Cara Qatar Dorong Israel-Hamas Capai Gencatan Senjata di Gaza (2024)

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  • Perang Hamas-Israel - 22/06/2024, 18:31 WIB

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Cara Qatar Dorong Israel-Hamas Capai Gencatan Senjata di Gaza (1)

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Warga Palestina merayakannya di sebuah jalan di Rafah, di Jalur Gaza selatan, setelah Hamas mengumumkan telah menerima proposal gencatan senjata pada Senin (6/5/2024), di tengah konflik yang sedang berlangsung antara Israel dan kelompok militan Palestina Hamas. Pemimpin Hamas Ismail Haniyeh pada 6 Mei memberi tahu mediator Qatar dan Mesir bahwa kelompok militan Palestina telah menerima proposal mereka untuk gencatan senjata di Gaza setelah hampir tujuh bulan perang. (AFP)

Sumber AFP

DOHA, - Qatar pada Jumat (21/6/2024) mengaku sedang melakukan upaya untuk "menjembatani kesenjangan" antara Israel dan kelompok Hamas untuk mencapai gencatan senjata di Gaza dan membebaskan sandera Israel yang ditahan di wilayah Palestina itu.

Bersama Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Mesir, Qatar telah berupaya berbulan-bulan mendorong tercapainya gencatan senjata dalam perang Israel-Hamas yang meletus pada 7 Oktober lalu.

Mereka sempat membuahkan hasil. Sebuah jeda perang selama tujuh hari terwujud pada November 2023 yang berujung pada pembebasan lebih dari 100 sandera.

Baca juga: Dalam Pesan Idul Adha, Joe Biden Dorong Kesepakatan Gencatan Senjata Gaza

Sayangnya, upaya-upaya yang dilakukan sejak saat itu menemui jalan buntu.

"Kami telah melanjutkan upaya kami tanpa henti selama beberapa hari terakhir," ungkap Perdana Menteri Qatar Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani dalam sebuah konferensi pers di Madrid dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Spanyol Jose Manuel Albares.


Cara Qatar Dorong Israel-Hamas Capai Gencatan Senjata di Gaza (4)

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"Telah ada beberapa pertemuan dengan pimpinan Hamas untuk mencoba menjembatani kesenjangan antara kedua belah pihak dan mencapai kesepakatan yang akan mengarah pada gencatan senjata dan pembebasan sandera Israel," tambahnya, sebagaimana dilansir Kantor berita AFP.

Pembicaraan ini didasarkan pada usulan gencatan senjata yang diumumkan oleh Presiden AS Joe Biden pada 31 Mei.

Usulan itu menyerukan penarikan Israel dari "pusat-pusat populasi utama" di Gaza dan gencatan senjata selama enam minggu, yang dapat diperpanjang jika para negosiator membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk mencari kesepakatan permanen.

"Upaya-upaya terus berlanjut, namun sejauh ini kami belum mencapai formula yang kami rasa paling tepat dan paling dekat dengan apa yang telah dipresentasikan," ujar Perdana <enteri Qatar.

Baca juga: Qatar-Mesir Rencanakan Pembicaraan dengan Hamas Terkait Gencatan Senjata di Gaza

"Segera setelah ini selesai, kami akan berkomunikasi dengan pihak Israel untuk mencoba menjembatani kesenjangan dan mencapai kesepakatan secepat mungkin," tambahnya.

Pemimpin Hamas yang berbasis di Qatar, Ismail Haniyeh, mengatakan Hamas terbuka untuk dokumen atau inisiatif apa punyang menjamin "landasan posisi perlawanan" dalam perundingan gencatan senjata.

Hamas bersikeras pada penarikan penuh pasukan Israel dari Gaza dan gencatan senjata permanen sebelum pembebasan semua sandera yang dicari oleh Israel.

Pemerintah Israel telah menolak tuntutan tersebut.

"Prioritas Hamas adalah menghentikan perang kriminal terhadap rakyat kami," jelas Haniyeh.

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  • gencatan senjata di Gaza
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Cara Qatar Dorong Israel-Hamas Capai Gencatan Senjata di Gaza (2024)


Did the US tell Qatar to expel Hamas? ›

The United States has told Qatar that it should expel Hamas if the group continues to reject a cease-fire with Israel, an agreement the Biden administration deems vital to easing the upheaval gripping the Middle East, a U.S. official told The Washington Post.

