hides the desserts just give her your biggest puppy eyes and she'll pretend she saw nothing all day."
"What kind of desserts?" She asked as Harry and Louis helped them out of their seats and back into their coats.
"My mom is makes all kinds, changes every year for each holiday however there is one kind that has been a constant since I was three."
"Let me guess something chocolate related?" Harry asked as he came over to their side carrying Freddie in his arms.
"Actually no. Peanut butter pie. Don't worry I won't make you eat it and if my mother tries, I'll protect you." Harry made a face at the mention of peanut butter which Louis has learned Harry hasn't bought a jar of in his life.
"What's peanut butter pie?" Maddie asked
"It's really yummy Maddie. You'll love it I always have two slices." Freddie told her, Louis took Maddie's hand and helped her to the house through the snow and ice on the sidewalk.
"Boobear! Happy Birthday!"
"With that greeting one would think I was five not twenty five." Louis said thought despite his words he hugged his mother and kissed her cheek. He could still feel some tension from last weekend when Freddie stayed only to come early, but he would ignore it for now. He stepped aside and looked to Harry as he collected the kids' coats and boots, "Maddison you remember my mom from Halloween?"
"Hi." Maddison greeted shyly as she sides stepped closer to Louis.
"Hello dear it's good to see you again especially for the holidays. Freddie why don't you take Maddison through the house? Show her all the toys around here yeah?"
"Okay Nana. Come on Maddie through here."
"I'll go get the gifts you stay inside." Harry told him
"I can come help it'll take too many trips-"
"I've got it you stay warm." Louis nodded watching as he left then he turned to his mother again, "how is everyone?"
"They're all excited to see you and Harry of course. How's the wedding planning going?"
"It's been great. We're done with everything by now all that is left is a fee last minute things such as rings and final fittings."
"I can't believe my baby is getting married."
"It was bound to happen one day you realize."
"Yes, but I expected a little bit more warning than just a few months and I expected to have met the boyfriend before he was a fiancé. It's still a little odd to me that you're doing this so quickly though after Halloween I understand why."
"All that matters is that I am very happy."
"Yes of course. Come on let's get you to see everyone." Louis followed his mother deeper into the house and grinned when he saw Maddie was already making herself at home with Lottie and the girls. Freddie was still in Louis' father's lap while his stepfather was holding Doris bouncing her lightly.
"See there he is!" Dan said quickly handing Doris over to Louis, "She heard your voice and was determined to go find her LouLou."
"Where's the husband?" Mark asked
"Fiancé and he's getting the presents. Made me stay inside."
"Probably learned you're a real ass when you're cold." Louis decided against commenting on the lie and instead turned his attention to Doris.
"Do you hear the lies they're talking about me? Can you believe that they have the audacity to say such things when they are completely false? It's wrong I tell you."
Louis' family Christmas was different every year. Some years they ate then played games then did presents, other years they did presents then games and then dinner. It was never the same. This year it was different for multiple reasons such as it being Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day and Christmas Dinner was actually his Birthday dinner. This didn't bother Louis, it wasn't the first time his family had to switch things around for the holidays.
This year it was apparently Games first. Games included various things from snow angels in the yard to actual board games inside. It varied and changed and was usually up to the kids. Maddie and Freddie chose to be outside as soon as the choice became available. Louis however stayed inside, in the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate as he watched Harry play and interact with the younger kids and his sisters.
"He seems like a good guy. Not that I ever thought you'd date a bad one with Freddie in the picture, but this one...he seems great." Mark said standing beside him
"Yeah, he is. He loves kids, loves Maddison. There's nothing he wouldn't do for her."
"Freddie obviously loves him." Louis nodded watching as Harry spun Freddie around before they fell into the large snow pile together, "He loves Freddie."
"I know."
"I'm not going to lie I was a worried when you told me you were getting married to a guy after only dating him for a year and he only meeting Freddie a handful of times. Then you told me you were moving in with him. I thought you had lost your mind. Then a little part of me thought you were settling down with a rich doctor for the rich part. Don't give me that look your mother slapped me three ways to Sunday when I mentioned it. I was worried about you, but I can see now that you two love each other and he is a wonderful stepfather for Freddie, and he is obviously going to treat you right. So, he has my approval, not that he needed it apparently you already have the venue."
"Will you guys let it go already. Yes, I am getting married in less than two months. Yes, the wedding was planned in four months. But it wasn't as if I was truly giving up something important. I don't care about a big wedding, actually Harry is the one who had his wedding planned out for every season since he was a child so really, he's the one sacrificing stuff not me. Besides if you met Maddison's mother, you'd encourage us to elope just to speed up the process."