What ceasefire agreement did Hamas accept? ›

Hamas said on Monday that it has accepted an Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza, which includes a ceasefire, a complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, an exchange of captives, reconstruction of the territory, and the lifting of Israel's blockade of the enclave.

Did Israel begin targeted strikes against Hamas in Rafah? ›

Israeli leaders approved a military operation into the Gaza Strip city of Rafah, and Israeli forces began striking targets in the area, officials announced Monday.

What is the deal that Hamas has accepted? ›

The framework agreement aims to release all Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip, whether civilians or soldiers and whether alive or otherwise, in exchange for the freeing of agreed upon numbers of prisoners in Israeli prisons, and a return to sustainable calm, in a way that achieves a permanent ceasefire, the ...

Who fired first Israel or Hamas? ›

The war began when Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October. An estimated 3,000 militants breached the Gaza–Israel barrier and attacked Israeli civilian communities and military bases. Several thousand rockets were concurrently launched into Israel.

Are the Hamas leaders in Qatar? ›

DUBAI/LONDON, May 20 (Reuters) - Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader based in Qatar, has been the tough-talking face of the Palestinian group's international diplomacy as war has raged back in Gaza, where three of his sons were killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Who controlled Gaza before Hamas? ›

In the early 16th century, it was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. During World War I, it fell to the British forces and became part of the British Mandate of Palestine. Following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Egypt administered the newly formed Gaza Strip. It was captured by Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967.

Has Hamas bomb Israel? ›

The death toll in Israel from the Hamas-led attacks is estimated at 1,139 with dozens of people still held captive in Gaza.

Is Gaza ruled by Hamas? ›

Hamas has governed the Gaza Strip in Palestine since its takeover of the region from rival party Fatah in June 2007. Hamas' government was led by Ismail Haniyeh from 2007 until February 2017, when Haniyeh was replaced as leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip by Yahya Sinwar.

Why is Israel attacking Gaza? ›

The Gaza–Israel conflict is a localized part of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict beginning in 1948, when 200,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes, settling in the Gaza Strip as refugees. Since then, Israel has fought 15 wars against the Gaza Strip.

What is Israel's goal in Gaza? ›

Israel's military has declared two primary goals in the Gaza Strip: to destroy Hamas's ability to govern and launch attacks from Gaza, and to return the hostages held there by Hamas and other armed groups.

Why did Israel blockade Gaza? ›

Israeli-imposed closures date to 1991. In 2007, after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip, Israel imposed an indefinite blockade of Gaza that remains in place, on the grounds that Fatah and Palestinian Authority forces had fled the Strip and were no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side.

Does Hamas follow Sharia? ›

Hamas also continued to enforce restrictions on Gaza's population based on its interpretation of Islam and sharia, including a judicial system separate from the PA courts.

What are Hamas' demands? ›

Hamas has demanded a “clear written commitment” that Israel will withdraw from the Gaza Strip during the second of a three-phase cease-fire deal, a senior Egyptian official and a Hamas official said Sunday.

Does Hamas want a permanent ceasefire? ›

Hamas wants Israel to commit to permanent ceasefire, full withdrawal from Gaza. CAIRO, June 4 (Reuters) - Hamas cannot agree to any deal unless Israel makes a "clear" commitment to a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, a senior official from the Palestinian militant group said on Tuesday.

Is Qatar kicking out Hamas? ›

The message was still conditional, and a clear directive from Washington urging Doha to pull the trigger on a formal, public expulsion has not followed. Qatar is prepared to take such a step if a direct request is made, a source familiar with the matter told The Times of Israel earlier this month.

Does the US recognize Qatar? ›

President Biden designated Qatar a Major Non-NATO Ally in January 2022, a recognition of Qatar's contributions to U.S. national security.

Does Hamas recognize Israel as a state? ›

Hamas, in contrast, does not recognize Israel as a legitimate government.

Does Hamas still control Palestine? ›

HAMAS has been the de facto governing body in the Gaza Strip since 2007, when it ousted the Palestinian Authority from power.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.