"Your mother keeps bringing it up?"
"Repeatedly. Plus, last weekend Harry sort of put our foot down for the first time as a couple and towards her so...there's a bit of tension still. He wasn't rude by any means, he did the same thing I would have done and what I have told him I would want done in that scenario. Mom is used to arguing with me who caves in with her sometimes, Harry doesn't cave unless it's the kids. It's actually one of things I love about him, he has strong boundaries with Maddison and how he parents her and Freddie too. I may not understand some of his points, but I know he comes from a good place and the one issue we didn't agree on we solved pretty quickly all things considered."
"What was the issue?"
"Maddison came into our room and started asking about a future baby brother or sister which led to the dreaded 'where do babies come from' question. Harry answered in a medically correct way by talking about ovulation and eggs and sperm and he said sex but didn't actually explain what sex was just said the word. Anyway, I didn't agree with that, and we argued a little bit."
"She's how old?"
"Five turning Six. His reasoning is sound and again he didn't go into details and when she asking an inappropriate question, he told her it was inappropriate, and she moved on from it. It's a scary world these days for little girls...women in general. He needs to prepare her for that unfortunately. That includes letting her know a baby is made with a mommy and a daddy love each other very much. Not all babies are made with love after all."
"I can see both sides of the argument with that defense."
"Exactly. I think he can be a little less...doctorly...and maybe be more relaxed, but at the end of the day no one is perfect."
"You two will be great together, I hope there are more grandbabies soon."
"At least one more just not for a while. We want kids, a lot of kids, but we haven't decided how many yet and the only thing we know is that we don't want to try for about a year."
Forty-five minutes later everyone was inside and warmed up and what was supposed to be a family friendly game of Broadway Song Trivia turned into Harry and Louis teaming together and beating everyone.
"Okay new rule the Gays are not allowed to team up together when playing Broadway Trivia." Lottie said
"That's not fair." Louis argued
"Too bad. Pick someone other than my brother Harry."
"Fine. I'm still keeping the card." Harry said grinning as he looking to Maddison who was playing with Freddie a few feet away, "Maddie sweetie come here."
"No, you said someone other than your brother so I am. Can't argue now." Harry said as Maddison came over, Maddie I am going to say a word that goes to a song ready?"
"What song?"
"You have to guess it."
"The word is Betcha."
"Oh, it's Maybe."
"That's my girl. Okay off you go. Lottie, I believe it's your turn."
"I quit." Lottie said laughing as she stood up from the floor.
"So, do I. You two win." Mark said
"I thought we were very impressive." Louis said looking to Harry
"I was very impressed you got We Both Reached For The Gun."
"I knew it was Chicago. I just had to go through each song and compare them to what you said and how you said it. Great word choices by the way."
"Thank you. You too. Remind me to get us tickets to Rocky Horror Picture Show next October for London. We'll make it a weekend up there and stay at my parents. Make them babysit while we...go to a show."
"I am so glad you said October, I talked to this guy once who went to a smaller community production of Rocky Horror in April."
"Oh gross. Why."
"That was exactly what I thought. Stop talking to him literally that same night."
"As you should. He was probably a serial killer."
"Oh my god you two are insane." Lottie said shaking her head, "You can't judge someone base on when they watch a musical."
"If you ever seen Rocky Horror Picture Show trust us you definitely can. When you're eighteen we'll take you to your first viewing." Louis told her, she gave him a look that told him she still thought he was completely crazy, but otherwise didn't comment.
Soon the kids became too excited for gifts to wait any longer so while his mother gathered Maddison's and Freddie's gifts to open Louis went about giving the girls and Ernie their gifts from him and Harry. Though mostly him as he was the one who went shopping in exchange of Harry overseeing the wrapping and bow making because Louis wasn't the best gift wrapper and he never made bows.
"We all know you definitely didn't do the wrapping." Lottie teased
"I will take it back."
"He's lying." Harry told her earning an elbow in the ribs. After the Christmas gifts that were being opened had been opened Louis was forced to endure his birthday presents.
"This one is from me." Maddie told him as she handed him a gift bag, "I made it all by myself in art class."
"You did?"
"Yeah, open it." Louis looked to Harry curious if he knew anything
"I know nothing. She refused to tell me or show me anything."
"Right. Well, that's because it's for me Harold not you." Louis told him as he pulled out the three sheets of rainbow tissue paper before he pulled out two photo frames decorated with yarn with a picture of Maddison in one frame and Freddie in another.
"Now you can have a picture of us on your school desk."
"I love it. I will definitely put theses up as soon as I return to work. These are beautiful Maddison thank you."
'"You're welcome. Happy Birthday."
"Thank you."
"I don't have handmade frames." Harry pouted as he grabbed them from Louis' lap to look at them.
"It's not your birthday Daddy. Take a chill pill." Louis' jaw dropped as he looked to Harry who looked shocked and highly amused.
"Well then. I guess I don't want one anyway." Harry said setting the frames in the bag
"Your turn Freddie." Maddie said turning to Freddie holding a bag in his hand that he gave to Louis.
"Happy Birthday Papa."
"Thank you, Freddie. It is the best birthday I've had already." Louis kissed his forehead as he took the bag and opened it pulling out the red tissue paper this time before he pulled out a white mug that had four persons painted on it.
"I painted it for you."
"You did I can see that, but how-"
"Daddy helped me."
"All I did was put it in the oven and take it out once it was cooled. Otherwise, it was all him." Harry explained
"This is my new favorite mug, and I shall be very careful with it. It's great thank you Freddie. These are both amazing gifts."
"You're welcome, Papa. Daddy's turn now, right?"
"Actually, I have two gifts for your papa, one of them is at home which is the main gift. However, this gift I found inside a store, and I had to buy it for you." Harry said grinning as he handed over a small box, "It's great and I know you will love it and use it every day."
"Oh no. I'm going to hate it aren't I?"
"Just read what your gift says." Harry was already laughing so Louis already knew it was going to be something stupidly funny and as he pulled out a travel mug and read the words, he was ashamed of himself when he laughed.
"You're a dick."
"I thought it was brilliant."
"Well tell us what it says Louis." His mother told him
"To quote Hamlet. Act 3 Scene 3 Line 87 'NO'." Louis read as he showed the mug to his family, "Harry has these weird doctor pun hoodies and sweaters and some shirts and so since I had to wear one of his hoodies and insulted them, he has made it his personal mission to find every pun related or just stupidly sayings regarding our professions to torment me with."
"Because they're hilarious."
"They are so lame."
"You wear them still."
"Doesn't mean I like them, Harold. I cannot believe you found a travel mug like this."
"It was the last one in the store. It was meant to be."
"Thrown away. It was meant to be thrown away." Despite his words Louis knew he was still going to use it and take it to work and clean it as soon as he got home like he did with his other travel mugs. He knew he was going to defend the mug to students and torment them with the saying until they leave his classroom at the end of each school year. Just like he did whenever he wore Harry's clothes with Doctor jokes on them.
"Do I have to carry you into the house too?" Harry asked as he turned off the Murano inside the garage.
"As tempting as that I'll get Freddie."
"Oh, sure get the smaller one. You're lucky you're cute Mister Tomlinson."
"Uh huh." Harry went to go unlock the door leading inside the house and Louis heard him shut the alarm off before he was coming over to lift Maddison out of the car.
"Should be a straight shot there wasn't anything on the ground when we left." Harry told him
"I'll find something to trip over I assure you." Turns out that something ended up being the first step of the stairs, "Told you."
Once the kids were laid down, they headed back downstairs to finish their own things for Christmas morning such as pilling the presents under the tree and doing the stockings. When those were done, and they were getting ready for bed Harry gave him a square squishy thing with birthday wrapping paper on it.
"It's technically Christmas now, but this is your real birthday present."
"I loved the mug."
"I bought that after I bought this, and a mug isn't a gift. Unless it's from Freddie. Which I am jealous about just so we are clear. Open your gift."
"We all knew I was the favorite." Louis joked as he tore open the gift revealing it to be not only a heated blanket but a weighted heated blanket, "It's both? I didn't even know they made a both one."
"Neither did I until I found it. It does not go on the bed."
"Oh yes it does."
"You're over heated fiancé will literally die in his sleep."
"He can sleep on the floor then." Louis said before he set the blanket to the side and straddled Harry's lap pressing a kiss to his lips, "Thank you for your torture device."
"You're welcome. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas."
"Best one yet."
"Alright you go ahead and get it on my bed I have to pee." Louis grinned as he climbed off of Harry and watched him go towards the bathroom. He did in fact set it up under the duvet then he got himself ready for bed by removing most of his clothing.
"You could have waited for me to come back to enjoy the show you jerk."
"It's two in the morning Harold. We are sleeping."
"Boo you whore."
"Did you quote Mean Girls at me again?"
"I can't believe I'm marrying you." Harry chuckled as they climbed into the bed together, Harry cuddling in close to him, "Goodnight."